Anadrolon, Anapolon, Oximetolon Steroid: How to Use It and Side-effects

The Anapolon 50 is the strongest and at the same time the most effective steroid used oraly. This concoction has an androgen action very strong, which is germinated with anabolic components very pronounced. That’s why in a very short time the force and the musculature are extremely increased.

Often, there are cases when sporters gain weight to 5-7 kilos in only 14 days, while the water accumulation is rising and the muscle volume is increased; those effects determine a massive aspect for people who use the concoction. Because the muscle cell attracts a big quantity of water, most of the sporters acquire a sleek and even inflated musculature.

The Anapolon doesn’t assure a qualitative increase of the muscles, but only a quantitative one which is necessary in the season before competitions. The Anapolon “smears the wrists” because it is accumulated water, which is less important for the massive increase in force and facilitates the training of athletes who’re having wrists pain.

With a rigorous diet and with a concurrent utilization of Nolvadex and Proviron, the water accumulation can be diminished to a minimum for a solid musculature increase.

With Anapolon’s help, the sporter feels “the unbelievable pumping effect” in the active muscle group while exercising. During training, the blood volume becomes considerably increased and this determines the intensification of blood circulation in muscles. Anapolon increases the number of erythrocytes in blood and after that muscles are provided with more amino-acids.

Muscle resistance and efficiency are increased. Even after only a few series, the athlete disposes of force. Some bodybuilders talk about an exaggerated “pumping effect”, even aching which helps them to train a muscles category after they finished the training for an anterior category, after a small number of series. The mentioned effect brings for the athlete a great feeling of satisfaction.

Anapol’s strong androgenic action stimulates fast recovery. Often, after intensive training, an athlete feels like he could have trained for hours more. Even after 6 training sessions a week, the athlete can observe his progress.

Even if the Anapol isn’t a good steroid for competitive training, it helps like no other concoction to maintain the musculature with a strict diet and assures intensive training. Some sporters use this concoction before competitions, and the water retention in organisms is handled by antiestrogens and dietetic ways.

When it comes for doses the opinions are shared. The producer of Oxitozon 50 “Sintex Latino”, recommends a 1-5 mg dose for 1 kilo from the sporter weight; this means that a sporter who weighs 100 kilos would receive pursuant to the prescript a daily concoction of 10 pastilles. This thing is illusory: the information are exaggerated and they can provoke strong reactions. It is enough the dose of 1-2 mg a day for 1 kilo from the sporter weight.

This dose answers 1-4 pastilles, that is 50-200 mg a day; there can’t be more than 4 pastilles. The person who wants to use this concoction has to begin with only one pastille of 50 mg a day. After a few days (more than a week), the daily dose can be tow-ply and it can be taken in the morning and in the evening, during the meals. Those athletes who weigh more than 100 kilos can use a dose of 150 mg a day starting with the 3rd week, but this dose doesn’t has to be maintained for more than 2-3 weeks.

It is recommended that the concoctions shouldn’t be used for more than 6 weeks, because of the receivers which are fast saturated. When the Anapolon treatment starts, considerable increase in weight happens often, yet then it’s interrupted. Here are 2 solutions: either the next dose increase, which has to be avoided because of a high risk caused by the side effects, or using another concoction, which is recommended.

The person, who uses Anapolon for 5-6 weeks, can gain around 10 kilos. This is a great result and a good reason for every athlete to stop using the concoction. It is important that when you stop taking Anapolon, the treatment shall be prolonged with other concoctions, otherwise the sporter’s fettle will come back to the one he had before the cycle. No other anabolic steroid provokes such a speedy diminishing of force and musculature.

A weightlifter mentioned: “If you urinate 3 times after you stopped taking Anapolon, you will weigh 5 kilos less and you will jab from an incumbent position 10 kilos less”. That’s why the stager athletes continue treatment a few weeks later, receiving injections of testosterone such as Sustanon-250 or Enantat Testosterone. As the force and the musculature rise, athletes combine Anapolon with Deca-Durabolin and/or with Testosterone.

Athletes prefer an effective combination which contains Anapol 100 mg a day, Porabolan 152-228 mg a week and Sustanon 500 mg a week. This quantity builds considerable force and musculature like no other concoction, but will bring nothing good for sportsers who just start taking steroids. Unfortunately, Anapolon is the most detrimental oral steroid because it generates different reactions.

Because this concoction is 17-alfa alchilat, it is very toxic for the liver. Liver functions are out of hand and this thing is obvious at the start because of the high liverish activity index, but later, especially if you continue to use big doses of concoction, the liver is seriously affected.

The first symptoms of liver affectation are the pale-eyes, the pale-angles and the pale-skin. Anapolon is the only steroid which can provoke liver cancer.

Oximetolon is an active chemical substance which is easily transformed in estrogen; that’s why the aromatization apparitions and the accumulated water in organism are often and the sporters have to use anti-estrogens (Nolvadex and Proviron).

The massive water accumulation is unsafe for some sporters because it can provoke a high arterial tension. In the extreme cases, this fact determines sporters to use antihipertonici (Clofelin). It is also possible to experience acne and huge hair losses because the active chemical substance part can be transformed into dihydrotestosterone.

Effects such as headache, nausea, vomiting, stomach-ache, somnolence and diarrhea can appear too. In distinction of Dianabol, which is “a good emotive state concoction”, the Anapol could cause for the athlete a “general indisposition” state. Often there is a paradoxical situation: on the one hand the athlete becomes stronger and much solid, on the other hand he doesn’t feel good at all. Increased aggressiveness, connected to high levels of androgen, develops much faster when high doses of testosterone are used.

The Anapolon isn’t right for older athletes because it can cause more side effects and the probability of liver or prostate affectation is bigger. Anapolon combined with the usual musculature rise, with a rigorous diet and lots of fats can provoke a high cholesterol level. Increased lipoprotein content with a small density. Because the Anapolon influences the hypothalamus, the sexual hormones prominence is diminishing and the endogen testosterone production is very reduced.

That’s why the concoction utilizations which stimulate testosterone (such as HCG and Clomid) are necessary to maintain a normal level for the testicle hormones. Some of the athletes who use Anapolon observe the libido increased, which is diminishing after few weeks.

Women shall avoid Anapolon 50 use because it can provoke strong side effects and sometimes unobserved masculinity: acne, clitoris hypertrophy, voice descent, hair growth increase on the body and face, inflated libido, hair loss, and aggressive behavior.

Anapolon may be too strong for female organisms. Yet some of the women who take part in bodybuilding competitions use this concoction and obtain very good results. Women who doesn’t want to give up on the incredible results of Anapolon, but who want to diminish (as far as it’s possible) its androgen effects, can take ½ pastilles (25 mg), using the Anapolon 2-4 with an ulterior pause and combining it with a “weaker” active injectable anabolic steroids such as Primobolan, Depot, or Durabolinom.

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