Celebrities and Steroids

Kali Muscle’s Personal Training Routines, Nutrition, and Professional Secrets

Kali Muscle is a YouTube star, bodybuilder, gamer, musician, motivational speaker, and former leader of gangs. He was born in poverty and his family tragedy rocked his whole world. Let me tell you the Kali Muscle story. I will also explain how his diffi

Is Chris Hemsworth Natural Or On Steroids

With his hard-working, chiseled physique and jaw-dropping looks, Chris Hemsworth is the guardian God Of Thunder. He has won many hearts around the world. Since 2011, when he was first cast to play Thor in Marvel Cinematic Universe, the 37-year-old Hollywo

Is Chris Hemsworth On Steroids

Curious... Chris Hemsworth is on steroids? You've found the right place. You'll find an official breakdown on whether Chris Hemsworth ever used gear... Chris Hemsworth is one the most famous movie stars in the entire world. He is best

Christmas Abbott Net Worth Age BioWiki Wife Weight Kids 2023

Christmas Abbott Net Worth, Age: BioWiki, Wife. Weight, Children Christmas Abbott is a name you may have heard. She is a rising Fitness Trainer. We have included the complete biography of this Fitness Coach. We have good news for Christmas Abbott. This a

Christmas Abbott Bio Wiki Diet Work Out Age Big Brother Instagram

Christmas Abbott Biography American CrossFit professional, Christmas Abbott, is a author of her own diet book, an Olympic weightlifter, and a fitness model. Abbott is also the first woman to join the NASCAR pit crew. Christmas Abbott Age Christmas was ce

Top 10 Greatest Bodybuilders Of All Time

1#Larry Scott Larry Scott was born in Blackfoot (Idaho) in 1938, he was the first Mr Olympia from 1965 to 1966, measured 19.7 inches in...

Top 15 Huge Wrestlers Who Never Took Steroids

Steroids. They have run wild, roughshod and through every physical event possible to create a horrible path of illegitimacy, paranoia, and history. Steroid controversy has ravaged football, baseball, and cycling. With multiple allegations levelled again

Is Tristyn Lee a Steroid User? Incredible Story of Lee’s Success

Tristyn is a well-known internet celebrity, even though he has not publicly commented on his use. His Instagram account has more than 1 million followers, and YouTube has 1.25million subscribers. Many of his followers are also fans. The bodybuilder is now

Did Arnold Schwarzenegger Use Steroids?

Arnold Schwarzenegger And Steroids Arnold Schwarzenegger is perhaps the most well-known and respected bodybuilder, and there has never been another. But, because he's such an iconic bodybuilder and is known for winning so many titles, many have wondered i

How WWE Stars Looked After Getting Off The Juice

Vince McMahon may talk all he wants about breaking the glass ceiling and grabbing the brass ring, but the truth of the matter is that McMahon likes big sweaty men. This is not necessarily a bad thing considering that some of the most prominent WWE stars w

Tristyn Lee: Is He On Steroids

Tristyn Lee is a Canadian professional wrestling champion who has won several bodybuilding events. There have been several questions about his use and abuse of steroids. This has not stopped him pursuing his dream of being a bodybuilder. His physique is t

Anabolic Steroids That Are Widely Used by Hollywood Celebrities

There are many individuals nowadays that are using weight loss pills for quick results without learning the side effects and consequences. Clenbuterol is a...

Did These Celebrities Use Steroids?

Celebrities, as public figures, have a lot to hold in their hands. Other than being excellent in acting, they have to make sure they...

Which Batman Characters Took Steroids?

Due to the Batman hysteria as of late, I decided to do this article, and who can blame me? We all love Batman. I’m...

Did Dwight Howard Use Steroids?

Dwight Howard's steroids is an interesting subject and actually quite different from the normal questions we get asked here. Normally when someone asks me...

Did Carl Weathers Take Steroids?

For those who don’t know who Carl Weathers is, he is Apollo Creed – Rocky Balboa’s adversary (source) in Rocky and Rocky II who...

Frank Zane “The Chemist” and Steroids

It is a bit arcane not to discuss bodybuilders of the late 50s, moreso Olympia bodybuilders, and ask if they were taking steroids. I...

Alistair Overeem and Steroids: An Affair to Remember

When MMA super champ Alistair Overeem (source) was pounded with questions about the way his physique seemed to get conditioned a bit faster than...

Brock Lesnar Steroids

Brock was the youngest ever WWE champion. He dominated his high school wrestling team. Winning the 2000 NCAA heavyweight wrestling championship and placing second...

Big Markus Rühl and Steroids

Markus Rühl got disqualified in 1999, not because of steroid use, but because he tested positive for diuretics. He was 27. The freakishly big...

Have Steroids Helped Branch Warren Heal?

At Guest Posing at the 2013 St. Louis Pro, Branch Warren was asked to comment on critics saying he may have won the most...

Salman Khan’s Bodybuilding Secrets

We are here to talk about Salman Khan Bodybuilding. Nothing has hit the world of India and Bollywood as hard and is seen as...

Does John Cena Use Steroids?

We have John Cena Bodybuilding. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve been asked this question or seen things on the forum...

Did Batista Take Steroids?

Batista Steroids As often as we get asked the question Batista Steroids, we commonly also get asked “Btw, do you think he’ll ever be back...

Sylvester Stallone on Steroids

When it comes to machismo films, I definitely am a sucker for the Rocky movies. I vicariously lived and breathed Rocky and dreamed that...

Did Brad Pitt Take Steroids to Prepare for Fight Club and Troy?

I recently came across a bodybuilding forum where a member posted a picture of a shirtless Brad Pitt which was taken from a scene...

Jessica Biel and Steroids: Does Jessica Use Steroids?

Jessica Biel Muscle Man, we had to do an article on her, didn’t we? This girl is incredibly sexy, who wouldn’t want to be dominated...

Dwayne Johnson and His Steroids-rich Movie Pain and Gain

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson bulked up to nearly 300 pounds for his role in Pain and Gain, a movie that, yet again, brought steroids...

Could Mark Wahlberg Get Ripped Without Steroids?

Hands down, Mark Wahlberg (source) has had one of Hollywood’s great life transformations ever. From a juvenile delinquent to a respected actor-director, Wahlberg would...

Celebrities On Steroids: Lance Armstrong

The story that has shook the world. I’m sure you’ve wondered why it’s taken me so long to respond to do an article about...

Which Marvel Characters Would Take Steroids

These are the Marvel Characters who are, realistically, the most likely to have to used anabolic steroids to get that “extra edge” in either...

Sports Celebrities and Steroids: Carl Lewis

Carl Lewis is one of the greatest runners and athletes to have ever lived. Training as hard as humanly possible on a daily basis,...

Which WWE Superstars Are Likely to Have Taken Steroids

Of course, these are simply only “educating” and, well, “obvious” guesses, unless the actual athlete has actually failed a steroid test, such as Randy...

Did Christian Bale Take Anabolic Steroids for His Role

Did Christian Bale take anabolic steroids for his role in Batman Begins, the Dark Knight, and of course, the Dark Knight Rise? Did Christian Bale...

Celebrities On Steroids: Taylor Lautner’s 6pack

Taylor Lautner, AKA Jacob Black, has become a household name with Twilight fans and girls everywhere. Now, I know what a lot of you...

How To Get A Body Like Sylvester Stallone

While he might not be the same “mega superstar” he was all those years ago, there is one thing you can never take away...

How to Get a Body Like a WWE SuperStar Ryback

We’ve done plenty of articles on WWE Superstars in the past and I decided to do one more and who better than WWE Superstar,...

Which Video Game Characters Took Steroids

#3 Jax Briggs from Mortal Kombat One of the strongest video game characters alive today. In fact, he’s even had a robotic hand given to...

How to Get a Body Like WWE SuperStar John Cena

The question is commonly asked, “Do all of the WWE athletes take anabolic steroids to increase lean mass and strength?” Probably not all, no....

Which WWE Superstars Are Likely To Have Taken Steroids

NUMBER 4 Brock Lesnar One of the strongest athletes in the world. I’d go as far as to say, for pure strength, speed, agility and...

Batista On Steroids – How To Get A Body Like A WWE SuperStar

We’ve done Randy Orton, John Cena, “The game” Triple H, Hell, we’ve covered the ass kicking machine known as Brock Lesnar. But it would be...

Celebrities On Steroids – How To Get A Body Like A Randy Orton

We’ve covered Brock Lesnar, and Dwayne the “ROCK” Johnson—We’ve even done John Cena. Now, it only seems fair to do Randy Orton! Randy Orton is...

Celebrities on Steroids

Honestly I can’t believe I actually see topics in the forum saying things like this or asking “Do Celebrities take steroids!?!?” It’s ridiculous, of...

Arnold Schwarzenegger Steroids

How could I have not done an article on Arnold Schwarzenegger steroids yet? Arnold is an icon to many, even though he’s been out of...

Triple H steroids: How To Get A Body Like A WWE Superstar

We’ve done John Cena, The Rock, Brock Lesnar, Randy Orton. So how long could we wait before we did the self-proclaimed King of Kings, The...

Best Steroids Cycle? Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Stack!

We decided the best steroid cycle should be the one used by the greatest bodybuilder of all time – Arnold Schwarzenegger (source). This steroid...

Shawn Rhoden Mr. Olympia Bodybuilder

Shawn Rhoden (source) is a new symbol of strong will and determination. The sportsman who made the decision to get the Olympia crown or...

Lee Priest Bodybuilder

Lee Priest is one of the most admired and recognizable bodybuilding stars on the planet. The Australian sportsman has a very unusual life history....

What Does It Take to Become a Mr. Olympia

It’s no secret that having as much muscle as a Mr. Olympia is not easy , most people will think that having a body...

Randy Orton Steroids

Ah, Randy Orton. Once it was said he had the brightest future in the WWE. He was going to be the one who led...

Athletes using steroids

It seems like more and more athletes are using steroids in this day and age and I honestly don’t have a problem with it....

Branch Warren Steroids

So Branch Warren Steroids, another Pro bodybuilder and anabolic steroids getting mentioned together! Not really a surprise though is it? Bodybuilders and steroids go hand...

Franco Columbu Steroids

This is a commonly question asked on the forums and it’s really not that hard to see why it is asked as much as...

Mike Tyson Steroids

This is a real fun article for me to do. I was a big fan of Tyson’s career and a good friend of mine...

Hugh Jackman Steroids

We get asked all the time did this actor or did this actress use anabolic steroids or clen, or some other performance enhancers such...

Carrot Top Steroids

This one is a strange one, one of the (sorry to be blunt and crude here) ugliest celebrities of his time. I was more...

The Rock Steroids

The Rock, WWE Superstar, Hollywood actor, TV presenter of show Hero, have I missed anything? Well, he isn’t a bad singer is he? One of...

Tom Platz Steroids

Tom Platz Steroids is a common question we get asked on this website and on the forums on a daily basis, he was a...

Frank Zane Steroids

The legendary Frank Zane, he has one of the best bodies I’ve ever seen. He is a three time Mr Olympia which is no...

Batman steroids

Ahh, with the success of Batman as a whole, the entire franchise, the comics, the cartoons, the amazing video games, the amazing films (though...

Kevin Levrone Steroids

So today we’ve done an article on Kevin Levrone steroids and it’s no real surprise we’d be asked about him as we are so...

Bruce Lee Steroids

Oh no, I didn’t. Did I just say Bruce Lee Steroids as one sentence? This guy is a legendary martial artist. When we say his...

Frank McGrath Steroids

Again, another professional bodybuilder being accused of steroids. It always makes me laugh because, let’s be honest, we all know all PROFESSIONAL bodybuilders are...

Jodie Marsh steroids

Recently due to the success of former Topless Glamour model Jodie Marsh I’ve been asked to do an article on here which I’m perfectly...

WWE Steroids

Throughout the years the WWE and Steroids have gone together like fish and chips, or a burger and fries. (Yeah I couldn’t think of...

Lou Ferrigno Steroids

Lou Ferrigno a legendary bodybuilder, Arnold’s main “Rival” back in the golden age of bodybuilding. It’s debatable he was even bigger than Arnold overall....

Hulk Hogan Steroids

Ahh, the Legendary Hulk Hogan, The immortal!, Hulkamainia! One of the biggest icons from the 80’s Hulk Hogan. He represented the American way. He...

Did Tom Hardy Take Steroids For His Role In “Dark Knight Rises”?

Did Tom Hardy (source) use steroids for his role in the new Batman film? This is a question we’ve received well over 1000 emails...

How To Get A Body Like Dwayne Johnson The Rock with Steroids

I know I originally said that I was going to do a post about John Morrison, but he can wait. How else could I...

Barry Bonds Steroids

Is it a surprise I am doing another article, yet again, on baseball and steroids. Well to be fair, this time it’s actually about...

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