All You Need To Know About Anavar-Only Cycle

For beginners, the Anavar-only cycle is the most popular and effective. Anavar, also known as Oxandrolone, is one of the mildest steroids. Anavar isn’t very effective at increasing muscle mass but it does provide significant strength and power for intense workouts. It is more efficient in cutting. Anavar can help you add lean muscle mass and maintain lean mass gains, especially if you are on a low-calorie diet. Anavar for women is very popular in bodybuilding because of its mild nature. Anavar is safe for both men and women. Many people are still guessing if the Anavar-only cycle is good enough. This article will cover the most important aspects of Anavar-only cycle.

What Is Anavar-Only Cycle?

Anavar alone is an effective Anavar-only method. Both intermediate and novice users use Anavar to complete the cutting cycle. This cycle will help increase strength, lean muscle mass, and body fat. This cycle has the amazing ability to maintain lean muscle mass even during cutting, and it can be consumed with very low calories. This cycle can be used by both men and ladies.

Anavar alone was not enough for men. Many have opted to stack it with other anabolic steroids. Anavar is effective in women even at lower doses, and they can achieve desirable results. This cycle is great for beginners, as it’s a mild steroid that won’t cause severe side effects. This makes it the ideal steroid compound for beginners. Anavar can be used by users who are concerned about side effects.

Anavar for Medical Use

Anavar is approved for medical use by the Food and Drug Administration. Anavar is used in many ways, such as:

  • It is used to treat osteoporosis, chronic infection, and traumas.
  • It assists with weight gain after surgery.
  • It helps to treat females with turner syndrome.
  • It combats the devastation caused by HIV/ AIDS.
  • It is used to treat hypogonadism and anemia as well as hereditary and genetic angioedema.
  • It decreases constipation risk and prevents premature maturation.

Anavar steroid is safe to take alone, but bodybuilders and athletes may also stack it with Winstrol, Primobolan, or Dianabol. It can be used both for bulking and cutting. This article will cover the best solo cycles for male and feminine users.

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Anavar Bulking Cycle for Men

First Week: 150 mg per day
Second Week: 270 mg per day
Third Week: 380 mg per day
Fourth Week: 550 mg per day
Fifth Week: 880 mg per day

Anavar Bulking Cycle for Women

First Week: 15 mg per day
Second Week: 210 mg per day
Third Week: 310 mg per day
Fourth Week: 410 mg per day
Fifth Week: 510 mg per day

Anavar Cutting Cycle for Men

First Week: 120 mg per day
Second Week: 230 mg per day
Third Week: 340 mg per day
Fourth Week: 450 mg per day
Fifth Week: 560 mg per day
Sixth Week: 660 mg per day
Seventh Week: 750 mg per day
Eighth Week: 840 mg per day

Anavar Cutting Cycle for Women

First Week: 12.5 mg per day
Second Week: 25 mg per day
Third Week: 35 mg per day
Fourth Week: 55 mg per day
Fifth Week: 615 mg per day
Sixth Week: 715 mg per day
Seventh Week: 810 mg per day

Anavar Post-Cycle Treatment

Anavar can suppress your testosterone levels. Anavar will suppress your testosterone level, but it is not severe enough to prevent you from performing a normal post-cycle therapy cycle with Nolvadex/Clomid at the end. You should have a solid PCT if you are planning to stack it with anabolic steroids. Post-cycle therapy is a way to increase testosterone production and return your body back to normal. HCG drugs should not be used because Anavar causes mild suppression.

Clomid/Nolvadex Post-Cycle Treatment:

First Week: 1150 mg per day/40 mg per day
Second Week: 275 mg per day/30 mg per day
Third Week: 350 mg per day/20 mg per day
Fourth Week: 250 mg per day/10 mg per day

Benefits of Anavar

Anavar can give you excellent results if you follow the recommended dosage. Anavar does not convert to estrogen. This means that you will not experience estrogenic side effects such as water retention, weight gain, and gynecomastia. Anavar will provide you with the following benefits:

  • Add lean muscle mass
  • Strength and power of significant importance
  • Increase anabolic activities
  • Boost your anabolic activities
  • Keep lean muscle mass intact during the cutting phase
  • Safe for Women
  • Enhance nitrogen retention
  • A faster recovery rate
  • Increase red blood cell counts
  • Fluid retention and vascularity are reduced


Anavar is an anabolic steroid that increases your strength and builds lean muscle. It is mild so it can be used by both men and women. Anavar single and stack cycles are equally effective if taken with the right protection and stack. Anavar is also available as an oral medication.  Anavar is not known to cause severe side effects. However, if Anavar is used in high doses and for long periods of time, there may be side effects that can affect your health. Anavar should be taken slowly, starting with lower doses. Make sure to do the PCT at each end of your Anavar cycle. Effective results require a balanced diet and proper training.

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