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April 21st, “MCT” is a healthy form of saturated fat acid that has many health benefits. What are the benefits of MCT oil? The MCT oil benefits are described below. They include supporting weight loss/healthy diet management and improving cognitive function.
Coconut oil is a great source of MCTs (medium-chain triglycerides). About 62 to 65 percent of coconut oil’s fatty acids are MCTs. Recently, “MCT oil”, a concentrated form of coconut oil, has been gaining popularity.
MCTs are thought to be missing in the diets of those who eat “standard Western” diets. This is likely due to the belief that all types of saturated fats can cause health problems. Recent research has provided a lot more evidence regarding the truth about saturated fats.
MCTs, for example, seem to support brain and gut health because they can fight harmful bacteria, viruses and fungi, as well as parasites.
What is MCT oil?
Medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) are a type of saturated fatty acids. They’re also known as “MCFAs”, which stands for medium-chain essential fatty acids. MCT oil is a natural source of fatty acid.
Because of their long chemical structures, MCTs got their name. Strings of hydrogen and carbon are the basis of all fatty acids.
Fats can be classified by the number of carbons they contain: Short-chain fats like butyric acid have less than six carbons, medium chain fats have six to twelve carbons, and long-chain fats such asomega-3s have 13-21 carbons.
MCTs absorb more quickly than longer-chain fatty acid because there is less work to be done by the body to break down carbon bonds. MCTs are small, so they penetrate cell membranes faster and don’t require special enzymes to be used.
What makes MCT oil a top-rated source of healthy fats? Medium-chain fats can be easily digested and sent to your liver. They have an athermogenic effect and the ability to positively alter metabolism.
Many people believe that MCTs (including coconut oil) are used by the body to produce energy or “fuel” instead of being stored as fat.
There are a variety of MCTs available, with some being more effective than others. These are the four types of MCTs:
The shorter the chain, which is the less carbons an acid has, the faster the body can convert fatty acids into usable fuel, in ketone form. When the body uses fat as energy, such as the keto diet, ketones are produced.
No matter what type of MCT you choose, they are all beneficial for your overall health. This is especially true for those who have difficulty digesting fats.
For thousands of years, people living in tropical regions have been eating saturated fats, including MCTs from coconuts, without any adverse effects.
Health Benefits
What uses is MCT oil? Here are some benefits of MCT oil and reasons why people supplement with it.
1. Can help with weight loss/maintenance (including on the Keto Diet).
MCTs appear to have positive effects on energy, fat-burning, and weight loss.
MCT oil is a part of a healthy diet. There are some animal studies that show MCT oil can increase hunger and metabolic rate.
Do you think this means that eating large quantities of MCTs every day will help you lose weight? Not quite.
Although not all studies have found a connection between MCT oil, weight loss, and metabolic function, some studies have confirmed positive results.
A 2003 study in the Journal of Obesity & Related Metabolic Disorders showed that MCTs had greater effects on long-term energy expenditure, body composition, and fat oxidation in obese females. In a targeted energy balance diet, substituting MCTs for LCTs proved to be more effective in preventing long-term weight gain. This was due to increased energy expenditure and fat burning.
A meta-analysis of random controlled trials was done in 2015. It looked at the effects of long-chain and medium-chain fats on body weight and fat. The study did not show significant differences in energy, fat, protein, and carbohydrate intakes between the different groups. It only looked at the type of fats they received.
Overall, the analysis showed that the MCT group had a significantly lower body weight than the LCT group.
How can MCT oil help me lose weight?
Experimental studies have shown that dietary MCTs reduce fat deposition by enhancing thermogenesis and fat burning in animals and humans. It is believed that MCTs help produce ketones in the body, which can give you the same benefits of the keto diet without having to reduce carb intake.
MCTs can be called the “ultimate ketogenic diet fats”. This is because they have a heating effect and are able to quickly be used for energy. MCTs are perfect for the keto diet, which helps the body achieve ketosis. They also make a great Paleo food.
2. Protects your heart health
What are the health benefits of MCT oil for cardiovascular health? MCTs may help prevent the development metabolic syndrome, a condition that refers to a group of conditions such as dyslipidemia, obesity, and impaired fasting glucose levels. A study published in 2010 by the Journal of Nutraceuticals & Functional Foods.
A 2018 study found that MCTs had greater cardiovascular protection in rats who were fed high-fat diets than LCTs. This is believed to be due to MCTs increasing serum lipid levels and reducing total cholesterol in the liver.
MCTs may be able decrease the risk of developing cardiovascular disease or other serious illnesses. They are likely to have this effect because they are easy to digest, satiating, and can be used for energy.
3. May improve energy levels, mood and performance
The majority of your brain’s fatty acids are essential for your brain to function well. You need to ensure that you have a steady supply in your diet so that your brain can perform well, think clearly, and remain sharp into old age.
Medium-chain fats are thought to be the most readily digested, used and protected fatty acids. These fatty acids can be particularly helpful to people who are following low-carb diets such as the ketogenic diet. Studies have shown that they can help reduce negative effects of keto-induction, and speed up ketosis.
MCTs may even be beneficial for memory, according to some studies. Patients with Alzheimer’s disease saw improvements in their symptoms when they used MCTs and followed the ketogenic diet.
It makes perfect sense that food that provides fuel for your brain, and helps you absorb vitamins better, will make you more positive, clear-headed and energetic.
MCTs have been shown to improve exercise performance in high- and moderate-intensity exercises, according to other studies.
4. Supports digestion and nutrient absorption
MCT oil as well as coconut oil can be beneficial in balancing the microbiota bacteria. This has positive effects on digestion, energy expenditure, and ability to absorb vitamins from the food you eat.
Medium-chain fats are effective in killing a variety of pathogenic strains, viruses and bacteria that can cause digestive problems, such as candida, constipation and diarrhea, food poisoning, stomachaches, and so forth.
To absorb certain vitamins and nutrients, you also need to consume fat acids. These nutrients include vitamin E, vitamin E, vitamin E, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K, vitamin B, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin H, vitamin P, and lutein.
5. Has antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, and/or anti-inflammatory properties
MCTs are natural antimicrobial and may balance bacteria in your gut.
These are some bacteria that medium-chain fats have been shown to kill:
* Streptococcus (which can cause strep throat and pneumonia, as well as sinus infections)
* Straphylococcus (which can cause food poisoning and infections of the urinary tract)
* Neisseria (which can cause meningitis, gonorrhea, and other pelvic inflammatory disorders)
* Other strains that can cause stomach viruses, candida and ulcers, as well as sexually transmitted diseases
MCTs are also able to reduce “bad bacteria” while not harming or removing the “good bacteria”. This is a great advantage, as we need good bacteria for our intestinal health and digestion.
Some studies have shown that medium-chain fats are more effective in protecting against infections than long-chain fatty acid. In a study published in Journal of Nutritional Biology, fatty acids and monoglycerides with chains lengths between 8 and 12 carbons were found more powerfully antiviral and antibacterial than long-chain monoglycerides when added to milk or formula.
Lipid-enhanced formula and milk with medium-chain lipids (lipid-enhanced) inactivated many pathogens including herpes simplex type 1 (HSV-1), respiratory syncytialvirus (RSV), streptococcus and haemophilus influenzae.
Research has also shown that MCT oil may be able to control inflammation by modulating mitochondria activity. This is believed to be due to MCT oil’s ability to reduce the production of proinflammatory cytokines and increase the production of anti-inflammatory.
6. Can withstand high-heat cooking
MCT oils are excellent for cooking due to their high “smoke points,” which means they resist oxidization from heat. This is crucial because some cooking oils, such as extra virgin olive oil and flaxseed oils, are not suitable for high temperatures. They can also easily turn rancid.
MCT oil can be used in baked goods, sautes and stir-fries, as well as grilled foods, without oxidizing.
Side Effects and Risks
What are the side effects associated with MCT oil? MCT oil is a natural ingredient in many foods, so most people can tolerate it.
MCT oil side effects can be mild, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and upset stomach.
Start with a small amount, like one teaspoon. Gradually increase the dose to one to two tablespoons per day. Consuming this product with food may help to reduce stomach upset and other side effects.
High intake of MCTs can have an impact on cardiovascular disease risk factors in those at high risk of heart disease. Talk to your doctor before you start an MCT regimen.
MCT vs. Coconut Oil
Is MCT oil the exact same as coconut oil? Coconut oil contains MCTs (especially high levels of lauric acids), as well as antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
What’s the difference between coconut oil vs MCT oil? MCT oil contains more capric acid and caprylic acids, which is the main difference.
Coconut oil is one source of MCTs. However, it also contains other types fatty acids. Coconut oil does contain MCTs, but concentrated MCT oil almost exclusively contains MCTs.
* There are four types of MCTs. They differ based on how many carbons are linked to fat molecules. This ranges from six to twelve carbons in length.
* Coconut oil contains about 50% of lauric acid, but the MCTs are composed of other types in different amounts.
* MCT oil is made from fatty acids extracted form coconut and palm oils and usually contains caprylic acid, caprylic acid, or a combination of both.
* Coconut oil is one the most potent sources of lauric acids. Coconut oil contains about 90% saturated fats. However, this is not the case for very short-chain MCTs with less carbons. (Lauric acid contains 12.)
Although the fatty acids MCTs and Lauric Acid act differently in the body. However, in the United States, MCT oil and coconut oil producers are legally permitted to claim that lauric is a type MCT.
Some believe that lauric acid is not biologically active like shorter MCTs or at all as fast. This is why MCT advocates think that MCT oil may be somewhat superior.
Coconut oil has many health benefits, however, that are not available in concentrated MCT oils. The main problem with MCT oil manufactured is the fact that you may not know what you are getting.
It might be necessary to refine MCT oil more than regular coconut oil in order to make a liquid that doesn’t freeze at lower temperatures.
While MCT oil marketers might claim their products have more MCTs than real coconut oils, this could be due to chemical alteration. It could even have “filler” oils likeomega-6polyunsaturated fats.
A second factor to be aware of is the fact that MCT oils are typically manufactured using chemical/solvent refinement. This can lead to them requiring chemicals such as hexane, different enzymes, and combustion chemicals.
What’s the bottom line? Both are great for their many benefits. Just make sure to only buy high-quality products with clear information about the ingredients and how they were made.
MCTs can be found in certain foods as well as in concentrated supplements. Other than coconut oil, MCTs are also found in smaller quantities in certain foods high in saturated fats like:
Where can I buy MCT oil from? You can find MCT oil online or in health food shops.
We have more information about the various types available:
* Organic MCT oil –MCT oil isn’t very well-regulated. If you don’t trust a trusted brand, you might not know what you are getting. Always ensure that you only buy high-quality, organic oils.
* Un-emulsified MCT oil — This type is best used in recipes that have it blended, as it improves the creaminess.
* Emulsified MCT Oil — This type blends more easily at all temperatures. If you prefer a creamier coffee and don’t want it to be blended first, emulsified oil is the best choice.
* MCT oil powder — These are newer products that can be used in place of liquid oils. These powders are convenient and easy to add MCTs into smoothies, baked goods, and other foods like coffee, tea, and cakes.
Caution:Palm oils are a controversial source for MCTs. This is not because they are bad for you, but because of the major problems involved in procuring them. These include the loss of wildlife diversity, deforestation and unethical treatment workers.
Many authorities recommend palm oil that is RSPO-certified, as it comes from producers who prioritize sustainability.
There are many MCT dosages that have been tested in studies. They range from approximately five to 70 grams per day (or 0.17 to 2.5 ounces), depending on the individual’s goals.
MCT oil can be taken daily by some people as a supplement or in mixed drinks. MCT oil is completely tasteless and odorless, so it’s a great option for anyone who wants to quickly increase their intake. Be careful, as a small amount can make a big difference.
Begin with half a teaspoon per day and gradually increase to one tablespoon daily. Although MCTs and other fats should not cause weight gain, portion control is important.
Calories can quickly add up if you put it on many meals (and drinks every day) — quality is also expensive so you want to use it sparingly.
One of the main reasons MCT oil sales have soared in recent years is because of the popularity of Dave Asprey’s “The Bulletproof Diet.” This diet recommends that you get 50 to 70 percent of your energy, particularly from MCTs and grass-fed butter.
MCT coffee is the plan’s signature breakfast. This blend of MCT oil, butter, and coffee promises lower hunger levels, faster processing, improved brain function, and mental clarity.
Others call it “keto coffee”.
MCT oil can be used creatively at home, without the need to rely on “bulletproof coffee” every day. Here are some clever ways to add more MCT oil to your diet:
* Make homemade mayonnaise using creamy MCT oil, egg yolks, extra virgin olive oils, lime juice, and salt in a blender
* Mixing together a dressing using MCT oil, raw honey and Dijon mustard.
* Add some to smoothies and shakes. This stabilizes blood sugar because it slows down the rate at which glucose and fructose sugar molecules get absorbed.
* You can use it in your homemade baked goods (you could substitute about 1/3 of the coconut oils for MCT oil instead).
MCT oil is good for hair and skin. You can use it in homemade teeth-whitening remedies, moisturizers, sunscreens, moisturizing creams, lotions, balms, sunscreens, hair conditioners, face masks, salt scrubs, and essential oil blends.
* What is MCT oil? MCT stands for medium chain triglycerides. This is a type healthy saturated fatty acid.
* MCT oil has been scientifically shown to have many health benefits, including weight loss, maintenance, heart protection, energy levels, mood improvement, digestion, and support for nutrient absorption.
* MCT oil differs from coconut oil in that it is concentrated and contains different amounts of MCTs.
* MCT oil can also withstand high heat cooking and has antibacterial, viral, and antifungal qualities.
* MCT oil has become a popular ingredient in coffee when you are following a low-carb diet such as the ketogenic.