Testosterone Cypionate – Testabol Depot Information, Purposes and Active Ingredients

Active Ingredient

Anabolic/Androgenic Steroid androgenic hormone cypionate

Drug Names

Banrot, Testosterona Ultra, painter Depo, Testo LA, Testex mortal Prolongatum, Cypiotest L/A, Deposteron, Depo-testosterone, Cypiobolic, Testex, Testabol Depot, Andro-Cyp, Andronaq LA, Andronate, D-Test 100/200, Dep-Test, Dep-Testosterone, Dep Andro-100-200, Depotest, Duratest-100-200, Malogen Cyp, Testa-C 200, Testoject, Testred Cypionate, Testosteron-C Depot, Dura Test, Testred Cypionate, Cypionax.

Uses of Testosterone Cypionate

To treat conditions of inadequate testosterone in men when the body is unable to produce enough testosterone (hypogonadism); it is also useful in treating other conditions as assessed by the attending doctor. A sex hormone for males, Testosterone Cypionate functions through the replacement or supplementation of natural testosterone produced in the body.

Restrictions for use of Testosterone Cypionate:

  • In case of known allergies to any component in Testosterone Cypionate.
  • In case of prevailing, or planned pregnancy, or if currently breast-feeding.
  • In case of known or suspected prostate cancer, breast cancer of the male, major heart, kidney or liver ailments.

Consult with the attending doctor or health care provider promptly in case of any of the above symptoms.

Pre-alert for using Testosterone Cypionate:

Certain types of medical conditions may cause adverse reactions to Testosterone Cypionate. Consult with the doctor or pharmacist for any prevailing medical conditions, particularly if the undernoted conditions are applicable:

  • In the case of pregnancy being planned, or there is ongoing breastfeeding.
  • In the case of currently using prescription or OTC medications, herbal formulations, or dietary additives.
  • In the case of known allergies to medicines, foods, or other items of ingestion.
  • In the case of prevailing heart disease, coronary artery disease, heart failure, high cholesterol levels angina (chest pain), sleep apnea (long pauses in breathing while you sleep), swelling (edema), or lung disease.
  • In the case of known diabetes, kidney or liver disease, enlarged prostate, obesity, or high blood calcium levels.

Certain drugs and medications may cause adverse reactions from Testosterone Cypionate. Consult with a health care provider when on a course or life of other medications, particularly in case of any of the following:

  • Carbamazepine, macrolide immunosuppressants (e.g., tacrolimus), corticosteroids (e.g., prednisone), or oxyphenbutazone due to the risk of possible side effects that may be brought about by combining with Testosterone Cypionate.
  • Anticoagulants (e.g., warfarin), oral hypoglycemics (e.g., glyburide), or insulin, as side effects like the risk of bleeding, may be brought about by Testosterone Cypionate.
  • Propranolol, due to loss of its effectiveness by Testosterone Cypionate.

The above does not purport to be a complete list of all possible adverse interactions with Testosterone Cypionate. Consulting with a health care provider is advised on whether Testosterone Cypionate can react with any other medication being taken. Verify this status with your health care provider prior to starting, suspending, or altering the dosage of any other medication programs.

Method of Using Testosterone Cypionate

  • It is safe to use Testosterone Cypionate under the direction of the attending physician. Understand the specific dosage instructions on the label provided.
  • Testosterone Cypionate is commonly administered by intermuscular injection at a doctor’s premises, hospital, or medical facility. By using Testosterone Cypionate through self-injection, a health care provider can demonstrate its proper administration. Ensuring clarity in understanding the proper way to use Testosterone Cypionate, strictly observe the procedures demonstrated by the health care provider. For further guidance, approaching a health care provider is suggested.
  • Testosterone Cypionate is a clear liquid without any visible density. If the vial is cracked or contains undissolved matter, or appears cloudy and discolored, do not apply and refer back to the pharmacist who provided the medicine.
  • This medicine along with its application peripherals like syringes or needles should be stored beyond the reach of young children or pets. Needles are not for reuse nor are syringes and other related items. Consult your health care provider on effective disposal of such used items, observing local rules in this regard.
  • When a dose of Testosterone Cypionate is missed, it should be taken at the earliest but not if close to the dose, in which case the skipped dose may be ignored altogether, to resume your next dose as per the regular schedule. Increasing or doubling the next dose is never advisable.

Consult the health care provider on this or any aspect of the best method of using Testosterone Cypionate.

Critical Testosterone Cypionate Safety Information

  • Inform the doctor or dentist about using Testosterone Cypionate prior to receiving any other medication, dental attention, emergency, or surgical procedure.
  • For patients undergoing treatment for Diabetes, Testosterone Cypionate can affect their blood sugar levels. For verification and monitoring of blood sugar levels, consult the attending doctor before any change in the regimen of diabetes treatment.
  • Testosterone Cypionate may distort the results of certain lab tests to ensure that the doctor and lab assistant are made aware of the use of Testosterone Cypionate.
  • Many lab tests, like for liver function, blood cholesterol, blood cell counts, prostatic specific antigen, blood testosterone, or bone growth may be performed during usage of Testosterone Cypionate and may be safely conducted to monitor health status or watch for adverse reactions. Ensure that all doctor appointments and lab test schedules are adhered to.
  • Use utmost caution when administering Testosterone Cypionate to elderly recipients due to their increased sensitivity to adverse side effects, especially in the presence of an enlarged prostate or related carcinoma.
  • Testosterone Cypionate should again be administered with the highest caution when used on children younger than 18 years of age as safety and effectiveness in such age groups are not confirmed.
  • Due to the presence of benzyl alcohol, in no event should Testosterone Cypionate be used on newborns or infants as it may result in severe and possibly fatal nervous system impairment or other dangerous side effects.
  • Likewise, in cases of pregnancy and breastfeeding, the use of Testosterone Cypionate may harm the fetus. It is unknown whether Testosterone Cypionate is available in breast milk and therefore Testosterone Cypionate is not for use by women.

Possible Testosterone Cypionate Side Effects

All medicines carry hazards or adverse side effects, but most users have none or only minor side effects. Consult with the doctor if any of the following most common side effects appear or become persistent:

  • Acne;
  • Change in sex drive,
  • Bitter or strange taste in mouth;
  • Fatigue;
  • Gum pain;
  • Gum or mouth irritation;
  • Gum tenderness;
  • Headache;
  • Hair loss;
  • Swelling.

Refer to the doctor promptly in the event of any of the following serious side effects emerge:

  • Severe allergic reactions (rash; itching, hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of the face, mouth, tongue, lips, or tightness in the chest);
  • Changes in the shape or size of testicles;
  • Breast growth or pain;
  • Depression or mood swings;
  • Movement of light-colored bowel or dark urine;
  • Dizziness;
  • Gingivitis;
  • Loss of appetite;
  • Interrupted breathing during sleep;
  • Nausea;
  • Stomach pain;
  • Painful or prolonged erection;
  • Swelling of the legs or ankles;
  • Weight gain;
  • Yellowing of the skin or eyes;
  • Urination problems.

The above does not purport to be a complete list of all possible adverse interactions with Testosterone Cypionate. For further information on possible side effects, consult a doctor or health care provider.

Emergency for Testosterone Cypionate Overdose

Approach the local toxicity control center or hospital emergency facility immediately. Initial symptoms may cover confusion; vision problems or one-sided weakness.

Required Testosterone Cypionate Storage

Testosterone Cypionate must be stored at ambient room temperature between 59 and 86 degrees F (15 and 30 degrees C). Prevent proximity to heat and exposure to moisture and light. This medicine is not for storage in the bathroom. Deny children and pets all access to Testosterone Cypionate.

General on Testosterone Cypionate

Testosterone Cypionate is a prescription drug strictly meant for use by a specific patient only and is not for sharing with others without the advice of a doctor. If symptoms do not show improvement or conditions deteriorate further, the advice of the attending doctor is recommended.

The above write-up is a brief summary only. It does not cover all aspects of Testosterone Cypionate. For further details on the medicine being already taken or to be used, consulting with the attending medical practitioner, pharmacist, or other health care provider, is advised.

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