97_Russian Twist Technique Correct Form Benefits_rewrite_1

The Russian twist is an effective, simple and efficient exercise that targets the obliques. These long muscles run along the sides of your body, and they help your torso turn towards the sides.

You can also strengthen your core and shoulders with the Russian twist. Because it aids in rotational movement which is required in many sports, it’s very popular among athletes.

Although the movement seems simple, it takes a lot of support and core strength.

Russian Twist: Correct Form and Technique
Here are the steps to perform the traditional Russian Twist correctly in order to get the most benefit and minimize the risk of injury.

Place your feet flat on the mat or the floor and then move to the next position.
* With your heels touching the ground, and your toes pointed upwards, your heels should touch the floor. For stability, you can pinch your glutes.
* Bend your knees slightly at the knees and lean forward 45 degrees. Your back should be straight with your torso in line with your thigh.
* Lift your arms up in front of yourself and then clasp your hands together, interlocking your fingers. Keep your eyes on your hands and your gaze there during the exercise.
* Rotate your torso by using your abdominal muscles – starting from the centre and moving to the right. Then, rotate back to the centre.
* In your next movement, rotate to the left. Between each rep, you may take a break in the middle position to pause.
Move slowly and keep your eyes on your hands. Move within your range of motion. If your hips or knees start to shift, it’s too far.
* Perform one minute of the exercise or three sets of 8-16 reps.

Tips for Beginners
These tips will help you avoid any injuries when trying the Russian Twist.

* For beginners, keep your feet on the ground before moving to more advanced forms.
* Keep your breathing steady. Inhale as you rotate and exhale when your centre is returned.
* During the exercise, engage your abdominal and back muscles.
Keep your spine straight and your eyes on your hands.

Russianst has many benefits
Russian twists can strengthen your core, spine, and obliques. These are some of the benefits to this exercise.

1) Strengthens the Core
It takes core strength to hold your body in the starting position of the Russian twist. For beginners, you can modify the exercise by placing your feet on the ground before moving to floating legs.

2) Leg Workout
You will also strengthen your hips and legs with this exercise, along with your obliques.

Exercise in the transverse plane
Russian twists can add variety to your exercise routine. Many exercises require either frontal (side to side) or sagittal movement (forwards and reverses).

However, Russian twists provide excellent movement along the transverse plane, which is less common.

4) Balance
Russian Twist can help you balance better, strengthen your spine, and reduce your midsection. It can also improve your posture.

5) Multiple muscles targeted
This exercise targets the following muscles: obliques; rectus abdominalis; transverse abdominis; hip flexors; scapular muscles; latissimus Dorsi and erector Spinae.

Different variations of Russian Twist
These variations are great for a more challenging workout.

1) Weighted Twist
The basic Russian Twist requires you to assume the same position. You can hold a dumbbell or weight plate between your fingers.

Twist in the same manner as the original exercise. Touch the weight on each side.

Try the Leg Cross Twist or Weighted Russian Twist for a variation (Image from Flickr @Cadence Performance).

2) Leg Cross Twists
Keep your hands over your chest and assume the same position as the Russian Twist. Keep your right leg crossed over your left as you twist to your right.

As you turn back towards the centre, cross your legs. As you turn towards the left, cross your left calf and place your right calf on top of your left.

Common Mistakes
Below are some common errors that could occur while performing the Russian Twist.

1) You need to straighten your spine. Keep your entire body raised above your waist and extend your arm out long. This will allow you to engage your obliques, and prevent any spinal injury.

2) For beginners, keep your feet on the ground and not in the air.

Many people begin to float their feet as soon as they can, believing that this will give them maximum burn. It is true that it can help, but it won’t if you are unable to keep a straight line while exercising.

Start with your feet flat on the ground. This will help your body gain traction and teach you how to move through the exercise.

To create a longer lever that allows your core to move more, reach your arms out as far as you can. This will protect your lower back.

4) Keep your eyes on your hands. This will allow your shoulders and neck to move in either direction. Your upper body will also move more if you follow your hands.

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