Turinabol (TBOL): The Ultimate Guide to Crazy Gains

Turinabol (Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone) is a potent oral anabolic steroid with a unique history, being the only AAS created for non-medicinal purposes.  Turinabol, however, was created to give East Germany’s athletes an unfair advantage at the Olympic Games between 1968 and 1989.

This was a state-sponsored program of doping, also known as the “State Plan Research Theme 14-25”, in which the goal was to dominate all sports. Trainers could therefore supply athletes with vitamins (a misleading label) to avoid detection in drug tests.

Around 10,000 male and female athletes, as well as children as young as 10, experienced significant increases in muscle strength, hypertrophy (size), and endurance. The athletes were essentially acting as non-consenting laboratory rats, unaware of what was being presented to them. It wasn’t until the 1990s that it was finally discovered that Turinabol was secretly responsible for the ‘East German Doping Machine.

Tbol = Dianabol Derivative

After Dr. John Ziegler created an anabolic steroid that was more potent than Testosterone, German scientists discovered the powerful effects of Dianabol on Olympic athletes. They also realized that Dianabol caused significant amounts of water retention in athletes due to high levels of aromatization, causing a decrease in functionality.

German scientists set out to create a steroid that would replicate the strength-enhancing and anabolic effects of Dianabol. However, they did not want fluid gain. They succeeded in achieving their goal by creating a Dianabol derivative compound with a similar structure to Dbol but with an additional 4-chloro modification of Clostebol.

Clostebol, a weak anabolic steroid, is used in dermatological medicine. This modification meant that Turinabol wouldn’t replicate Dianabol’s estrogenic effects, and therefore dry muscle gains could be achieved without water retention.

Turinabol is sometimes referred to in bodybuilding as “baby Dbol” because of its chemical structure. It has less powerful anabolic or androgenic effects than the ‘father’ compound. Turinabol was created to enhance the performance of swimmers. It also helped to set several world records. Turinabol is still used today by athletes, including weightlifters, fighters, and baseball players. Jon Jones is the most well-known athlete to have Turinabol metabolites in his system.

Legal Dianabol Alternative

D-Bal is the #1 legal Dianabol product. D-Bal replicates the strength-building and muscle-building effects of Dianabol but without unwanted side effects. It has been approved by the FDA and can be ordered online without a prescription. D-Bal is ideal for men who want to build muscle mass. It doesn’t shut down testosterone, strain the liver, or elevate blood pressure.

Turinabol Benefits

  • Muscle growth
  • Increased strength
  • Fat loss
  • No Estrogenic effects
  • Weak Androgen

Turinabol is moderately anabolic, so it does not cause water retention. It is commonly used as a cutting steroid in order to increase fat burning and maintain muscle mass (while being under a caloric deficit). Turinabol can also be used to burn subcutaneous fat, as with other anabolic steroids. It is exogenous testosterone, so it causes a decrease in adipose tissues.

Turinabol does not contain estrogen due to the 4-chloro-alteration of Clostebol. This means that it is neither estrogenic nor can cause fluid retention or gynecomastia. Tbol is also not androgenic. It has an androgenic score of zero. This means that cases of androgenic hair loss (alopecia), benign prostatic hyperplasia and acne vulgaris are very rare.

Turinabol Results

This may be useful for beginners to bulk up and build muscle mass of 15lbs or more. However, experienced users are unlikely to see such increases in hypertrophy. Turinabol does not have an anabolic rate of 54, so it is not recommended for those who are looking to gain mass. If you are looking for a more powerful compound that will increase your size, then Anadrol, Trenbolone, Testosterone, and Dianabol are better choices.

Dr. Thomas O’Connor believes that Turinabol might be more powerful than Anavar but less powerful than Winstrol in terms of its effects on body composition.  Turinabol’s results will be slow and steady and have a half-life 16 hours. This is twice the time it takes to take Winstrol, and about half the time Anavar.

Turinabol, an oral steroid, does not peak quickly in the bloodstream. It causes rapid muscle growth/fat loss and requires longer cycles to build up. Turinabol also has a profound effect on strength. A 1973 study found that a 10mg/day dose was administered to a female shotput athlete and increased her throwing distance by two meters.

Turinabol Side Effects

  • Virilization
  • Liver toxicity
  • HDL cholesterol
  • Testosterone suppression


Turinabol has a 0 androgen score, but it can cause virilization in women. This masculinization was apparent at the 1976 Olympic Games in Montreal where East German swimmers had exceptionally large shoulders and deep-sounding voices.

The gradual increase in dosages each year was one reason these effects were evident ten years after Turinabol was first introduced to athletes. Many female athletes have also started to take other virilizing steroids since the 1970s. These included testosterone esters and Nandrolone (Deca Durabolin).

Some athletes were unable to tolerate this treatment due to injectables being administered (a more subtle form of administration than orals). Because the East German athletes were using other steroids simultaneously, it is difficult to determine how potent Turinabol was for masculinization in women. There is also a lack of medical research on Tbol.

It is reasonable to assume, however, that it is well-tolerated in moderate dosages among females. This is based on its imperceptible (or not apparent) effects during its first few years.

Liver Toxicity

Turinabol is a c-17 alpha–alkylated steroid that passes through the liver and will cause liver stress enzyme markers such as AST and ALT to rise. Turinabol’s hepatotoxicity may be mild according to some bodybuilders, as it is generally well tolerated.

Although this may be true, it is important not to become complacent about using turinabol for extended periods (above 8 weeks) as liver failure or jaundice are possible. Dr. Thomas O’Connor treated a patient who used Turinabol alone for around 1-2 years.

He believed it was safe because it was routinely prescribed to East German athletes during the 60s and 70s. The patient developed peliosis liveritis, a serious vascular condition in which blood-filled cysts build up in the liver. This man needed surgery to remove parts of his liver.

HDL Cholesterol

Turinabol will cause a slight to moderate increase in blood pressure. This is a common side effect of any anabolic steroid. However, oral steroids can cause more cardiovascular strain due to their stimulating the liver’s hepatic lipase enzyme (causing higher cholesterol fluctuations).

Anabolic steroids should be avoided by people with high blood pressure and a history of heart disease. Users are advised to do regular cardio and to supplement with 4g of fish oil daily (for the duration of the cycle). This will reduce the risk of hypertension from Turinabol.

Testosterone Suppression

All anabolic steroids increase the exogenous testosterone level and decrease the endogenous (natural). The degree of severity in regards to HPG (hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal) axis shutdown, often depends on the potency of a steroid and the dosages taken.

Turinabol, taken alone, will cause a mild decline in natural testosterone production. This is similar to Anavar. However, this suppression can be intensified if combined with other steroids. PCT (post-cycle therapy) can be used to accelerate endogenous testosterone recovery.

Clomiphene (Clomid), and Tamoxifen(Nolvadex), have been shown to be effective in restoring testosterone levels. Bodybuilders take approximately 30mg of Nolvadex or/and 100mg of Clomid daily. The PCT lasts for around 30 days. One SERM may not be required if Turinabol-only cycling is being done.

Two SERMs can be taken simultaneously if Turinabol has been combined with suppressive anabolics. Some users may choose to add hCG (with 2,000 IU administered every two days for 20 days) to their PCT protocol.

Legal Steroid Alternatives that Work

Based on thousands of positive reviews from verified platforms such as Trustpilot, Feefo, and other sources, Crazy Bulk is our preferred source for legal steroid options. Their medical director, Dr. Thomas O’Connor states that there is evidence that these (steroid alternatives), would be better than anabolic steroids. Crazy Bulk’s formulas are supported by clinical research and are safe to use for both men and women.

Turinabol Cycles

Turinabol can be taken in doses between 15-40mg per day. This lower range is for athletes, while bodybuilders who want to increase their lean mass will prefer 40mg. Turinabol is usually taken for 6-8 weeks. This is due to its longer ester structure and slow-acting properties.

Turinabol-Only Cycle for Men

Intermediate bodybuilders might consider extending the above 8-week cycle if they control blood pressure and liver enzymes. Bodybuilders may increase their dose to 80mg per day. However, this is not recommended and can cause severe toxic effects. Users who experience no positive effects from 40mg/day may not be taking Turinabol. This could indicate that the compound is either a placebo or heavily diluted.

Turinabol-Only Cycle for Women

Low doses of Tbol (5mg), are unlikely to cause secondary male sex features in women. The testosterone levels of females are only about half of those of males. Therefore, only small doses of steroids can produce remarkable results and dramatic improvements in body composition.

Turinabol and Testosterone Cycle

Testosterone and Turinabol complement each other well. Testosterone does not cause any liver damage; however, it causes mild cholesterol fluctuations. This combination can be used to bulk or cut, and promotes fat loss as well as lean mass gains. One of the most powerful bulking AASs, Testosterone produces exceptional muscle and strength gains. Cypionate, Enanthate, and Enanthate are both popular esters for bodybuilders. They promote slow, steady, but significant results.

Anti-estrogen can be used to prevent water retention when testosterone is added. Anastrozole and Letrozole are two popular options that inhibit aromatization (the process by which testosterone is converted into estrogen). Due to the low androgenicity of Turinabol, erection function and quality can decline in the final stages of a Turinabol cycle.

Due to the low levels of DHT, weak androgens can often lead to a decrease in sexual health. Dihydrotestosterone, or DHT, plays an important role in the production of nitric oxide. This is necessary for optimal blood flow to the penis and circulation. Turinabol can be stacked with Testosterone or another androgenic steroid to prevent impotence. High levels of DHT can lead to hair loss, acne vulgaris, and larger prostates.

Turinabol Reviews

We’ve collected reviews from anonymous Turinabol users to give our readers a better understanding of how the steroid affects people.

  • “My shoulders grew a lot faster than I thought. Arms increased from 14 1/2 to 11.5 1/4. Waist went up from 32 1/2 to 35. Traps and especially the back also increased a lot. I also had muscle fullness almost all the time. I didn’t experience any significant size changes until weeks 3-4. Around week 3, my weight began to increase by 2 lbs per day.”
  • “In just 4 weeks, my bench press went up from 300 to 335lbs. 40mg Tbol daily. A simple linear increase of 3×5 for the bench, 2-3 times per week. There are no other issues, such as libido, and there is no bloat (legit Tbol). All my gains kept, but I don’t get the hatred for orals.”
  • “Tbol is a great underrated. Tbol provided me with nice, clean gains. My bench grew by 5 lbs each week, and these gains did not stop after I stopped. It is Dbol’s little brother, but it was identical to me. With TBOL, there was no water retention and my estrogen didn’t soar.”
  • “I have never ran more than one mile in my entire life. I ran three miles on 50mg Tbol and then did some squats. For the final two weeks of the 6-week Tbol cycle, I also ran dbol 30mg/day. I set PRs at every gym session, and could still run like a horse with evil Dbol. Amazing stuff. I would do it with almost any other exercise. This is one of my favourite orals. It may not be as powerful as Superdrol, but it makes everything seem better. It works well with Test because it releases more testosterone due to the SHBG binding. You can stack even more compounds.”
  • “This was my first oral to kickstart the first cycle. My parents thought it was strange that I had lost my body. Although I didn’t gain any weight, I did become an aesthetic beast with Tbol and could do endless sets. To date, I haven’t had a compound that has given me the same level of work efficiency and intensity over time than Tbol. Not even Tren + Superdrol.”

Anavar and Turinabol Are Both Oral Compounds

Both promote strength gain, lean muscle mass, and fat loss. Turinabol’s effects, however, are slightly stronger than Anavar. Tbol could have a slight advantage in terms of strength and muscle gains. Contrary to Anavar’s side effects, Turinabol can cause more side effects such as increased cholesterol levels, ALT/AST liver enzymes, and additional testosterone suppression.

Turinabol can be purchased on the black market for a fraction of the price of Anavar. Oxandrolone is one of the most expensive steroids and can cost as high as several hundred dollars per cycle. Turinabol is said to be more friendly for joints than Anavar (or Winstrol) because it causes less synovial fluid loss. This could be an advantage for bodybuilders who lift heavier weights and perform fewer repetitions.

Anavar, a female-friendly steroid, rarely causes virilization effects. Turinabol may have the same effect. Anavar, however, is safer for women because Turinabol is slightly stronger. Anavar was first created in 1962. There has been more research on its effects on women. It is still used in medicine today. Turinabol is not FDA approved to treat any catabolic disease and is rarely used by female weightlifters. This makes it less well-known.

Where Can I Buy Turinabol?

Turinabol was discontinued in 1994 and is no longer prescribed in Germany. Tbol was discovered to be the agent behind the Government-funded State Plan Research Theme 14.25 agenda.

Since then, few pharmaceutical companies have made Turinabol. Bodybuilders are now purchasing it on the black market (via underground laboratories). This is an illegal practice and carries its own risks, in terms of contamination/hygiene and potential spiking of products.

Summary: Pros and Cons


  • Moderate increases in lean muscle
  • Fat loss
  • Significant improvements in endurance
  • No estrogen-related side effects
  • There are no androgen side effects
  • Side effects are very mild
  • Safe for women with moderate dosages


  • Mildly Hepatotoxic
  • HDL cholesterol suppressive
  • There are no pharmaceutical products on the market
legal steroids


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