A bent-over dumbbell row can be one of the most effective muscle-building exercises for your back. When incorporating this exercise into strength training, make sure to choose a weight that is both challenging and can be lifted without losing form.
Also known as: Two-arm bent over dumbbell row, bent two-dumbbell rows
Targets: Lower and upper back
Equipment Required: A set of dumbbells
Intermediate Level
Verywell / Ben Goldstein
Standing with your knees bent and your legs spread apart, place your hands on the floor. You will need to hold a dumbbell in each of your hands, keeping them at shoulder-width. Your palms should be facing each other. Take a deep inhale and bend over at 45 degrees (no lower).
1. On an exhale, lift the dumbbells straight up towards your chest. The upper arms should not be higher than your shoulders. A slight dip in the shoulders is okay. When lifting, don’t allow your wrists to move as much.
2. As you inhale, lower the weights slowly to your starting position. Keep your back straight until you have completed all repetitions.
Keep your back straight and your abdominals braced throughout the exercise.
Dumbbell Bent Over Rows: Benefits
Two-arm bent-over dumbbell rows target many muscles in the upper back and middle back. These include the trapezius and infraspinatus. Along with shoulder rotators, the pectoralis major (chest), and brachialis are also targeted.
Bent-over rows can help improve your spine stability. This is a moderate-intensity exercise that can be done with dumbbells. You’ll burn more calories if you include this movement in your workout routine.
The dumbbell bent over row is a compound functional exercise. You use the same motion every day when lifting heavier objects. You can avoid strain by knowing how to correctly position your spine and brace your abdominals.
There are many other variations of the Dumbbell Bent Over Row
This exercise can be modified to suit your goals and fitness level.
Dumbbell Bent-Over Row in Lunge Position
This exercise can be done in a lunge position. You will also work your glutes, hamstrings, and back. Some people find this position easier to balance. Do this by standing with one leg forward and the other back while you do dumbbell bent-over rows.
Verywell / Ben Goldstein
Single-Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row
Instead of lifting them all at once, do it one at a moment. Unilateral movements, which only use one side at a time, are more efficient at increasing power output than bilateral moves (those that use both).
You can do single-arm rows by switching back and forth between the right and left arm continuously (right-left-right-left) or by doing all of your reps on the right side followed by all of the reps on the left.
Verywell / Ben Goldstein
Barbell Bent-Over Row
The bent-over row can be done with a barbell. This variation can be done with a barbell. Hold the barbell in your palms, bend at the hips 45 degrees, brace your abs, and then lift the weight.
Common Mistakes
These mistakes can be avoided to get the best out of this exercise and avoid injury.
Shoulders or rounded back
Throughout the exercise, keep your back straight and not curved. Your back may become rounded if you are trying to lift too many pounds. Make sure to choose dumbbells that are light enough to allow proper form.
Lifting too far
Do not lift more than the shoulder line. You run the risk of injuring your shoulder area by lifting too high.
Bending Over Too Far
Your body should not be bent more than 45 degrees. If you lift heavier weights, bending over can cause strain to your back.
Bent Wrists
Do not bend your wrists to the side or up. Instead, try to keep the joint stationary during the exercise.
Leg Movement
After you have taken the weights off, your hips and legs should remain still. You should not squat, or move your lower body in any other way.
Excessive weight
If you’re not experienced in lifting heavy weights, this exercise is not for you.
Safety and Precautions
If you are experiencing lower back pain, avoid this exercise. Be careful with heavier weights, as this can cause shoulder impingement.
Do not do dumbbell bent-over rows if you feel pain in your shoulder or back. Consult your doctor or physical therapist immediately. Once you have perfect form and control, you can lift more weight.
You should try it out
This move, along with others, can be incorporated into any of these popular workouts.