1_10 Best Ab Workout Exercises For Building Muscle_rewrite_1


Let’s be clear: This is not a late-night informercial and we aren’t going to try to sell any “best ab exercises ever”. Many people have made that claim and it is not true. It’s true that achieving the perfect six-pack takes a lot of work and consistent effort over months, if not years.

It doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t give it a shot. You just need to get going. Below is a list of the best options for building your abs. We have included brief descriptions of each option and, if available, the research supporting them.

Here’s how they were chosen:

* Easy learning and performing
* Increased intensity and total muscle stimulation
* Popularity among bodybuilders and diehard lifters (This is important!)
* Equipment available in commercial gyms

Don’t forget the kitchen! Paul Salter, a registered dietician and bodybuilder, explains that the more ambitious your goal, the smaller the wiggle room (i.e. cheat) you have.

Let’s now meet your favorite ab moves.

10 Best Ab Exercises
Hanging Knee Raise
It’s here because: While there are many reasons leg raises are popular, the most important is their ability to scale. Begin by doing bent-knee lifts in a captain’s chair or with ab-straps to target the lower core. Next, move up to straight leg raises and then to a hanging bar. You’ll have incredible strength in your core by the time you can do straight-leg toes and bar raises.

Another advantage is that you can raise the difficulty and resistance of your workout by placing a medicine ball between both your knees and ankles. This will allow you to do lower reps. You can also add a twist to the top, or go full-blown “windshield wipers” to target deeper rotational muscles and obliques.

Whatever the variation, remember to use your abs and not your momentum to lift your legs as high on each rep as possible.

Hanging Knee Raise variations for Ab Development

This move can be done in your workout for three sets of reps or as many reps as you are able. Dropsets can be done with a medicine ball by simply letting go when you reach failure.

Machine Crunch
Why it’s here: Ab exercises with extra resistance are a hit! Additional resistance can stimulate growth in fast-twitch muscle fibers and build the “bricks’ of your six-pack.

You can adjust the weight and fail at any rep target by using a machine. Dropsets are especially good for machines that can be pin-loaded. You can still reap the same benefits with cables and bands even if your gym does not have an ab machine.

Variations of Machine Crunch for Ab Development

You can use this as a first exercise in your ab workout. For a lower rep target, use a more challenging weight. It can also be used with lighter weight to burnout at the finish. It is recommended to do 3-4 sets of reps in each case.

The best fat-burners of today are light years ahead than they were just a few decades ago. They can be your secret weapon if you have abdominal ambitions. Pallof Press
It’s on the List: This popular movement trains your abs how to stabilize your skeleton. ThePallof press is anti-rotation. This means that the body actively resists rotation during the movement. You can improve core stability in different planes of motion and decrease the risk of injury by using exercises such as this.

These are not easy tasks to do if you have never tried them before.

Pallof Press Variations to Build Strength

You don’t need to be heavy in your workout. It will only compromise the quality of your move. These should be done after the most difficult ab move you have ever done. Use a weight that can handle 3 sets of reps per side.

Cable Crunch
It’s a versatile exercise that is why it’s so popular. This exercise is suitable for all fitness levels, and can be used on any type of cable machine. You can also add as much resistance as you need to reach your desired rep range. If you don’t own a cable stack, you can use a resistance band.

These are great benefits, but many people still make them wrong. These are the top points from the article “4 Cable Crunch Blunders.”

* Keep your hips forward and squeeze your glutes. More hip flexors can be found by sitting back.
* Round your back after each rep.
To avoid making it a shoulder or upper-body move, keep your hands close to your head.
* Keep your neck neutral. Do not tuck your neck.

Did you get it? Put it to use.

Variations of Cable Crunch for Ab Development

You can do 3 sets of reps during your workout. You can add a dropset by changing the pin or using a lighter resistance band. Perform another 8-10 reps immediately.

Decline Crunch
This is why it’s on our list: This old-fashioned favorite amplifies the ab engagement by increasing motionover standard crunches. Adjusting the angle of your bench can increase or decrease the difficulty.

A medicine ball, dumbbell or plate can be held against your chest to add resistance. This is the best option if you don’t have access or time to go to a gym but want the ab-chiseling benefits of gym machines and cables.

Warning: Your feet may be hooked so it is easy for your hip flexors and not your abs to lift your feet. Your lower back should be flat against the bench. Keep your abs engaged. If you aren’t feeling a great burn, lose weight and place your hands on your stomach. Focus on the contraction at slower speeds.

Decline Crunch Variations in Ab Development:

After you have exhausted from the first or second exercise, add this one to your workout. Three sets of reps are recommended. If 15 reps seem too difficult, increase the angle of descent or use a heavier plate or ball.

Ab Training is Better With Balls Throw, crunch and twist with medicine balls to improve your fitness. Squat
It’s why it’s there:We’re not going back to the old myth that deads and squats are enough for abs. There’s more to it! You need more! A number of studies have proven that wearing a belt during squats actually increases ab activation.

A sturdy lifting belt can help you strengthen your core and brace your back during heavy lifting. You should always have one in your gym bag. Research shows that you can get all the abdominal stimulation you need by just doing heavy squats on a floor.

Squat Variations to Develop Abs:

Your workout should include both front and back squats. Rotate through the exercises in four-week increments or alternate between front and back squats to keep it interesting. If you are following a specific program such as the 7-Day Six Pack, make sure to do your exercises after your heavy legs days. You don’t want to feel weak or sore when you lift the bar.

Russian Twist
It’s on the List: To recruit the obliques you must do one of the following:

* Bend to the side
* Rotate your trunk
* Get in your stomach

You can add a medicine ball twist to your rotation. This will give you a double hit to your obliques by forcing the upper abs contract isometrically in order to balance against the weight. To increase the intensity, try to add a little crunch to either side of the rotation.

Twist Variations to Develop Ab Muscles:

This exercise can be done during your workout. Do three sets of approximately 15 reps each side. You can increase the difficulty by using heavier weight or extending your arms.

Ab Roll-out
This is why it’s here: This inexpensive piece of equipment has enjoyed a loyal following over the years. EMG data shows that an ab wheel can be as effective, if not better than sit-ups, hang leg raises, and reverse crunches in activating the abs.

What makes the ab wheel so efficient? The ab wheel perfectly capitalizes on the idea of eccentric strength-building. Your trunk must be active as you roll out. Your abs must stretch to maintain a neutral spine and not collapse under gravity or body weight.

Ab Roll-Out Variations to Ab Development:

You can do up to three sets of 8-12 reps in your workout. Roll all the way back and forth on your knees. You can reduce the distance to maintain a neutral spine and do not need to complete all the reps. Then, gradually increase the number of reps over the next few weeks.

Exercise Ball Pike
It’s here because: The exercise ball can do more than simply sitting down and waiting for your partner finish their set. Research has shown that the pike movement is one the best total-ab activators. It was ranked first on the EMG list for upper and lower abs as well as obliques. Although the study involved pikes on a ball, it can also be done using a suspension strap system.

Variations of the Exercise Ball Pike for Ab Development

The pike is a great tool to use in your workout. It targets large amounts of abdominal muscle mass, so it can be used either to start your routine or to end it. You should aim for between 8-12 reps per set. Start with exercise ball knee rolls-ins if you are unable to complete reps with proper form.

It’s on the list because: Muscle activation studies consider it a mid-level exercise. However, this doesn’t tell all. This is a transverse abdominis movement that is first and foremost. However, the muscle is too deep to be measured using EMG.

Planks are a popular choice because you can easily change the difficulty level by using different variations. You can perform an elbow plank with your arms straight, or drop to the knees if it is too difficult. Too simple? Too easy? Lift one arm, or both. Place your feet on suspension straps or a stability ball. Each of these options will provide a stronger training stimulus for your abs.

Plank Variations to Strengthen and Grow:

These can be done in your workout. It’s an isometric movement, so focus on time and not reps. You should be able to shake your body by doing 3-5 sets of 2 seconds in the most difficult variation.

Best ab workouts
Do not do a hard and heavy ab workout
This workout is for you if you want to strengthen your ab muscles and make them visible, even if you have a higher body fat. Hanging leg raises and a weighted set will get you feeling your core from the first moment. You’ll be able to laugh or cough when you finish with a round kneeling cable crunches.

Do not do a hard and heavy ab workout

3 sets, 15 reps (rest for 90 seconds).

Do the exercises in order. Rest as little as you can between each set and for no more than 1 minute. between sets.

4 sets, 10 reps (no rest)

4 sets, 12 reps (rest 1 minute).

3 sets, 15 reps (rest for 90 seconds).

All-in-One Six Pack Workout
How do you get a six-pack? This ab workout is the perfect way to kick off your day, or to end any exercise program. You’ll be able to target every part of your abs with bodyweight exercises or circuit-style intervals in under 20 minutes.

All-in-One Six Pack Workout

Ab RolloutKeep your knees bent and your motion limited to the maximum without letting your lower back sink. For the remaining 30 seconds, if you feel that your efforts are failing, keep your arms under your shoulders and remain in a static position.

3 sets, 30 sec (rest 1 min. )

3 sets, 30 sec (rest 1 min. )

You should do one side for a while before moving to the opposite side. Between sets, rest as little as possible and for no more than 1 minute. between sets.

3 sets, 30 sec (right side, no rest)

3 sets, 30 sec (left side, rest 1 min. )

Machine Ab Workout
This cable ab workout is easy but hard. Each exercise is performed for three sets of reps. What’s the catch? Each movement will end with a dropset. You should fail every set and you will have nothing left to tank.

After the last set, do a single dropset.


Do all the reps on one side, then switch to the opposite side. As little rest as possible between the sides.

Cable Cross-Body PullAfter completing the last set, do one dropset.

3 sets, reps (left side, no rest)

Cable Cross-Body PullAfter completing the last set, do one dropset.

3 sets, reps (right-side, rest 1 minute)

Cable reverse crunchAfter the last set, do a single dropset.

3 sets, reps (rest 1 minute).

The Best Ab-Building Courses
Which are the best ab programs to build your six-pack?
Ab-building programs that are focused on abs will leave you sore in your core, but also create visible results in the mirror. High volume and heavy lifting is the way to go! Start eating right and getting to work.

You can follow the same blueprint to build your rest of the body by checking out the companion pieces in the series.

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