Building muscle for women

So this article is all about women building muscle.

I always go on and so many guys about how attractive a woman with muscle looks. It shows confidence, it shows strength, it shows you are not an easy target.

I believe women should be, strong, powerful and sexy.

A lot of guys will say things such as “women shouldn’t do squats or women shouldn’t do this or that” ignore them, they haven’t a clue what they’re talking about.

If we are talking about building muscle for women the rules don’t change.

Men have naturally more “hormones” related to building muscle in higher quantities than women do. But the type of training we have to do does not change.

For a woman to look like an extremely big bodybuilder would take a tremendous amount of anabolic steroids (it does for men too) so don’t do that silly “I don’t want to look thick or chunky”

Instead focus on doing the correct lifts.

The squat, the deadlift, bench press, over head press, etc.

All of these exercises do a few things.

One they activate and recruit all of the best fast twitch muscle fibres leading to muscle gain and fat loss.

The squat for example burns more calories than ANY other exercise per rep, Fact.

The cause a huge hormonal response leading to dramatic fat loss and muscle gains.

When most women come to me to discuss building muscle for women they tend to want to add and tighten up their thighs, ass, stomach, and of course arm area where they usually feel they have some “Loose skin”

These are all easy fixes when we train correctly.

I always like to get my female clients doing chin ups to start with as well.

Why? Because chin ups work the BACK to a tremendous degree and by adding an inch or two of muscle mass to the back causes the body to widen and tighten all the skin around the chest, back and just make you look “tremendously” tighter.

The next thing that makes the “chin up” such a powerful exercise is its ability to work the abdominal muscles and stablizers, believe it or not it hits and recruits far more muscle fibres than the plank could ever do! Once again, not bad eh?

It also works the biceps to a tremendous degree and is often called “the upper body squat” due to its ability to burn fat and build muscle mass in quick succession.

Most girls become very good with the chin up and use it as an essential part of their training due to the fact it can work so many different muscle groups and is extremely powerful.

Likewise the squat is an exercise often loved by women. They appreciate it’s hard as hell but see the benefits. The squat works over 400 muscle groups, will tighten your abs, ADD muscle to those legs and just make you look great overall.

I’m going to provide you with a free routine of course that will allow you to see 6 months of solid progress.

Remember for every lb of muscle you have on your body it uses 65 calories per day to keep it, that means you can eat more and burn more fat! Not bad is it?

Part 2

You know what? I decided to go over a little bit of an idea. Basically this simple idea is I’ll go over some of the best exercises to build up certain muscles in females.

These are all tried and tested methods I use on my female clients when they have a certain body part lagging.

Today in Building muscle for women we are going to talk about shoulders.

Too many women neglect their shoulders, they come to me complaining about “our size.” I wish it was bigger/tighter but the problem usually tends to be that the shoulder size is not in line with the biceps/triceps preventing them from growing correctly or from looking anywhere near as sexy as they possibly could be.

The first thing I do when a female athlete comes to me over lagging shoulders is to get them doing the traditional over head press. A 5X5 routine for a good 6 weeks is normally enough to dramatically increase strength and size.

After this we may move onto a more traditional routine, one I like is 3 sets of 3 on the “over head press” to really push the strength levels of the female athlete. After the 3 sets of 3 she will move onto DUMBBELL overhead press and perform 5 sets of 10, 12, or 8 depending on what rep range and our goals are at this moment in time.

I’ve found that the barbell helps activate and recruit more muscle fibres by training with such a heavy weight and then we use the dumbbells to recruit the other muscle fibres and for time under tension to get the best of both worlds.

This tends to lead to not only recruiting and activating a hell of a lot of muscle fibres but also causing a HUGE hormonal release which we all know means more fat being burned and more muscle being built! Alas we are now talking about building muscle for women.

The shoulders should be getting hit often due to the fact we’re training them so often, if you think logically on chest day if you are using the bench press the shoulders get some work, on back day if you use pull ups your shoulders are getting worked etc.

But they still need to be hit directly and the over head press is the queen for building muscle mass on those shoulders! The amount of GUYS, who come to me with lagging shoulders and just won’t overhead press is pathetic.

I find girls tend to enjoy doing the harder exercise more than men do and are more accepting that they have to work hard to look great.

Again, this is just some basic muscle building advice for you.

But I do hope it is helpful in helping you reach your goals and pushing yourself further.

Part 3

Today on building muscle for women I plan to discuss how to build up those Hamstrings.

So many girls come to me complaining over the back of their legs (another area guys far too often neglect but women have the common sense to understand the importance of training!)

Anyways, moving on, they come to me often over this issue, just recently in fact someone asked my girlfriend how she got her hamstrings so big. She explained how she is a BIG, big fan of doing the sumo deadlift for the hamstrings along with the traditional deadlift.

Her friend responded back with “Well, what about squats?” Well of course my girlfriend squats, she loves the squat, she has almost hit 400lbs out on the squat and that is her next big goal.

But to get hamstrings like she has she knows that heavy deadlifts are needed.

The problem is so many girls just don’t want to do the deadlift. I asked her friend why she’d squat 3 times a week but not deadlift. The answer was, “it’s hard for me.” This is sad and something that always drives me crazy, if it’s hard it’s probably meaning it’s going to work and give you the best results.

Don’t come to us crying that you want to have some sexy hamstrings but you don’t want to work for it that is simply not on.

This article is about building muscle for women I never said it would be easy! In fact it most certainly WILL not be easy, however today I’m going to explain how you can build your hamstrings up and get the sexiest ass and legs possible on a woman.

First off yes you should be squatting any good workout routine requires good heavy squatting.

However the deadlift is important. Not only is it fantastic for building big hamstrings, it is also one of the best fat burning exercises on the planet, it works the stomach muscles and the back muscles to a tremendous degree! Honestly try to have a small, ugly back and deadlift over 200lbs it just WILL not happen!

So the deadlift has all of these benefits such as building back muscle, building a sexy ass, building stomach muscle, fat burning properties and of course building huge hamstrings!

I recommend the Sumo deadlift as I feel that really works the hamstrings while avoiding to put the same amount of pressure on the back that doing stiff leg deadlifts would do, (I believe these are more likely to cause injury and other problems/issues like this.

Again this is just a basic tip and advice on how to build some big glutes.

Some of my clients rotate so one week it would be the traditional deadlift, the week after it would be the sumo deadlift. I’ve also found this stops the lower back from over training and wearing it’s self out.

Again basic tips and advice but I hope you found them useful and capable of building muscle mass.

In the previous articles about building muscle for women we’ve discussed the hamstrings, The shoulders, and a few other areas. Today we are going to go over the Back muscles.

Something girls do tend to neglect is the back, similar to how many guys may neglect training their legs only to go on a beach showing a great chest, biceps, triceps, then little skinny chicken legs that just ruins it!

Women have done the same with their back.

I see some women with great arms, a great stomach, a nice pair of legs (thought I was going to say something else then, didn’t you!) and of course a great ass, but the back has sucked and honestly I remember a girl said it once to me.

There is nothing sexier than running your hand down a guy’s back who has a lot of muscle.

Well the same goes for a girl there is nothing sexier than having a girl with a nice strong/sexy toned back.

Look at all the magazines where the girl is topless the figure model facing away so we see her back, it has been used as one of the biggest “sexual” teases for a good reason, it is sexy.

So let’s go over how we can build up a good, sexy strong looking back shall we?

First off, the pull up! Yes, the pull up is the exercise, normally I get my clients to do 5 sets of 10 chin ups. As soon as I’ve got a female client capable of doing this, she is usually amazed by how much her back, stomach and biceps tighten up and improve in nice muscular size (Ie chicken wings go away!)

Now moving onto the next part, too many people give up on this. They say “I can’t perform pull ups” or I can only do 2, that doesn’t matter.

Something I’ve used with my female clients to a great degree is I’ve had them perform 10 sets of 2 reps before. The session afterwards they’ll do 10 sets of 3 reps, 10 sets of 4, by doing this every 5 days to a week I’ve had my clients get up to 10 sets of 10 and had some completely fantastic results.

After this I begin implementing other exercises and building up on the wide grip pull up, the wide grip pull up is the “best” exercise for the back and shoulders.

Other exercises worth doing are the deadlift which I already discussed in building muscle for women (hamstrings)

I hope you are enjoying this mini-series and if you need any more help and or advice then just join our forums! We have pro bodybuilders and of course pro figure models all willing to help you out.

Part 4

In the previous articles about building muscle for women we’ve discussed the hamstrings, The shoulders, and a few other areas. Today we are going to go over the Back muscles.

Something girls do tend to neglect is the back, similar to how many guys may neglect training their legs only to go on a beach showing a great chest, biceps, triceps, then little skinny chicken legs that just ruins it!

Women have done the same with their back.

I see some women with great arms, a great stomach, a nice pair of legs (thought I was going to say something else then, didn’t you!) and of course a great ass, but the back has sucked and honestly I remember a girl said it once to me.

There is nothing sexier than running your hand down a guy’s back who has a lot of muscle.

Well the same goes for a girl there is nothing sexier than having a girl with a nice strong/sexy toned back.

Look at all the magazines where the girl is topless the figure model facing away so we see her back, it has been used as one of the biggest “sexual” teases for a good reason, it is sexy.

So let’s go over how we can build up a good, sexy strong looking back shall we?

First off, the pull up! Yes, the pull up is the exercise, normally I get my clients to do 5 sets of 10 chin ups. As soon as I’ve got a female client capable of doing this, she is usually amazed by how much her back, stomach and biceps tighten up and improve in nice muscular size (Ie chicken wings go away!)

Now moving onto the next part, too many people give up on this. They say “I can’t perform pull ups” or I can only do 2, that doesn’t matter.

Something I’ve used with my female clients to a great degree is I’ve had them perform 10 sets of 2 reps before. The session afterwards they’ll do 10 sets of 3 reps, 10 sets of 4, by doing this every 5 days to a week I’ve had my clients get up to 10 sets of 10 and had some completely fantastic results.

After this I begin implementing other exercises and building up on the wide grip pull up, the wide grip pull up is the “best” exercise for the back and shoulders.

Other exercises worth doing are the deadlift which I already discussed in building muscle for women (hamstrings)

I hope you are enjoying this mini-series and if you need any more help and or advice then just join our forums! We have pro bodybuilders and of course pro figure models all willing to help you out.

Part 5

In this part of building muscle for women we are going to go over how to build those chest muscles up! Unfortunately there is no way to give you boobies the size of a porn star! But there is ways to help “raise” and improve the muscle around the chest in a more impressive way.

As usual I’m going to recommend a few different exercises especially when talking about building muscle for women.

As many of you have probably found out if you have “large” breasts it is hard to do a full range of motion with the traditional barbell bench press, for this reason many female figure models, bodybuilders and athletes in general prefer to use dumbbells as this allows them to get a greater range of motion and stops the breasts from “interfering.” is this any weaker than the traditional barbell bench press?


In fact many male bodybuilders prefer dumbbells over the barbell bench press due to feeling it “recruits” and activates more muscle fibres and there is actually some evidence to support this case.

Either way, it is a SUPERIOR exercise and should not be underestimated.

The next exercise I like to do is the weighted dip, this is a great chest exercise and on women something I’ve tended to notice and other elite level coaches also agree on is that it tends to “tighten” the cleavage in women, basically some girls claim it “pushes the breasts” in together slightly more, If you have a chest deformity or really wide separated breasts obviously don’t expect it to keep it look like it’s in a bra at all times.

Obviously there is only so much we can do naturally. But alas, these tips will help you build a big strong chest

(though benching heavy and doing heavy weighted dips have other good benefits too!)

These benefits are included but not limited to the following:

They work the triceps, biceps, shoulders, and stomach muscles as well! They cause a huge hormonal increase as do all heavy circuits and are great for fat burning.

Again these are just a few basic things you can do.

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