84_Hip Flexor Exercises To Strengthen And Stretch_rewrite_1

Although not everyone can have hips that agile as Shakira’s, it is possible to stretch and strengthen the muscles that support these ball & socket joints.

Hips are more than responsible for all the crazy dance moves that we do occasionally. Because they allow for movement and mobility, runners, bikers and not-athletes alike, they’re vital joints.

Tight hip flexors can be caused by sitting for long periods of time, which is what most people do. A sedentary lifestyle can also lead to weakness in the hip muscles, not only the hip flexors, but also the opposing muscles, like the glutes and hamstrings (1).

Tightness or weakness in the hip flexors may cause lower back pain, injury, and hip pain (2, 3, 4).

Hip problems aren’t limited to this area. Research shows that hip replacement and hip arthritis — procedures used by doctors to diagnose joint problems — are on the rise among Americans (4, 5,).

Hip flexors refer to a group muscles that flex the hips or bring the leg up toward the body. The iliacus and the psoas major are the primary hip flexors. They are also known as the iliopsoas.

Your lower six vertebrae are where the psoas is located. The inside bowl of the pelvis is where the iliacus comes from. They join and insert onto the top of your femur or upper leg bone ((6)).

The iliopsoas stabilizes the trunk when lifting, pushing, pulling, or pushing is done. The iliopsoas draws the knees towards the chest. This can be seen when you swing your leg forward while running or when you kick in sports like soccer (7).

These 8 hip flexor exercises will help you keep your hips flexible and strong while you move or just walk down the street.

An important note
Many people who sit for long periods of time have weak hip flexors. This causes the pelvis tilt. To balance hip mobility and position the pelvis properly, strengthening the glutes and hamstrings, adductors, and abductors is crucial.

Some people experience hip tension from strengthening their hip flexors. It is always a good idea to consult a certified personal trainer or physical therapist who can assess your unique body.

These stretches will help you loosen your hip flexors. These stretches are meant to increase joint mobility. After a workout, these stretches can be done afterward.

1. Half kneeling hip flexor stretch
This simple move will help stretch the hip flexors/iliopsoas on the back leg and the glutes of the front leg. This can be done with a folded towel underneath your knees or on a yoga mat.

1. Place your left foot on the ground in front of your right knee.
2. During this exercise, keep your trunk high. To balance, you can place your hands on your left side.
3. Gently move your right knee back, until you feel a slight stretch in your hip.
4. As if you’re pushing forward, squeeze your right glute. Then, bring your trunk and hips towards your left foot. To create a pelvic tilt, tuck your hips.
5. Hold this position for between 10 and 30 seconds.

2. Stretch your legs from the knees to the chest
1. Place your hands on the ground and lie on your back. Slowly, bend one knee towards your chest.
2. Keep your back flat and pull your knees as close as you can without feeling any discomfort.
3. Extend your straight leg as far as you can and squeeze your glutes.
4. Rejoin the starting position, and then repeat the process with your other leg.
5. You can do this stretch on a bench, with your lower leg hanging down.

3. Pigeon Pose
Pigeon is a well-known yoga pose. Only do it if you are comfortable with the pose. You can modify the pose by doing a figure 4 stretch, while sitting down or lying down.

1. Place your feet in a plank.
2. Your left foot should be lifted off the ground and slid forward until your left knee touches the floor. Flexibility will determine where your knees and toes are.
3. Keep your hips straight and your right leg as far back as possible. Your elbows should be parallel to the ground.
4. Keep your chest up and do the stretch. Switch sides once you feel you have gotten a good stretch.

4. Bridge
This exercise can strengthen the gluteal muscles and lengthen the hips flexors.

1. Place your hands on your hips, with your arms extended, on your back. Place your feet so that your fingertips touch your heels.
2. Press your glutes into your heels, and then lift your hips toward the ceiling by pressing down on your glutes. This should be felt in your glutes, hamstrings, and not your lower back.
3. For a few seconds, hold the position and then return to the original position. Repeat the process several times. Breathe!

These exercises will help you strengthen your hip flexors.

5. Lunge
Lunges are good for the quad and lead glute muscles, as well as the rectus fimoris, which can also be used to stretch the hip flexor. They can also stretch the hips flexors at the rear leg. This depends on how far forward you step.

1. Standing straight up, take a step forward with your right leg. Throughout the movement, keep your trunk straight.
2. Your right leg should be bent at the knee. Slowly lower your body into a lunge until your left leg touches the ground or hovers just above it. Your right knee should touch the floor directly above your right foot.
3. Step back into a standing position. Continue with your left foot in front.

6. Mountain climbers who floor-slide
You can grab some paper plates, sliding discs, or hand towels. Anything that slides is good. Get ready for some climbing!

1. Place yourself on a wooden floor or other smooth surface.
2. While you are in pushups, place the sliders under your feet.
3. As you would for standard mountain climbers, pull your right leg towards your chest and alternate with your left leg.
4. Slow down at first and then increase your pace.

7. Straight-leg raise
This exercise targets the iliopsoas as well as the rectus fimoris. As the leg lifts are performed, the abdominal muscles will help stabilize the trunk.

1. Place one knee bent on your side and lie down on your back. Keep the other leg straight and extend it.
2. As you raise the leg, tighten your abdominal muscles so that the thigh aligns with the bent knee.
3. For 2 counts, hold the position and then lower slowly to return to the starting place. Repeat.

8. Psoas holds
This moves strengthens the deep hipflexor muscle, also known as the “psoas”, which can increase stride length or reduce injury. A win-win situation!

1. Standing, bend your right knee to lift your upper arm up towards the sky.
2. For approximately 30 seconds, balance on your left foot and keep your right knee and hips at hip level.
3. Slowly lower your right leg, and then move on to your left leg.
4. Ensure that your trunk stays tall throughout the whole movement. Don’t raise your leg if your head is pointing forward or your trunk is rounding.

These strengthening and stretching moves are now yours to practice on a regular basis. Keep your hips strong and mobile to avoid injury and keep you off the operating table.

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