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(Last updated on June 3, 2020). Is DHT the King Of Male Hormones?
DHT is more important than Testosterone for our health?
Low testosterone and its effects have been brought to the attention millions of men around the globe by increasing media coverage. Have you ever heard of DHT? It is probably more important for your health than Testosterone.

Almost every man above 40 years old will experience a decrease in testosterone production. Low testosterone is affecting 20 million men in America alone.

Experts say that testosterone production drops by around 1-2% per year after the age of 30.

While some men may not notice any ill effects from this shortfall, most of us will begin to gain weight. We may feel less tired or tolerant, maybe even weaker.

Most people notice that they have lost some or all their sex drive.

We can have difficulty getting or maintaining a good erection when we have sex. Our performance also suffers.

This and almost all other aspects of being a male are crucial. However, testosterone is vital for our continued good health. Its ability to transform into a stronger male androgen called Dihydrotestosterone, also known as DHT (A.K.A. It is this ability to turn into a stronger male androgen called Dihydrotestosterone (A.K.A. DHT) that makes it so crucial.

What is DHT and What does it do?
DHT can be found in everyone. DHT is essential for the growth and maintenance of hair. Without it, we would be totally hairless. It is essential for the proper development of our sex organs, including the prostate.

A low level of DHT can cause problems with libido or sexual function in older men. A lower level of DHT in younger men, particularly athletes and bodybuilders can cause muscle weakness and loss.

Many clinical researchers think testosterone is a weak prohormone, especially when it’s actions are compared with DHT.

Experts believe that DHT is 3-10 times more powerful than testosterone…

Stephen Harrod Buhner, an expert author (The Natural Testosterone Plan), believes that DHT has a 10x higher androgen receptor uptake than testosterone.

He also explains that DHT, unlike testosterone is not converted to estrogen.

It actually blocks the aromatase enzyme which converts testosterone to estrogen… He concluded that it was stronger than testosterone and a potent inhibitor of aromatase.

Although DHT is often blamable for prostate problems, medical experts are quick to dismiss it. However, careful analysis of the issue has revealed that the main problem is the imbalance between estrogen and androgen.

Expert Author Jonathon Wright MD (Maximize Your Vitality And Potency), says that DHT should be divided at 1:4.

DHT can cause prostate cancer if it is found in higher levels than androstenedione.

The anti-carcinogenic properties androstenedione generally counteract the pro-carcinogenic effects of DHT if they are equal.

He recommends that you ask your doctor to run blood tests to determine DHT levels.

French experts believe DHT can shrink an enlarged prostate and prescribe DHT creams regularly to treat this condition.

Therpeutic DHT has been proven to increase the androgen-to-estrogen ratio without causing the conversion of androgen into estrogen.

Estradiol, and not DHT, reacts with SHBG to increase cAMP ( Intracellular Cylic Adenosine Monphosphate), which can in turn lead to a larger prostate.

If estrogen is found in excess in the male body, it can cause feminisation and other metabolic disorders, including an enlargement of prostate and increased body fat.

Many men suffering from prostate problems are prescribed drugs to block testosterone and DHT. This is confusing. This is believed to be a treatment for prostate problems by many doctors.

This is a completely ineffective strategy that will ultimately result in one thing: He won’t feel like a man anymore.

Testosterone levels, DHT, Androstenedine, and DHEA are all at their recommended levels. Men reach their peak levels when they are at their highest. A treatment that lowers a man’s androgen levels will only make him miserable, unwell, and unable to have sex.

Increased DHT levels have been shown to reduce prostate size in clinical trials.

Men applied a topical gel containing 70mg DHT for a few weeks. The results of subsequent blood tests (Prostatic-Specific Antigen, aka PSA) revealed that test numbers did not rise and that male subjects developed stronger urine streams. This is a classic sign that the prostate size has decreased.

“Bottom line – Unless your doctor expressly tells you to stop your natural DHT conversion, it is far better to just leave it alone.

DHT also has other benefits
DHT can be an effective mood booster. However, in order for the brain’s best function, it needs to have the right levels of all major sex hormones ( Testosterone and DHT).

DHT’s neurological effects can last up to 10 times longer than Testosterone.

DHT can make a man happier, have a better sex experience, and increase his strength and lean muscle.

It also has been shown to lower cholesterol, which may help lower the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

How Can You Optimise DHT Levels
You should aim to have the right levels of all sex hormones and not just one.

Ask your doctor to run a complete blood test. This will include both total and free Testosterone, Estrone and DHEA.

To help with this, you can make some changes in your diet.

You need to eat enough dietary fats to maximize your sex hormone levels.

Healthy fats include nuts, seeds, coconut oil, and olive oil.

Not only is DHT important, but also for overall health and well-being, vegetables and fruits are essential.

DHT and Natural Supplements
DHT is more powerful than other hormones, so you must make sure you don’t take any substances that could affect its production.

Saw Palmetto is one ingredient you should avoid. It is known to drastically reduce the androgen receptor uptakes of testosterone and DHT.

Natural ingredients can be used to increase DHT levels.

Nettle Root is an example. It is capable of unbinding testosterone from SHBG (glycoprotein-hormone bindingglobulin), which can increase the levels available DHT and testosterone.

Nettle is also known to inhibit the conversion of Testosterone from estrogen, and it can be used to reduce prostate size.

Siberian Ginseng and Korean Ginseng are other ingredients that can help maintain DHT levels.

Concerns regarding DHT and Hairloss
There is a lot of confusion surrounding DHT and its effects.

If a person is genetically predisposed to baldness (if it is present in their father, other male direct relatives), an increase in DHT levels could lead to hairloss. These can affect hair follicles and decrease hair growth.

Many popular products are available to treat hair loss. They simply block DHT.

DHT is vital for a man’s health and well-being. It is the worst thing a man can do to stop its production.

Let’s be clear: If you have a history of hair loss, you need to decide what is more important to your life: having hair or having a healthy sex drive that gives you energy and good muscle tone.

Increased DHT levels are not recommended for those who have never experienced significant hair loss or baldness.

Vitamin E can be taken if you have a history of hair loss. Vitamin E has been shown to increase hair growth and decrease hair loss.

You will see a better prostate health and more energy if you can naturally increase your testosterone and DHT levels.

Click here to read my definitive guide to testosterone and how you can boost it

Jonathon Wright MD – Maximize Your Vitality and Potency

Stephen Harrod Buhner’s Natural Testosterone Plan


I’m 60 years old and currently reside in London. I have a 35-year-old married daughter.

My passion for fitness has always been there. I used to be a competitive swimmer in my youth and competed at the county level at home and abroad. I enjoy squash and tennis and have always been a keen gym-goer.

I hold a CPD certification in Sports Nutrition. My articles have been published in a number of popular publications.

Since 1993, I have been studying the effects testosterone has on both the young man and the elderly. How low or high testosterone can affect your health and how to increase it.

Personally, many years ago I was diagnosed as Low-T. My own extensive research has allowed me to resolve my own health concerns.

Check out my full bio here

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