Crazy Bulk Review – Does It Work or It’s Just Another Scam?


  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 Legal Anabolic Steroids
  • 3 Banned Steroids
  • 4 Results & Benefits
  • 5 Legal Bulking Steroids
  • 6 Legal Cutting Steroids
  • 7 Steroids for Strength
  • 8 What Is Actually Crazy Bulk?
  • 9 Crazy Bulk Benefits
  • 10 No Side Effects
  • 11 Crazy Bulk vs The Competition
  • 12 Manufacturing Facilities
  • 13 Testimonials
  • 14 Proven Effectiveness
  • 15 How to Use?
  • 16 Positive Feedback
  • 17 Why Choose Crazy Bulk?
  • 18 Pricing & Crazy Bulk Coupon
  • 19 Questions & Answers

You spend hours in the gym every week pushing yourself to the limit. You carefully monitor everything you eat and drink. On paper, you should be in the best shape of your life. Somehow, though, you’re not realizing the gains you should. Sound familiar? At this point, you may be thinking about throwing anabolic steroids into the mix. After all, something has to give, right? Here’s the thing – banned steroids aren’t just illegal, they cause all kinds of nasty side effects.

The good news is there’s a viable alternative. Crazy Bulk legal steroids are every bit as effective as their illegal counterparts, but they don’t cause those unpleasant side effects and won’t land you behind bars. As a leading online supplier of the top oral steroids, Crazy Bulk are able to bring you the lowest prices. Their shipping is fast and free in the U.S. and U.K. too, so you don’t even have to leave home to get your hands on the best legal and safe oral steroids on the market today!

We know how confusing it can be to track down safe, effective, 100-percent legal anabolic steroids. Unfortunately, the Internet is jam-packed with sketchy websites offering supposedly safe products that don’t do anything. The problem is that few are willing to state where or how those steroids are manufactured. The sad truth is that it’s easy for shady companies to create products that are little more than placebos and to them market them as effective oral steroids. Don’t let yourself get taken for a ride like that. Crazy Bulk steroids are the best oral steroids out there, and we’re confident that you will be thrilled with your results.

You see, we’re as into fitness, bodybuilding and weight lifting as you are. Like you, we’ve searched high and low for safe, legal, effective alternatives to banned steroids. After running into many dead ends, we discovered Crazy Bulk. By ordering your Crazy Bulk top oral steroids from us, you’ll enjoy the lowest prices, best selection, and ultra-fast delivery.

Like anyone who’s into bodybuilding or physical fitness, in general, you’re aware of the importance of the bulking/cutting cycle. The precise intervals vary depending on your current level of fitness and ultimate goals, but you want to go through periods of bulking up and adding as much muscle as possible and then alternating with periods of cutting fat and retaining as much lean, strong muscle as you can. The right oral anabolic steroids help you make the most of the cutting and bulking cycle, and Crazy Bulk is the optimal choice.

Best Steroids for Cutting

Without the right steroids, you’re apt to lose too much real, solid muscle during your cutting cycles. Fortunately, Crazy Bulk offers a comprehensive lineup of high-quality oral anabolic steroids that are perfect for cutting. Options like Clenbutrol help to deliver oxygen more efficiently and to enhance cardiovascular performance more effectively. In turn, your workouts produce more results, leaving you with the ripped, hard physique of your dreams.

Crazy Bulk also offers Winidrol, which is a safe, legal, effective alternative to Winstrol that does away with pesky water retention while helping you retain lean, quality muscle. Anvarol, an alternative to Anavar, works by stimulating the synthesis of phosphocreatine. It gives you a great boost of energy and is known for increasing strength while shredding fat. What you’re left with are strong, lean muscles that finally allow you to show off all of the hard work you put in at the gym.

Best Steroids for Bulking

When you’re ready to get back into the bulking phase, Crazy Bulk anabolic oral steroids are here to help. We can’t say enough good things about Crazy Bulk’s lineup of oral steroids for bulking. Instead of spending countless hours pushing yourself to the max and having little or nothing to show for it, you will start seeing real results in as little as three weeks. With every passing month and through every passing stage, you will notice incredible gains and a major boost to your overall results. Unlike illegal steroids, these oral steroids have no side effects. Safe and effective, bulking steroids by Crazy Bulk are the perfect secret weapon for anyone who is serious about boosting their bodybuilding regimen.

Crazy Bulk offers a wide array of top-quality oral steroids for bulking. Anadrole is one of the top-selling options and acts as a safe, legal, effective alternative to Oxymethalone. Like that steroid, Anadrole helps to boost red blood cell production, which delivers more oxygen to the muscles. As a result, your workouts are a lot more effective, and your muscles become larger, firmer and more ripped than ever. Another popular bulking steroid by Crazy Bulk is Testosterone Max, which naturally boosts testosterone production for increased energy, performance and, most importantly, gains. Their lineup also includes T-Bal 75, a fat burner and lean muscle builder in one, its red-blood-cell-boosting effect will make you a rock star at the gym.

Legal Anabolic Steroids

Want to stock up on the best cutting and bulking stacks while enjoying even better prices? We carry Crazy Bulk stacks and combos that get the job done. With the right stack or combo, you can cover all your bases while enjoying an additional discount of up to 20 percent. Most of our customers go this route, especially after experiencing the amazing results of each product separately.

When it comes to getting maximum results from your bulking-cutting cycles, consistency is key. That doesn’t just mean consistently working out or consistently pushing yourself to the limit, and it’s about more than just carefully monitoring everything you consume every single day. No, if you really want to derive as many benefits and results from all of your hard work, the right oral anabolic steroids for cutting and bulking are crucial, and Crazy Bulk stacks and combos offer a convenient, affordable way to keep everything you need on hand. By ordering your supplies trough our links, you will enjoy the best prices and free, fast shipping every time.

As a health-conscious person, you’d probably like to avoid exposing yourself to potentially harmful ingredients. Illegal steroids, of course, come with a wide range of unpleasant side effects, and that’s largely because they’re made out of harsh ingredients. Sadly, many supposedly safe, effective alternatives to illegal steroids are loaded with equally harsh ingredients, and they can cause a variety of nasty side effects too. With Crazy Bulk oral steroids, you can rest assured that you are taking supplements that are completely safe. No wonder so many professional bodybuilders have made the switch to Crazy Bulk!

Due to their very serious side effects and other factors, many steroids are banned and are as illegal. Like the rest of the banned supplements, though, they can be obtained one way or another. Of course, using banned steroids exposes you to serious legal trouble. Sure, you could get a lot of working out done behind bars, but there are lots of good reasons that those steroids are illegal in the first place. By sticking with Crazy Bulk products and ordering them from us, you can avoid putting yourself in a position where you could be arrested and put in jail for trying to achieve the best possible physique. Crazy Bulk anabolic steroids and totally legal in the U.S., Europe, and Australia, and you can order them from us with a clear conscious.

No Side Effects

All bodybuilders, weightlifters and fitness fanatics want a little boost here and there. Unfortunately, banned steroids come with many very nasty side effects. You may realize some amazing results by using them, but the trade-off includes side effects like aggression, “roid rage” and shrunken testicles. You’ll be relieved to know that Crazy Bulk oral steroids deliver amazing results without the risk of any side effects. Whether you’re in the cutting or bulking phase of your regimen, you can take the necessary steroids without having to deal with a bunch of unpleasant side effects. After all, why trade in a great physique for feeling awful all the time? You’re supposed to feel great when you are in excellent shape, and you can do that and more with Crazy Bulk steroids.

Free Shipping

We are pleased to offer top-quality Crazy Bulk oral anabolic steroids for some of the most competitive prices around. To sweeten the deal even more, the offer includes a free shipping in the U.S. and U.K. The prices you see listed on our site are what you will pay, not a penny more. You’d think that free shipping means slow shipping, but you’d be mistaken. Crazy Bulk will place a top priority on getting orders out the door as quickly as possible, so you can expect to receive your legal steroids quickly. It’s just another reason not to buy cheap, ineffective alternatives locally. You don’t know what you’re getting, you’re going to pay more and the odds of achieving real results are slim to none.

Superior Manufacturing

If you’re going to be taking oral anabolic steroids to enhance your workout regimen, don’t you want to know where and how they are made? Many sketchy companies refuse to disclose any details about the processes by which they manufacture oral anabolic steroids. This is a huge red flag, and such products should be avoided. With Crazy Bulk oral steroids, you can rest assured that the supplements you are taking have been produced under the most stringent quality control standards.

Crazy Bulk oral steroids are produced in a cGMP-certified facility in the United States. That’s right! These steroids are made in the U.S.A. In case you’re not aware of what cGMP is, it stands for a certified good manufacturing process. To obtain this designation, a facility must submit to annual inspections by the FDA. Crazy Bulk steroids are top oral steroids for many reasons, but the fact that they are produced under such first-rate conditions is among the best examples. Knowing that the FDA comes out to inspect the facility every year should be very reassuring to you, and it’s yet another reason to stick with these safe, legal, highly effective anabolic steroids.

Banned Steroids

People don’t take banned steroids for the fun of it. The truth is that banned steroids are, in fact, very effective. The problem is that they can cause some very serious side effects. In some cases, they can even cause death. As a result, many such steroids have been banned and categorized as illegal for some time. That doesn’t mean that people can’t obtain them, of course. Thanks to major breakthroughs in steroid production technologies, there’s no longer any need to resort to unsafe, illegal steroids. Crazy Bulk steroids deliver the same amazing results as banned steroids, but they are legal and safe.

So, why are banned steroids such bad news? For one thing, they can cause all kinds of nasty side effects, including:

  • Gynecomastia, or the swelling of breast tissue;
  • Shrinking of the testicles;
  • High-pitched voice;
  • Acne;
  • Roid rage;
  • Aggression;

You can cross all of those side effects off the list when you take Crazy Bulk oral anabolic steroids, which are made out of completely natural ingredients and cause no side effects.

Results & Benefits

We wouldn’t attach our names to a product unless we believed in its effectiveness completely. We are confident that Crazy Bulk oral steroids are the best supplements for today’s most serious bodybuilders, weightlifters, and other fitness aficionados. While developing each of their amazing, all-natural steroids, Crazy Bulk engaged in ongoing testing to ensure that their products would deliver optimal results every time. During the first month of trying the products that made the cut, subjects experienced noticeable results. Those who kept taking them consistently kept realizing amazing results, so it’s plain to see that these steroids will go the distance for you.

In case you haven’t noticed, we are very enthusiastic about Crazy Bulk oral anabolic steroids and are confident that they are the top oral steroids on the market today. If you’re not sold yet, consider these benefits.

  1. Effective

There’s no point in taking steroids of any kind if they’re not going to deliver the results you need. You don’t have to worry about that with Crazy Bulk oral steroids because they produce incredible results when combined with effective diet and exercise. From massive gains to the shedding of excess fat, these steroids help you enjoy optimal results from all of the hard work you put in at the gym.

  1. Legal

With Crazy Bulk supplements, there’s no need to turn to the black market for the boost you need. Every Crazy Bulk product they sell is 100-percent legal. Imagine how good it will feel to take steroids that are effective and, most importantly, totally legal.

  1. Safe

Having the best, most ripped physique isn’t going to do you a lot of good if it means dealing with all kinds of nasty side effects. Crazy Bulk supplements are made out of totally natural ingredients, so they don’t cause any bad side effects and are completely safe to take on a regular basis. In this way, you can achieve the ripped, rock-hard physique of your dreams without having to cope with the many unpleasant side effects that go along with illegal steroids and low-quality supplements.

  1. No Prescription

You don’t need a prescription for Crazy Bulk oral anabolic steroids, so there’s no need to visit your doctor. You can order them right this instance without having to take any special steps. Fast, easy and affordable, Crazy Bulk steroids without the need of a prescription!

  1. Natural

As you will see in the detailed breakdowns that are provided for all of the Crazy Bulk products we carry, these oral steroids are made out of completely natural ingredients. There’s no need to expose yourself to harsh, unpleasant chemicals and other hazards to get the workout boost you need.

Before you buy oral steroids of any kind, make sure they’re going to give you the results you need. After investigating the products in our incredible Crazy Bulk lineup, you’re sure to agree that they are right up your alley.

Whether you’re cutting, bulking or just maintaining, you will enjoy these and many other great benefits:

  1. Incredible Gains

Whether you’ve hit a brick wall with your workouts or have struggled to get results all along, you’re going to love the gains you’ll enjoy by adding Crazy Bulk oral anabolic steroids into the mix. It’s really like night and day; with the same effort, your results will be out of this world.

  1. Increased Strength

The stronger you are, the more you can lift and the longer you can work out. Your intensity will improve too. These legal, safe oral steroids help you naturally increase strength when you need it most.

  1. Improved Energy

You shouldn’t feel worn out and run down when working hard to stay in shape. Unfortunately, many disciplined people fail to achieve their best potential because they run out of energy. Luckily, Crazy Bulk oral steroids help to boost energy levels. For instance, many help to optimize the body’s ability to deliver oxygen to muscles. In general, though, you will feel more energetic and motivated while taking these incredible supplements.

  1. Enhanced Stamina

The longer and harder you can work out, the better your results will be. Once you’ve been taking Crazy Bulk steroids for a month or so, you will experience a noticeable increase in stamina. Suddenly, you will be able to push yourself to a whole new level, all without having to resort to unsafe, illegal steroids.

  1. Exceptional Endurance

If you really want to go the distance with your weightlifting and training, Crazy Bulk oral steroids are the answer. Without having to inject yourself or expose yourself to harsh, unnatural chemicals, you can gain the endurance you need to get into the best shape of your life.

  1. Boosted Metabolism

Your cutting efforts will be greatly improved by the boosted metabolism you’ll enjoy from taking Crazy Bulk oral anabolic steroids. Indeed, some of the most popular products are specifically designed to increase your basic metabolic rate or BMR. Even while you’re sitting still, then, your body will be burning excess fat and calories to ensure that your physique gets and stays as lean and ripped as can be.

Are you ready to take your workout efforts to new and exciting levels? The odds are that the missing link is a great supplement. Illegal steroids cause horrible side effects and typically need to be injected with long, sinister-looking needles. The Crazy Bulk oral steroids which we reviewed are typically taken twice a day with food. They are safe, natural and legal. More importantly, they deliver the same amazing results as their banned counterparts. If you’re ready to give Crazy Bulk oral steroids a whirl, we are the supplier to trust. So, you don’t need to think more about it, just place your order today.

Legal Bulking Steroids

The purpose of using a bulking steroid is to assist bodybuilders in adding as much weight in muscle mass as possible. With the right combination of bulking steroids, athletes aim to add muscle mass to their body with reduced gains in excess body fat. Some weightlifters and bodybuilders will use bulking steroids and eat without limits to add as much mass as possible without regard to added body fat, but at Crazy Bulk we recommend smart bulking with bulking steroids and a sensible bulking diet. Typically a bodybuilder, athlete or weight lifter will follow a bulking cycle with a cutting cycle to rid their bodies of excess body fat and water weight.

List of Bulking Steroids

Anadrole (Anadrol)

Testosterone Max (Sustanon 250)

Deca Duro (Deca Durabolin)

D-Bal (Dianabol)

T-Bal 75 (Trenbolone)

Somatropinne (Somatropin)

  • Anadrole – Bulking agent that increases production of red blood cells and oxygenation of muscle tissue. Delays fatigue and enhances muscle gains.
  • Deca Duro – Bulking steroid for increased size, enhanced physical strength and rapid recovery. Increased nitrogen retention and protein synthesis. Relief of joint pain and increased collagen synthesis for stronger connective tissues.
  • HGH X2 – Lean muscle building, promotes energy, stamina and performance, anti-aging effects.
  • T-Bal 75 – Promotes lean muscle growth, helps burning the extra fat and increases strength.
  • Testosterone Max – Bulking steroid for monster muscle gains, increased strength, power, and performance. Aids in extreme muscle gains and rapid recovery times. It will increase the luteinizing hormone production safely with zero negative side effects.

Bulking Steroids Effects

Legal bulking steroids are for any fitness enthusiast or athlete that wants to add the bulk of massive muscle gains for quality gains in lean muscles mass. The products are formulated to make gaining lean muscle mass, increased stamina and blood flow and enhanced performance and these steroids deliver results with zero negative side effects. Once you try Crazy Bulk anabolic steroids you won’t want to use anything else.

  • MEGA Increase in Muscle Mass
  • SUPER Stamina & Strength
  • POWERFUL Pumps
  • RAPID Recovery
  • FAST Results in Two to Four Weeks
  • SAFE & LEGAL Bulking Steroids

There are many good reasons to use bulking steroids. With bulking steroids in combination with a good, clean bulking diet athletes are able to quickly and effectively gain desired massive muscle weight. With the right combination of Crazy Bulk steroids (such as Crazy Bulk Bulking Stack Combo) body fat and excess water weight can be controlled, reduced and mostly avoided.

The products are designed specifically for bulking cycles. Bulking steroids from Crazy Bulk are proven to be effective and make your workouts significantly more efficient with rapid muscle gains in less time. The anabolic supplements are also priced to save you money. No competitor can compete with the low prices at Crazy Bulk, particularly when you take advantage of the Crazy Bulk stacking offers. Crazy Bulk steroids as individual products are 40% less than competitor’s prices, and Crazy Bulk Bulking Stacks are even more economical.

Another feature of Crazy Bulk bulking products is that Crazy Bulk steroids have zero negative side effects and are 100% safe. This is where other sellers can’t compete! Steroids from other less reliable sources have significant harmful side effects. Crazy Bulk steroids are free from any negative side effects!

Bulking Results

  1. The most positive effect is the muscle mass you can gain during a bulking cycle. Typical users of these bulking steroids gain 15-20 pounds in muscle weight, sometimes even more.
  2. Crazy Bulk recommends following a clean bulking diet when using their products. This will ensure optimum lean muscle gains during your bulking cycles.
  3. With legal bulking steroids, you can put on some serious muscle bulk weight while feeling the positive effects of increased endurance and stamina for those intense bulking workouts.

To maximize your lean muscle gains without adding a lot of excess weight in fat gains, try a Crazy Bulk Bulking Stack. The Crazy Bulk Bulking Stack contains all of the best bulking steroids as well as steroids used for a combination bulking/cutting effect. When used together, you are able to achieve the massive muscle gains while putting on a minimum amount of excess body fat and less retained water. Gaining some body fat during a bulking cycle is normal, but with the right combination of supplements you can reduce and minimize fat and water gain while bulking up.

The Bulking Diet

To gain muscle mass, it is necessary to consume more calories than you burn. Since bulking workouts are really demanding and intense, your calorie intake has to be significantly higher than normal, upwards of 3,500 calories a day depending on your build, metabolism, and personal muscle building goals.

With bulking steroid use during a bulking cycle, the ideal diet is 40% carbohydrates, 40% protein, and 20% fat. When keeping track of your food intake, don’t forget to count in protein shakes and post-workout recovery shakes – they count, too.

Bulking steroids alone won’t result in muscle mass gains. For positive results, you must follow all stages of the bulking cycle (bulking diet, high-intensity weight training, bulking steroids). Following the recommended bulking cycle regimen you will achieve a lean, ripped and muscly body.

The Bulking Process

When bulking, your diet is very specific and much higher in calories, but calories alone are not enough to add bulk – your body needs supplementing with bulking steroids. Crazy Bulk has a variety of bulking steroids, each with a slightly different formula. Do your research when choosing which bulking steroid or bulking stack to use. Each of the Crazy Bulk steroids has their own page on their website which includes the features, properties and expected results of each steroidal compound.

With the legal bulking steroids, it is easier than ever to put on tons of muscle weight during a bulking cycle. Building muscle happens with two types of hypertrophy:

  1. Myofibrillar hypertrophy is responsible for increasing muscle bulk and is what happens when you lift more weight with fewer repetitions. This type of weight lifting is recommended during bulking cycles. Be sure to consume an adequate amount of calories along with a Crazy Bulk bulking steroid that also speeds up recovery times. This will ensure massive muscle gains in a minimum amount of time.
  2. Sarcoplasmic hypertrophyhappens when you lift lower weight but with higher reps. This type of hypertrophy builds and tones lean muscle tissue. Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy is the goal of cutting cycles. With the intense calorie restrictions in a cutting diet, Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy is most likely to put on lean muscle mass in a cutting cycle while still burning fat.
  3. Putting on as much muscle weight as possible is the number one priority when bulking; if you manage to control weight gain of body fat and the least amount of water retention while bulking, you will achieve optimum results of a bulking cycle successfully.

Bulking Steroids Pros

The pros of Crazy Bulk bulking steroids are in the multiple ways they help athletes gain the leanest muscle mass possible during their gaining and bulking cycles. Most bulking steroids enhance protein synthesis and production of red blood cells. You will also see increased energy levels enhanced endurance which is key because a bulking cycle workout regimen involves many hours of intense weight lifting sessions five to six days a week. The added energy also benefits the athlete mentally; increased energy with the proper supplementing increases focus, minimizes memory loss, improves cognitive functioning and fights fatigue.

Bulking steroids also stimulate the appetite which helps tremendously while the body is working to generate a great deal of muscle tissue. Ultimately to gain the desired amount of muscle tissue, though, your caloric intake must be higher than the rate at which you are burning calories. Bulking steroids are responsible for increased endurance for more demanding workouts as a desired result.

Another effect of bulking steroids is that they increase nitrogen retention in your muscles which is vital when aiming for massive muscle gains. Protein synthesis is a result of nitrogen retention which helps multiply your muscles at the cellular level. This nitrogen and protein combination results in increased size and overall muscle mass.

Choosing Bulking Steroids

Crazy Bulk products are the most potent and of a higher quality than any other bulking steroid on the market today. The formulas used for Crazy Bulk steroids are not damaging to the body’s organs, unlike the harm that results from other lesser quality or banned steroids. Crazy Bulk products also have none of the harmful or negative side effects like other steroids do.

Taking lower quality steroids can cause unwanted effects to your health which works against your desired goal of getting shredded and ripped. With Crazy Bulk products, you achieve massive gains in quality muscle tissue, higher levels of endurance, improved stamina, improved ability to focus and unbeatable positive results, all with zero health complications. The products are scientifically formulated to improve your body and help you achieve your bodybuilding goals without risk to your health.

Bulking Cycle Benefits

  • Effective for bulking, gains in lean mass and endurance;
  • Incredible body transformations quickly;
  • 100% guaranteed to have zero negative side effects;
  • Available without a prescription, needles or injections;

Bulking Testimonials

Crazy Bulk gets tons of testimonials from satisfied customers every day in the form of emails and letters. In these testimonials they hear satisfied customers’ stories about how Crazy Bulk steroids have helped them achieve goals thought to be impossible before, such as muscle and size gains, body re-composition from overweight to muscular and ripped. The proof is in the testimonials and before and after photos of satisfied clients.

Legal Cutting Steroids

The purpose of a cutting steroid is to aid athletes in cutting excess body fat and retained water weight to produce a more defined, or “cut” physique. Cutting steroids are typically used after a bulking cycle where the weight gain takes place at the same time muscle mass is being built. Cutting steroids trim you down to a lean, muscular physique so that you have significant size and look shredded and ripped.

List of Cutting Steroids

Clenbutrol (Clenbuterol)

Anvarol (Anavar)

Winsol (Winstrol)

  • Anvarol – Improves energy, stimulates phosphocreatine synthesis in muscles;
  • Clenbutrol – Fat loss agent, enhances performance, building leans muscles;
  • Winidrol – Build lean muscles, improves strength, power, and performance;

Cutting Steroids Effects

Crazy Bulk cutting steroids are for any level athlete, Bodybuilder, sports player, fitness model or fitness buff that wants to cut away excess body fat and excess water weight from their body to reveal lean, hard and ultra-defined muscles mass. Crazy Bulk cutting steroids are made to make losing extra body fat and water easier to accomplish and these steroids do that without harmful or unwanted side effects. Customers who use these supplements swear by them and say they wouldn’t use anything else.

  • Super strength and endurance;
  • Maximum power, agility, and speed;
  • Lean and hard defined muscles;
  • Noticeably improved vascularity;
  • Preserve lean muscle mass while stripping body fat;
  • Ripped competition and beach-ready body;
  • Safe and legal cutting steroids;

There are many positive effects of cutting steroids. During a bulking cycle, athletes do everything they can to put on massive muscle weight including a bulking steroid and a bulking diet. Inevitably when they gain that much bulk that quickly, there are a lot of muscles added but there’s also weight gain from body fat and weight gain from retaining water. Cutting steroids also come with a strict cutting diet. When the two are combined, the cutting steroid works to burn off the body fat weight and water weight while still retaining the muscle gained in the bulking cycle.

Cutting Steroids Competition

The cutting steroids are formulated primarily for the cutting phase of your bodybuilding workouts. Cutting steroids from Crazy Bulk are effective and also economical. No competitor can beat Crazy Bulk prices, especially on the Crazy Bulk special stacking offers. Buying Crazy Bulk cutting steroids individually still saves you about 40% less than the competition, but Crazy Bulk cutting stacks are an even better deal, saving hundreds of dollars over buying individual products from our competition.

Another detail that sets Crazy Bulk apart from the competition is that their steroids are 100% guaranteed safe and have zero negative side effects. The competition can’t say that! Other steroids have dangerous, even harmful side effects. Crazy Bulk steroids have none of these side effects.

Cutting Results

The most noticeable effect of a cutting steroid is the definition you get in your muscles when the extra fat and water are gone. The fat you lose with a good cutting steroid is subcutaneous fat (located between the skin and muscle) and visceral fat (from the abdominal region). As long as you supplement properly with cutting steroids, you will lose the extra weight without losing any of your hard earned muscle. Muscle preservation is key when cutting, along with increased physical strength and definite vascularity.

Cutting steroids also have a positive effect on the athlete’s metabolism. The rate at which the body metabolizes carbs and fat is sped up and is much more efficient at burning carbs and fat for fuel (energy). Without the help of a good cutting steroid, the athlete’s body would turn to the lean muscle mass for energy and that is how you lose muscle tissue. Crazy Bulk cutting steroids help your body use its fat stores for energy as well as preserve and protect your lean muscle mass.

Cutting Diet

Sustaining muscle mass gains is probably the biggest concern of athletes during a cutting cycle. The most important thing to any bodybuilder is to get rid of fat and water while keeping as much as they can of the muscle mass they just put on. During a cutting cycle your workout regimen changes. This typically means you still lift weights, just usually less weight with more repetitions. This increases fat burning and tightens and tones the muscles you recently gained. Cutting also means adding more cardio. Cardio gets the heart rate up and that right there is an instant fat burner.

A cutting diet is high on protein, but low on carbohydrates and very low on fat. Cutting steroids are used in these periods to maintain the muscle mass or even add a slightly ripping effect or actually build a bit more lean muscle mass while helping to cut the extra fat.

Another effect of cutting steroids is an increase in energy levels and improved endurance and stamina. Some cutting steroids even suppress appetite which is helpful because a cutting diet is very restrictive on calories and every calorie counts in a cutting cycle. To retain or sustain your muscle gains while cutting, it is very important to follow a cutting diet and a cutting workout regimen in addition to taking the cutting steroids.

Cutting steroids alone won’t retain your muscle mass. You must follow the entire cutting plan in order for the results to be positive. The most desired positive results will be to get a lean, ripped and muscly body with very little body fat on it and no excess water weight.

Cutting Process

When cutting, your diet is very strict and lower in calories, but even with lower calories your body will continue to try and repair the muscle tissue after training. With the cutting steroids present in your system, it can still do this. This is the process by which your muscles are still able to grow even in the absence of extra calories. It is difficult, but not impossible to build lean muscle while using cutting steroids.

Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy is responsible for building larger muscles. It is triggered by lowered weights and increased reps. Since the caloric intake is so restricted during cutting cycles, sarcoplasmic hypertrophy is most likely to put on lean muscle mass while still losing fat.

Myofibrillar hypertrophy is responsible for increasing athletic strength and is triggered by fewer reps with higher weights. Taxing the body with myofibrillar hypertrophy by lifting fewer reps of higher weight could force the body to use lean muscle tissue for energy and that would be defeating the purpose of lifting weights at all.

Losing excess body fat is the number one priority when cutting; if you manage to add some lean muscle tissue at the same time then that is a bonus.

Cutting Steroids Pros

The pros of cutting steroids are how they help athletes burn off excess body fat while preserving their lean muscle mass. Most cutting steroids contain thermogenic fat-burning properties, a definite pro. Another pro is the increased levels of energy and improved endurance since a cutting cycle workout regimen involves a lot of reps and a lot of cardio. The added energy also helps the athlete function better on a very limited number of calories a day which without supplementing can cause lack of focus, memory issues, impaired cognitive functioning, and fatigue.

Cutting steroids also stimulate the metabolism and suppress appetite to further support the loss of excess body fat. Ultimately to lose that body fat, though, you must burn more calories than you are taking in. Cutting steroids can help you achieve fat loss as a desired result and that is a definite pro. Another pro is that cutting steroids stimulate retention of nitrogen in your muscles which is very important when you are trying to reduce body fat. Nitrogen retention stimulates protein synthesis which helps protect your muscle mass while losing body fat and water.

Some of the cons of cutting steroids really come from not using them properly. If you take a cutting steroid but don’t modify your workout regimen or eat improperly then you very likely will end up losing a lot of the muscle you have while keeping all the excess body fat. Then you would be back to square one in your fitness and have to start all over.

There are plenty of cons to cutting steroids from other lower quality manufacturers, such as toxicity and damage to the liver, most of these other steroids are illegal, they cause harmful and unwanted side effects. Crazy Bulk cutting steroids have NONE of these side effects!

Choosing Cutting Steroids

Crazy Bulk products are a cut above the rest. Crazy Bulk cutting steroids are of the highest potency and best quality of any cutting steroid on the market today, anywhere. Crazy Bulk steroids are also designed to be safer for the heart and other organs, unlike the damage other less quality steroids can cause. Crazy Bulk products also have zero negative side effects like other steroids do.

Don’t take unnecessary chances with your health with lower quality steroids – they can cause irreversible damage and that goes against your goals of becoming as physically fit as you possibly can. With Crazy Bulk products you can have all at once – massive muscle gains, improved endurance, increased stamina, enhanced mental focus and ultra-positive results, all with zero risk of health complications and zero harmful negative side effects.

Cutting Cycle Benefits

  • Legal steroids for cutting, bulking, lean mass building and stamina;
  • Fast results – amazing body transformations in 30 and 60-day cycles;
  • No negative side effects;
  • No prescriptions needed;
  • No injections or needles;
  • Free US & UK shipping;
  • No shipping and handling charges to US and UK locations;
  • No sales tax;
  • Low $9.99 flat rate shipping for international orders;
  • Every 3rd item is free;

Cutting Testimonials

Crazy Bulk gets letters and emails from satisfied customers every day. In these letters, we hear story after story about how Crazy Bulk steroids change people’s lives for the better. There are stories of massive weight loss, muscle and size gains, enhanced sports performance and total body transformations. Check out our Testimonials page for inspirational stories and amazing before and after photos of real Crazy Bulk customers!

Steroids for Strength

Anadrole (Anadrol)

Testosterone Max (Sustanon 250)

Deca Duro (Deca Durabolin)

D-Bal (Dianabol)

Somatropinne (Somatropin)

Winidrol (Winstrol)

What Is Actually Crazy Bulk ?

Even if you are new to the bodybuilding arena, you know that beyond a doubt, oral steroids work. They are a proven way to gain serious, massive muscle gains which are what all athletes and bodybuilders aim for. Steroids work unlike anything else. But some countries have made it illegal to buy, possess or use steroids. However, there is an alternative for those of us who wish to gain the benefits of steroids without doing anything illegal.

There are now legal steroid alternatives that work just as well as illegal steroids, but without the risk of punishment for buying or using them. These legal alternatives work just as well as the original and are available now at Crazy Bulk. If what you want are quality muscle gains and improved physical strength and performance, you have come to the right place.

The Crazy Bulk business has been built on integrity. Crazy Bulk uses the most technologically advanced scientific methods for the development, testing and verification that Crazy Bulk steroids deliver their promised results. The manufacturing facilities that Crazy Bulk uses are modern and are held to very strict FDA standards and bi-annual FDA inspections. These U.S. based facilities are all (cGMP) facilities. cGMP means “certified Good Manufacturing Practices” which is another assurance that Crazy Bulk products are guaranteed pure and safe.

As a consumer of bodybuilding products, you can buy Crazy Bulk Steroids with 100% confidence because Crazy Bulk is a highly respected and recommended seller. Crazy Bulk is proud of their upstanding reputation and takes customer satisfaction very seriously. Crazy Bulk is committed to delivering the most effective and highest quality products possible to their bodybuilding customers in the fitness industry.

Crazy Bulk Benefits

With legal oral steroids, there are no needles or injections necessary. They come in pill form and are administered orally (by mouth). Most legal steroid compounds are dosed at two to three times a day with meals.

Legal steroids have zero negative side effects, unlike the original injectable steroids that are now banned. Because there are no negative side effects, legal steroids are actually a healthier and less risky alternative that still delivers your optimum desired results.

Legal oral steroids are available at Crazy Bulk with no prescription needed. That means you can buy any of their supplements based on your individual goals without the need of a doctor’s permission or approval. Since there are no negative side effects with any of their products, there is no need for a doctor’s supervision to use them.

The steroid supplements from Crazy Bulk are 100% legal. We couldn’t review them if they weren’t. To get illegal steroids, you would have to buy them on the black market and run the risk of getting fake steroids or contaminated substances that aren’t even steroids. When you buy on the black market, you don’t know for sure what you are getting or putting into your body. Black market steroids are highly dangerous. The steroids you’ll get from Crazy Bulk are all 100% legal to purchase, possess and use and are a much safer alternative to illegal substances.

Crazy Bulk steroids are just as effective as the original steroids that are now banned. They are so effective at producing monster, massive muscle gains that athletes and bodybuilders use their products faithfully and looking at them is proof that they work! The ingredients in their steroid compounds are tested and proven to be effective in supporting gains in lean muscle mass which is the goal for the majority of their customers. People wouldn’t take them if they didn’t work! Check out their testimonials page and see for yourself. Crazy Bulk steroids really do work!

No Side Effects

With illegal, testosterone based injectable steroids, there is a whole host of negative side effects associated with their use. Some of the negative side effects include the shrinking of the testes, a higher pitched voice, gynecomastia (man boobs), acne, rage and overt aggression. With the legal steroids from Crazy Bulk, you get all the benefits of steroids such as massive gains of quality muscle tissue, increased physical strength, increased energy and stamina, higher endurance and increased metabolism with zero side effects.

All ingredients used in their steroid compounds are 100% natural ingredients and completely harmless. The idea that in order for steroids to work they must also have harmful side effects is outdated and just plain wrong. Scientific advancements in the development of steroid alternatives have made it possible to get all the positive effects of steroids without tearing up your body or creating hard to treat chemical or hormonal balances.

Crazy Bulk products not only are effective, they are actually healthy. Their formulas are proven to build muscle, but they also enhance mood, give you more energy for your workouts and even enhance your quality of sleep. All without any harmful ingredients whatsoever.

Crazy Bulk vs The Competition

Crazy Bulk is a unique company in that everything they sell is for the benefit of your health. Not only are these products legal, they are effective and harmless. Manufactured in the United States, their facilities are cGMP certified, which means that all of their products are made in FDA inspected facilities to ensure the purity and integrity of all ingredients and manufacturing practices. The company is taking the FDA standards very seriously, which is why more people trust us to supply their steroid needs than any other manufacturer. With Crazy Bulk, you can be assured that the products we review are the purest form of legal oral steroids available and they company is standing behind that promise. Other competing companies simply can’t match the Crazy Bulk promise.

Manufacturing Facilities

The facilities where Crazy Bulk products are manufactured are clean, modern and use the most current manufacturing technologies available. They know that to produce a top quality product, it must be manufactured perfectly. The FDA inspects their manufacturing plants twice yearly and the facilities not only pass inspection, they have been awarded the cGMP which stands for Certified Good Manufacturing Process. These are strict FDA mandated standards that ensure the integrity of their manufacturing processes.

Many of the products you see on other sites are manufactured in uncertified facilities that are not inspected or approved by the FDA. Some black market steroids are made in people’s bathtubs! This is why you must only buy steroids from a trusted source like Crazy Bulk.


Crazy Bulk are constantly hearing positive feedback from their customers, both from new customers trying their products for the first time as well as experienced and repeat customers. These testimonials are 100% true accounts from actual Crazy Bulk customers that tell very real stories of how Crazy Bulk products have helped them completely change their bodies. Some of the testimonials are thanking us for helping them achieve excellent results in muscle gain and definition.

Other testimonials are from people who had tried everything else and failed, but with Crazy Bulk products they broke through the barriers and finally found the products that worked. These are their most inspirational stories; stories of amazing fat loss and impressive body re-composition! These people were overweight, tired all the time and had given up hope until they found Crazy Bulk and their products changed their lives. See more of these stories on their testimonials page for more inspiration.

Steve H. from Florid

  • This is my first set of cycles since I started lifting a year ago. After a two month bulking cycle, I wanted to try cutting. I kept hearing about Anvarolso I gave it a try. In the first two weeks, I lost a lot of water, which everyone said to expect. Then about week four the fat started coming off. By the time I finished the two-month cutting cycle, what had just been bulk before was now shredded and ripped, 100% muscle! I would recommend Anvarolto anyone who wants to drop the extra body fat and keep tons of mass!

Sam L. in Tulsa

  • I’ve always been the tall skinny guy who could never put on weight. I tried the gym but could never build muscle or keep any on my 6’2 frame. Then I found Testosterone Max. For the first time ever I was able to lift weights and actually notice results. I found a good bulking diet and went the full eight-week cycle with the Testosterone Max. I went from 150 pounds to a lean, mean 180 pounds in eight short weeks. The testosterone boost I got from Testosterone Max made me feel young, energetic and stamina that never wants to quit! I highly recommend it!

Myles B. in Houston, Texas

  • I was a semi-pro cyclist before I hurt my back in a race. Still an athlete, I did my best to stay in shape, lifting weights and eating to keep weight on. Well, I gained some muscle but I also gained a lot of unwanted body fat. My buddy told me about T-Bal 75 and a good cutting meal plan to go with it. I am pleased to say the unwanted pounds of body fat are completely gone after an eight-week cycle, and my physical endurance is off the charts. I’m ready to try a real bulking cycle now that I know about Crazy Bulk!

Brian C. in San Bernadino

  • I was always the funny guy at parties, drinking and not caring about my weight much. Then I got a little older and couldn’t get rid of the extra gained weight. I worked out and gained some muscle mass, but it was still hidden under about thirty pounds of flab. Then I got some Clenbutrol to try and Wow! After four weeks, I had lost 19 pounds of pure fat. At eight weeks, I could actually see definition in my abs, arms, and back. Needless to say, no more pizza and beer binges for me. I’m on the wagon thanks to Crazy Bulk!

Bobby J. from New Orleans

  • I have always been active but when I hit 40 I noticed it was harder to put on muscle and keep it on. A bunch of guys at the gym told me I needed testosterone, so I did some research and found T-Bal 75. I was skeptical at first, but once I had it in my system I felt like I could hit the gym harder, longer without the fatigue I experienced before. After just four weeks, I started seeing results. I finished the eight-week cycle with a 24-pound muscle gain and very little fat or water retention. And my energy is better than when I was 20! I recommend T-Bal 75 to anyone looking to gain lean, quality muscle mass without a lot of fats!

Pat H. in Midwest City, Ok

  • I’ve been a truck driver for many years and relied on my physical strength for a lot of lifting and manual labor in my business. With age creeping up on me, I started to lose that strength and fatigue would get to me whenever I tried to work out. Then I found D-Bal. I modified my diet some and within two weeks noticed a huge increase in energy and endurance, both at work and at the gym. I could lift more and workout longer which started putting on the muscle. My wife noticed the arms of my work shirts started to get tight as my biceps and shoulders started developing. I look and feel like a million bucks thanks to Crazy Bulk and D-Bal!

Jason D. in Santa Cruz, CA

  • Living in sunny California, I am constantly on the beach. Compared to other guys I’ve always been the small one – not fat but not strong either. In a Muscle & Fitness magazine, I found an ad for Anadrolethat was supposed to help with muscle gain. I ordered a four-week cycle and started eating right. After about three weeks I started noticing not only more muscles, but higher endurance for longer workouts. I ordered another four-week supply to finish out the eight week cycle and I am so glad I did. After eight weeks, I had gained 28 pounds of muscle and very little fat. My strength has quadrupled at least and I can keep up with the rest of the guys on the beach now. Thanks to Anadrole I am no longer one of the smaller guys in my group! I will never go back to feeling like that now that I know how to add quality muscle and strength with Anadrole!

Ling X. in San Francisco

  • I am 21 years old and could not put on weight. I tried eating more and working out but never got any good result. Then I heard about Human Growth Hormone from a guy at school. I got some and started using it faithfully. Everything about me started growing. Even my hair. I must have put on close to 20 pounds in the first four weeks! I was no longer self-conscious in the gym like before and started going more often. By the end of the eight week I had gained 27 pounds and could bench more than I ever thought possible. Somatropinnehas changed my life!

David J. in Lexington, KY

  • I was in the gym constantly but could never bulk up like the other guys. Finally, they told me about the bulking stack at Crazy Bulk. I got the stack of four formulas and started right away on an eight-week cycle. In two weeks I noticed my energy and stamina were tons better. In four weeks, I had gained 15 pounds of muscle and by the end of eight weeks I could bench as much as one of my friends that have been lifting for years. I am purely amazed at the Bulking Stack from Crazy Bulk! I will never be a weakling again!

Angela C. in Portland, OR

  • I am writing this because your product changed my husband forever. He has struggled with his weight since I’ve known him. He’s a big guy, 6’4, and 280 pounds. Someone at the gym suggested he try theCutting Stackby Crazy Bulk (and this guy was really buff). Jim wasn’t too crazy about the diet at first but once he started seeing results he started wanting to work out more. Let me tell you, he looks even better now than he did when we were in college! And he played football! Thank you, Crazy Bulk. From Jim’s wife Angie.

Alissa G. from Nebraska

  • As a girl in the gym with a bunch of guys, I was already the weakest link. I wanted to try the supplements that everyone was using, but none of them was for women. That’s why I got so excited about Winidrol. Finally one I could use! I bought enough for a four-week cycle, but my results were so amazing at four weeks I continued and did the whole eight weeks. I saw tremendous gains in strength and my body fat dropped to 12%. I’m not overly bulky, but man am I cut! I tell all my friends about Winidrolnow! It’s awesome!

Proven Effectiveness

The proof that these products work is in the results, plain and simple. Not only do Crazy Bulk products achieve results, they achieve results quickly. When Crazy Bulk products are made, they are first tested for effectiveness before they are ever manufactured and sold. In the testing phase, their subjects use the products as directed in 30-day increments. All of the subjects tested see impressive results in that first 30 days. Results after the full 60-day cycles are nothing short of amazing. That’s how the company knows when a formula is ready to manufacture and sell to the public, because we know for sure that they work.

Our test subjects also become Crazy Bulk customers! When you make the decision to improve your body and fitness, you want products that are already proven to work. With Crazy Bulk products, you can order with confidence that their steroid supplements are legal, of the highest quality, and above all else, proven to work.

How to Use?

Steroid Cycles

In the context of bodybuilding, it is of maximum importance that you take your health and fitness seriously and that you become an educated consumer when it comes to steroids and bodybuilding supplements. In this guide, you will learn about cutting cycles, building cycles and recovery cycles. You will also learn about stacking, and the concept behind building an intelligent, effective stack of steroids and/or supplements. As you build, cut and recover in your cycles, the proper nutrition, timing of the cycles as well as effective supplementing can make all the difference when it comes to reaching your individual goals. Building, cutting, and recovery cycles can run four weeks or for optimum results, they should run for eight weeks. These include:

  • Bulking cycles
  • Cutting cycles
  • Recovery cycles

In addition to recommending a minimum cycle of four weeks, we also recommend using only a single stack at a time. Stacks, as you may know, are combinations of steroids that are used together in a cycle to achieve the maximum desired effects. For the very best results achievable, we recommend you do an eight-week cycle of a stack, then 1.5 weeks off cycle and onto your next eight-week cycle with the next stack.

The Bulking Stack

The Crazy Bulk Bulking Stackcontains the four following steroid formulas:

  • D-Bal
  • Deca Duro
  • T-Bal 75
  • Testosterone Max

The four-week stack contains one bottle of each or a one month supply for a short cutting cycle. The eight-week stack contains two bottles of each or a two month supply for the recommended eight-week cutting cycle. For best results, we do recommend the eight-week cycles. While it is possible to achieve results in as little as four weeks, for maximum results that live up to your full potential, eight weeks is highly recommended per cycle.

With the Crazy Bulk Bulking Stack, you can expect:

  • Massive Bulking
  • Superior Strength
  • Mega Muscle Mass
  • Rapid Results – Within 30 Days!
  • NO Needles, Prescriptions or Injections Necessary

The Crazy Bulk Bulking Stack four week supply is $179.99, which is $50.00 less than the competitor’s price. Remember, if you are doing the recommended eight-week cycle, place two of these stacks in your cart. By purchasing the Bulking Stack for your bulking stack, you are saving over 20% purchasing the stack vs. each product individually.

The Cutting Stack

The Crazy Bulk Cutting Stack contains the four following steroid formulas:

  • Anvarol
  • Testosterone Max
  • Clenbutrol
  • Winidrol

The four-week stack contains one bottle of each or a one month supply for a short cutting cycle. The eight-week stack contains two bottles of each or a two month supply for the recommended eight-week cutting cycle. While it is possible to achieve results in as little as four weeks, for maximum results that live up to your full potential, eight weeks is highly recommended per cycle.

With the Crazy Bulk Cutting Stack, you can expect:

  • Serious Shredding
  • Superior Strength
  • Maximum Lean Muscle
  • Intense Energy Levels
  • Enhanced Endurance for Longer, Harder Workouts
  • Rapid Results – Within 30 Days!
  • NO Needles, Prescriptions or Injections Necessary

The Crazy Bulk Cutting Stack is $184.99, for savings of $30.00 less than the competitor’s price. By purchasing the stack, you save over 20% by purchasing the stack vs. each product individually.

The Ultimate Stack

The Crazy Bulk Ultimate Stack contains the six following steroid formulas:

  • Clenbutrol
  • D-Bal
  • Deca Duro
  • Testosterone Max
  • Anadrole
  • T-Bal 75

The four-week stack contains one bottle of each or a one month supply for a short cutting cycle. The eight-week stack contains two bottles of each or a two month supply for the recommended eight-week cutting cycle. For best results, we do recommend the eight-week cycles. While it is possible to achieve results in as little as four weeks, for maximum results that live up to your full potential, eight weeks is highly recommended per cycle.

With the Crazy Bulk Ultimate Stack, you can expect:

  • Maximum Muscle Gains
  • Explosive Energy
  • Super Strength
  • Exponential Increase in Endurance for Longer, Stronger Workouts
  • Rapid Results – Within 30 Days!
  • NO Needles, Prescriptions or Injections Necessary

The Crazy Bulk Ultimate Stack is $274.99, which is $80.00 less than their competitor’s pricing. By purchasing the Ultimate Stack, you are saving over 20% vs. purchasing each product individually.

  • IMPORTANT: When ordering the recommended eight-week cycles, place two (2) stacks in your shopping cart.

One (1) stack = 4 week supply
Two (2) stacks = 8 week supply (recommended)


So in the context of maximum fitness and bodybuilding, you build and work out in cycles. These are the bulking, cutting and recovery cycles. The minimum length of a cycle is four weeks; the recommended length of a cycle, however, is eight weeks. After each cycle, you should have a 1.5-week “off-cycle.”

For each cycle, Crazy Bulk has designed a stack to deliver the most desirable results for that particular cycle:

  • The Bulking Stack is for packing on massive muscle gains and body weight in lean muscle tissue.
  • The Cutting Stack is for shedding body fat and excess water while still achieving and retaining lean muscle gains.
  • The Ultimate Stack is for adding maximum lean muscle mass, super strength, and explosive energy.
  • No prescriptions, no needles & no injections;
  • No negative side effects – only great results;
  • In business since 2004 – FDA Inspected;
  • Every 3rd item free;
  • Discrete billing & free US/UK shipping;

All Crazy Bulk stacks have been designed for athletes by athletes who know from experience the process of legal steroid cycles and the benefits of intelligent stacking. When it comes to enhancing your performance, your overall strength, and your physical appearance, the Crazy Bulk guys are pros you can trust.

Positive Feedback

Every day at Crazy Bulk the coming is receiving letters, emails and photographs of customers who have tried their products and are more than satisfied with the results they have achieved. This positive customer feedback tells us that the company must be doing something right.

We believe in the products Crazy Bulk are selling because we hear from so many customers that these steroid compounds have changed the way they look, the way they workout, even the way they eat because they want to achieve the maximum best results possible. If you are a Crazy Bulk customer, we want to hear your feedback as well. You can tell us your story by emailing us [email protected].

Why Choose Crazy Bulk ?

Crazy Bulk is a multi-product online store specializing in the bodybuilding and strength training niches. The supplements we review are focused on muscle building, bulking and cutting, lean muscle retention and strength, performance, energy and endurance. Crazy Bulk products are tested and proven to provide customers with the results they desire so they can reach their own individual fitness goals.

Crazy Bulk products are based on and safely re-create the effects of illegal anabolic steroids such as Dianabol, Deca-Durobolin, and Clenbuterol – without the scary side effects that steroids are so well known for! All of their products are tested and proven to be pure, natural and 100% free of any negative side effects, unlike the original steroids. Their steroid compounds are scientifically formulated to mimic the properties of the original steroid in that they provide the same amazing results but without all the harmful side effects and risks. Crazy Bulk oral steroids are a better option than the original for many reasons.

First, no injections. Their supplements are in pill form and taken orally. Second, they are legal and easily obtained from their easy to navigate website. Also, no side effects like estrogen conversion or hormone imbalances that cause gynecomastia (man boobs) or shrinking of the testes. Illegal steroid use is expensive, risky, against the law and comes with awful side effects. Legal steroids from Crazy Bulk are the smarter alternative when you want to improve your fitness, gain massive amounts of muscle in proven bulking cycles and trim your body fat with proven cutting cycles. Legal steroids from Crazy Bulk are the best alternative, hands down!

Their products are a 100% safe and legal alternative to anabolic steroids. Crazy Bulk supplements are ideal for natural bodybuilders, athletes and strength trainers. Crazy Bulk customers are bodybuilders, athletes from many different sporting organizations, competitive fitness pros, fitness buffs, even fitness models. Personal trainers highly recommend their products to their clients who want to make the most of every workout, and it shows in their amazing results. Athletes of all kinds use Crazy Bulk products to gain muscle mass and strength which in turn enhances their performance both in the gym and on the playing field. Bodybuilders use these products to increase their muscle mass and to burn off excess body fat and water gain to be competition ready.

Fitness models have to look trim toned and ripped in front of the camera for a living, so they use their products to increase their stamina for workouts and enhance their physical appearance for photo shoots. Even everyday people outside of the sports and fitness industry use their products because of how good they look and feel being toned and fit. It is also recommended for optimum health to have a healthy muscle to fat ratio in your body.

The more muscle your body has on it, the more efficient your metabolism is. With a higher metabolism, your body is able to process carbohydrates and fat at a much higher rate so that they are used for energy rather than stored as excess body fat. That is how you keep your muscle-to-fat ratio at a healthy level.

Other Benefits for Crazy Bulk customers include:

  • Free US and UK shipping;
  • Every 3rd item free;
  • Free t-shirt for before and after pictures;

Pricing & Crazy Bulk Coupon

Lowest Pricing

Crazy Bulk has a reputation for selling the best supplements available on the market today. They bring you the cutting edge in nutritional support when it comes to performance enhancing products. Not only do they market and sell the best, most effective bodybuilding supplements, they leave the competition in the dust when it comes to pricing.

Crazy Bulk beats all competitors prices!

You will notice on every item they sell they also list your savings. Crazy Bulk prices are always lower than their competitor’s prices. At Crazy Bulk, you can get all the supplements and stacks you need to optimize your performance at the lowest possible price. For example:

T-Bal 75 (Trenbolone) 30-day supply – competitor’s price: $85.00 – Crazy Bulk price: $61.99 = $23.01 savings. This is a saving of $23.01 which is nearly 40% less than their competitor’s price!

Buy 2 – Get 1 Free

Crazy Bulk wants to thank you for being a loyal customer. As a benefit to being one of their customers, they are now offering you a special pricing deal of Buy 2 Get 1 Free! This exclusive special package discount is only available at Crazy Bulk as their competition doesn’t offer it! For example:

Competitor’s price for three bottles of T-Bal 75: 3 x $85 = your cost $255.00
Crazy Bulk Price with Buy 2 Get 1 free = 2 x $61.99 + 1 free = your cost $123.98! This is a saving of $131.02!

So not only are Crazy Bulk’s prices lower than the competitor’s, when you use the Buy 2 Get 1 free you end up saving more than a 50% savings over the competitor’s pricing!

Buy any 2 products or stacks and get a 3rd for free!

Since most supplements come in bottles of 30 day supplies, and the recommended length of any bulking or cutting cycle is 60 days, it just makes sense to buy 2 bottles now and take advantage of the Buy 2 Get 1 Free. You can choose a third bottle of the same supplement, or a completely different formula depending on what your fitness and health goals are. It is definitely too good a deal to pass up!

Here is how easy it is to get a third bottle free:

  1. Select any 3 products you want to buy and place them in the shopping cart;
  2. The least expensive item in your cart will be given the discount;
  3. If you add 3 of the same item, the 3rd will be free;
  4. Click On your Shopping Cart (Top Right) and click checkout and pay for your order;
  5. This works automatically for every 3rd item you add, so if you order 6 items, you will get 2 free. The 2 least expensive items in your cart will automatically be discounted and free. The Buy 2 Get 1 free discount applies to unlimited purchases. Every third item is absolutely free!
  6. Buy 2 Get 1 free Including Stacks! Buy 2 Stacks Get 1 Stack free

If you have questions about an order not adding up properly, email us before you submit the order at [email protected] that we can help you straighten it out and get your free items.

  • Limit 1 free product per 2 full price items in each order. This cannot be combined with any other discount, special offer or coupon code. Free bottle or stack must be of equal or lesser value.

** Your free item must be submitted with your order. Requests to receive a free item after your order is shipped will not be honored.

Stacks: Special Discounted Pricing

Get more for your money!

Stacks are specially priced at a steep discount. Even though Crazy Bulk prices for individual items are already lower than their competitor’s pricing, stacks are even more discounted. What this means is you save an additional 20% by purchasing a stack rather than buying the items individually. Stacks are combinations of supplements that are designed by Crazy Bulk. See their Stack/Combo page for more details! For example:

The Ultimate Combo Stack includes:

  • 1 x D-Bal (Dianabol) Crazy Bulk Price $59.99
  • 1 x Testosterone Max (Sustanon 250) Crazy Bulk Price $59.99
  • 1 x Deca Duro (Deca Durabolin) Crazy Bulk Price $61.99
  • 1 x T-Bal 75 (Trenbolone) Crazy Bulk Price $61.99

When purchased separately: your total cost is $243.96. When purchased as a stack, your total cost is $179.99. This is a saving of $63.9, you can save over 20% by purchasing a Crazy Bulk Stack!

Crazy Bulk Special Benefits

Free Crazy Bulk Stack & T-Shirt

How would you like your very own Crazy Bulk t-shirt? Simply email your own before and after pictures to Crazy Bulk and they will ship out your shirt to you the very next day!

On top of your free Crazy Bulk t-shirt, they will also send you a free stack of your choice! Just choose the stack you want from their stack/combo page and they will send it out with your free t-shirt!

Free UK and US Shipping & Handling

There are zero shipping and handling charges for US and UK orders, no matter how big or how small your order may be. Free shipping offer is unlimited, so order as many times as you want from Crazy Bulk and never pay shipping and handling charges for US and UK orders.

Discounted International Shipping

Shipping outside US and UK for a flat rate of only $9.99! This means shipments outside US and UK are $9.99 regardless of the size of your order. Crazy Bulk ships almost anywhere, worldwide!

No Sales Tax

There is no additional sales tax added to any order, no matter where you are located.

Compare & Save

Crazy Bulk is so confident they have the absolute best pricing on the market. Crazy Bulk pricing simply cannot be beaten. Not only do they offer the greatest selection of the world’s best-selling performance enhancing supplements, they also offer the best deals at the lowest pricing and best discount rates in today’s competitive market! They are confident that you will not find a better deal anywhere on the best bodybuilding supplements worldwide!

Shipping & Handling

Crazy Bulk offers 100% free shipping and handling to any US and any UK address location. This applies to any size order, big or small. International shipments outside the US or the UK cost a flat fee of $9.99 regardless of where you are located or the quantities of products you have ordered.

All products are packaged and shipped in a private, discrete manner. Your items will arrive on average within three to ten business days from the time you place your order. Upon shipment, you will receive a confirmation email with tracking information included. All orders ship within 24 hours of being placed, but typically sooner.


All items may be returned or exchanged within seven days of receiving your order. All exchanges and returns must be pre-authorized before they can be shipped back to us. To qualify for refund or exchange, all returned products must be unused, unopened and in the original packaging. For opened and/or used merchandise, all sales are final with no refund or exchange option given.

Questions & Answers

Q. Are all of the products legal?
A. Yes! All Crazy Bulk products are 100% legal and safe alternatives to steroids. With their products, you will get all the positive benefits of actual steroids, but with none of the negative side effects associated with illegal steroids.

Q. Is a prescription required to order or purchase any of these products?
A. No! No prescriptions are necessary to order or purchase any of their advertised products.

Q. What are the locations in which these products are manufactured?
A. All of the Crazy Bulk products are manufactured and formulated to the highest cGMP standards in an FDA certified facility within the United States of America. Their laboratories receive yearly inspections by the FDA to guarantee ongoing and consistent manufacturing standards and practices.

Q. Where can I find the exact ingredients of the products Crazy Bulk are selling?
A. Crazy Bulk formulas are all proprietary and therefore protected. This is why we cannot list their ingredients on the website. You can be assured that all the ingredients used in their products are 100% legal and 100% safe and have never been shown to cause any sort of negative side effect.

Q. What are some of the side effects to using these products?
A. There are zero negative side effects to any of the Crazy Bulk products. They use only 100% natural and safe ingredients. These natural and safe ingredients give you all the incredible results of steroids, all legally, and with no negative side effects whatsoever.

Q. How much is the shipping and handling for my purchase?
A. Crazy Bulk offers 100% Free Shipping and Handling to any location within the US or the UK. International shipments outside the US or the UK cost a flat fee of $9.99, no matter where you are located or how much you order from them.

Q. How long before I see results from using these products?
A. With the proper exercise, diet and nutrition programs, Crazy Bulk customers usually see results within two to three weeks, but with some individuals results are seen in about the fourth week. The majority of their customers choose a monthly cycle depending on their own personal goals and desired results. To keep your results consistent, it is highly recommended that you continue your monthly regimen for as long as you are actively working on your muscle building fitness campaign.

Q. What methods of payment are accepted at Crazy Bulk?
A. Currently, all major credit cards are accepted like MasterCard, Visa, and American Express. PayPal is available too. A 256-bit encryption program is used at checkout to ensure your privacy and that your transaction details are secured.

Q. My credit card keeps being declined. Why?
A. Sometimes there is an AVS mismatch with transactions. For assistance please email Crazy Bulk. They can help you get your transaction approved and processed in a quick and expedited manner.

Q. What about the sales taxes?
A. There are no sales taxes associated with the products.

Q. Are refunds accepted?
A. Crazy Bulk will offer you a refund on all unopened, unused products for seven days after the order was placed should you change your mind and wish to request a refund. Please email them for a pre-authorization so that they can arrange for shipment and process your refund and return.

Q. What kind of packaging will be shipped these products in?
A. Crazy Bulk uses only 100% discretely marked packaging during delivery to guarantee your full privacy. Your trust is important to them and your privacy is of utmost concern. They take every measure to ensure your delivery is unmarked and privacy is guaranteed.

Q. How do I know these products really work?
A. Check out the customer feedback and testimonials page, which include actual, unretouched before and after photographs of real Crazy Bulk customers. They are also offering a free Crazy Bulk t-shirt in exchange for before and after photos of their customers. Send them yours!

Customer Service Commitment

If you have a question for us but did not find an answer in our FAQ’s, please email our customer service at [email protected] and one of our customer service representatives will do their best to assist you and answer any questions you may have about their products or services.

We are dedicated to reviewing not only the best bodybuilding supplements on the market, we also take pride in our rate of customer satisfaction. Should you have any questions about the use, purchase, shipping, tax or delivery of your products, please contact our customer service team and we will do our very best to meet or exceed your expectations.

A satisfied customer is a repeat customer, and we do our best to meet those demands daily. We strive to be better than the industry standard when it comes to fitness products and services, and it is our goal to exceed those standards with every customer, every purchase, every transaction. Here, we appreciate you and want to keep you as a long-term repeat customer. Crazy Bulk
Summary: Crazy Bulk legal anabolics are formulated and manufactured in the United States using the highest quality, pure, pharmaceutical grade ingredients, meaning you get fast gains with no side effects, and no prescription needed.

My CrazyBulk Review

Michele White : I always struggled with gaining more muscle. I workout about four days a week, and I even have my own personal trainer to work with me twice a week. Unfortunately, it can get tough to really see more muscle mass because I have low testosterone. I always knew that I had low testosterone levels because I have consistently had an overall lack of energy over the past several weeks.

I decided to try out Crazy Bulk. Someone recommended it to me because they knew I just never had the energy to workout at my fullest potential. With Crazy Bulk, it’s practically steroids that aren’t illegal. This is what intrigued me the most.

I noticed that it gave me no side effects, no injections, and literally zero prescriptions to get it. Someone explained to me that these are made of high quality pharmaceutical grade ingredients. It gave me the energy that I needed as well. My entire life changed when my testosterone levels were at an all time high.

Working out at the gym was another success because every time I worked out I was always on the go. My body didn’t want to give up within 20 minutes of being at the gym. Crazy Bulk helped me get the mass I wanted without the struggles of needed ing illegal steroids. I would recommend Crazy Bulk to any guy who needs to boost their testosterone.

Matthew Hood : I’ve always been weary of products that advertise sensational gains, because the first thing that comes to mind is that they are illegal. I’ve been lifting heavy weights for years, and I’ve tried every product imaginable to gain muscle mass. I’m a naturally thin guy, so this has been quite a difficult task for me. I came across CrazyBulk and decided to give them a try, since they offer pharmaceutical grade legal products, and they have been inspected by the FDA. Since my main concern is bulking up, I decided to try Anadrol, which is one of their bulking and strength anabolic agents.

From what I can tell by using it for two months, this is by far the best bulking product that I have ever tried. I have gained about 8 lbs of muscle in this short time, which is a spectacular gain for me. I’m sure that someone who gains muscle more easily could see better results than I have. I am extremely satisfied with this product, and I plan to keep using CrazyBulk products to meet my bulking needs.

In terms of measurements, by biceps have gone from 15 inches to 16 ¼ inches, and my thighs have gone from 20 inches to 22 inches in the 2 month span that I have started using this product. CrazyBulk does have other bulking products, but since this is working so well for me, I think it would be crazy to switch now to try another formulation. I am very satisfied with the results that I’ve gotten so far.

Derek S. Quintero : Crazy Bulk is my main steroids supplier since I found them online. Smooth transactions, great support as always, fast delivery and last but not least – perfect legal steroids without the need of any prescription. 5 out of 5 rating from me! Highly recommended! Best steroids suppler ever!

legal steroids


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