
The 18 Best Healthy Products To Gain Weight Fast

We only include products that we believe are of value to our readers. We may receive a small commission if you purchase through the links on this page. Here is our process. Gaining or adding muscle can be as hard for some as losing weight. However, addi

One-Meal-a-Day Diet OMAD: What It Is, Benefits, and How to Do It

1. Home 2. One Meal a Day Diet: What is it, how to do it, and the benefits Products are included in articles that we believe will be of value to our readers. We may receive a commission if you purchase products or services via links on our site. Table o

Matcha Tea Benefits and How to Make It

Evidence-Based xThis Dr. Axe content has been medically reviewed and fact checked to ensure accurate information. We only link to academic research institutions, media sites of high reputation, and, where possible, medically peer reviewed studies. The n

Diet Plans for Men: Which Weight-Loss Plan Is the Best?

Atkins vs. Ornish South Beach Diet, vs. The Zone: Which weight-loss plan is the best? After trying every diet and seeing his weight fluctuate over the years, Marv Leicher finally found the secret formula to losing weight and keeping it off. He won't sha

Amino Acid Benefits and Food Sources

What are amino acids? Protein is made up of amino acids, which are the building blocks. Long chains of amino acid are what make up proteins. There are thousands of proteins in your body, each with its own important functions. Each protein is unique in its

The Beginner’s Guide to Carb Cycling. What Carb Cycling Is and How to Do It Correctly

These sports nutrition concepts, once reserved for elite athletes or bodybuilders, are now mainstream. Although you may not use them every day, they can be a great help when you are trying to achieve a particular fitness goal. Is this the latest trendy nu

How Many Carrots Equal a Candy Bar?

Eating a healthy and balanced diet is essential for maintaining good health, but it can be challenging to determine what constitutes a healthy snack....

How Much Sugar in Candy?

Candy is a popular indulgence that many people enjoy as a treat. However, candy can be high in sugar, which can have negative impacts...

Sugar Stacks – How Much Sugar Is in That?

Sugar is an integral part of our daily diet, but consuming too much sugar can have harmful effects on our health. Sugar Stacks is...

How Much Sugar in Acai Berry?

Acai berries are a small, dark purple fruit that are native to South America. They have gained popularity in recent years due to their...

How Much Sugar in Shakes and Smoothies?

Shakes and smoothies are a popular way to consume a variety of fruits, vegetables, and other nutritious ingredients. However, many shakes and smoothies can...

How Much Sugar in Breakfast Foods?

Breakfast is often considered to be the most important meal of the day, as it sets the tone for the rest of your day....

How Much Sugar in Sauces?

Sauces are a common addition to many dishes, and they can be a great way to add flavor and depth to your meals. However,...

How Much Sugar in Cookies?

Cookies are a beloved treat that come in many different varieties and flavors. While cookies are certainly tasty, they can also be high in...

How Much Sugar in Thanksgiving Candy?

Thanksgiving is a time for celebrating with friends and family, and indulging in festive treats and candy is a common tradition. However, it's important...

How Much Sugar in Low Fat Snacks?

Low-fat snacks are often marketed as a healthier alternative to regular snacks. While they may be lower in fat, they can still be high...

How Much Sugar in Vegetables?”

Vegetables are an essential part of a healthy diet, providing a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. While most vegetables are low in...

How Much Sugar in Fruits?

Fruits are a healthy and essential part of our diet, providing a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. However, fruits also contain natural...

How Much Sugar in Snacks?

Snacks are an essential part of our diet, providing a quick energy boost between meals. However, many snacks are high in sugar, which can...

How Much Sugar in Desserts?

Desserts are a sweet indulgence that most of us enjoy from time to time. However, desserts are often high in sugar, which can be...

How Much Sugar in Sodas and Beverages?

Sugar is an integral part of our diet, but consuming too much sugar can lead to several health issues such as obesity, type 2...

7 Proven Health Benefits Of Matcha Tea

Matcha is gaining popularity rapidly, with matcha lattes, teas and desserts popping up everywhere, from coffee shops to health stores. Matcha, like green tea is made from Camellia sinensis plants. It's grown differently, however, and has a unique nutriti

What Is Carb Cycling And How Does It Work

For a long time, carbohydrate intake has been a hot topic. Many successful diets limit carbs and others completely exclude them (1, 2, 3, . Carbohydrates are not categorically harmful, but there is no other macronutrient that is. You should tailor you

15 Food Alternatives to Protein Shakes

Protein is an essential nutrient that enables your body to build, repair and maintain its organs, cells and tissues . You can meet your daily...

How to Get Ripped Fast at Home Exercises and Diet

Everyone envies those fitness models who have the rock-hard six-pack and toned muscles throughout their whole body. Many people spend hundreds of dollars each...

Which one is Better? Paleo or Anabolic Diet?

Today I plan to take a look at two diets. In fact, two of the most well known in the bodybuilding world. However just...

Amino Acids: How They Work For Our Body

20 AMINO ACID Our organism doesn’t use proteins in a direct way; first proteins are decomposed (hydrolyzed) into amino acids and amino acid groups (peptides)...

Fish Oil For Muscle Building

Can fish oil build muscle? Does fish oil build muscle! How many questions on fish oil could I possibly answer? Truthfully? A damn lot, that’s for...

The Effects of Smoking and Bodybuilding

The amount of bodybuilders, athletes, sports enthusiasts, fitness fanatics (I could keep going on!), out there who smoke is surprisingly high. I’ve seen many gym...

5 Delicious Whey Protein Milkshakes and Smoothies

Have you ever feel bored with your monotone watered-down whey protein shakes? The fact is, it doesn’t have to be that way. With a...

Protein Shakes vs Meal Replacement Shakes

There is a bit of difference between the two terms- meal replacements and protein shakes. Granted, they both have significant benefits they give to...

Cutting Diet Bodybuilding: 8 Foods to Get you Shredded

Ask any bodybuilder what the hardest part about bodybuilding actually is and they’ll tell you that the training is the easy part and that...

Getting The Best Protein Powders – Your Guide

Obesity is one of the top controversial issues that have been persistently scaring people for a couple of decades now. Some people may not...

Which Protein is Better: Casein Or Whey? Benefits and Disadvantages Everyone Should Know

No Comments This question is very normal yet there seems to be a great account of the controversy over which one is better: casein...

Protein Shakes: A Complete Guide For Bodybuilding And Fitness

Protein shakes help your muscles grow and recover after exercise. If you’re new to protein shakes then choosing the right one can be very...

Top 20 Foods Rich in Niacin

If you are struggling with heart health and cholesterol levels or seem to be getting more tired faster than before, a niacin boost may...

How to Build Muscle Whilst on an Intermittent Fasting: Bodybuilding Protocol

When people think of bodybuilders and those that follow bodybuilding programs, they imagine huge hulking men consuming plate after plate of steak, chicken breast,...

Green Coffee Side Effects

Green coffee has helped many people to lose unwanted weight, and this is why it has grown in popularity over the years. Today, more...

5 Main Benefits of Casein Protein

As you probably already know, the bodybuilding, health, and fitness supplement market in general, is absolutely booming, with the business now being better than...

Can You Lose Weight by Eating Nothing but Yogurt and Fruit and Exercising?

Welcome to this one question and answer session. I hope there are some questions on here that I am able to answer that you...

Three Quick and Easy Bodybuilding Snacks

What Bodybuilding Snacks Should Be? Bodybuilding is an incredibly physically demanding sport that also takes a mental toll on the body as well for that...

Whey Protein: The Best Protein For Building Muscle

Whey protein isn't missing from the discussions around the water cooler at any gym. It has quickly made its way to the top of...

Anabolic Steroids vs. Anabolic Diet: What Works Best for You

The Role of Steroids in Diet Legal Steroids are the ones that are approved by the office and USFDA organization. Anabolic steroids are artificial substances...

How to Build a Safe and Effective Bulking Diet

Adding bulk takes more than just lifting weights. Most of the struggle involves eating the right foods and taking in the proper amounts of...

Jeff Anderson’s Ebook “Homemade Supplement Secrets” Detailed Review

Jeff Anderson's new ebook, Homemade Supplement Secrets, couldn't have come at a better time. As bodybuilding supplement prices rise (the demand for whey protein...

How Much Water You Should Drink Daily

How Much Water Should We Drink? If you participate in fitness activities or sports, you will need more water due to sweating and heavy breathing...

Muscle Building Diet Plan for Vegetarians

Admittedly, I get lots of emails asking about how to eat to build muscle as a vegetarian. And, as a confirmed meat-eater, I am...

Fastest Way to Build Muscle

In a rush to get results? Here's the ultimate way to build mass ASAP! Preparation The best training routine won't do you much help if you...

Daily Sodium Intake: How much Sodium Should You Consume Daily?

Some people are either getting too much or too little sodium in their diets. We aim to help you better understand how much sodium...

How to Read Food Labels Correctly

Food Labels Understanding food labels is critical to knowing exactly what it is that you are putting into your body. On the surface of things...

Simple Eating Rules to Become Fit and Lean

Nutrition seems to be one of the most overcomplicated parts of a fit lifestyle and I’m not sure why. All you need to do...

Top Natural Steroid Alternatives

What are Natural Anabolic Steroid Alternatives? Being an athlete, it’s important to work out in the gym, doing everything to acquire rock-hard and lean muscles....

Top 15 Muscle Nutrition Facts You Must Know by Heart

There’s a lot of information about nutrition out there but since it’s a very rapidly changing field of science, a lot of that information...

8 Spring Vegetable Bowls for a Healthy Week

When spring comes, everything comes to life. For us, it is also a time to celebrate and enjoy seasonal vegetables. The food-in-a-bowl revolution has...

Why Timing Supplements/Nutrition Can Make or Break Your Results

Picking up from where we left off in a previous post, I’m going to share a little-known post-workout secret related to supplementation/nutrition that will...

Why Alkalinity Affects Your Ability To Build Muscle And Stay Healthy

Depending on the fitness, health, and nutrition circles you run in, you might have heard the term “alkalinity”. Most have a surface knowledge of...

Post-Workout Meal Timing Content For Maximum Muscle Gain

In my article about protein synthesis, I got into some nitty-gritty details on how muscle is built and covered the basic physiological interactions that...

Milk and How It Affects Muscle Mass Gain and Fat Loss

I’m sure you’ve heard about the debate regarding milk and its effects on body composition. Milk has been enjoyed for thousands of years, but...

How To Gain Muscle Mass As Quickly As Genetically Possible

Let’s speak candidly for a moment… I struggled for years not making any gains. I was so frustrated and didn’t understand why. I busted...

How To Gain 10 Pounds of Lean Mass With Proper Insulin Management

Let’s talk about insulin Insulin is a powerful double-edged sword for bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts. While most people are familiar with the term, they don’t...

Why Eating More Frequently Is a Great Tactic to Burn Fat and Build Mass

This article is going to discuss the importance of eating more frequently if you wish to burn fat and build lean muscle mass. Pretty much...

Popeye’s Spinach for Strength and Muscles is not a Myth

Sex hormone, stress hormone, and growth hormone are three end products of the naturally produced steroids in the body. Estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone are...

Using Grapefruit to Lose Weight: Fact or Fiction?

Oh boy, when I decided to do my next lot of questions, I was scared to read what had been sent to me! I...

What Makes You Ejaculate More: Diets and Supplements for Powerful Ejaculations

If you dribble a few drops of semen every time you ejaculate, you might be concerned about increasing your semen volume. A few drops...

3 Mass-Building Secrets: How to Gain Weight

It’s an unfortunate irony. 90% of the world (probably) wants to lose weight and get a more lean and cut physique. But then, when...

Nutritional Value of Bananas in Bodybuilding Diets

We all know just how beneficial fruits and vegetables can be to our diets, yet unfortunately, many of us simply aren’t getting enough on...

Boiled Egg Nutrition And Benefits In Bodybuilding Diets

Boiled Egg Nutrition And Benefits Bodybuilders don’t have the easiest of lives when it comes down to their diets. They spend countless hours in the...

4 Natural Fitness Tips For a Fab Bikini Body

Ok, depending on where in the world you’re reading this from, for many of us we’re now in the midst of summer, which means...

Stop Eating Junk Food With These Helpful Hacks

How To Stop Eating Junk Food? We’ve all had days where seemingly all we can think about is ordering an XL stuffed crust pizza with...

Does Whey Protein Really Work for Muscle Gain?

At the time I was new to bodybuilding several years ago, the trendy protein in the niche was actually egg whites. It literally boasted...

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