Day Wise Routine to Lose Weight

The thing we all are crazy about is weight loss. Although this is a common word to hear, but there always this mystery about his word that leaves everyone thinking about them, what should be done rightly in order to shed pounds? If you search through the internet, you will see that the internet is booming with information about diet plans and the techniques to lose weight.

You will try to extract the required information but will lose track of the time, and you will find yourself in the middle of nowhere. That’s where most of the people get frustrated and leave the idea of diet plan and their lifelong wish to see themselves slimmed and trimmed.

Well to start any weight loss program all you need to focus in your body index and the weight you intend to lose on the first go. There are some tons of exercises and diet plans that claim to be the best and seem promising as well, but when any boy tries them, they are just sugar coated mere words nothing else. As said earlier you need just the right kind of diet plan with the exquisitely coupled exercises to help you get the desired results as earlier as possible.

One thing that should be assured at your part is the consistency and regularity. No matter which diet plan you choose and the work you opt for, you need to be highly punctual and sincere with what you are doing otherwise sweating you balls out in the gym will have no fruit for you. You should instead make a plan forth whole week coupled with some exercises like yoga would be of immense benefit if followed wholeheartedly.

The human body is not a machine, and it demands certain energy and stamina to endure all that you do the whole day. So don’t set for losing all the weight at once, go slowly and you will surely get there. People will try to distract you, it may seem impossible, but remember nothing impossible and with the consistency and hard work you are going to get what you always wanted.

Diet plan is of utmost importance in any workout plan, whether it’s a muscle building workout, or a weight loss. If you are not eating healthy and properly it means you are undoing every bit of effort you have put in the gym. Yes, one thing more, going on a diet doesn’t mean to starve you to lose weight, you need to provide your body the nutrients it requires.

Diet means eating healthy, fewer calories and low fats to lose weight; it doesn’t mean to stop eating at all. This would be a disaster for your health. According to a research, by lowering calorie density in your diet, you can easily lose a pound per week. Switching to lower calorie diets like fruits vegetables and fresh juices etc. not only makes you look fresh and healthy but reduce the chance of, breast, colon, lungs cancer.

Convinced enough? Here is your seven-day diet plan to lose weight effectively. It has been proven and tested and has showed the best results.

Fruit Day:

Well, this might be a hard day for you because you are just heading out. You will get used to it soon. On the day, one consume as many fruits as you can approximately 20 times day. From apples, strawberries watermelons and those fruits which have rich content of water. Drink plenty of water alongside and avoid mangos and bananas. The first day is going to set a tone for the following days.

Salad day:

On this day consume as many green leafy vegetables as you can, like iceberg lettuce, cucumber, olives, broccoli, carrots etc. you may eat them raw or with a little stir in the pan with the tiniest pinch of salt.

Blend some fruits and vegetables:

Blend the first two day diets and make healthy starts with some nutritious fruits and set your stomach on the lighter mood. Dinner and lunch should be accompanied with fruits and vegetables.

Tomatoes a healthy diet:

Adding some tomatoes to your diets without oil with some chunky cottage cheese is going to provide you with the good amount of energy, and will help you lose weight effectively. you may eat green leafy vegetables the whole day.

Wheat bread, soup, and banana:

With the no intake of heavy food on the first two days, it is impertinent to eat two to three bananas and a bowl of veggie soup is going to be a great deal of energy and very helpful in weight loss.

Add some fiber:

The inclusion of fiber is very necessary in order to give your body necessary strength. A chapatti and some vegetables, excluding tomatoes on the sixth day are ideal.

Blend all together:

A little bread, chapatti, brown rice without oil on the last day would be really helpful along with the soup and liquids.

You need to follow the plan wholeheartedly to get the desired results as early as possible.

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