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Brock Lesnar Steroids
Brock was the youngest ever WWE champion. He dominated his high school wrestling team. Winning the 2000 NCAA heavyweight wrestling championship and placing second in 1999, he was spotted at a young age by...
Muscle In Video Games
How could I not do an article about muscle in video games? Anyone young or old now will have noticed this, while movies seem to be going away from the typical masculine and muscular...
Big Markus Rühl and Steroids
Markus Rühl got disqualified in 1999, not because of steroid use, but because he tested positive for diuretics. He was 27. The freakishly big strong German ten years before was a teenager with a...
How To Get Toned Up
Toning up. Two words that just don’t go together because the fact of the matter is, toning up just doesn’t exist! We hear this all the time when asking someone what their fitness goals...
How Do You Lose Weight In An Hour?
It’s that time again! The time where I read over some of the questions you’ve sent to me and I attempt to answer them! What makes this so exciting is I never check what...
Are Female Bodybuilders Using Steroids?
Bodybuilding is one of the more popular sports and leisure with the most passionate enthusiasts. Feeling and looking good when engaging in bodybuilding is not just a treat but has become a lifestyle for...
How to Build Muscle Fast at Home
So you want to know how to build muscle fast at home, do you? You want to add large slabs of muscle mass and look sexy, you know you need to train the legs...
Ciclo de HgH para principiantes: Guía de dosis recomendada para los usuarios
Cada vez son más los hombres y las mujeres que buscan realizar algún tipo de ciclo de hgh, y teniendo en cuenta los beneficios que la hgh promete ofrecer, esto no debería ser una...
Ciclo HgH per principianti: Guida al dosaggio raccomandato per gli utenti
Sempre più uomini e donne stanno cercando di entrare in una sorta di ciclo di hgh, e considerando i benefici che hgh promette di offrire, questo non dovrebbe venire come uno shock.
Ma questi cicli...
Cycle HgH pour les débutants : Guide de dosage recommandé pour les utilisateurs
De plus en plus d'hommes et de femmes cherchent à se lancer dans une sorte de cycle de hgh, et compte tenu des avantages que la hgh promet d'offrir, cela ne devrait pas être...
HgH-Zyklus für Einsteiger: Empfohlene Dosierung Leitfaden für Benutzer
Immer mehr Männer und Frauen suchen nach einer Art Hgh-Zyklus, und in Anbetracht der Vorteile, die Hgh zu bieten verspricht, sollte dies kein Schock sein.
Aber sind diese Zyklen wirklich wirksam und wert zu tun?...
Be the Man You Always Wanted to Be!
Good looks are not enough! If you don’t agree, imagine a good-looking man with a whale-like belly. Does that sound pleasant? I am sure not. Do you want to be that guy? Again, I...
The Best Way to Build Muscle – The Squat
Today we are going to discuss the best way to build muscle mass on those legs which means the squat and the importance of this exercise on building leg muscles. I get asked all...
Anavar πριν και μετά τις εικόνες : Καταπληκτικές Κριτικές, Μετασχηματισμός Σώματος Ανδρών και Γυναικών
Επισκόπηση της Anavar πριν και μετά από αρσενικό και θηλυκό
Anavar πριν και μετά από γυναίκες και άνδρες φωτογραφίες δείχνουν πόσο αποτελεσματική μπορεί να είναι όταν πρόκειται για τη μεταμόρφωση του σώματός σας και την...
How To Stretch Properly
It’s amazing to watch some of the guys and girls at the gym stretch before and/or after their workout. I often find myself thinking, "Where did you learn to stretch like that?!". The truth...
MMA in a Street Fight
A lot of people get in touch with me about being involved in martial arts for so many years and what I think about MMA and if it is useful in a street fight...
Anavar Side Effects
Today I plan on speaking about Anavar side effects. Hence the name Anavar Side Effects for the article! While I am a huge fan of this drug, as can be seen in all of...
How to Choose the Best Steroids Online
It’s pretty obvious that we are now living in a modernized world. It’s because of the newest and most advanced technology that makes everyone more comfortable. The discovery of the latest tools and equipment...
How to Pass a Steroid Drug Test when You’re Using Steroids
I’ve been to several forums with topics like this and I was glad the members were all helpful in providing creative and really good answers. If you’re already panicking because your steroid drug test...
Have Steroids Helped Branch Warren Heal?
At Guest Posing at the 2013 St. Louis Pro, Branch Warren was asked to comment on critics saying he may have won the most muscular titles but he will never be Mr. Olympia, Warren...
Salman Khan’s Bodybuilding Secrets
We are here to talk about Salman Khan Bodybuilding. Nothing has hit the world of India and Bollywood as hard and is seen as such an exciting growing talent as this guy, Salman Khan...
Does John Cena Use Steroids?
We have John Cena Bodybuilding. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve been asked this question or seen things on the forum such as “How does John Cena have such big arms”...
Are There Any Legal Steroids Out There?
If you’re referring to legitimate and effective steroids that you can just buy over the counter, no, they’re not legal. The steroids, prohormones, and steroid analogies you see and probably use are all controlled...
How to Build Chest Muscle Fast
So you want to build a big chest, aye, and who doesn’t in this day and age we all want a big chest, don’t we? So below I’m going to tell you how to...
Anavar Före och efter bilder: Förvånande omdömen, kroppsomvandling av män och kvinnor
Översikt över Anavar före och efter man och kvinna
Anavar före och efter kvinnliga och manliga bilder visar hur effektivt det kan vara när det gäller att förändra din kropp och bygga trimmade och magra...
Anavar voor en na foto’s: Verbazingwekkende recensies, lichaamstransformatie van mannen en vrouwen
Overzicht van Anavar voor en na man & vrouw
Anavar voor en na vrouwelijke en mannelijke foto's laten zien hoe effectief in kan zijn als het gaat om het transformeren van je lichaam en de...
Anavar antes e depois de Pics: Revisões Incríveis, Transformação Corporal de Homens e Mulheres
Visão geral de Anavar antes e depois dos homens e das mulheres
Anavar antes e depois de fotos femininas e masculinas mostram como pode ser eficaz quando se trata de transformar o seu corpo e...
Did Batista Take Steroids?
Batista Steroids
As often as we get asked the question Batista Steroids, we commonly also get asked “Btw, do you think he’ll ever be back in the WWE!?” This one makes me laugh the most...
Most Popular Steroid Cycle Techniques
Steroids are not easy to use or administer into the body. A lot of people think that taking steroids is as simple as popping a pill into their mouths or injecting some substance into...
Fastest Ways to Build Chest Muscle
So you want to know the fastest ways to build chest muscle, right? Then let’s not do a big fancy intro, let’s just dive straight into the article!
First off I’m assuming you are benching...
Child Martial Arts: Is It Good for Your Kids?
Martial arts for children is essential. Why? Because it teaches them the following things.
It teaches them to be self-aware of real-life threats such as abduction, child molesters, and it also builds confidence and teaches...
Sylvester Stallone on Steroids
When it comes to machismo films, I definitely am a sucker for the Rocky movies. I vicariously lived and breathed Rocky and dreamed that someday, I too would be an underdog who would have...
How to Build Upper Body Muscle
So you want to know how to build upper body muscle? That’s perfect, let’s be logical, I’m going to assume that you are obviously EATING correctly already, and by that, I mean a high...
Lose Weight with Green Coffee Extract: Miracle Fat-Burner
How Does Green Coffee Bean Extract Work?
Chlorogenic acid is the component responsible for weight loss. When the beans are roasted, however, a substantial amount of this substance dissipates during the process, which explains why...
How to Build Muscle with Dumbbells
So you want to know how to build muscle with dumbbells mhm? You want to know the magic secret, well guess what, man? It’s exactly the same as with a barbell duh! Sure, maybe...
Did Brad Pitt Take Steroids to Prepare for Fight Club and Troy?
I recently came across a bodybuilding forum where a member posted a picture of a shirtless Brad Pitt which was taken from a scene of Fight Club and Troy. He then asked forum members...
Steroid Sports: Shall Steroids Become Legal?
Steroids and sports go hand in hand these days, and it’s no real surprise, whether it be high school, semi-pro, or professional sports, one thing that is demanded from us is excellence. We need...
Anavar før og efter billeder: Fantastiske anmeldelser, Body Transformation af mænd og kvinder
Oversigt over Anavar før og efter mandlige og kvindelige
Anavar før og efter kvindelige og mandlige billeder viser, hvor effektiv i kan være, når det kommer til at ændre din krop og opbygge trimmet og...
Anavar Fotos Antes y Después: Increíbles críticas, transformación del cuerpo de hombres y mujeres
Resumen de Anavar antes y después masculino y femenino
Anavar antes y después de fotos femeninas y masculinas muestran la eficacia en puede ser cuando se trata de transformar su cuerpo y la construcción de...
Anavar prima e dopo le foto: Recensioni sorprendenti, trasformazione del corpo di uomini e...
Panoramica di Anavar prima e dopo maschio & femmina
Anavar prima e dopo le foto femminili e maschili mostrano come efficace in può essere quando si tratta di trasformare il vostro corpo e la costruzione...
Anavar avant et après photos : Critiques étonnantes, Transformation du corps des hommes et...
Aperçu d'Anavar avant et après, hommes et femmes
Les photos d'Anavar avant et après femme et homme montrent à quel point l'in peut être efficace lorsqu'il s'agit de transformer votre corps et de construire une...
Anavar vor und nach Bilder: Erstaunliche Bewertungen, Körper Transformation von Männern und Frauen
Überblick über Anavar vor und nach männlich & weiblich
Anavar vor und nach weiblichen und männlichen Fotos zeigen, wie effektiv in sein kann, wenn es um die Umwandlung Ihres Körpers und den Aufbau getrimmt und...
Κολύμβηση Μυϊκή οικοδόμηση
Ω, αγόρι μου, αυτό πάλι, κολύμπι μυϊκή οικοδόμηση. Εννοώ ότι θα σκεφτόσασταν να κάνετε 3 άλλα άρθρα τις τελευταίες 3 εβδομάδες για το θέμα αυτό θα ήταν περισσότερο από αρκετό για να εκπαιδεύσει και...
Simning Muskeluppbyggnad
Oj, det här igen, simning för muskeluppbyggnad. Jag menar du skulle tro att göra 3 andra artiklar under de senaste 3 veckorna i detta ämne skulle vara mer än tillräckligt för att utbilda och...
Zwemmen Spieropbouw
Oh jongen dit weer, zwemmen spieropbouw. Ik bedoel je zou denken dat het doen van 3 andere artikelen in de laatste 3 weken over dit onderwerp zou meer dan genoeg zijn om op te...
Edifício Muscular de Natação
Oh rapaz isto de novo, construção muscular de natação. Quer dizer, pensariam que fazer 3 outros artigos nas últimas 3 semanas sobre este assunto seria mais do que suficiente para educar e ajudar aqueles...
Svømning Muskelopbygning
Åh boy dette igen, svømning muskelopbygning. Jeg mener, du ville tro, at gøre 3 andre artikler i de sidste 3 uger om dette emne ville være mere end nok til at uddanne og hjælpe...
Natación Musculación
Oh, esto de nuevo, la construcción de los músculos de la natación. Quiero decir que uno pensaría que hacer otros 3 artículos en las últimas 3 semanas sobre este tema sería más que suficiente...
Costruzione di muscoli per il nuoto
Oh ragazzo questo ancora una volta, nuoto costruzione del muscolo. Voglio dire che si potrebbe pensare di fare altri 3 articoli nelle ultime 3 settimane su questo argomento sarebbe più che sufficiente per educare...
Natation Musculation
Oh mon dieu, encore une fois, la natation et la musculation. Je veux dire que vous penseriez que faire 3 autres articles au cours des 3 dernières semaines sur ce sujet serait plus que...
Schwimmen Muskelaufbau
Oh Mann, schon wieder das Schwimmen als Muskelaufbau. Ich meine, man sollte meinen, dass 3 andere Artikel in den letzten 3 Wochen zu diesem Thema mehr als genug wären, um diejenigen von euch, die...
Κύκλος Dbol για bodybuilders: Dbol: Δοσολογία, αναμενόμενα αποτελέσματα
Το Dbol (ή Anabol) είναι ένα αναβολικό στεροειδές που χρησιμοποιείται για γρήγορη αύξηση της μυϊκής μάζας.
Η διαδικασία λήψης του για ένα καθορισμένο χρονικό διάστημα (π.χ. 4 εβδομάδες, 6 εβδομάδες ή 8 εβδομάδες) είναι γνωστή...
Dbolcykel för kroppsbyggare: Dosering, förväntade resultat
Dbol (eller Anabol) är en anabolisk steroid som används för att snabbt få muskelmassa.
Processen att ta den under en bestämd tidsperiod (säg 4 veckor, 6veckor eller 8veckor) är känd som Dbol Cycle.
Det är en...
Steroids and Pregnancy
Steroids and pregnancy? This question is an interesting one. I’ve had to answer this question a lot recently. The most common questions are: “Can I get pregnant while using steroids” or “If I use...
Whey Protein Isolate Research
There are many excellent reasons as to why you must consider whey protein isolate, when you will soon learn. I really don’t want you to think of me or anyone else if they cannot...
Jessica Biel and Steroids: Does Jessica Use Steroids?
Jessica Biel Muscle
Man, we had to do an article on her, didn’t we? This girl is incredibly sexy, who wouldn’t want to be dominated by her? Mhm… But let’s look at her muscles, do...
Female Muscle Bodybuilding
So, you want to build muscle mass and you are female, well guess what? This is incredible! Honestly, there are so many girls now who look skinny, weak, and well, let’s be honest, it’s...
Dwayne Johnson and His Steroids-rich Movie Pain and Gain
Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson bulked up to nearly 300 pounds for his role in Pain and Gain, a movie that, yet again, brought steroids to bad light. In an interview, when asked if he...
Best Upper Body Exercises
It’s quite often I get asked this question “What is the best upper body exercise?” Straight away I feel like screaming, grabbing the individual in front of me, and choking him onto the desk....
Dbol Cyclus voor Bodybuilders: Dosering, verwachte resultaten
Dbol (of Anabol) is een anabole steroïde die wordt gebruikt om snel spiermassa te kweken.
Het proces van inname over een bepaalde periode (zeg 4 weken, 6 weken of 8 weken) staat bekend als Dbol...
Ciclo Dbol para fisiculturistas: Dosagem, Resultados Esperados
Dbol (ou Anabol) é um esteroide anabolizante utilizado para ganhar rapidamente massa muscular.
O processo de o tomar durante um período de tempo estipulado (digamos 4 semanas, 6 semanas ou 8 semanas) é conhecido como...
Dbol cyklus for Bodybuildere: Dosering, forventede resultater
Dbol (eller Anabol) er et anabolsk steroid, der bruges til hurtigt at få muskelmasse.
Processen med at tage det over en bestemt periode (sige 4 uger, 6 uger eller 8 uger) er kendt som Dbol...
Ciclo de Dbol para culturistas: Dosis, resultados esperados
Dbol (o Anabol) es un esteroide anabólico utilizado para ganar masa muscular rápidamente.
El proceso de tomarlo durante un período de tiempo estipulado (digamos 4 semanas, 6 semanas u 8 semanas) se conoce como ciclo...
Ciclo di Dbol per i bodybuilder: Dosaggio, risultati attesi
Dbol (o Anabol) è uno steroide anabolizzante utilizzato per guadagnare rapidamente la massa muscolare.
Il processo di assunzione per un periodo di tempo stabilito (diciamo 4 settimane, 6 settimane o 8 settimane) è noto come...
Cycle de Dbol pour les bodybuilders : Dosage, résultats attendus
Le Dbol (ou Anabol) est un stéroïde anabolisant utilisé pour gagner rapidement de la masse musculaire.
Le processus de prise sur une période de temps donnée (disons 4 semaines, 6 semaines ou 8 semaines) est...
Dbol-Zyklus für Bodybuilder: Dosierung, erwartete Ergebnisse
Dbol (oder Anabol) ist ein anaboles Steroid, das zum schnellen Aufbau von Muskelmasse verwendet wird.
Der Prozess der Einnahme über einen bestimmten Zeitraum (sagen wir 4 Wochen, 6 Wochen oder 8 Wochen) ist als Dbol...
Κλενβουτερόλη για τις γυναίκες Οδηγός – Περισσότερες κριτικές, Δοσολογία, Απλοί κύκλοι
Στο παρελθόν, η κλενβουτερόλη χρησιμοποιήθηκε από άνδρες και γυναίκες bodybuilders για να κάψουν το λίπος προκειμένου να γίνουν οι μύες πιο ορατοί.
Ωστόσο, όλο και περισσότεροι άνθρωποι υποστηρίζουν τώρα την Κλενβουτερόλη για τις γυναίκες που...
Clenbuterol för kvinnor Guide – Fler recensioner, dosering, enkla cykler
Tidigare användes Clenbuterol av manliga och kvinnliga kroppsbyggare för att bränna bort fett för att göra musklerna mer synliga.
Men fler och fler människor stöder nu Clenbuterol för kvinnor som vill gå ner i vikt.
Clenbuterol voor vrouwen Gids – Meer beoordelingen, dosering, eenvoudige cycli
In het verleden werd Clenbuterol gebruikt door mannelijke en vrouwelijke bodybuilders om vet te verbranden en zo de spieren zichtbaarder te maken.
Echter, meer en meer mensen zijn nu voorstander van Clenbuterol voor vrouwen die...
Guia Clenbuterol para Mulheres – Mais revisões, Dosagem, Ciclos simples
No passado, o Clenbuterol era utilizado por fisiculturistas masculinos e femininos para queimar a gordura, a fim de tornar os músculos mais visíveis.
No entanto, cada vez mais pessoas estão agora a apoiar o Clenbuterol...