
Calisthenics Workout: 10 Exercises for Stronger, More Muscular You

Gym memberships and expensive equipment are probably the first things that come to mind when you think of getting ripped. What if there was a way to build a stronger, muscular body without the need of dumbbells or weight machines? Calisthenics is a form

Workout Routines for Beginners: Best Full-Body Fitness Plan

A great way to start working out is to find a routine that you like. Now that you have signed up for the gym, your sneakers are on point, it is time to get to work (out). You're here because you don't know how to transform from a novice to a pro at fitne

How to Do a Reverse Crunch to Avoid Health Risks

Targets: Abdominals Intermediate Level The reverse crunch, which is an intermediate version of the abdominal crunch exercise, can be used as a variation. While your upper body is on the mat, contract your abs and draw your legs towards your chest. This

Skull Crushers: Hypertrophy Guide to Revolutionary Exercises

Skull crushing is a great exercise for building larger triceps and increasing your bench press strength. Skull crushers are also easier on the elbows than overhead triceps extension. They are popular in powerlifting and bodybuilding. This article will sh

Deadlift Exercises for Ultimate Muscle Workouts

A deadlift is a compound exercise in which a weighted barbell begins on the floor. This is called "dead weight" and is lifted without momentum. Deadlifts are good for multiple muscle groups, including the: You will perform a deadlift by holding the barb

18 Best Arm Exercises That Will Turn You into a Muscled Beast

Are you tired of your T-shirt sleeves blowing around in the wind? Clicking on this article will get you started in building larger triceps, biceps and forearms. These arm exercises target maximum muscle fibers to stimulate growth. They also prove that any

25 Best Ab Workouts: Ab Exercises to Build Core Strength

There are many ways to strengthen your core and make it dynamic. Not all ab workouts are the same. You need to be strategic in your ab exercises if you want to build a strong core. If your goal is to build a strong core, it's not enough to do a few crunch

Dumbbell Skull Crushers: The 2022 Guide

Switching to dumbbells can be a good idea if you have difficulty performing the skull crusher using a straight or an EZ barbell. Dumbbells can also be used to help you get started if your skull isn't broken yet. How do you properly perform the dumbbell s

9 Easy Abs Workout Home Routines to Get Six-Pack Abs

To find out exactly what diet & training is best for you, take our free 1 minute quiz. To find out exactly what diet & training is best for you, take our free 1 minute quiz. Find the best abs workout routine for you to get sculpted, lean, tight and rock

Calf Training: Scientifically Proven Training Tips for Bodybuilders

Reading Time: 14 minutesIntroduction Most bodybuilders find the calves to be the most difficult muscle group to build. This trend has sparked many social media trends, including #teamnocalves. Many people are hesitant to train calfs, saying that they don'

Exercises for the Best Calve Workout

You've probably seen guys in the gym with bulging quads and jacked uppers but are twigs below their knees. They clearly skimp on calves exercises during their workouts. Sometimes it can be easy for smaller muscles to become secondary. However, strong ca

How to Do a Pull-Up: The Beginner’s Guide

Although pull-ups are a great exercise for upper-body strength and functional bodyweight, they can also be difficult for beginners. Maybe you have tried them before but didn't find it easy. It is possible to do a pull-up, despite common misconceptions. I

Know Your Row: The Pros and Cons of 8 Different Back Exercises

You have an almost endless number of exercises available to you every time you go to the gym. It is incredibly useful to know the benefits of each exercise as well as the effects it has on your performance. A movement that has many variations. The Row. A

One-Month-Long Beginner Pull-Up Program: Exercise Description, Professional Tips, and Recommendations

Our month-long pullup program will help you get your first pull-up. The deadlift is a great way to measure your strength. However, the pull-up will test your functional strength. Because you are pulling your own weight, a pull-up requires you to be stron

Ab Workout At Home: 15 Best Ab Exercises

Your core needs to be strong. What is the first thing that comes to your mind? You are likely to have thought of crunches. Crunches are effective when done correctly but they can also be dangerous if you do them wrong. When performing regular exercises s

What Is CrossFit and Is It Right For You? Here’s What You Need To Know!

It is almost certain that you have seen a selfie of a CrossFit friend, colleague or high school classmate sweating. CrossFit was a very popular exercise when there were many box gyms across the country. CrossFit can be practiced in over 13,000 affiliated

How To Deadlift A Beginners Guide

Barbell deadlifts are one of the most popular exercises. It's the only movement that every lifter should do, regardless of whether you are looking to gain strength, build muscle, burn calories, or increase athleticism. It's only beneficial if you do it co

The 8 Best Dumbbell Row Variations To Build A Stronger Back

A dumbbell row from a plank is a great exercise for the whole body. Image Credit: BartekSzewczyk/iStock/GettyImages Dumbbell rows are a common choice for upper-back exercises. Rows can be used to build muscle, strengthen your shoulders and improve postu

Muscular Hypertrophy Back To The Basics

Hypertrophy training is a type of exercise that helps you build mass. Hypertrophy is similar to traditional strength training but has different goals. Both focus on building strength while the other focuses on building muscle mass. Hypertrophy can be def

Skull Crusher How To Do Muscles Worked Benefits

Skull crushing, also known as the French extension, French presse, or the lying Triceps Extension, is an exercise that isolates the triceps muscle groups. Skull crushers: Although the movement puts your skull in a precarious place, it isolates your tricep

What Is A Dumbbell Row

A single-arm dumbbell dumbbell row is an easy, effective exercise that requires only a dumbbell to load. This is a unilateral exercise that trains only one side of the body. For a intense workout, knel down on a bench and raise your arm towards your side

How Much Should I Be Able To Leg Press For Men And Women

For any professional or novice gym fan, the fundamental question is how much I should be able to leg press. A leg press machine is a must-have for any decent gym. However, proper measurements and a routine can be very beneficial. This article will provi

Training At Home: Yes, You Can Do It (and do it well!)

Training at home – This is something I commonly hear. “You can’t train at home and get big” I’ve often found this to be...

How to Get Ripped Fast at Home Exercises and Diet

Everyone envies those fitness models who have the rock-hard six-pack and toned muscles throughout their whole body. Many people spend hundreds of dollars each...

Best Triceps Exercises

Every bodybuilder has this goal in mind to build a pair of dense, bulky, and strong arms. One very common mistake among amateur bodybuilders...

How to Add Plates to Your Bench in 10 Weeks

There’s no politics in bench pressing, says 320-pound Keven “Da Hulk” Washington, who’s managed to raw-bench 635 pounds in competition and 670 in the...

Build Bigger Legs — Turn Those Chicken Legs Into Tree Trunks!

We did the Bicep, we even did the traps. It’s about time we had an article dedicated to the most commonly undertrained muscle in...

Your Guide to Building Boulder Shoulders

In terms of the upper body, many people tend to neglect their shoulders, since they can be a stubborn muscle group to develop. Instead,...

Top 20 Best Ab Workouts for Women

Did you know that, unlike other muscle groups, you can train your abs every day without negative side effects and with all the benefits?...

Training Triceps for Maximum Size Gain

So You Want Bigger Arms? Of course, you do…we all do. And most guys think that means training the living daylights out of their biceps....

Training Biceps for Maximum Size Gain

You can’t put on a “gun show” until you completely understand what muscles make up your “guns” and how these muscles function. So, keep...

Couch Potato Workout: An 8 Minute Ab Workout That Only Needs a Couch

Pretty much anything you can think of can be turned into a piece of workout equipment, ranging from a football to a piece of...

Can You Reduce Man Boobs With Pec Training?

When a guy catches his own reflection and notices that he’s starting to develop ‘man boobs’, a few things will normally go through his...

Three Awesome Tips for Big Quads

Do you skip leg day? It’s a popular meme but it also hides a terrible truth; that an awfully large number of guys do...

Introduction to Tricep Workouts

You can’t argue that Roelly Winklaar hits his tricep workouts hard. If you read my article on bicep workouts you’ll know that if you...

Working out Shoulders for Perfect Body

Working out shoulders can be a little boring for me sometimes, I mean it’s easier than working out legs, back or even chest but...

8 Tips for Building Bigger Triceps and Biceps

I’ve heard that 90% of guys would like bigger arms. On the same note, I heard the other 10% are liars. In all seriousness,...

Ultimate Companion to 30 Day Squat Challenge

Has there been any success? Not much? We have an ultimate weight loss program for you. Have you heard about the 30-day squat challenge?...

How to Build Bigger Traps: Trap Training

Total trap training The trapezius, more commonly known as the “traps”, makes up a large portion of your back. Thus, It is evidently one of...

The Best Exercises to Get Rid of Love Handles Fast!

Exercises to Provide You with a Perfect Torso! The lower torso is the only place where you can’t lose fat easily, and it looks not...

5 Leg Exercises to Sky Rocket Testosterone

Every bodybuilder, whether pro or amateur, wants to increase their levels of testosterone. In fact, pretty much every guy wants to increase their testosterone...

7 Types of Barbell Curls for Bigger Arms

When it comes to training the biceps, there are few more useful items than the barbell. While we often reach for the dumbbells when...

Best Bodyweight Shoulder Workout With No Gym Required

If you don’t have any gym equipment at home and you don’t have access to a gym, that’s no excuse not to train. If...

Tips on How to Get 6 Pack Abs at Home

Anywhere you go, someone’s assuring the next trick to obtaining 6 pack abs. A few of these so-called “tips” offer several levels of reliability,...

Top 10 Home Gym Pieces of Equipment You Must Have

Regardless of whether you own a gym membership or not, having workout equipment at home is always a good idea if you want to...

Top 7 Best Dumbbells Only Exercises for the Chest

There are basically two reasons why you need a go-to choice of dumbbell exercises. First of all, they complement barbell and other types of...

How To Make Your Veins Pop Out

Men put in a lot of effort to have strong, visible veins. Your genes play a part in how your veins look. You can also determine your level or lack thereof by assessing your water content, your body fat percentage, your blood vessel size (vasodilation), an

Vince Delmonte’s “No-Nonsense Muscle Building” Program Review

Vince Delmonte isn’t the type to give you a hug and tell you that it’s ok to have that skinny, weak body – that...

Biomechanics of Running: Am I Running Correctly?

Running. It is one of the most intuitive things in human nature. Since the dawn of time we have been running, if not from...

Fastest Way to Build Muscle

In a rush to get results? Here's the ultimate way to build mass ASAP! Preparation The best training routine won't do you much help if you...

Brandon Curry’s Training Experience: “How I Built My 21-inch Guns and They’re Still Growing!”

If you’ve been paying attention over the last several years, you already know the name Brandon Curry legendary, classic, prodigal — all of these...

Top 8 Workout Techniques for Much Bigger Biceps

Getting stuck on a biceps growth plateau is one of the most common problems guys struggle with. Biceps can be very stubborn muscles and...

Top 8 Weight Training Exercises for Muscle Mass Building at Home

If you ask what exercises are the best for building muscle mass, you’ll usually get an answer like bench press, squats, deadlift, and so...

10 Essentials to Build More Muscle While Burning Fat

Train hard and eat right – that’s the short answer to how to build more muscle and burn fat. But it’s easier said than...

Top 5 Exercises You Need in Your Life

When it comes to exercises, their variety is really wide – from isolation to compound exercises, from exercises that target different muscle groups to...

Top 7 Worst Exercise Form Fails

You know the importance of the correct form of performing each and every exercise you do. It’s so crucial that you get it right...

The Only 8 Moves Necessary to Stay Fit and Gain Muscle

How many exercises do your workouts include? No doubt, we need to hit muscles from different angles in order to stimulate them as much...

8 Best Ab Exercises That Aren’t Crunches

We always see that when it comes to ab training most guys and girls keep doing crunches over and over again with the only...

Top 10 Workout Techniques for Much Bigger Biceps

For most guys, biceps can be very stubborn muscles that no matter how hard you seem to exercise them – they just don’t seem...

Training Quads for Maximum Size Gain

Want big legs? Then listen up as we start walking through what you need to know to add size and strength to turn your...

Training Hamstrings for Maximum Size Gain

Since we’ve already covered the quads for legs, let’s now jump into training the hammies for the full-effect leg explosion. The back of the...

Training Chest For Maximum Size Gain

Outside of big arms, one of the first things that people immediately notice about your physique is the size and shape of your chest....

How To Bring Up Lagging Body Parts… FAST!

I’m going to let you in on a little secret that can help you add some relatively quick size to lagging body parts. Let’s...

Replace Aerobic Exercises with Strength Training to Prevent Age-Related Fat Gain

Did you know that if you want to lose weight, strength training is more important than cardio? Did you know if you want to...

Why Changing Your Rep Tempo Is Important

Today we are going to talk about the importance of varying our tempo while changing. All too often we’ll discuss the need for changing...

Muaythai: the Ups and Downs

Due to its success in MMA, muaythai is becoming more and more popular and is being picked as a “sport” of choice, or at...

Muscle Building And Training To Failure: Is It Necessary?

You’ll find nothing like exiting the gym, going for a shower, and not having the ability to shampoo because you're wasted from the strength...

Bodybuilding for Dummies

Ahh, bodybuilding for dummies. Remember that old, annoying PC book windows for dummies? Well, this is basically going to be the exact same thing!...

How to Build Chest Muscles Fast

So this is a question I see on the forum a lot lately, asking this question 'how to build chest muscles fast' I mean....

11 Ways to Make Your Workout More Joint Friendly

There are many ways that one can work out in the gym nowadays. New exercises and more awareness have made it possible to train...

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