Facts You Should Know About Roid Rage

There are lots of facts about Roid rage is a common term being tagged to a person who is using anabolic steroid and suffers from sudden mood swings and addiction with it. Anabolic steroids may allow you to have serious mental effects and may also cause permanent damages that may ruin your life. Anabolic steroids are considered as synthetic types of hormones that will be injected to a person to increase testosterone levels in the body, to treat certain types of anemia and it is also being use by some breast cancer patients in the US.

Anabolic steroids play a vital role in the lives of so many people but the problem is there are some who are taking advantage of the effects and they became addicted to it in the long run. There are different aspects and myths about steroid rage you should know because it contains a lot of effects that may be good and harmful to you at the same time. Anabolic steroid is known to provide psychological effects to the person using it because of psychological effects it can bring to them. Anabolic steroids will surely make a person feel aggressive and the dangers will go on as long as they are using it.

Do you know that anabolic steroid will crucially damage your heart and will increase the damages on the arteries that may cause atherosclerosis and will increase the plaque deposits on the walls of the arteries? It also lesser the good cholesterol levels in your body and it will increase the bad levels which will cause harm to your body and to your heart too.

Anabolic steroids will also cause drastic effects in the male reproductive system and will decrease the levels of sperm counts too. Men will have lesser risk of having a child in the long run if he continuously uses steroids for a long time. Anabolic steroids are considered as muscle enhancers and it is being used by athletes to increase the level of testosterone in the body that will aid in improving and the muscle size and the performance of athletes. There are varieties of supplements that are related to anabolic steroids that includes creatine supplements and androgenic steroids.

There are various types of patches that are also associated with steroids; there are also capsule forms and intramuscular that can be injected to the veins too. There are other parts of the body that can be affected by misuse of anabolic steroid or most commonly known as roid rage.

It can drastically affect the cardiovascular system of the body and will increase the risk of strokes and heart attacks and it will damage the physical structure of the heart. The liver can also be threatened by this male enhancer and it will decrease the capacity of the liver to function normally. A lot of people do not realize that roid rage can affect their lives. Even those who are not into bodybuilding and sports now take anabolic steroid for other reasons. It is very important for you to know what anabolic steroids can do so that you will be aware of it.

It will be best for you to know that anabolic steroid is composed of testosterone which is a known male hormone. It affects the body in 2 ways; it can either be an anabolic or androgenic. When you say anabolic, it acts by helping the body tissue increase its lean muscles along with the bone density. If it is an anabolic, it affects the sexual characteristics of men. Here are some of the effects of anabolic steroid you should know.

It drastically affects and increases the muscle size of a person using anabolic steroid. It also increases the testosterone level of the body into 300 milligrams. In other circumstances, it has been known to act straight to the muscle by increasing it right away. Lastly, it helps in stimulating the levels of growth hormones.

These are the good effects of using steroids in the body but using it overtime and in an abusive manner will make you hooked with it and in the long run, roid rage may occur and take you to the level you would never expect. There are cases that shows how a person can be affected emotionally be anabolic steroids. A person using it may be depressed, happy, they may suffer from mood swings and other psychologically related feelings may also be felt. Others can also have a suicidal tendency that is why there are articles nowadays that helps how to calm down a person suffering from roid rage.

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