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Which one is Better Paleo or Anabolic Diet

Vilken är bäst? Paleo eller Anabola kost?

Idag ska jag titta på två dieter. I själva verket två av de mest kända i bodybuildingvärlden. Men bara för att en diet är välkänd är det inte alltid en bra diet eller åtminstone...
Which one is Better Paleo or Anabolic Diet

Welke is beter? Paleo of Anabool Dieet?

Vandaag wil ik twee diëten onder de loep nemen. In feite twee van de meest bekende in de bodybuilding wereld. Maar alleen omdat een dieet bekend is, maakt dat het niet altijd een goed...
Which one is Better Paleo or Anabolic Diet

Qual delas é melhor? Paleo ou Dieta Anabólica?

Hoje tenciono dar uma vista de olhos a duas dietas. Na verdade, duas das mais conhecidas do mundo da musculação. Contudo, só porque uma dieta é bem conhecida, nem sempre a torna uma boa...
Which one is Better Paleo or Anabolic Diet

Hvilken af dem er bedst? Paleo eller Anabolic Diet?

I dag vil jeg kigge på to diæter. Faktisk to af de mest kendte i bodybuilding verden. Men bare fordi en diæt er velkendt, er det ikke altid en god diæt eller i det...
Which one is Better Paleo or Anabolic Diet

¿Cuál es mejor? ¿Dieta paleo o anabólica?

Hoy voy a echar un vistazo a dos dietas. De hecho, dos de las más conocidas en el mundo del culturismo. Sin embargo, el hecho de que una dieta sea bien conocida no siempre...
Which one is Better Paleo or Anabolic Diet

Quale è meglio? Dieta paleo o anabolizzante?

Oggi ho intenzione di dare un'occhiata a due diete. In effetti, due delle più note nel mondo del bodybuilding. Tuttavia, solo perché una dieta è ben nota, non sempre la rende una buona dieta...
Which one is Better Paleo or Anabolic Diet

Lequel est le meilleur ? Régime paléo ou régime anabolisant ?

Aujourd'hui, j'ai l'intention de me pencher sur deux régimes. En fait, deux des plus connus dans le monde du bodybuilding. Cependant, ce n'est pas parce qu'un régime est bien connu qu'il est toujours bon...
Which one is Better Paleo or Anabolic Diet

Was ist besser? Paleo oder Anabole Diät?

Heute möchte ich einen Blick auf zwei Diäten werfen. In der Tat, zwei der bekanntesten in der Bodybuilding-Welt. Aber nur weil eine Diät bekannt ist, ist sie nicht immer eine gute Diät oder zumindest...
Post-Workout Meal Timing Content For Maximum Muscle Gain

Post-Workout Meal Timing Content For Maximum Muscle Gain

In my article about protein synthesis, I got into some nitty-gritty details on how muscle is built and covered the basic physiological interactions that happen when you eat and work out. I also mentioned...
Protein Synthesis How To Grow Muscle

Protein Synthesis: How To Grow Muscle

Allow me to get just a little nerdy with you for a minute or two. I know what I have to share below is technical enough that it will be boring to some of...
Ultraburn Forskolin – Lose Weight Effectively!

Ultraburn Forskolin – Lose Weight Effectively!

Putting on weight is considerably less demanding than getting thinner. It is a well-established certainty that many individuals have come to acknowledge in their lives. The issue with an abundance of weight in the...
HgH Cycle for Beginners Recommended Dosage Guide For Users

Κύκλος HgH για αρχάριους: Hgh: Συνιστώμενος οδηγός δοσολογίας για τους χρήστες

Όλο και περισσότεροι άνδρες και γυναίκες επιθυμούν να μπουν σε κάποιο κύκλο hgh, και λαμβάνοντας υπόψη τα οφέλη που υπόσχεται να προσφέρει η hgh, αυτό δεν πρέπει να αποτελεί σοκ. Αλλά είναι αυτοί οι κύκλοι...
HgH Cycle for Beginners Recommended Dosage Guide For Users

HgH-cykel för nybörjare: Rekommenderad doseringsguide för användare

Fler och fler män och kvinnor vill börja med någon form av hgh-cykel, och med tanke på de fördelar som hgh lovar att erbjuda borde detta inte komma som en chock. Men är dessa cykler...
Lactic Acid – Your Friend

Lactic Acid – Your Friend in Muscle Building?

I’m going to get a little technical today giving you the low down on lactic acid. There are misconceptions about lactic acid that need to be cleared up. Among other things, I will reveal...
Milk and How It Affects Muscle Mass Gain and Fat Loss

Milk and How It Affects Muscle Mass Gain and Fat Loss

I’m sure you’ve heard about the debate regarding milk and its effects on body composition. Milk has been enjoyed for thousands of years, but what it can offer you in terms of mass gain...
How Cortisol Affects Belly Fat And Muscle Wasting

How Cortisol Affects Belly Fat And Muscle Wasting

Greetings, fellow gym warriors! If you are having trouble losing those last ten pounds, particularly belly fat, even though you’ve been spending lots of time in the gym, then this could be particularly pertinent...
How To Gain Muscle Mass As Quickly As Genetically Possible

How To Gain Muscle Mass As Quickly As Genetically Possible

Let’s speak candidly for a moment… I struggled for years not making any gains. I was so frustrated and didn’t understand why. I busted my ass in the gym. The gym owner used to...
How To Burn Fat A Detailed Weight-Loss Guide

How To Burn Fat: A Detailed Weight-Loss Guide

Before you begin hitting the weights and altering your diet to burn off body fat, I need to teach you a few technical things about how the body stores and burns fat. Additionally, I...
Women Steroids Guide

Women Steroids Guide

When we talk about Women Steroids most guys tend to think of those girls who are incredibly large and look bigger/more masculine than most males. This is obviously completely wrong, as most women on...
How To Gain 10 Pounds of Lean Mass With Proper Insulin Management

How To Gain 10 Pounds of Lean Mass With Proper Insulin Management

Let’s talk about insulin Insulin is a powerful double-edged sword for bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts. While most people are familiar with the term, they don’t really know much about it, or why it’s critical to...
How To Bring Up Lagging Body Parts… FAST!

How To Bring Up Lagging Body Parts… FAST!

I’m going to let you in on a little secret that can help you add some relatively quick size to lagging body parts. Let’s use the calves for example because I bet you’ve been...
3 Reasons Why You’re Not Growing

3 Reasons Why You’re Not Growing Muscle

I’ve been noticing a pretty consistent pattern of questions from guys in our support ticket system where they’re wondering what they can do to add mass. I or someone on my staff usually asks...
Anadrole Reviews – Does This Crazy Bulk’s Steroid Really Works

Anadrole Reviews – Does This Crazy Bulk’s Steroid Really Works?

A fit and perfect body with a good physique is the dream of almost every man and even women also desire to have a partner with the proper physique. Numerous men take a healthy...
CrazyBulk Decka Reviews – Muscle & Strength Agent

CrazyMass D-ka Reviews – Muscle & Strength Agent

Decka or D-Ka Elite series is an all-natural supplement that provides a safe alternative to Decka steroids. The product is launched in the market by a brand Crazy mass, well-known for selling 100% legal...
Max Grow Xtreme – Uses, Side Effects, Price, Interactions!

Max Grow Xtreme – Uses, Side Effects, Price, Interactions!

There are literally numerous factors that influence your performance in bed and the ability to wake up. For example, problems such as weight gain, age, inadequate blood flow in the body, and more significantly...
Legal Steroids for Sale in Australia

Legal Steroids for Sale in Australia

There are a lot of Australians who cannot easily digest the term Legal Steroids. The first question that pops up in their minds is, “Does Legal Steroids a real thing or just a myth?"....
Geneticore Boost – Improve Muscle Mass And Magnify Libido Levels!

Geneticore Boost – Improve Muscle Mass And Magnify Libido Levels!

Physical appearance and healthy-looking physiques are getting their due importance in the minds of people because of which they have started hitting gyms and workout sessions. Most men who have skinny bodies and are...
Anavar (Anvarol) – Crazy Bulk’s Male Stamina Booster Supplement

Anavar (Anvarol) – Crazy Bulk’s Male Stamina Booster Supplement

What exactly is Anavar (Anvarol)? The most popular Anvarol is an anabolic steroid which is invented to serve humankind with the bold building and muscle enlargement desire. Hundreds of mimic products are available on the...
HgH Cycle for Beginners Recommended Dosage Guide For Users

HgH Cyclus voor Beginners: Aanbevolen doseringsgids voor gebruikers

Meer en meer mannen en vrouwen zijn op zoek te krijgen in een soort van hgh cyclus, en gezien de voordelen hgh belooft te bieden, dit moet niet komen als een schok. Maar zijn deze...
HgH Cycle for Beginners Recommended Dosage Guide For Users

Ciclo HgH para Principiantes: Guia de dosagem recomendada para utilizadores

Cada vez mais homens e mulheres procuram entrar em algum tipo de ciclo hgh, e considerando os benefícios que o hgh promete oferecer, isto não deve ser um choque. Mas serão estes ciclos realmente eficazes...
HgH Cycle for Beginners Recommended Dosage Guide For Users

HgH-cyklus for begyndere: Anbefalet doseringsguide for brugere

Flere og flere mænd og kvinder søger at komme ind i en slags hgh-cyklus, og i betragtning af de fordele hgh lover at tilbyde, bør dette ikke komme som et chok. Men er disse cyklusser...
How Do Legal Steroids Aid in Our Body Fitness Goals

How Do Legal Steroids Aid in Our Body Fitness Goals?

When it comes down to steroid use, nobody has a certain answer. While many professional bodybuilders are actually convinced that steroids are an absolute necessity when it comes to building body muscles, there are...
EvoSport Diet Whey Protein Review

EvoSport Diet Whey Protein Review

Health is wealth, and to keep your body healthy, you need to maintain a healthy weight! Unfortunately, individuals with excessive weight or obesity are more likely to face health-related concerns, as compared to people...
CrazyBulk NO2 MAX – Top Vasodilator

CrazyBulk NO2 MAX – Top Vasodilator

The results, which were concluded after the research, say that those men who use pre-workout supplements were able to go for more repetitions in weight training before they feel that they are getting tired...
Crazy Bulk Clen-B – Legal Alternative to Clenbuterol

Crazy Bulk Clenbutrol – Legal Alternative to Clenbuterol

If you are desperately willing to lose weight and gain some muscle mass then clan B is the good option to fulfill your will desire. It is a desire of most men to have...
Dbol-GH – Powerful Anabolic Muscle Gainer

Dbol-GH – Powerful Anabolic Muscle Gainer

At the present time, your physique matters a lot and is one of the most important priorities of both genders. Most of the people in the world don’t have what they want such as...
Hydroslim Thermogenic Enhancing Pre-Workout Supplement Drink

Hydroslim: Thermogenic Enhancing Pre-Workout Supplement Drink

Weight gain is a serious concern, a concern that, if ignored, can lead to a number of problems. You might have tried some weight loss products and have ended up losing hope, wondering if...
Anavar For Women Benefits Dosage And Side Effects

CrazyBulk – The Most Hardcore Legal Steroids

It seems as if the era of steroids has been fading with natural and legal steroids becoming the preference of users. Steroids were once the only options for the people who wanted to quicken...
Replace Aerobic Exercises with Strength Training to Prevent Age-Related Fat Gain

Replace Aerobic Exercises with Strength Training to Prevent Age-Related Fat Gain

Did you know that if you want to lose weight, strength training is more important than cardio? Did you know if you want to stay looking young and healthy, strength training still takes priority...
Why Changing Your Rep Tempo Is Important

Why Changing Your Rep Tempo Is Important

Today we are going to talk about the importance of varying our tempo while changing. All too often we’ll discuss the need for changing lifts, no matter how big or small. For example, changing...
Why Eating More Frequently Is a Great Tactic to Burn Fat and Build Mass

Why Eating More Frequently Is a Great Tactic to Burn Fat and Build Mass

This article is going to discuss the importance of eating more frequently if you wish to burn fat and build lean muscle mass. Pretty much everyone on this website will know that if you’re planning...
Which Batman Characters Took Steroids

Which Batman Characters Took Steroids?

Due to the Batman hysteria as of late, I decided to do this article, and who can blame me? We all love Batman. I’m a huge fan and writing this article was as fun...
Doping Test for Marvel Characters Who of Them Would Take Steroids

Doping Test for Marvel Characters: Who of Them Would Take Steroids

As I did before, I’ll name some characters who’d take anabolic steroids. We’ll be creative, would The Lizard really need them or take them? Obviously not. Hulk? Again, I don’t really think he needs...
MuayThai, the ups and downs

Muaythai: the Ups and Downs

Due to its success in MMA, muaythai is becoming more and more popular and is being picked as a “sport” of choice, or at least being picked for its stand-up ability. Fortunately when I...
How To Buy Testosterone Online With Prescription

How To Buy Testosterone Online Without Prescription

Testosterone is the principal male sex hormone that’s produced by the testes. Women also produce testosterone, although, in a very small amounts, just like men also produce a small amount of estrogen. However, testosterone is...
Can You Lose Weight by Only Eating One Meal per Day

Can You Lose Weight by Only Eating One Meal per Day?

Can you lose weight by only eating one meal per day? This question, my God!! I mean it, I feel like screaming. Well, let me be honest with you this must be the most...
Keto Advanced Reviews Doses, Effects, Prices, and Recommendations

Keto Advanced Reviews: Doses, Effects, Prices, and Recommendations

As you all know, with time man has changed a lot and has seen a lot of innovations and discoveries. And man has become dependent on machines and over the discoveries in the past...
Want To Get In Shape Fast Check Out These Supplements!

Want To Get In Shape Fast? Check Out These Supplements!

Everyone wants to get in shape, right? Who doesn’t? Well, not everyone wants to plan on spending countless hours on the treadmill or hitting the weights. Some even try skipping meals in order to...
Nugenix Testosterone Booster Benefits of Using It and Recommendations for the Best Results

Nugenix Testosterone Booster: Benefits of Using It and Recommendations for the Best Results

Overview Every man wants to have good muscles. To build healthy muscles men prefer to exercise a lot, but not always it leads to success. So there are many muscle-building supplements for those who cannot...
What are the Most Popular Steroids Among Today's Bodybuilders

What are the Most Popular Steroids Among Today’s Bodybuilders?

The Most Popular Steroids is a common question asked to me in person, the phone, email, the forums! I just can’t get away from it, it’s a silly question too because it’s like asking...
IntelliBoost IQ Can This Brain Booster Improve Your Life Quality

IntelliBoost IQ: Can This Brain Booster Improve Your Life Quality?

Normally people focus on workouts to gain muscles, losing weight, colon cleansing, etc. but in all this, they forget to take proper care of their brain which is the most used part of the...
How To Lose Fat At a Rapid Pace

How To Lose Fat At a Rapid Pace

How to lose fat at a rapid pace. Let’s face it. Christmas has just ended. A lot of you will have put on a few lbs. Alright, maybe it’s a bit more than that...
Muscle Building And Training To Failure Is It Necessary

Muscle Building And Training To Failure: Is It Necessary?

You’ll find nothing like exiting the gym, going for a shower, and not having the ability to shampoo because you're wasted from the strength training workout. Your legs are usually unstable, and then your...
Are Steroids Taken in MMA

Are Steroids Taken in MMA?

Ah, steroids in mixed martial arts is one of the hottest topics in the world of sports. While you will get all the beer-drinking little teenagers at home claiming “they don’t use steroids they...
Bodybuilding for Dummies

Bodybuilding for Dummies

Ahh, bodybuilding for dummies. Remember that old, annoying PC book windows for dummies? Well, this is basically going to be the exact same thing! I’m going to give you a list of exercises below...
Did Dwight Howard Use Steroids

Did Dwight Howard Use Steroids?

Dwight Howard's steroids is an interesting subject and actually quite different from the normal questions we get asked here. Normally when someone asks me if someone is using steroids they are either A: A...
Tricks and Techniques on How to Pass a Doping Test when You’re on Steroids

Tricks and Techniques on How to Pass a Doping Test when You’re on Steroids

In the previous article, we have already covered how the standard steroid drug test is done. I’ve also mentioned that you have to get all the information you can get about your scheduled doping...
Popeye’s Spinach for Strength and Muscles is not a Myth

Popeye’s Spinach for Strength and Muscles is not a Myth

Sex hormone, stress hormone, and growth hormone are three end products of the naturally produced steroids in the body. Estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone are three examples of sex hormones that are important in determining...
How to Build Chest Muscles Fast

How to Build Chest Muscles Fast

So this is a question I see on the forum a lot lately, asking this question 'how to build chest muscles fast' I mean. I don’t think it’s a bad question, but I think...
Reasons Why Steroids Should Be Legalized in Pro Sports

Reasons Why Steroids Should Be Legalized in Pro Sports

The legalization of steroids has been the subject of countless debates ever since the Anabolic Steroid Control Act was passed and the blanket on anabolic steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs was implemented by major...
If Baseball Allowed Steroids…

If Baseball Allowed Steroids…

If baseball allowed steroids as a legal and regulated substance in baseball, there will surely be a lot of names worth remembering in the Baseball Hall of Fame. Let’s admit it. The grand roster...
Arimidex Anastrozole How to Use It During Steroid Cycles

Arimidex Anastrozole: How to Use It During Steroid Cycles

Known as an aromatase inhibitor (AI) (source), the drug Arimidex blocks the aromatase enzyme and prevents it from producing estrogen in the body. Arimidex is used clinically in women who are suffering from breast...
Using Grapefruit to Lose Weight Fact or Fiction

Using Grapefruit to Lose Weight: Fact or Fiction?

Oh boy, when I decided to do my next lot of questions, I was scared to read what had been sent to me! I mean, after all, I get so many stupid questions compared...
Did Carl Weathers Take Steroids

Did Carl Weathers Take Steroids?

For those who don’t know who Carl Weathers is, he is Apollo Creed – Rocky Balboa’s adversary (source) in Rocky and Rocky II who eventually became Rocky’s friend in Rocky III and died in...
11 Ways to Make Your Workout More Joint Friendly

11 Ways to Make Your Workout More Joint Friendly

There are many ways that one can work out in the gym nowadays. New exercises and more awareness have made it possible to train in the gym in a variety of different ways. Resistance...
How to Prevent Steroid Abuse

How to Prevent Steroid Abuse

Admittedly, there were steroid users who were recorded as bordering on and actual steroid abusers who eventually succumbed to fatalities. However, it is important to note that only a minuscule portion is directly attributed...
Frank Zane “The Chemist” and Steroids

Frank Zane “The Chemist” and Steroids

It is a bit arcane not to discuss bodybuilders of the late 50s, moreso Olympia bodybuilders, and ask if they were taking steroids. I believe that they were steroids’ early adopters. For those competing...
Alistair Overeem and Steroids: An Affair to Remember

Alistair Overeem and Steroids: An Affair to Remember

When MMA super champ Alistair Overeem (source) was pounded with questions about the way his physique seemed to get conditioned a bit faster than his other colleagues, he said it was from a steady...
The Importance Of Full Range Of Motion

The Importance Of Full Range Of Motion

It’s time we faced something. Well, it’s time you did. I’ve already known this for years, as have many others. The importance of a full range of motion. We should always do it. The...
Female Bodybuilding

Female Bodybuilding

Something that always makes me laugh a whole lot is when girls are told things like “you shouldn’t squat, bench press, or deadlift, just use this.” Pink dumbbells are not for girls, they are...

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The 18 Best Healthy Products To Gain Weight Fast

The 18 Best Healthy Products To Gain Weight Fast

We only include products that we believe are of value to our readers. We may receive a small commission if you purchase through the links on this page. Here is our process. Gaining or adding muscle can be as hard for some as losing weight. However, addi
Calisthenics Workout 10 Exercises For Stronger, More Muscular You

Calisthenics Workout: 10 Exercises for Stronger, More Muscular You

Gym memberships and expensive equipment are probably the first things that come to mind when you think of getting ripped. What if there was a way to build a stronger, muscular body without the need of dumbbells or weight machines? Calisthenics is a form
L-Glutamine Benefits, Side Effects, Dosage, and Foods

L-Glutamine: Benefits, Side Effects, Dosage, and Foods

Evidence-Based xThis Dr. Axe content has been medically reviewed and fact checked to ensure accurate information. We only link to academic research institutions, media sites of high reputation, and, where possible, medically peer reviewed studies. The n
Insulin and Weight Gain Keep the Pounds Off

Insulin and Weight Gain: Keep the Pounds Off

Weight gain and insulin often go hand-in-hand, but it is possible to control your weight. Here are some ways to reduce or prevent weight gain if you require insulin therapy. Mayo Clinic StaffWeight loss is a common side effect of insulin, a hormone that
Workout Routines for Beginners Best Full-Body Fitness Plan

Workout Routines for Beginners: Best Full-Body Fitness Plan

A great way to start working out is to find a routine that you like. Now that you have signed up for the gym, your sneakers are on point, it is time to get to work (out). You're here because you don't know how to transform from a novice to a pro at fitne
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