It’s fascinating to know that while some people are trying to lose weight, others are really desirous to put some on.
A lot of skinny guys out there understand what this means to them, especially with all that they have to go through- the loss of confidence, bullying, timidity and other physiological challenges it brings.
Even if taking a balanced diet has been recommended alongside workouts to put your body in great shape, you cannot get the results you expect if supplements are not included in your bodybuilding program
We discovered one recently with so many positive reviews and had to investigate it in order to be sure if it is real or actually a scam.
Find out below some facts you do not know about this extra-ordinary game changing supplement- Ana-GH.
Wanna build up huge muscle mass, power and strength in 3 months? But Ana-GH Pills with plenty discounts today…
What is Ana GH?
First and foremost, Ana GH isn’t the name of your dearest crush neither is it the name of your favorite female celebrity nor is it the name of your greatest all-time movie.
Okay, with that said on a lighter mood though, what is it exactly…
Before now the company, released an impressive workout formula for bodybuilders called Anadral. It worked quite great mimicking the effect of popular steroid, Anadrol.
But this new improved formula, currently trending in the fitness world (even though it’s been around although not too long ago) as the best muscle gainer of the year is one whose potential seems unlimited and has been endorsed by elite power lifters.
Ana-GH is a bulking agent that has anabolic properties but without harmful side effects of steroids. It is designed specifically to help you bulk up, gain lean muscle and strength for an impressive workout result.
What is the best way to maximize muscle growth with legal steroids?
Right now it’s considered to be CrazyBulk Bulking Stack, here’s why:
It is a unique product for bodybuilders. The combination of natural and safe, yet incredibly effective components increases your muscle growth up to the ultimate level. It will give you hardcore muscle mass, superior strength and rapid recovery time.
Four best-selling, powerful bulking products combined to create the optimal anabolic environment in your body for building muscle fast.
Time to pack on the poundage. Fast. Benefits include:
- Improved protein synthesis
- Organic and safe components;
- Proven quality and effectiveness
- Confirmed by thousands of bodybuilders;
- No loss of gains after the end of the cycle;
- No need for PCT;
- Free worldwide delivery;
- And absolutely NO Needles or Prescriptions

• Fast Muscle Gains
• Increasing Strength
• Reducing Muscle Soreness
• Stripping Body Fat
• Boost Free Testosterone
Get Yours at: visit Bulking Stack official website
Major Benefits of This High Intensity Mass Gainer
The manufacturer of designed this supplement with a specific objective in mind. Understanding the requirements and needs of most guys, whether you’re into bodybuilding or not, they made a great effort in researching the ingredients to deliver to the users’ expectation.
It proves to have some fitness and health benefits. Let’s see some of them below:
- Increased Muscle Mass- it contains Amino acids that has the capacity to increase the rate of protein synthesis which in turn stimulate muscle growth. By taking in more protein, you’ll get more muscles and this has been factored into this supplement.
- Boost HGH production- the company has a reputation as the best growth hormone company producing supplements to activate growth factors that enhance growth in the body. Since growth hormones decline with age, taking this supplement is a better way to ensure better health and become stronger.
- Elevates Stamina and Endurance- You’ll probably feel very tired after a few reps. Ana GH is the supplement that has helped power lifters set new boundaries and even surpass them.
- Supports Muscle Repair- When you feel sore after an intense workout, rest in advisable in between and you shouldn’t try moving on to the next round of training without taking the right muscle recovery supplement.
- Unbelievable Strength Gains- You’ll likely feel less fatigue with this supplement. Expect massive strength and energy outburst whenever you workout.
- Body Mass Gain- If you’re concerned about your small frame and want to put on some mass with a ripped and well-trimmed physique, this product has all the ingredients well put together to help you realize your dream body.
- Aids Joint Health- This is not just about fitness and bodybuilding alone. It is also about health. However, it is ideal for you if you do heavy lifting or engage in hard jobs that requires you to put more pressure on your joints.
Ana GH Ingredients
These ingredients in this weight gainer pills are well researched and known to have fantastic bodybuilding properties. Besides that, the ingredients are natural and are safe for use in building a healthy body.
It consists of well know Amino acid compounds such as L-leucine and L-arginine which are known to boost protein synthesis and enhance muscle recovery and also boost immune system function.
It consists of a 450 mg proprietary blend of other muscle enhancing supplement such as Horny goat weed and Magnesium Stearate and Cysteine.
These ingredients boost testosterone levels, increases sex drive, increases metabolism and preserves lean muscle mass.
Here’s an overview of what it contains below.
Ingredient Amount Per Serving Measure % of DV
L-Leucine 1500 Mg
L-Isoleucine 750 Mg
L-Valine 750 Mg
Acetyle-L-Carnitine 400 Mg
L-Alanine 200 Mg
L-Cysteine 20 mg
Proprietary Blend 450 mg
Proprietary Blend Content
Maca (LepidiumMeyenii)
Horny Goat Weed (EpimediumSagitta-tum)
Magnesium Stearate
How Does It Work?
Every Ana GH pill is dosed with the correct amount of the right bodybuilding ingredient including growth factors to make it more efficient.
It is scientifically formulated in such a way that users would not experience some supplement side effects like bloating, cramps which is common with other supplements.
It can be used to jumpstart bulking cycles causing you to gain rapid weight and strength gains. It powers you up for an extreme workout activity and physique enhancing performance since it is capable of exerting high anabolic activity but very moderate androgenic activity.
Its water retention property makes it very effective for improving joint health. It lubricates the joints and tendons making the occurrence of fractures and other injuries that occur during heavy lifting sessions very minimal.
Can You Take It with other Supplements?
Ana GH is versatile and can be used with other supplements. For people who are looking to get huge and experience extreme mass gains, taking it with other products is appropriate.
For instance, you can stack it with Clen-XDV or other supplements for a fast acting result that would solidify your gains within a rather short time.
Is It A Scam? Hear What Other Users Say About It
Based on research and testimonials of regular users, there’s no doubt about this product’s effectiveness. In addition to that, Ana GH has become a favorite bulking formula for elite power lifters.
Here are some user testimonials we found during our research:
John Waterford…
A desperate bodybuilder who’s been searching for an effective product to help him build muscles effectively. Here’s what he says…
“Amazing- exactly what I was looking for! This is quite the best muscle gainer I’ve ever taken and I’ve been supplement for 15 years. This product is truly spectacular!
Season L…
He wanted something that truly works. He tried Ana GH and it seems he simply can let it go. Here’s how he describes how he feels…
“Btw I love the Ana GH and look forward to buying it again. It has to be one of the supplements I’ve ever purchased. I can’t wait to stack with the new one I just purchased yesterday. I’ll keep you posted on the great results.”
Jason Segal…
This is about the most passionate review from this user (but we saved the best for last). He is also a bodybuilder that wanted something new, something unique and has value. And he’s excited he gave Ana GH a chance.
“I was lucky enough to get to use this product before it was released. This product truly rocks! Thank you thank you! I saw results in about 3 weeks and I can honestly say that I’ve already gained about 8 pounds and it’s in muscle. In just 3 weeks I saw incredible mass gains. I’m going to use this product for at least for at least 3-4 months and no doubt it will get me in the shape I need. I have been working out 3-4 times per week on it in my normal regime.”
What is the best way to cut fat while building muscle with legal steroids?
Right now it’s considered to be CrazyBulk Cutting Stack, here’s why:
It speeds up your metabolism, increases blood flow, and helps in burning your fat. As a result, you get a ripped and super-shredded body. Fat Burning Stack is able to mimic the effects of anabolic steroids. Yet organic components used for Crazy Bulk products are safe for your body.
The stack includes 4 effective supplements that help to reduce your body fat, promote muscle growth, and enhance your performance. Highly-effective components are blended in a way to bring the best and fastest possible results.
Benefits include:
- Natural Steroids with proven effectiveness;
- Organic components are safe for your health;
- Contain a lot of useful vitamins and minerals;
- Finishing cycle doesn’t lead to rollback of results;
- No need for post cycle therapy;
- Free worldwide delivery;
- And absolutely NO Needles or Prescriptions

• Shredding Body Fat
• Building Lean Muscle Mass
• Increasing Energy Levels
• Reducing Muscle Soreness
• Boosting Free Testosterone
Get Yours at: visit Cutting Stack official website
But Is It A Steroid?
The short answer here is no. But it replaces its predecessor, Anadral which has the awesome power of steroids. Safe to say, Ana GH can simply be classified as a safe legal steroid alternative that are not harmful.
Are There Any Side Effects? Ana GH is made from top-grade natural ingredients that are safe and of incredibly high quality and there are no side effects consequent upon using this supplement.
In other words, this product safely avoids all the mass gainer side effects and can help you reach your ideal physique without any problems.
How Safe Is This Muscle Building Supplement?
It is safe when taken in their appropriate dosages and should not be exceeded. However, there’s a little word of caution though. This supplement is not recommended to be taken by individuals who are below the age of 18.
If you have any pre-existing medical condition which can trigger adverse effects by taking this supplement, then it’s better to speak with your doctor first.
How To Use These Pills For Faster Results
A bottle of this supplement contains 240 capsules and you are required to take 8 capsules daily. By taking 4 capsules in the morning and 4 at night, or all at once, you will notice that you have more pounds in as little as 2 weeks.
However, the manufacturer recommends that you take this product for at least 4 weeks, which is a month. This is to enable you gains last longer and keep your physique well enhanced.
The Pros
- It is safe and legal to use
- It is made with all-natural ingredients
- Excellent 5-star Ana GH reviews
- Made by a company with international reputation and has been given BBB (Better Business Bureau) award.
- There is currently no known side effect with the use of this supplement
- The company offers complete 90 days money back guarantee so you can try it risk-free for the estimated period.
- You can get free worldwide com shipping for orders that are up to $249.
The Cons
Based on our extensive research and findings, we could not find any negative feedback of this weight gainer. This is likely because it is a newly improved product and many more people are yet to try out this product.
Until we have users who do not feel great about this supplement (especially with regards to side effects), this product remains a safe alternative for bodybuilders and those looking to get a bulky frame.
Where To Buy Ana GH
While it is important to point out the fact that this supplement is manufactured by a well-known supplement company Purity Select, it is equally advisable for you to know where to purchase Ana GH.
If you are really keen on looking big (I mean without those fats) then you should get only the real Ana GH supplement and avoid any scams out there. is the merchant website where all Purity Select’s products are sold exclusively.
Why Are Weight Gaining Supplements Necessary?
For those people who find it pretty tough getting the right amount of calories needed to achieve a lean muscled physique, then it’s time to tweak things up a bit.
You’ll need to take stuffs that have high calorie, and probably contains all the proteins and Amino acids.
But the question is…do you really need these weight gaining supplements? The answer is it depends particularly if you find it hard to put on weight.
To do this right and effectively, to avoid crossing the thin line between putting on healthy weight and becoming fat, you should eat a healthy diet that is rich in proteins and also workout regularly.
Are These Supplements Safe?
These supplements come in various forms, pills, shakes and powder. While weight gainer shakes and powders are good, not everyone feels comfortable using them and can cause some side effects such as muscle cramps, bloating and dehydration.
However, some supplement companies have taken advantage of this to make these weight gainers in pills making it convenient and easy to absorb.
Not forgetting that they are made form natural ingredients and have prescribed doses which reduce the risk of any side effects. Special Offers, Promos And Discounts
The company has quite a number of mouth-watering deals to wet their customer’s appetite. Let’s take a peek.
Buy 2 Get 1 Free
For every time you purchase any two products from the company’s official website, you get an additional supplement free.
Discreet Shipping
They have a packaging technique that ensures that the item you order gets delivered to you without any interference by anyone.
Discounts, Pricing And Promos
Just like now and every other time, the company offers amazing discounts on some of their products. Presently, they are offering a 20% off on this supplement. Simply use promo code “HOLIDAY 16” to receive this discount on all orders.
The Verdict On Ana GH
If you’re looking for or have been using supplements to make you gain weight and build muscle without any significant improvement, well…that is expected as the supplement world is a large marketplace and you can get everything.
But that is the essence of this article in the first place. We’ve done the ground work for you and are sure that you can try this product safely without any likely infringements on your health.
Do we recommend it? In clear terms, Ana GH is worth the try and has safely passed as the best mass gainer supplement you can ever find.
By understudying the manufacturer’s reputation, the ingredients and other personal user feedbacks, it is certainly one of those.