Anavar Dosage – Common Var Dosing, Men & Women Sample Dose Chart Guide

We educate about steroids (source) such as Anavar but we don’t sell or recommend them. We only RECOMMEND safe, effective alternatives to dangerous steroids without side effects such as ANVAROL Pills. See the tables below for top lean muscle, cutting products …


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Only by taking the proper Anavar cycle dosage will you be able to derive the benefits, be it for men or women.

While this is primarily known as the “steroid for girls”, the steroid can still be effective for men if used properly.

Contrary to what some may believe, taking the maximum dosage doesn’t make the results manifest faster, as there’s a cycle to follow.

What is the best way to cut fat while building muscle with legal steroids?

Right now it’s considered to be CrazyBulk Cutting Stack, here’s why:

It speeds up your metabolism, increases blood flow, and helps in burning your fat. As a result, you get a ripped and super-shredded body. Fat Burning Stack is able to mimic the effects of anabolic steroids. Yet organic components used for Crazy Bulk products are safe for your body.

The stack includes 4 effective supplements that help to reduce your body fat, promote muscle growth, and enhance your performance. Highly-effective components are blended in a way to bring the best and fastest possible results.

Benefits include:

  • Natural Steroids with proven effectiveness;
  • Organic components are safe for your health;
  • Contain a lot of useful vitamins and minerals;
  • Finishing cycle doesn’t lead to rollback of results;
  • No need for post cycle therapy;
  • Free worldwide delivery;
  • And absolutely NO Needles or Prescriptions
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• Shredding Body Fat
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Get Yours at: visit Cutting Stack official website

The Most Common Anavar Dosage

The best oxandrolone cycle works when it’s taken in accordance to the instructions and with a full meal. The appropriate Anavar dose also depends on your goals (cutting, bulking, losing weight etc.).

For most men, the effects of Anavar alone is not sufficient to produce gains regardless of the dosage, so stacking is necessary.

For women however, Anavar only cycle can work just fine for losing weight, but stacking is also an option depending on your objectives.

What should be clear is the dosages for men and women varies and that no matter how you take it, it’s going to require diet and workouts to see the maximum benefits.

About the side effects: there’s a reason why this steroid is popular with women and it’s because they’re mild.

If you’re worried about the side effects of anabolic steroids, be assured that this is one of the safest drugs available. Of course this rests on the assumption that you take the appropriate dosages during the cycles.

Also keep in mind that just because the above mentioned is the most common dosage doesn’t mean you have to restrict yourself to that.

Feel free to experiment and try different dosages during your cycles and see which one works best in terms of giving you strength and developing resistance.

What is the best safe legal Anavar steroid?

Right now it’s considered to be CrazyBulk Anvarol, here’s why:

A legal alternative to the anabolic steroid Anavar, Anvarol improves your strength and energy by stimulating phosphocreatine synthesis within your muscle tissue. Ideal for cutting cycles, you’ll shred fat whilst retaining lean muscle, giving your body a super lean and cut look. Suitable for both men and women.

This Anavar Oxandrolone alternative increases your phosphocreatine levels, helping to create ATP faster and giving you the energy needed to push harder and longer during your workouts.

Anvarol gives you the ongoing energy and explosive power you need to push your workouts harder and longer whilst shredding fat for a harder, sharper, leaner body. Benefits include:

  • SAFE & LEGAL Anavar Alternative
  • EXPLOSIVE Power & Strength
  • INCINERATE Visceral & Subcutaneous Fat
  • PRESERVE Lean Muscle when Cutting Calories
  • IMPROVED Muscle Hardness & Density
  • ENHANCED Vascularity
  • NO Needles or Prescriptions
  • RAPID RESULTS Within 30 Days
  • FREE Worldwide Delivery


  • Promotes FAST Fat Loss
  • Boosts Energy Levels
  • Retains Lean Muscle
  • Post-Workout

Get Yours at: visit Anvarol official website

Sample Anavar Dosage for Men

The beginner’s Anavar dosage (source) for men is 30 mg every day for the first seven days. Once you’ve completed the first week and want to gain more bulk, you can increase the dosage for the next week.

The maximum Anavar for men dosages you can safely consume is 100 mg every day, but that’s only for the advanced users who are used to stacking.

Do not increase the dosage dramatically in the middle of a cycle. No matter what the dosage is, you should divide it into two and take twice daily with food.

There are no set rules for how much you should increase for the best Anavar results. But one that’s popular even among new users is to start with 30 mg for seven days and increase it by 10 grams successively for the next two weeks, so by week 5 you’ll be taking 50 mg daily.

From weeks 5 to 7 you increase the dosage by another 10 mg weekly so by the final week you would be consuming 70 mg of the steroid daily.

Considering that the Anavar half life is 8 hours, you’re going to get pumped up by a lot.

Men rarely take Anavar alone, but whether you stack it or not it’s a good idea to consume tamoxifen (20 mg) a day for a month after the Var cycle is complete. Do this regardless of how strong the dosage is as it will help your body adjust and absorb the effects.

What is the best weight loss supplement with over 190,000 satisfied customers?

Suitable for men and women PhenQ is a popular prescription-free alternative to Phentermine. It’s compatible with vegan and keto diets alike and targets your weight loss in 5 different ways. Here is how:


Speed up the fat burning process by boosting your body’s metabolic and thermogenic rates to unveil a slim and sexy figure.


PhenQ contains ingredients that actually help stop the production of new fat, meaning you won’t need to worry about gaining weight.


PhenQ makes calorie-cutting easy by curbing your appetite and making over-eating and hunger cravings a thing of the past.


Recharge your batteries with a blend of energy-boosting ingredients designed to stop the energy dips caused by dieting.


Cutting calories can leave you feeling cranky, but PhenQ’s gentle mood enhancing properties ensure dieting won’t take its toll on your temper.

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Using the highest quality, natural ingredients and prepared in FDA and GMP approved facilities in the US and the UK, PhenQ is the ultimate, all-in-one weight loss pill.

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To support their weight loss journey, all customers receive free downloadable guides to help them track their progress, plan their meals and get in to exercise in order to maximise their results.

Start Your Journey Towards Your Dream Body: visit PhenQ official website to learn more

Sample Anavar Dosage for Women

If Anavar fat loss is your goal then an Anavar dosage for women starting at 2.5 mg will suffice. Most cycles for women last for 4 to 6 weeks, but since this steroid is pretty mild especially in low doses, you can extend the cycle up to 8 weeks.

During this period you take the 2.5 mg dose for the first couple of weeks and double it for the next two weeks.

By week 5 you should double the dosage again so you’ll be up to 10 mg daily. For the next couple of weeks, increase the Anavar cycle to 15 mg or 20 mg, and for week 8, put it back down to 10 mg.

If you’re wondering when to take Anavar, the best time is during the morning and evening, twice a day as mentioned earlier.

The Anavar dosage for female and males given here are just examples of how you can take this steroid, and if you’re an advanced user you can increase the dosage and stack it with various strength enhancers.

Why you should try increasing your testosterone levels for weight loss, lean muscle, life energy and libido goals?

Testosterone. It’s the Godfather of male hormones and the origin of all anabolic steroids. Testoprime is made for men who want more energy, to build muscle faster, to improve their mood or simply see a boost in their libido, here’s why:

It is made with focus on what men actually care about: feeling young and full of energy.

TestoPrime is about living your best life no matter your age by optimising your testosterone levels. Benefits include:

 Optimized metabolism to help increase thermogenesis and in turn help burn unwanted fat like a blow-torch to butter

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 Boosted motivation and stamina that makes you feel like you’re in your 20s again

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Burns body fat by up to 16%

Reduces stress by up to 71.6%

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Improves endurance by up to 92.2%

Converts fat into energy by up to 12%

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Why Choose TestoPrime Over Another Product?

We understand there are other products on the market that claim to help support healthy testosterone levels. 

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We know TestoPrime’s ingredients work. 

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Anavar: Doses, Results, Prices, and Side-Effects

Anavar was truly made for women and children because it doesn’t stunt the growth of children and doesn’t virilize women. It’s been used quite effectively as a drug to combat osteoporosis in women and actually promote growth in children.

Anavar is one of those drugs that everyone wants to hoard and hardly anyone wants to part with. It’s not that it’s the kind of drug that anyone could ever get huge on, but it’s a drug that produces the sort of hardness and crispness that bodybuilders could kill for! It’s a great drug for contest prep for this very reason. For those of you who care, it’s a good chick drug because it causes very few instances of virilization, a good thing considering how manly some of these women have become (and that’s just the fitness crowd!).

Okay, so if not much size off of this one, what’s the attraction? Besides having the ability to produce incredible hardness, it also produces great strength gains. Logically, that’s why people take it in a pre-contest cycle. They want to maintain their strength during the diet phase. That’s truly its two greatest advantages. The diet won’t totally beat you into the ground and you’ll be able to maintain your current level of mass during a diet because you’ll still be able to push the heavy weights! Plus, Anavar stacks exceedingly well with other steroids. Stacking Anavar with Winstrol injectable, Test Suspension, Primo (tabs or shots) and maybe a little Proviron and Nolvadex, and you’ve got a winning combination.

Anavar is a dream drug for those of you who think that more is more, and sometimes that can get you in trouble. Especially combining that mentality with a drug like Anadrol. Anavar, on the other hand, is something you can take handfuls of and never get enough! It should come in one of those giant M&M bags you get at Costco! Dose? For a respectable bodybuilder of 200-250 pounds, a dose of 50-60mg daily is good. The only downside is, that’s about 20 tabs a day! That can get expensive, but luckily, you neither have to, nor should you, take it for very long. Take it for shorter periods, in higher doses, to get the most bang for your buck. Also, receptor sites tend to burn out quickly with this drug so long cycles are pretty much useless.

A lot of guys take Anavar in between heavy cycles when they start taking HCG or Clomid, in order to prevent joint soreness. This is good in theory, but since Anavar can be so expensive, I don’t think this is the soundest drug to take for long periods or between cycles. Instead, take a light cycle of Deca if you need to keep soreness at bay. Okay, if you’re dead set on it, take a moderate 20-30mg dose to prevent soreness, but make sure you take a good long break before you truly need it next. It will work better that way; trust me.

What is the best safe legal Clenbuterol steroid?

Right now it’s considered to be CrazyBulk Clenbutrol, here’s why:

Clenbutrol replicates the powerful thermogenic and performance enhancing properties of celeb weight loss favourite Clenbuterol. It burns fat and improves cardiovascular performance by increasing oxygen transportation, enabling you to sculpt a lean and ripped body just as effectively as the real thing.

With your metabolism in overdrive, your body uses stored fat for its energy needs. You’ll burn through calories and shred body fat, leaving behind pure, ultra-lean muscle for a totally ripped physique.

Clen also increases oxygen flow, giving your cardiovascular performance a boost and charging up your muscles for a longer, more intense workout.

Clenbuterol fuels your workouts and turns your body into a full time, fat blasting furnace. Benefits include:

  • SAFE & LEGAL Clenbuterol Alternative
  • POWERFUL Fat Burning
  • INCREASE Muscle to Fat Ratio
  • PRESERVE Lean Muscle Mass
  • RIPPED Physique
  • IMPROVED Performance
  • ENHANCED Stamina & Endurance
  • NO Needles or Prescriptions
  • RAPID RESULTS Within 30 Days
  • FREE Worldwide Delivery
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  •  Powerful Fat Burning
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Get Yours at: visit Clenbutrol official website

Side Effects

Side effects with Anavar are tricky. Typically, you won’t get any of the acne or bloat you get with other drugs that are more androgenic. You shouldn’t become hypertensive or feel like dropping a house on someone who pisses you off in traffic either. But unfortunately, because Anavar is 17-alpha alkylated, it’s a drug that is capable of doing some fairly extensive damage to your liver, and unless you get regular checks and blood panels done, you won’t know the extent of the damage.In general, for this reason, I tell most people to try to avoid 17-alpha alkylated ‘roids, despite some of their more anabolic advantages. I always figure, you may as well get more mass gains while experiencing less risk, and this is just the opposite here. But there is the issue of hardness and damn-it-all if this drug isn’t capable of giving you some of the VERY BEST! I can’t explain it. Add to that the fact that, no-way, no-how does this drug aromatize into estrogen!!! That’s always good news and, to some, worth the necrotic liver!Price and Availability: Price can be high in most areas because of its (sometimes) scarce availability. It’s not impossible to get, but it’s more cost-prohibitive than some other garden variety ‘roids. Oxandrolone Spa (that’s the best variety) comes in a box of strips that only number 30 total. For that, you’re going to probably pay between $80 and $100 for a box in today’s market. There are also a number of Mexican pharmacies producing it now so availability should be good enough to steer clear of any back-alley products… for now anyway.


Lots of fakes here guys! Lots! Anavar is almost as knocked off as D-bol and Deca… well, maybe not that much, but it’s been knocked off a lot. And it appears to have taken in a lot of dummies back in the day who didn’t realize that, at that time, Searle hadn’t made a “football shaped” white Oxandrolone tab for MANY years! I have even seen the familiar purple boxes that Anavar came in, recycled over and over again. I remember one guy who would “showcase” his lousy fakes in the same box, to different customers, and then just keep the box for another “authenticity showing”! Eventually, he had to throw that dog-eared box away because it was beginning to divulge him as a fake!The most difficult Anavar/Oxandrolone to fake and the best to buy has always been the Oxandrolone Spa from Italy. It’s got to be the best quality for any 2.5mg tab. The American version is also good, but you’ll be lucky to get a real one with the number of fakes floating around of it. Look for numbers on the tab, a score in the center or some other identifying mark.


Efforts to mask the metabolites of Oxandrolone (Anavar) aren’t really exerted by many since the half-life of this drug is very low (7-10 days). Many people take Anavar up until the last week prior to a competition and then cut it out in time for it to vanish from the system. Some say that the slight amount of water that Anavar will cause the body to hold (usually in muscle bellies, but sometimes representing “spill over”) is the reason they cut it out. But truly, it’s not likely to be found in a urine sample if it’s cut out soon enough. That is, of course, if you started taking it when you had less body fat.Effectiveness rating: For strength, and bang for the milligram dose, I’d say Anavar is an 8 out of 10. For hardening the physique pre-contest, I’d give Anavar a 10 out of 10. For strength gains or strength maintenance, I’d give Anavar a 9 out of 10, all things considered. It ain’t Anadrol, but then again, it does the trick pre-contest. For mass building, however, I’d give Anavar a 4 or 5 out of 10. It just isn’t a mass-packer. If you use it the way you’re supposed to use it, the fact that it isn’t effective for big size gains isn’t important!

Final Smack on Anavar…

I like this drug and always have even though it’s fairly useless in the mass department. But hey, man cannot live by Anadrol and Test Proprionate alone! I have to admit though, it seems fairly insignificant a drug now that the stakes are so high and synthol injections seem the drug of choice of most Olympia competitors. It seems that Anavar is about as intense as those little candy beads glued to strips of paper and doled out in rolls, or the cigarette-shaped bubble gum cylinders you used to be able to buy in mock Marlboro boxes. Still, don’t let my cynicism stop you from securing as much of this drug as you can. And don’t think, “I’ll ration it over the course of 12 weeks”, you should think, “I’ll use all 500 tabs in 30 days!” That’s not only the kind of thinking that is typical for guys wanting to become something other than ‘mildly muscular’, but I think it’s particularly appropriate for this drug specifically.

What is the best safe legal Anavar steroid?

Right now it’s considered to be CrazyBulk Anvarol, here’s why:

A legal alternative to the anabolic steroid Anavar, Anvarol improves your strength and energy by stimulating phosphocreatine synthesis within your muscle tissue. Ideal for cutting cycles, you’ll shred fat whilst retaining lean muscle, giving your body a super lean and cut look. Suitable for both men and women.

This Anavar Oxandrolone alternative increases your phosphocreatine levels, helping to create ATP faster and giving you the energy needed to push harder and longer during your workouts.

Anvarol gives you the ongoing energy and explosive power you need to push your workouts harder and longer whilst shredding fat for a harder, sharper, leaner body. Benefits include:

  • SAFE & LEGAL Anavar Alternative
  • EXPLOSIVE Power & Strength
  • INCINERATE Visceral & Subcutaneous Fat
  • PRESERVE Lean Muscle when Cutting Calories
  • IMPROVED Muscle Hardness & Density
  • ENHANCED Vascularity
  • NO Needles or Prescriptions
  • RAPID RESULTS Within 30 Days
  • FREE Worldwide Delivery


  • Promotes FAST Fat Loss
  • Boosts Energy Levels
  • Retains Lean Muscle
  • Post-Workout

Get Yours at: visit Anvarol official website

Personal opinion on anavar dosage from pro bodybuilder

One of the most commonly asked questions we get on here is “What anavar dosage should I take?” Which is quite a strange question, in fact, if you need to ask this, perhaps you should learn a bit more about anabolic steroids first.
Anyway, none the less, I will go through some of the basic anavar dosages you should expect to see and take.

A minimum anavar dosage of 80MG daily for men is recommended. Though, personally I believe a anavar dosage of 100mg daily to give the best results. This is for cutting or bulking.

On a cut, if your diet is right, you should expect to lose around 12lbs in 8 weeks (minimum) along with holding on to all of your gains and perhaps putting on 2 to 4lbs of muscle mass. The vascularity effects are also quite tremendous as is the muscle hardening effects you can expect on this anavar dosage. Another positive aspect of anavar is that it’s one of the only steroids PROVEN to use fat cells and burn fat. If you are doing an extreme cut, I’d be tempted to throw in some Clen (which can be purchased on this website also) A clen and anavar stack will give tremendous results for man or woman alike.

Speaking of women, this drug is one of the safest for women to use and a typical anavar dosage of 10 to 15mg daily is commonly used by women to great result. “How long can you stay on this anavar dosage for”, I hear you asking?

Well, women tend to stay on slightly longer than men– Up to 12 weeks at a time. And you will see a very good build up of muscle and strength. On a cut I’d expect around the same results as I mentioned a man to see. A good 12lbs or so of fat loss and 2 to 4lbs of lean muscle mass gained, add in some clen, good cardio and the results will be much more extreme.

I’ve seen women use anavar dosage of up to 30mg daily (mainly for bulking purposes) and this leads to a tremendous amount of LEAN muscle gain. No, it won’t make you the “biggest” bodybuilder around. But it will give you a perfect figure model look, adding lean muscle to those sexy thighs, and giving you a nice amount of muscle on the arms. (Forget having those chicken wings) Anavar is a great drug of choice for the female athlete.

Male athletes can use this to bulk as well. The anavar dosage would still only be 100mg daily (Though I do know athletes who go up to 160mg daily)

Basically losing 2/3lbs of fat is common while gaining 12lbs of LEAN muscle mass. Let’s say you start this cycle at 10% body fat. It’s common to end it at 8% body fat while also having an extra 10 to 12lbs of muscle mass. Over all? You will look MUCH harder, those wash board abs that everyone loves on full display, and you will look like you’ve added 20/25lbs rather than the 12 you have added. Oh and the strength gains are great. If that’s not the only plus at this anavar dosage, you will keep all of your strength and muscle gains as long as diet remains good and training well intact.

What is the best way to cut fat while building muscle with legal steroids?

Right now it’s considered to be CrazyBulk Cutting Stack, here’s why:

It speeds up your metabolism, increases blood flow, and helps in burning your fat. As a result, you get a ripped and super-shredded body. Fat Burning Stack is able to mimic the effects of anabolic steroids. Yet organic components used for Crazy Bulk products are safe for your body.

The stack includes 4 effective supplements that help to reduce your body fat, promote muscle growth, and enhance your performance. Highly-effective components are blended in a way to bring the best and fastest possible results.

Benefits include:

  • Natural Steroids with proven effectiveness;
  • Organic components are safe for your health;
  • Contain a lot of useful vitamins and minerals;
  • Finishing cycle doesn’t lead to rollback of results;
  • No need for post cycle therapy;
  • Free worldwide delivery;
  • And absolutely NO Needles or Prescriptions
crazybulk cutting Stack

• Shredding Body Fat
• Building Lean Muscle Mass
• Increasing Energy Levels
• Reducing Muscle Soreness
• Boosting Free Testosterone

Get Yours at: visit Cutting Stack official website

Anavar Steroid Cycle, Dosage, Side Effects

The Oxandrolone steroid appeared in SUA in 1964, under “Anavar” denomination and produced by “Serl” firm. It’s a delicate steroid with a weak androgen component. It had been observed that if this concoction is used in reasonable doses, it hasn’t any side effect, because it was initially produced for women and children. Is one of the few steroids which doesn’t provoke the premature retardation of kids corporeal development because it doesn’t concurs to epiphysis closing conjunctions. Accordingly, the concoction is used in medicine for children to stimulate the growing and for women to treat the osteoporosis.

The concoction provokes very weak masculinity symptoms. This quality makes it very effective for women, because for 10-15 mg a day dose can’t be observed exterior masculine effects.
The bodybuilders and the powerlifters prefer the Oxandralon. It helps to consolidate their force in a speedy way because it provokes the creatinphosphat’s synthesis in muscular cells and it doesn’t accumulates liquids.

The weightlifters who don’t want to be included in a high category use this concoction because it increase their force without increasing their weight in the same time.

The daily combination of Oxandrolone steroid and 10-12 mg of Halotestin had been proven to be very effective because its utilization gives musculature a more inflexible aspect.
The daily combination of Oxandrolone and 120-140 mg of Clenbuterol helps to obtain good results too.

Oxandrolone steroid doesn’t increase the musculature, but it augments the other steroids effects on the organism. The concoction is combined with Deca-Durabolin, with Dinabolon and with others Testosterone’s derived which accumulate liquids and assure the considerable musculature increase . A daily combination of 200 mg of Deca-Durabolin, 500 mg of Testosterone Enantat and 25 mg of Oxandrolone helps most of the athletes to increase their weight and their force.

The Deca-Durabolin has an anabolic effect more pronounced and stimulates the proteins synthesis, the Oxandrolone increases the force and the Testosterone makes athletes more aggressive during the trainings and increases the regeneration speed.
Another reason of which the Oxandrolone is used, is that the concoction doesn’t aromatize no matter how big is the dose.

As we mentioned earlier, a big part of blood testosterone is transformed in estrogens. After Oxandrolone’s utilization, the musculature will not have an aqueous aspect; that’s why the concoction is supposed to be very effective for trainings before competitions. During those trainings, it’s very important to maintain the estrogens to a diminishing level because the estrogens provoke the liquid accumulation in the organism even if athletes have a less calories diet. In combination with the diet, the Oxandrolone helps to obtain a strong and elastic musculature. Although the concoction doesn’t help to fats burning, it has a complementary role because it diminishing the appetite.

Oxandrolone steroid can provoke the ponderous stomach sensation and nausea sensations if the pastilles are used during the meals.
Pursuant to Italian prospect, the concoction has a big influence on digestive tract (some athletes have regular diarrhea).
Although isn’t a pleasant phenomenon, the concoction helps athletes to burn the fats and gives body slenderness.

Those who trains for competitions or those who are very interested of musculature quality should combine the Oxandrolone with steroids such as Winstrol, Parabolan, Masteron, Primobolan or Testosterone Propionat.
The combination of 50 mg a day, 50 mg of Testosterone Propionat at every two days and 25 mg of Oxandrolone a day it’s very effective for these aims.

It had been demonstrated that athletes who have an increased arterial tension caused by androgen steroids or those who have ginaecomasthy will not have any problem with Oxandrolone because it doesn’t aromatize. The combination of Oxandrolone with Deca-Durabolin is for some athletes the best choice in case they face problems because of others steroids utilization (Testosterones, Dianabol, Anapolon 50). The Oxandrolone is also recommended because it is a chemical substance which doesn’t influence the generation of specific hormones in organism.

During the Oxandrolone’s utilization, the testicles don’t signalize the diminution or the interruption of hormones production, which delivers gonadtrophines and luteinisation hormone. This specific quality of Oxandrolone is possible because the active chemical substance isn’t aromatized in estrogens.

Doctor Mauro de Pascuale says: “ is supposed that the estrogens which appear because of the testosterone aromatization and because of other anabolic steroids diminish the luteinesation hormone’s secretion from brain and hypothalamus and the testosterone generation too” (“The side effects of anabolic steroids – facts, fictions and treatment”) . The American doctor Dr Robert Kerr confirms this in “ The practical anabolic steroids utilization of athletes”: “If a healthy man uses Oxandrolone (Anavar) in augmented doses, he will not diminish the spermatozoon quantity and the sperm quantity will not be transformed in estrogens.” .

That’s why the Oxandrolone is very well combined even with 240 mg a day of Andriol, isn’t aromatized and the hormones secretion in the organism isn’t affected. The daily utilization of 280 mg Andriol with 25 mg Oxandrolone can increase the force and for the beginners can increase the musculature without a significant water accumulation or a seriously affectation of specific testosterone generation.

When it comes from Oxandrolone, good results are obtained through utilization of 8-12 pastilles for mans and 5-6 pastilles for women. It has been practically confirmed that the utilization rule is 0.25 mg of concoction/1 kilo from sporter’s weight. Usually, the pastilles are used 2-3 times a day after the meal and this way the active chemical substance from the concoction is totally absorbed.

Those who have digestive tract problems should take the pastilles 1 or 2 hours after the meal or they should give up on taking them. Lots of athletes use Oxandrolone for a long time because isn’t very toxic and it hasn’t side effects. But it shouldn’t be used for a long time without a pause because as well as the others oral steroids is alchilat 17-alfa and it has influences on the liver.

The Oxandrolone steroid is a spread concoction and it is often used of women bodybuilders. Women who are sensitive to anabolic steroids can obtain good results if they combine it with Primobolan or/and with Clenbuterol (Clenbuterol dosage); this way the masculine phenomenon can’t appear. However, women shouldn’t use this concoction in doses bigger than 6 pastilles a day, otherwise side effects such as acne, voice thickening, clitoris hypertrophy or hairiness could appear.

The main disadvantage of this concoction is the big price. The Italian Oxandrolone, supplied on the Russian market (30 pastilles of 2.5 mg) has a medium price of 25-30$ . There is a possibility for Oxandrolone to become more accessible for Russian athletes, because a Chinese firm (“Hubei Huangsi Pharmaceuticals”) will produce its own Oxandrolone in pastilles of 5 mg which will have a calculated price of 40$/blister (30 pastilles). The “B.M Pharmaceuticals” Indian firm started the production of injectable Oxandrolone – the Oxandrolon eject product of 10 mg/phial.

What is the best way to maximize muscle growth with legal steroids?

Right now it’s considered to be CrazyBulk Bulking Stack, here’s why:

It is a unique product for bodybuilders. The combination of natural and safe, yet incredibly effective components increases your muscle growth up to the ultimate level. It will give you hardcore muscle mass, superior strength and rapid recovery time.

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  1. When should I take oxandrolone?

    Oxandrolone, also known as Anavar, should be taken orally in pill form. It’s best to take oxandrolone with food either in the morning or evening and space out doses evenly throughout the day. The exact dosage and timing should be determined in consultation with a healthcare professional based on individual needs and goals.

  2. What is the proper way to take Anavar?

    Anavar (oxandrolone) should be taken orally in tablet form. Men should take 20-80mg daily, while women are recommended to take 5-20 mg per day. It’s essential that you follow your medical professional’s instructions and not exceed the prescribed dosage as excessive use of Anavar can have adverse reactions.

  3. What is anavar best for?

    Anavar (oxandrolone) is commonly used during cutting cycles to aid fat loss and maintain lean muscle mass. Additionally, it may be utilized to enhance athletic performance and strength levels.

  4. What are the risks of Anavar?

    Anavar, like all anabolic steroids, carries risks and potential side effects. Some of these include liver toxicity, cardiovascular issues, testosterone suppression, virilization in women and acne, hair loss or mood changes. It’s essential to use Anavar under medical supervision and be aware of all potential hazards and reactions.

  5. What does Anavar do for men?

    Anavar (Oxandrolone) is an anabolic steroid commonly used by men to build muscle mass, strength and endurance. It may also promote fat loss and enhance muscular definition. Unfortunately, Anvarol may have potential side effects such as decreased testosterone production, liver damage and mood swings; therefore it’s essential that men consult their healthcare provider prior to using Anavar or any other steroid.

  6. Can Anavar cause weight loss?

    Yes, Anavar (oxandrolone) can cause weight loss but that isn’t its primary purpose. As a mild steroid used during cutting phases and to enhance athletic performance, Anavar indirectly promotes fat loss through increased metabolism and muscle preservation; these burn more calories at rest than fat tissue does. Nonetheless, Anavar should never be the primary means for weight loss; healthy eating habits and regular exercise are the best methods for long-lasting success.

  7. Can Anavar cause liver damage?

    Yes, Anavar can cause liver damage when taken for an extended period or at high doses. As a C17-alkylated (C17-aa) steroid, it survives oral ingestion without breaking down in the liver despite this alteration; this puts undue strain on the organ and could potentially lead to liver damage or cancer if used irresponsibly. Therefore, it is essential that users use Anavar under supervision from their healthcare provider and adhere to prescribed dosage guidelines.

  8. Does Anavar help with cardio?

    Anavar has been speculated to increase cardiovascular endurance by stimulating red blood cell production, potentially improving oxygen delivery to muscles. Its effects on cardio are still being explored and it’s not considered a primary cardio enhancer drug; rather, it primarily serves to promote muscle growth and strength gains.

  9. Does Anavar increase gyno?

    Anavar has not been reported to cause gynecomastia, the condition marked by an increase in male breast tissue. However, Anavar may cause testosterone suppression which could indirectly result in this issue. As with any supplement or steroids, it’s wise to consult a healthcare professional prior to taking them in order to discuss potential risks and side effects.

  10. Does Anavar shut you down?

    Anavar (Oxandrolone) can inhibit natural testosterone production, but the amount is less than other steroids. While taking Anavar, you may experience some degree of suppression but this should not be a complete shutdown in production. As such, post-cycle therapy after using any steroid is recommended in order to restore natural testosterone production.

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  1. I weigh approximately 210 pounds and I’m wondering how much Anavar I should take per day in milligrams?? no I have the real Anavar and I’m 53 years of age I want to lose a little fat and gain a little lean muscle so what would you recommend in milligrams to take per day? thank you very much for your time!


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