63_Best Upper Body Workout_rewrite_1

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Guys, I have covered the upper body a lot, but today’s article will be a treat.

I will not only show you how to do the perfect push workout but also give you the perfect pull routine. You can get both types of training in one strength training program that will help you build muscle mass.

This means that there are no excuses not to train your upper body. You can get the best upper-body workout you’ve ever seen.

I will not only show you how to do the perfect push workout but also give you the perfect pull work out program. You get both types of training in one strength training program.

This workout will show you exactly what to do each day. You better be ready, because you will be working on your upper body at least three days a week.

This upper body workout will help you achieve your goals, no matter what they are.

Let’s get to work.

Let’s begin by learning about the anatomy of the major muscles in your upper body.

Naturally, we will start with the larger muscles groups.

You will also find examples of strength training moves that target each muscle group. These upper-body exercises are only examples. They will not necessarily be the ones I include in my upper body workout.

Let’s begin with the pulling muscles groups, followed by the pushing muscles groups. This is the order in which you will be performing upper body workouts.

Perfect for targeting the latissimus Dorsi, the Lat Pulldown and Barbell Rows are ideal.

Barbell Shrugs, the Overhead Farmer’s Walk and the Overhead Farmer’s Walk can be great strength training moves that target the upper and bottom traps.

To target your lower back, you can do a Bent Over Row and a Russian Kettlebell Swing.

Side-Lying External Rotations can be a great way to get your rotator cuffs firing.

Surprised to discover that the Dumbbell Pullover can be a great way of hitting the teres major?

SHORT HEAD (inner bicips)

Dumbbell Curls and Barbell Curls are the best options for biceps.

Now it’s time for the pushing muscles to be covered.

For targeting upper chest muscles, an Incline Bench Press will be your best friend.

Traditional Dumbbell Flys will strike the middle of your chest.

The traditional Decline Bench Press is an excellent exercise to do this portion of the pecs.

To hit the front delts, try some Front Raises.

Rear Delts are very responsive to Face Pulls and Rear Flys.

The middle deltoid muscles will be taken care of by the Lateral Raises or the Seated Arnold press.

Close-Grip Bench Presses and Triceps Extensions will work wonders on your triceps muscles.

This upper-body workout is part of a PPL Split – or Pull, Push and Legs split.

Over the next few weeks, you will start the PPL split by doing a pull exercise, followed by a push work out, before finishing it off with a legs exercise. You won’t be doing the same pull or push workouts in the same week.

There are two options available to you if you don’t know how to divide your split.


You can start by repeating this process for six consecutive days, then taking a day off to rest and then resuming the cycle.

The second option is to perform these three exercises one after another, and then rest for a day. After your rest day, you can start a pull workout. Continue with three more workouts, followed by a rest day. This is called an asynchronous workout.

Some people love to exercise every day. An asynchronous split gives you more days off. This allows you to recover faster than if your workouts were done every day.

An asynchronous split gives you more days off. This allows you to recover faster than if your workouts were done every day.

There is one downside to this schedule: it’s not always set in stone. It is worth it, I believe, because it makes me feel so much better than having only one rest day per week.

Do not let the title scare you. There are four total workouts: two Push Workouts, and two Pull Workouts.

These workouts will make for the perfect upper-body workout, without all the monotony of a Push-Pull or Bro Split.

What is the point of alternating workouts?

To build a healthy body, you’ll be doing some very challenging exercises. Each workout complements the other, so no stone is overlooked. This means that every muscle group receives equal attention.

These Push-Pull movements have their advantages, however. I will outline the exercises in the same order you’ll be training the days.

* Pull Workout 1
* Push Workout 1
* Legs
* Rest
* Pull Workout 2
* Push Workout 2
* Legs
* Rest
* Continue from the top

Now that you’re familiar with the progression of this pull-push split, let’s get to work on your first pull day.

We start with the classic Barbell Deadlift, which is one of the most fundamental compound movements to pull muscles.

Deadlifts are one of the more difficult barbell exercises. Make sure you have perfect form and technique. If you are new to deadlifting, I recommend that you read my article on how to do it correctly.

Guys, this is serious. I want you to be in perfect form for this exercise.

Start with your feet shoulder width apart and your hands shoulder width apart on a bar. Keep your abdominal muscles tight and bring the bar to your thighs. This is where core strength will be crucial.

This is not a one-set exercise. For your official five-rep set, you’ll need to do four warm-up sets. Then, work your way up to 80% for the final four sets.

Remember, you can only progress if your form is correct for each rep.

You can improve your performance by adding weight to your next session. But only if it’s possible.

Next is the Chest Supported row.

Barbell rows are effective, but I would recommend this variation to you as a trainer and physical therapist for several reasons.

This is the best starting position for your lower spine.

This exercise also activates the upper back muscles. Why is this important? It’s because most people don’t do enough to strengthen the upper back.

Flail your elbow joint slightly to hit your upper back harder. Let’s suppose you are done with deadlifts. What do you do? Then, tuck your elbows to shift the focus from the shoulders to the lats.

If you are able, I recommend that you do the upper back version. Keep your elbows to the sides.

This should be done for 3 sets of 8-10 reps.

It’s now time to do your next pull exercise: the Dumbbell Pullover. This pull exercise is primarily focused on your lats, and not on your upper back.

This one is so strong that Arnold called it “squat for the upper body”.

Start position: Place your feet on the ground, with your back straight. Next, place your hands on a bench and hold a dumbbell overhead with one hand. Keep your core tight. This position will give you a great stretch. Concentrating the contraction on your lats will help you get to the starting position of the concentric contraction.

This exercise is great for those with limited equipment. You can use cables or a kettlebell to lift weights on a bench rather than a pair of dumbbells.

Do two to three sets of 10-12 reps. Make sure you choose a weight that will allow you to fail within this range. You should increase your weight if you can do more than 12 repetitions using lighter weights. If you are unable to reach that rep range due to heavier weights, then you should lower your weight load.

Let’s go back to the upper back and do the Dumbbell High Pull.

Although it may look like an Upright Row at first glance, this one is actually quite the opposite. Is it possible?

This one is focused on external rotation and not internal rotation as you would when doing an Upright Row. This will strengthen and secure the shoulder joint. This will also shift your focus to a vertical pull, hitting the upper traps and upper back as well as the posterior delts.

Begin with a lightweight dumbbell. Perform three sets of 10-12 repetitions. As you gain experience, your weight will increase. When you reach the top of the movement, your elbows should be at a 90-degree angle.

You’re ready for the Bicep Chin Curl. This means that you are moving on to the bicep curl portion of this pull-training plan. You’ll be able to do this superset of exercises.

Direct bicep curls are essential for building muscle in your arms. This means that you need to use your hands to hold the underhand grip.

This exercise is probably familiar to some of you since it’s part of most of my brutal Bicep Curl workouts.

This is another reason I included it. After a Traditional Barbell Deadlift, you should do some decompression exercises. Hanging from a Chin Up bar with an underhand grip that is shoulder-width can be a great way to accomplish this.

The thing is, guys, rather than doing a Traditional Chin Up you will do a Chin Curl. This is because you will close your elbow as you reach the top of this bar.

This is the Barbell Biceps Curl. Instead of lifting the bar towards you, bring your body up to the bar. However, keep an elbow bend.

This is an excellent exercise to activate your biceps. You can do three sets until you fail, but there are no rest periods afterward. You are now jumping into the next exercise.

As I said, the Bicep Chin Curl will be superseded by an Overhead Triceps Extension. This is one of my favorite triceps exercises.

Wait, what? What is the point of doing triceps exercises on Pull Day? Guys, I’m trying to increase the volume in your arms. Arms often get cut in PPL splits. You’re specifically targeting the long head and triceps.

Start position is to face away from the cable machine. Next, grab the rope attachments overhead. Keep your elbows bent and focus on a strong contraction. Do three sets of 10-12 reps.

The first pull workout ends with corrective work. For that, you will perform the Angel and Devil exercise.

This is a great way to hit your entire back (posterior chains), and I mean everything! This one activates every muscle, including the upper back, lower traps and paraspinals.

Do three sets of 15-20 reps.

This is your wrap-up for the first Pull Workout of this upper-body workout.

We move on to the next step after your first pull workout.

This push workout begins with a common compound movement, called the Barbell Bench Press.

This push exercise is great for building strength in the upper body, which is one our main mechanisms to drive growth through overload.

This one is for four to six reps. You will need to adjust your weights to keep within this range. Keep your ego under control. You can avoid injury by setting a goal for the rep range, not the one-rep maximum.

You should do four sets of four to six repetitions. But, don’t let this be your last attempt. Do not burn out on the first exercise.

Hi-to-Low Crossover is the next chest exercise. It follows the previous exercise as it’s a complement to the Barbell Bench Press.

Crossover allows me to do something that the Barbell Bench Press cannot: get the chest fully contracted by moving the arm across the body.

You can target lower chest fibers by moving through the angle of high-to-low. You can tap into great hypertrophy exercises by extending your hands across your chest.

Do three sets of 10-12 reps.

Now, you can move to your shoulders using the Dumbbell Shoulder Press.

While you could do an overhead press using the barbell, I prefer dumbbells. Here’s why. The Barbell Overhead Press is an excellent strength-building exercise. Right now you are focusing on lean muscles mass. Don’t worry! You’ll see the second part of that workout in the best push workout.

Start position is to stand with a dumbbell in each of your hands. Because the seated version can cause problems with the shoulder joint mechanics, you will be performing the standing shoulder press.

Four sets of 8-10 reps are recommended.

The second shoulder exercise will be completed in conjunction with the dumbbell overhead presses.

The 1 1/2 Side Lateral Rake focuses more attention on the middle delt, particularly for hypertrophy. This is done by increasing the time under tension.

This technique can be used to slowly lower your weight. Begin by lifting the weight to the top, then half-way down, and then back to the top. High quality contractions are your goal. Do three sets of 12-15 reps.

Now you can move on to the triceps. You’ll be pairing a push-pulling exercise with a triceps exercise.

This will allow you to get more volume in your biceps during push day, without sacrificing other pushing exercises.

This superset is initiated by the Lying Triceps Extension.

The triceps exercise targets the long head by focusing on the bottom position and achieving a nice stretch. To fail, do three sets of 10-12 reps.

Don’t waste any time and get into the Dumbbell Waiter’s Curl bicep curls movement.

The Dumbbell Waiter’s Curl, which is also a head exercise, complements the triceps exercises you did above.

Start by standing with one dumbbell in each hand. Slowly lower the dumbbell until it reaches shoulder height. Do three sets of 10-12 reps.

For the final push of this upper body workout, you can do some corrective upper-body exercises.

You will notice a lot of internal rotation at your shoulders during any push workout.

External rotation can be used to correct this problem and increase shoulder stability.

Attach a resistance band to your wrist and pull it out from the side. Do three sets of 15-20 reps.

Here’s the summary for Push Workout One.

How did you feel after your first Pull Push combo? You think you can just do the same thing from above? Try again.

Your second pull workout is upon us. This workout is great because it compliments your first pull workout but also works well by itself.

Your second pull workout begins with Snatch Grip Deadlifts.

This Deadlifting variation is important because it reinforces the hinge pattern. This will help you improve your performance in all other exercises and workouts.

The purpose of this exercise is not to increase volume but to add more weight. Don’t forget to emphasize quality over quantity, guys. Do not increase your injury risk just because you want more numbers. Believe me guys, injuries are not worth it.

Use light dumbbells, or a loaded barbell, and concentrate on perfect form and contractions. For around eight reps, do three to five sets using a weight you can carry.

This is my personal favorite pulling move. This classic compound exercise is often overlooked in favor barbell-based workouts.

This is the Weighted Pullup, with an overhand grip.

Attach a dog leash to secure a weight plate around your waist.

This pulling motion will build your lats and increase your pulling power. The catch is that you may need to pull heavier than you think.

You should aim to do six to eight pull-ups. You can try a heavier weight plate to see if it helps. If you fail, increase the weight of your weight plate.

Next, I want to ask you to do the Dumbbell Gorilla Row.

Why not the Dumbbell Row? I find the asymmetrical arrangement with the knee and lower back to be a problem in this movement.

A flat bench can cause a hernia if one knee is raised higher than the other. This puts both legs in an awkward position. This variation will save your knees, your low back and your goods.

This Gorilla Row will give you a balanced and grounded pull, as you are pulling from the ground.

Start position is to stand in a squat with your feet pointed out. Grab the dumbbell and raise it to your chest. Do three sets of 10-12 repetitions for each arm.

The Straight Arm Pushdown is next, which is great for hitting your lats.

This exercise can also help to increase straight arm scapular strength. It is a corrective as well as strength exercise. Do two to three sets of 12-15 repetitions.

Are you ready to hit your arms once again? Now you can hit your arms again.

The rules are clear: keep your barbell at shoulder height and focus on tight contractions. As long as your form is good, you can add weight if you wish.

Do three sets of six to eight repetitions.

You’ll do the Barbell Biceps Curl again, but this time with a Triceps Pushdown.

You’ll be focusing on the medial and lateral heads, and not the long one. The classic Triceps pushdown is the best way to do it.

Do three sets of 10-12 reps.

Unfortunately, the Face Pull is your final movement in your second pull-up.

This exercise is a classic that targets many muscle groups, which are crucial for maintaining healthy muscle and upper body strength. This includes the whole upper back, mid-scapular and rotator cuff muscles.

As with all the corrective exercises, I urge you to put quality first. Don’t worry about the numbers, but how you look. Poor form can lead to financial problems so be careful.

Do three sets of 15-20 repetitions.

Here is a summary of the information I just provided.

Let’s wrap up your upper body workout strong by doing your last push workout.

This is something I cannot stress enough: I am not going to give you a new workout just for you.

This second push work-out is meant to complement the first one, as well as the pull exercises. With that being said, let’s get started with the Overhead Barbell Press exercise.


The compound exercise of the barbell overhead press is designed to increase your strength and power and support your goal for muscle building.

Place your feet about shoulder-width apart. You can hold the bar slightly wider than shoulder width. You should do four sets of four to six reps.

Adjust the heavier weights that you use so that you stay within the rep range for all four sets.

Let’s make your chest the center of attention with the Dumbbell Underhand Bench Press.

This strength exercise is great because it targets my upper chest while I’m in a flat bench.

It is also great for people with shoulder and front delt problems, as it eliminates the training overload from the Incline Dumbbell Benchpress.

Do three sets of 8-10 reps.

Although this might seem odd to some, your next move should be a pull-down.

Why pull on push day? To ensure you are able to recover from fatigue, I will make sure you have enough energy to get through the challenging portion of the workout.

It is important to lean forward, drive into abduction and row the arm back and forth with additional rotation at the shoulder. This exercise is very varied.

This exercise is more challenging than the rest. However, you can go heavier but keep to the 8-10 rep range.

Do three sets of 8-10 reps.

You guys, you can keep going strong while moving back to your chest using the Dumbbell Floor Fly.

This dumbbell chest exercise is done on the ground for a reason. The floor serves as a safety net so that your anterior shoulder is not stretched too much. This version of the exercise allows you to lift heavier weights.

Start with your spine flat to the floor. One dumbbell in each of your hands. Keep your hands in front of you and the dumbbell in each hand in the middle. Three sets of 10-12 reps are required.

The arm portion of the upper body workout is then completed. For extra volume, superset your triceps and biceps just as last time.

The Triceps Close Grip Bench Press will make you go hard.

This is an addition to the Triceps Extensions that you did in the previous push work out, which emphasized the long head.

While lying on your back, grab the bar with your shoulders. Three sets of six to eight reps are required.

As your last arms-focused exercise, I would like you to perform a Biceps Curl.

Bicep curls, no matter how varied they may be, are basically the same. Pick one that you like and do three sets of 10-12 reps.

This is it: the final exercise of the workout. It’s the push-pull split.

While I would like to concentrate on strengthening and scapula control, I also want to increase chest volume. That is why I ask you to do some pushups but not just any pushups.

Pushup Plus is what you’re going do.

For proper form, push your upper body to the top of the push-up, and then continue pushing it all the way. You’ll hit your serratus muscle as well, which is necessary to achieve a six-pack.

To fail, perform three sets.

Here’s the complete summary of Push Workout Two.

This is the ultimate upper-body workout.

Keep in mind, guys, that it’s not only the exercises that you choose that will help get you results. It’s also how you do them.

If you want to achieve the best results, forget about the numbers and concentrate on your form.

Let me help you if you are looking for a program that will build muscle mass and include all the latest workouts. Find the right program for you based on your goals and available equipment.

Choose the right program for you
AX1 ==>Train at home with dumbbells and minimal equipment

XERO ==>Train at home with no equipment

1. This upper body workout is extensive and includes two pull and two press workouts. It targets all upper body muscle groups and aims to increase muscle mass and strength.
2. The upper body training program should be combined with a leg day and followed by a rest day. Rest for three more days before you return to training. Then, take a rest day and do three more days. Keep going, but remember to take a rotating rest day.
3. These upper body exercises will have a consistent format. Start with compound movements and move on to more difficult rep exercises. Then, you’ll finish with corrective exercises.
4. These workouts complement one another and their opposites. Pull days are complemented by push days, and vice versa.
5. You should choose a weight that allows for failure within the prescribed repetition ranges. Your goal is to gain weight over the course your workouts.
6. You should also ensure that you get at least seven hours of sleep each night, eat protein-rich food, and be as dedicated to your rest days than your training days.

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