What Roid Rage Is: Steroid Abuse and Your Mental Health

Bodybuilders committed a number of crimes in 1980s when androgenic steroids were on the rise. This has led to speculation that steroid abuse makes bodybuilders ticking bombs, ready to explode at any moment. The term “roid rage” was used to describe the side effects of steroids that made bodybuilders extremely aggressive. The truth of roid rage is still a mystery. Researchers have yet to confirm that roid rage is behind the violent behavior of bodybuilders.

What exactly is roid rage? Is it possible to make healthy athletes into violent monsters? What does medical research say? These are the questions we will explore in depth. Gordon Kimbrough was a bodybuilder who killed his girlfriend in 1993. His lawyer attempted to use roid rage as a defense but it failed. Gordon was convicted of first-degree murder by the judges.

Chris Benoit, a professional wrestler, was also murdered and then committed suicide in 2007. Authorities discovered anabolic steroids at his home. This led to suspicions of roid rage. You will find many more crimes committed by athletes and bodybuilders if you look through the records.

What Do the Studies Reveal?

Although there is evidence that anabolic steroids can cause aggressive or violent behavior, studies do not prove that steroid abuse is the reason for the crime. Steroid-using bodybuilders are mostly responsible for the murders. This was due to planning and preparation.

These crimes are not psychotic episodes caused by steroid abuse, but a conscious choice. Swedish scientists have found that poly-substance users are more likely to commit violence than users of steroids. They studied over 10,000 male steroid users.

What Is Roid Rage Then?

Androgenic steroids work like testosterone and can cause aggression or irritability in anyone who uses them. Roid rage can now be described as a brief episode of losing control of one’s impulse.

Long-term steroid users are more likely to react in ways they wouldn’t normally. Different individuals react differently to steroids. They exhibit a range of behaviors, from extreme anger to assertiveness.

Although aggressiveness and irritability are both real effects of steroid abuse, researchers have yet to confirm that roid rage is real. Unfortunately, there aren’t enough studies that support or suggest that roid rage can cause uncontrollable anger. Bodybuilders can’t blame steroids for their crimes, including murder.

Subsequent Issues

As with many other drugs, steroids can reveal underlying mental disorders. There are many studies that link steroids to mood disturbances like depression, psychosis, and mania.

Steroids can also increase unhealthy reactions and outbursts in stressful situations. These outbursts are more common in aggressive or emotional people. In this way, steroids don’t cause roid rage but trigger psychological issues. People who have been taking steroids for a prolonged period of time in high doses are more susceptible to emotional outbursts.

Steroid Abuse and Your Health

The most commonly used androgenic steroid is testosterone. The average male would produce 75 mg of testosterone per week. Studies show an increase in aggression at 600 mg per week. However, athletes are known to consume as much as 5000 mg per week.

The most dangerous category of synthetic or designer steroids is the one that can cause death. Andro, Human Growth Hormone, and Erythropoietin are all drugs used by athletes to increase performance and build muscle. Injecting dangerous steroid doses can cause mental illness and disrupt mental health. Side effects include liver damage, heart attack risk, bodily contortions, and prostate cancer.

Awareness Is Essential

Steroid abuse is becoming more common even among teens who aren’t athletes, due to the desire for muscle. Gary Wadler, WebMD suggests four warning signs for parents of athletes and young boys. These include muscle structure changes, excessive skin irritation, increased irritability, and obsession with the gym or muscle mass.

Obsession with bodybuilding and supplement websites could indicate a need for steroids. An estimated one million children have used anabolic steroids. The internet has made it easier to access these drugs, raising the alarm even further.

Negative Image and Bodybuilding

Bodybuilding is a highly competitive sport. The desire to have toned muscles and ripped muscles are widespread. Bodybuilders still abuse steroids for competitive purposes, despite numerous doping tests. Steroids are a common ingredient in bodybuilding. The negative image of bodybuilders as a sport and the high crime and violence rates only increases.

There are many bodybuilders who work hard and have the discipline to reach their goals. They are able to balance diet, training, and supplements. They also have a healthy lifestyle and prioritize mental and bodily well-being. It would be unfair to label all bodybuilders as a threat to society.

You Have the Power to Decide What You Do with Your Body

Steroids are not responsible for crime and violence, and studies don’t support that. Steroids, like all drugs, can be misused to cause harm or used for positive health benefits. Each person holds the power to make their own choices. Steroids are one tool that many people have misused to achieve their goals. Each person is responsible for the actions they take to their body.

Roid Rage: Myth or Reality?

It is still unclear whether roid rage is real or a myth. There is strong evidence linking steroids and violence, so the topic deserves further research. The answer is not likely to come soon. However, bodybuilders and athletes can take steps to ensure they don’t push themselves beyond their limits.

It may not be possible for all to achieve an Arnold Schwarzenegger look, but they can indeed aim to obtain an aesthetically-pleasing physique in healthier ways. Bodybuilders, athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and others who put so much effort into bodybuilding deserve more than a distorted body, mental illness, or ill health.

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