10 Foods That Increase Testosterone

Whether you’re a growing teenage boy, a man at the prime of his life, or suffering from a mid-life crisis, keeping your testosterone levels high will bring about numerous health benefits.

If you’re a young guy, high testosterone levels will enable you to build leaner muscles and get stronger faster and naturally. And as an older man, it becomes vital that you start increasing your testosterone levels since this vital male sex hormone begins plummeting at the rate of 1% every year from around the age of 30.

Eating testosterone boosting foods is a natural and effective way to combat lowering T levels however, they’re not to everyone’s taste, supplies maybe limited and expensive. That’s why natural testosterone boosters offer a convenient and cost effective solution. Click here for full details

With time, the lowering of your T-levels results in a variety of health issues including depression,erectile dysfunction, fat gain, low libido, depression, lack of energy, hair thinning, and muscle loss.

​With time, the lowering of your T-levels results in a variety of health issues including:

  • depression
  • erectile dysfunction
  • fat gain
  • low libido
  • depression
  • lack of energy
  • thinning hair
  • muscle loss

One of the easiest ways to increase the levels of this vital male hormone is by eating foods high in testosterone boosting nutrients.

Apart from helping to increase muscle mass in young men and reversing the effects of low testosterone in older men, these foods also enable you to control your blood pressure, achieve optimum cardiovascular health, sharpen your mind, and enhance your cognitive function.

While there are a wide variety of testosterone boosting foods available, the following is a list of some of the most beneficial ones.

Natural Foods That Increase Testosterone

When it comes to foods that increase testosterone levels, asparagus is among the top choices. Not only is asparagus a natural aphrodisiac, this food also contains several testosterone boosting nutrients such as folic acid, vitamin E, and potassium. It’s easy to prepare asparagus by adding it to salads, stir-frying it with some garlic and oyster sauce, or just eating it raw as a crunchy and delicious snack.

Raw Chocolate
Chocolate is one of the most loved aphrodisiacs and the good news is that this tasty snack contains several testosterone-boosting supplements such as manganese, zinc, calcium, magnesium tryptophan, arginine, and catechins. Just remember not to munch on those chocolate bars you frequently see at the supermarket. These are loaded with sugar and contain low amounts of cacao.

The pineapple has been a popular fruit since the 1940s and it’s now known for its superb ability to help increase testosterone production.

Therefore, it only makes sense to add this fruit to a high testosterone diet plan. This fruit consists of an enzyme, Bromelain, which directly boosts testosterone levels.

Everyone knows that oysters are a great aphrodisiac and that’s why they’re one of the most common foods featured in romantic meals. What most people don’t know is that oysters are also one of the best natural testosterone enhancer.

Packed with zinc, a mineral known for its powerful ability to increase testosterone in the body, oysters are food that most people love or hate. Depending on whether you love or hate this food, oysters are sometimes referred to as “absolutely delicious” or “downright slimy and disgusting”.

But despite your love or hatred towards this food, the fact remains that an adequate amount of zinc in the body will result in an increase in testosterone in older men with low T levels.

Even a low testosterone diet that is in serious lack of zinc can result in a drastic drop of testosterone in young and healthy men, showing the importance of at least trying to eat more oysters regardless of your age.

What’s more, oysters also have other nutrients such as calcium, potassium, selenium, and iodine that are essential for the production of testosterone.

If you’re not able to stomach the smell and taste of oysters, there is an effective and convenient solution for boosting testosterone levels – click here for more details.

Can’t stomach the smell or taste of oysters – no problem – with natural testosterone boosters you get a potent source of zinc and many other vital nutrients to help raise your T – Discover more with our in-depth review of the best natural T boosters on the market.

Popeye knew exactly what he was talking about when he advocated the inclusion of spinach in our diets. This leafy green vegetable is anti-estrogenic in nature and it’s loaded with minerals and vitamins that increase testosterone.

Anti estrogenic foods help to lower estrogen levels, the female sex hormone in the body. Men with high estrogen levels can form feminine features such as male breasts, also known as gynecomastia.

High in vitamin C and E and the mineral magnesium, Spinach is one of the best t-boosting foods you can eat to improve your overall health. For example. magnesium works by improving the body’s antioxidant capacity and decreasing inflammation, and these in turn result in a healthy release of testosterone.

Vitamins C and E, on the other hand, are known to stimulate a boost in testosterone levels while lowering estrogen. Spinach is also low in calories and as one of the symptoms of low T is weight gain, this super food can help you cut fat. Therefore, if you’re looking to convert to a high testosterone diet, spinach makes an excellent choice.

Salt, in this case, is not the regular processed table salt used in cooking, but the high-quality unprocessed sea salt, otherwise known as Himalayan crystal salt. Although unprocessed salt is technically not a food, it makes it to this list of ideal foods for low testosterone because it contains over 50 essential minerals and a great number of which are excellent testosterone boosters.

Hot Sauce
Are you one of those people who love adding hot sauce to their foods? If so, you’re unknowingly providing your body with one of the best sources to help increase testosterone levels!

Yes, as crazy as that sounds, hot sauce is a fantastic addition to a diet for low testosterone. This is due to the fiery compound, capsaicin found in chili peppers, which has been linked to increased testosterone levels in several conducted studies.

A study conducted in France showed that men who have a strong liking for hot spicy foods have higher testosterone levels as compared to men who do not like consuming spicy food. The study also found that men who add hot chilli sauce to their food tend to have have higher T-levels.

While hot sauce and fresh chilies are great options when it comes to increasing testosterone levels, many men simply cannot handle hot and spicy food. However, that doesn’t mean they can’t enjoy the testosterone boosting benefits of hot sauce.

Fortunately, there are other non-spicy options that can raise your test levels and these include natural supplements that are loaded with useful T boosting nutrients. The best supplement options available in the market can effectively increase T-levels as well as natural foods do.

This is because these supplements combine a variety of essential vitamins, herbal extracts, and vitamins for men suffering from a testosterone deficiency. And because they’re natural its a safe way to raise your T.

Since broccoli is very effective at reversing low T levels, it’s considered one of the best foods on the extensive list of foods that raise testosterone.

Just like all cruciferous vegetables, broccoli contains indoles which are anti-cancer compounds that stimulate the production of the male growth hormone by ridding the body of excess estrogen – known to inhibit the production – of the male T-hormone.

Since the leading cause of a drop in testosterone level for older men is an increase in estrogen, eating a significant amount of broccoli can help restore the ideal balance of less estrogen production and more testosterone. Other cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, Brussel sprouts, cauliflower, and kales also make great options.

Vitamin D is one of the most important vitamins for low testosterone levels. This vitamin regulates over 1000 functions in the body including the health of the male reproductive system.

According to research, men who supplement with vitamin D will experience an increased level of testosterone. And since salmon contains the highest level of vitamin D, it’s crucial that you add salmon into your regular diet.

Salmon also makes it to the list of the best testosterone increasing foods as it contains Omega 3 fatty acids and protein, both of which help in the production of testosterone.

While there are a variety of herbs that can boost T levels, garlic tops the list of herbs to increase testosterone. It contains allicin and quercitin, both of which inhibit the production of cortisol, the stress hormone, which can slow down or completely stop reproductive function when produced in excess.

Garlic also contains diallyl disulfide, a chemical that stimulates the body into releasing the luteinizing hormone that is responsible for the production of the test hormone.

It goes without saying that vitamins and minerals are very powerful natural boosters of testosterone levels. Since the above-mentioned T boosting foods contain some of the best vitamins and minerals for reversing low testosterone levels, adding them to your diet will provide you with amazing results.

Additionally, you can further enhance the testosterone boosting effects of these foods by avoiding drinks and foods that decrease testosterone such as soda, alcohol, whole grains, beer, lima beans, and soy.

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