The lower back dumbbell exercises that I will share with you in this post can help you strengthen your lower back, glutes, hamstrings, and posture. Lower back exercises with the dumbbell can help strengthen muscles and prevent injury.
You should strengthen your lower back, which is one of the most important parts of your body. It connects the upper body to lower body, and connects to hips, glutes upper back, neck, and hips.
There are many exercises that can be done to strengthen your lower back. Here are the top lower-back exercises you can do at home with the dumbbell.
Why should I use weight for lower back exercises?
Studies show that resistance exercises are more effective than bodyweight exercises in strengthening muscles. Weight training doesn’t have to be restricted to powerlifters and bodybuilders. Weight training can be done by anyone, regardless of gender, whether they are overweight or obese.
Weight lifting is a great way to build muscle strength. Weight training can cause muscle growth by putting stress on the muscles.
Strength training can also tone your muscles, improve bone density, and combat the effects of aging hormones.
For the lower back, dumbbells will be more effective than machines and barbells. Do lower back exercises with dumbbells.
Related: Walking for lower back pain?
Do dumbbells make a difference in my lower back exercises?
Dumbbells offer greater motion range, such as the ability to move your arms in any direction you desire; one arm can be used at a time; and you can also use dumbbells in different positions, such as sitting, standing, or lying down.
You can also hold dumbbells anywhere you like. You can hold the dumbbells on your chest, your shoulders, or overhead. This is why dumbbells work well for lower back exercises.
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Let’s now take a look at the top 9 dumbbell exercises for lower back that you can do at home or in the gym.
9 Lower Back Exercises with dumbbells that you can do at home
These dumbbell exercises for lower back can strengthen your lower back and prevent injury. They can also nourish your core, glutes and hamstrings.
These dumbbell exercises for lower back strength are not intended for rehabilitation. Here are step-by-step instructions on how to lower back exercises with the dumbbell.
1. Good morning Lower back exercises with a dumbbell
Good morning is a basic but essential exercise for the lower back. You can do it at any time, but mornings are more efficient than evenings, night or afternoons.
This is done with the smith machine or barbell, but it can also be done using dumbbells.
We take a look at the best way to do the good-morning exercise with a dumbbell.
1. Standing straight, with your feet hip width apart, hold a dumbbell between your shoulders and your hands. Then, fix it under your arms.
2. Your core should be tight, and your feet must be on the ground. This is your starting position.
3. Begin the next step by bending your knees and pushing your hips forward. Once you feel a stretch in your hamstrings, lean forward to begin the next step.
4. Next, hold for a few seconds and then slowly lift yourself back to the starting position.
5. During the movement, keep your back flat.
This exercise should be done for at least two minutes. If you feel uncomfortable, there are other exercises that you can do for the lower back.
2. Dumbbell Bird Dog Exercise for Lower Back
A bird dog is one of Stuart McGill’s top exercises for the lower back. For strengthening purposes, you can use dumbells to do the supported birddog exercise.
If you are experiencing lower back pain, the bodyweight variant is helpful. The weighted bird can help you to strengthen your muscles when your back is okay.
To strengthen your lower back, here’s how to do dumbbell birddog dog exercises
1. You can place a dumbbell on the floor, and then you can get up on all fours.
2. Hold a dumbbell in your left hand with your core tightly.
3. Keep your left arm and right leg raised in front of yourself until they touch the ground.
4. For five to ten second, hold them and then slowly lower them back into the starting position.
5. To complete one rep, repeat the same movement on your opposite side.
6. Based on your fitness level, do as many repetitions of each exercise as you need.
For additional support, you can do the same movement on a bench. To support yourself, grab the side of the bench with your hand.
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3. Dumbbell Hyperextension
Hyperextension increases strength of lower body muscles, especially the hips. It is a great exercise to increase the strength and power of your lower body.
Hyperextension can be done without using weight. If you don’t want to lose weight, however, you can use light dumbbells.
Hyperextension can be done on the machine, but what if your gym does not have one or you aren’t able to go to the gym?
In this case, you can perform the hyper-extension exercise using a dumbbell on a flat bench. Below are the instructions for hyperextension on a flat-bench.
Lower back exercises dumbbellHow to Dumbbell Hyperextension at the Flat Bench
1. Begin by lying down on a flat bench, with your face facing downward.
2. Place your feet on one side of the bench, and place your lower abs on the other.
3. You can either lock your feet behind you or ask a friend to help you place your feet on the bench.
4. Place your hands under your chest and grab a dumbbell. This is your starting position.
5. You can tighten your hips, thighs and glutes by raising your upper body with a dumbbell. Eventually, you will feel a stretch in your lower back.
6. For a few seconds, hold the position and then lower your upper body until you are closest to the ground. This is one rep. You can do this many times.
4. Dumbbell Glute Bridge Workout for Lower Back
To strengthen your lower back, the glute bridge can be done with a dumbbell.
A study published in the Journal of Physical Therapy Science suggested that combining glute strengthening exercises with lumbar segmental stability exercise reduces low back discomfort and strengthens the lower lumbar muscles in chronic low back patients.
It is simple to do glute bridge. Here are the steps.
Lower back dumbbell workout 1. Place your feet flat on the ground and bend your knees so that you are lying on the mat.
2. Place the dumbbell on your hips by holding it in your hands.
3. Keep your hips lifted off the ground until your knees are in line with your chest. Or until you feel the contraction of the low back muscle.
4. For five to ten second, hold the same position and then slowly lower your hips towards the floor.
5. If you wish, repeat this process 10 to 15 more times.
Also, check out these 15 best home workouts for your back.
5. Deadlift with dumbbells
The dumbbell deadlift is a compound exercise that can be used to improve overall fitness and lower back strength. ResearchGate published an article stating that deadlifts can help prevent injuries and reduce back pain. Deadlifts can increase muscle strength and joint strength, bone density, coordination, and other benefits.
These exercises have many benefits that will help strengthen your lower back.
There are many types of deadlifts, and the dumbbell deadlift can be one of them. Here’s how to deadlift dumbbells.
1. Place two dumbbells close to your feet on the ground.
2. Standing straight, with your feet shoulder width apart, your arms in front of you thigh and your palms facing your body, keep your legs straight. This is your starting position.
3. To keep your back flat, tighten your core by pushing your hips forward and tightening your core.
4. With extended arms, lift the dumbbells and then slowly return to the standing position. This is one repetition. This can be repeated as many times you want.
Similar: Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift
6. Dumbbell Superman Exercise With The Dumbbell
Superman is a great workout that targets multiple muscles at once. It targets the core, back, hamstrings, glutes, and core. It is used to strengthen the lower back muscles, and decrease pain.
Superman is simple and easy to do anywhere, including at home. You only need a little bit of space and your own body. You can also modify the exercise with dumbbells.
This workout will be more effective and advanced if you add dumbbells. This dumbbell exercise is great for your lower back.
How to be Superman with dumbbells
1. Begin by lying down (face down), with your legs extended behind you and your arms extended in front.
2. Keep your head neutral by holding a pair light dumbbells. This is the start.
3. Lift both your legs and arms simultaneously.
4. As a superman, raise your arms and legs as high up as possible.
5. For a few seconds, hold this position and then lower your head to the floor.
6. While you are in the superman position, your lower back feels stretchy.
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7. Dumbbell Aquaman Lower Back exercise
Aquaman is similar to superman. Aquaman is easier than superman, because you don’t have to raise your arms and legs simultaneously.
This exercise is great for reducing back pain and strengthening lower back muscles.
For greater benefits, you can also use dumbbells.
How to do Aquaman with dumbbells
1. Begin by lying down (face down), with your legs extended behind you and your arms extended in front.
2. Keep your head neutral by holding a pair light dumbbells. This is the start.
3. Your right arm and your left leg should be raised simultaneously. In the swimming position, raise both your right arm and left leg as high you can.
4. For a few seconds, hold this position and then slowly lower to your starting position. Next, repeat the process with the other arm and leg.
5. While you are in the swimming position, your lower back feels stretchy.
8. Dumbbell Side Hip Raise
Side bridges or side hip lifts strengthen the lower back and decrease pain. Stuart McGill included this move in his three exercises.
This movement is a great option for lower back pain.
Side hip raises can be done with a dumbbell.
These are the steps
1. Simply lie on your right side, with your forearm on a table and your elbow under your shoulder.
2. To 90 degrees, slightly bend your knees in front.
3. Place a dumbbell on your hip with your left hand. That’s it.
4. Your hips should be lifted off the ground and held for 5-10 seconds, depending on your strength. Then, return your hips back to where they were.
5. Repeat the steps on the opposite side, and then repeat the process for as many times as you like.
An ab-wheel roller is used to roll the exercise. To modify the exercise, you can add a pair dumbbells to your lower back.
This workout helped me tremendously. This will help strengthen your spine, prevent back pain, and injury prevention.
How to Dumbbell Roll
1. Begin by placing your knees on the floor and your feet behind.
2. Place a pair dumbbells on the mat that you can roll.
3. Keep your core firm and roll the dumbbells forward with your knees straight.
4. You can roll the dumbbells up until you feel a stretch in your spine.
5. For a few seconds, hold this position and slowly return to the starting position. You can see it here for a better understanding.
This dumbbell exercise is primarily designed to strengthen the core, but it can also be used to strengthen the lower back.
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Exercises for the Lower Back of Dumbell: A Frequently Asked Question
1. Do dumbbell exercises help lower back pain?
These dumbbell exercises for lower back strength are not intended for rehabilitation.
These exercises can be used to strengthen your lower back and glutes, as well as your hamstrings.
You can perform most of these lower back exercises with a dumbbell at home.
You can still do superman, bird dog, side hip lift, and glute bridge if you suffer from lower back pain. These exercises have been proven to be effective in numerous studies.
2. These dumbbell exercises can improve your posture.
All the dumbbell exercises for lower back can be used to improve your posture
Poor posture is one of the main causes of low back pain. Doing weighted lower-back exercises with the dumbbell can help you to have a better posture.
3. What are the benefits to having a stronger lower back? Why should you train lower?
The stronger lower back has many benefits. We will take a look at a few of these benefits.
1. A strong lower back can help you do difficult exercises like weight lifting, deadlifts, and so on. . Many fitness enthusiasts have lower back problems and get injured quickly. To prevent injury and pain, it is essential to strengthen your lower back. . Your lower back is your midsection. It is therefore important to strengthen it so you can build your other muscles.
4. Are lower back dumbbell exercises helpful in shedding fat from my lower back?
They do, if your body fat percentage is lower. You can reduce body fat by eating low-calorie foods and taking weight loss pills. This will help you to stay in a calorie deficit.
You can lose weight by using HIIT and intermittent fasting, as well as fat around your lower back.
Also, check out: Intermittent Fasting Results in 1 Month – My Experience
There are no shortcuts and you shouldn’t believe anyone who claims their program will reduce your weight in just a few weeks.
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