6 Low Testosterone Symptoms For You To Keep An Eye Out For

Testosterone is a male-dominant sex hormone that plays a vital role in muscle size, definition, and strength, along with libido, sexual health, fertility, aggression, mental focus, and much more besides. Whilst also being naturally present in women, in men it is present in much higher doses, and whilst being incredibly beneficial, there is a downside associated with this hormone.

When we reach our mid to late teens, our testosterone levels peak at their highest. After that, however, they gradually begin to decline and by the time we reach our thirties, they may have dropped pretty dramatically. As each person is unique, some people have naturally higher testosterone levels than others, and some have naturally lower testosterone levels too.

Some people may find that their testosterone levels dropped pretty dramatically over the last year or so, and may turn to supplements or medications prescribed by a doctor. If you’re concerned about low testosterone levels, however, there are low testosterone symptoms you can keep an eye out for, and so to help you out slight, we’ll now be looking at six of the most common low testosterone symptoms for you to keep a lookout for and hopefully begin to put right before any lasting damage is done.

A Low Sex Drive

One telltale sign of low testosterone levels is if you happen to experience a low sex drive, especially if this is relatively unusual for you. Testosterone plays a vital role in libido, not only in men but in women as well. As we grow older we may find our sex drives diminishing slightly, but if you find these changes happening suddenly and out of the blue, you may wish to look further into the matter. If you find it difficult to become aroused and have little to no sex drive at all, when in the past you did have, this could be a clear indication that your T levels are beginning to decline pretty dramatically.

Loss of Hair

As men grow older, a fair few of them tend to bald, especially if baldness happens to run in the family as it is largely determined by genetics. Testosterone plays a vital role in the formation of hair growth, and so individuals who are already genetically predetermined to lose their hair may find it coming out at an accelerated rate, thanks to the diminished testosterone in their bodies. If you aren’t genetically predisposed to go bald, however, if your testosterone levels drop, you still may find yourself losing hair from your head slightly, although more obviously you’ll notice hair loss from your body, and even from your face.

Difficulty Achieving Erections

Another one of the more common low testosterone symptoms for you to keep an eye out for is if you find it difficult to achieve erections. As mentioned, testosterone plays a key role in male sexual health and one of the main reasons for this is that it helps to create erections. The reason for this is that it actually stimulates special receptors within the brain, which then produce nitric oxide, which acts as a vasodilator and widens the blood vessels, allowing more blood to pass through them. We become aroused when blood rushes to the erectile tissue in the genitals, so obviously, the more blood that is supplied to this tissue, the more prominent the erections will become.

Constant Tiredness and Fatigue

Another clear indication that your testosterone levels may be dropping pretty dramatically is if you find yourself constantly feeling tired and fatigued. If you find yourself struggling to mind the motivation to go work out or do anything physical for that matter, this is another sign that something may be wrong. Many men with low testosterone levels have reported a distinct lack of energy and have mentioned feeling tired and drained of energy constantly, no matter how much sleep they may have had.

Loss of Muscle Mass and Strength

As mentioned, testosterone plays a key role in muscle mass and strength, which is why bodybuilders use testosterone boosting supplements or even inject themselves with this hormone itself. If you happen to notice yourself feeling weaker and looking smaller and weaker, even if you happen to hit the gym regularly and lift weights, this could be a clear indication that your testosterone levels are on the decline. Men experiencing low testosterone levels also report that it is much harder to build new muscles, even if they’re training regularly and really pushing themselves in the gym.

Increased Body Fat

Another one of the decidedly unpleasant low testosterone symptoms for you to keep an eye out for is a sudden increase in your body fat levels, even if your diet has largely stayed the same and you still take the time to exercise regularly. One telltale sign of low T levels is the development of fatty tissue in the breasts, known as gynecomastia. The reason for this is that it is believed that testosterone influences how the human body stores body fat, which in this case, is often stored in the chest.

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