Bodybuilding articles

Beginners Guide to Building Lean Muscle Mass

If you're a skinny guy who wants to pack on muscle and is a complete newbie when it comes to bodybuilding, then this muscle-building...

Fastest Proven Methods for Getting a Six Pack

SOMETIMES It’s Not About How Good You Are But How Bad YOU WANT IT… Six pack the lifelong goal of many health enthusiasts and gym...

7 Rules Of Strength Training

Welcome to this guide to the seven most important rules of strength training that will show you how to get stronger. Anyone wanting to...

How Do Muscles Increase and Grow – Muscle hypertrophy

Fifty years ago, the physiology of muscle hypertrophy (growth) was a mystery. A common perception among many athletes and coaches was that training turns...

Muscle Adaptation, Homeostasis and Supercompensation in Bodybuilding

Load adaptation is the key to muscle growth So, we already know basics of muscle activity and purposes of a wokout logs. Now it’s time...

How to Make Sperm Thick – Ejaculate More and Thicker Semen Naturally

Well, as a matter of fact, you cannot make your sperm thicker. You cannot even see it with your naked eye. But yes, it’s...

The Top 25 Tips For How To Build Muscle Mass

Weakness Becomes Weapon – Pain Becomes Pleasure…!!! Muscle mass and attractive physique is an ultimate goal for all. People join physical centers and perform different...

Importance of Controlling Your Variables in Bodybuilding

Today we are going to speak of the importance of Controlling Your Variables When it comes to lifting weights, especially heavy weights, then there are...

Gain Weight Fast: Effective Guide!

Get Stronger to Gain WeightUm, get stronger? YES! Get stronger. Weak is small. End of story. If you want to stay small, then stay weak....

Embarrassing Bodybuilding Bodies

Welcome to part 2 of the most embarrassing bodybuilding bodies. Now If you thought the story told in part 1 was dramatic and funny, you’ll...

6 Solid Muscle building Tips

If you’re looking to pack on solid LEAN muscle mass, then this is the article for you. Let’s be honest with ourselves… There’s a lot...

Weight Lifting: Your Complete Guide!

Weight lifting is a phenomenal activity routine decision for anybody and everybody, and can help drastically in both weight misfortune and body toning. Consolidating...

Female Bodybuilders: Strong Women that All Men Desire and All Women Desire To Be, and How This Can Be You

Female Bodybuilders. Mention the name and men everywhere begin to run into the nearest bathroom drop their pants and check the size of their...

How To Cure Patellar Tendonitis

Patellar tendonitis. Also known as jumper’s knee, a pain in the ass, whatever floats your boat. In this article I’ll go into full detail...

I Want to Transform My Body

The human body is a really sophisticated machine but pretty easy to understand, if your goal is to have a completely different body than...

Gym Freaks

Due to the success of our article, Gym Idiots, we decided to do another article on experiences with others. While these didn’t belong in...

Does boxing build muscle

A common question we receive on here every day is the one I’m discussing in this article does boxing build muscle. This always makes me...

Bodybuilding Myths

If you’re really into the fitness world or into the sport of bodybuilding it’s probably because you started training in high school to look...

6 pack abs and their role in the Media, Movies and Today’s Generation

Now, I know what you are thinking: And the answer is: No! This is not your typical article on how real men just bulk....

How to Achieve a Complete Physique

In order to be a Mr. Olympia, fitness model or just a regular guy that catches stares around the street because of his body...

5 Tips You Can Use For Faster Gains

Most of us when set out for the gym, would like to see those huge gains in muscle mass we often see on the...

Mental Focus in Bodybuilding

My first workout ever was with my father’s old gym set in a room in the corner of my house, I never looked at...

Eccentric Phase of Lifts

Today we are going to talk about the “eccentric” portion of the lift. It is something that is quite often abused. What do I...

Build muscle after 50

So you think you’re too old, too fat, too weak? Nope, never. I told a story in my build muscle after 40 article about a...

4 Simple Tips for Women Quick Muscle Building

Assuming that you’re a woman attempting to build up muscle quickly , these easy tips are able to take you to your targets. Due...

Muscle Soreness

Today we are going to discuss muscle soreness! Why, you may ask? Because it’s probably what’s holding you back from adding another 5lbs of lean body...

Maintain Lean muscles on vacations with 7 simple tricks

Vacations are a wonderful time to unwind and relax, both physically and mentally. However as far as fitness lovers go, they share a unique...

Gym Idiots

I thought this one was an excellent follow up article to the article titled “Gym Creatures” that I did awhile back, where we discussed...

Lifting Heavy vs Light Weights in the Gym Advice

For the past few years a big debate has been going on between the serious gym goers about what’s the best way to work...

Essential To-do List for Strength and Muscle Building

As we undergo the process of aging, our muscle mass is more difficult to be developed and sustained. As a matter of fact, at...

D-Bal Max vs. D-Bal (Dianabol)

Are you tired of being skinny guy? Want to gain some muscles but do not know where to start? It is actually hard to...

How Can Legal Steroids Help your Workouts?

Legal Steroids can help your workouts. If you spend much time in the gym, it is likely that you are looking for a way to...

Building lean muscle mass

So we today we are talking about Building lean muscle mass Yes, we don’t mean bulking in the traditional sense (though you’ll still need to...

Build muscle fast

This is something everyone wants to do. I mean, hell, who wants to build muscle slow? But seriously, I’m going to discuss the best anabolic...

Does Jogging Build Muscle

First off we get asked if does walking build muscle, which I’ve already slapped on my self on the head with in anger and...

Top 10 Reasons To Start Working Out

Are you desperately in need of some workout motivations?? Need an extra push?? To start your workout sessions in gym? Or you have left...

Muscle Building Science

This is a common question coming up all the time and you know what? I’m absolutely happy it is!” Honestly, I’ve heard too many...

How To Reduce Cortisol

We talk about all the important hormones for muscle building, Testosterone, Human growth hormone, insulin, to name but a few. But how often do...

Best ways to build muscle

So you want to build muscle mass, huh? You want the Best ways to build muscle? Then you came to the right place. First...

Can’t Build Muscle

So, you’ve been told you Cant build muscle mass right? It’s not possible to build muscle mass, and you are struggling, do you know...

Importance Of Gym Clothing – All You Need To Know!

Starting your fitness journey requires adequate preparation and this include physical, psychological and often material. Of course, apart from preparing a balanced diet and taking...

How To Become Regular Early Morning Exerciser

As we round out November and head straight for December and the holiday season, none of us need the reminder that this is arguably...

3 Tips For Better Gains

Let’s talk about 3 VERY vital factors. In fact, possibly the most vital in building muscle mass. Without these you simply will not build anywhere...

Four Reasons to Work out at Home

Working out at the gym is an awesome experience that everybody has to try at least once in their lifetime, if you are like...

3 Signs Your Muscle Mass Building Plan Never Works

One of the craze of today`s men is to build a body that is strong and which can differentiate them from others. In order...

What It Means To Be a Bodybuilder

What does it mean to be a bodybuilder? I find myself standing outside the entrance to my temple. Its hallowed walls tower up around me...

Welcome to the gym 101

The gym can be a pretty magical place if you know how to use it correctly, inside you have all kinds of people with...

What is Olympic Lifting

Olympic Lifting is a fantastic sport and one that is getting more and more popular by the minute. I competed at Olympic lifting at the...

The Basics of Injuries and the Gym

Going to the gym and getting a good workout are totally different things, probably more than ninety perfect on the people inside the gym...

The effects of muscular pumping as we know and see it

When muscles are engaged in any kind of work, they demand an increased blood flow, or circulation, with its cargo of oxygen and other...

5 Practical Tips to Keep Gaining Muscle

While genetics play a big role in how much muscle you can gain, it’s not the end of the world if you don’t have...

Funny Gym Stories

I decided to do a more “fun filled” article to go with the more serious ones we often have on here. In this journey of...

Anavar Results

Anavar results ; what are they, what can you expect and can they be obtained safely? These are very common questions for many performance enhancers when...

Side Effects Of Steroids

There is great prestige that comes with being an athlete; the lifestyle, the money, the endorsements and the fame. If you think of athletes...

Phil Heath Mr Olympia Bodybuilder : Life Story Of a Legend

Phil Heath (source) has already become Mr. Olympia seven times. The former champion has a great chance of becoming the next G.O.A.T. ("greatest of...

How to Make Your Veins Pop Out Quickly: Easy for Beginners

When you exercise, your blood pressure rises and your veins are pushed closer to your skin. Once your blood pressure drops to normal, your hand veins become less...

Aesthetic Bodybuilding: Tips and Supplements for An Ideal Aesthetic Body

Aesthetic Bodybuilding is a specific type of the world bodybuilding (source). For many years, bodybuilding was associated with thick, huge, brawny, and oiled bodies...

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