7_These 20 Exercises Will Keep You Flexin_rewrite_1

You’re not the only one who is tempted to skip your arm workouts by the thought of going to the gym or standing in line at a class. Some people find exercising outside the home a great fit, while others feel it is why they cannot fit in resistance training.

You don’t have to join a gym to do a great arm workout. Combining dumbbells, kettlebells, exercise bands, and bodyweight exercises can help you strengthen and tone your arms and target your core muscles all from the comfort of home.

You can strengthen your core and arm muscles with some of the exercises in this article.

Your arms house the biceps brachii and brachialis. They are located in the front of the arm.

The triceps brachii are located on the back of your arm. Don’t forget about your forearm muscles. These include your lower arm muscles. These muscles are responsible for performing flexion, extension and abduction (1).

The core muscles of your midsection include several muscle groups, including the rectus abdominis and rectus abdominis.

Some of these exercises only require your body weight, while others require external resistance such as dumbbells, resistance bands or kettlebells.

You can always exchange one piece of equipment with another. If you don’t have a kettlebell for the exercise, then use dumbbells.

You should aim to work your arms at least two days per week in order to maximize muscle growth. Hypertrophic results are better when you hit each part of your body at least twice per week than if you train only once per week (3).

This article can be broken down into sections, or mini-workouts. Each section can be used as a single workout or you can combine a few exercises to create a longer program.

Triceps dips
Dips can be used to increase your bodyweight. Dips are a versatile exercise that targets the triceps, but also the shoulders and chest muscles. Dips can be done while sitting on the ground, on a stool, stairway, or bench. Avoid this move if you have problems with your shoulders.

1. Place your feet on the ground and sit down on the chair’s edge. Place your hands on the chair’s edge, with your palms facing down.
2. To straighten your arms, tighten your glutes.
3. Lower your body as low and bend your elbows as possible until your shoulders or back begin to round.
4. To get to the starting position, press your hands into the chair.
5. Do 2-3 sets of 10-12 reps.

The inchworm is your best option for total body benefits. This exercise not only strengthens your core, arms, shoulders, lower body, and core but also increases your heart rate. You also get a stretch in your hamstrings.

1. Place your hands on the ground and stand tall, with your feet at your hips.
2. Keep your spine neutral and your core tight. Then, move your hands forward. As you move your hands forward, your heels will lift off the ground and your legs will remain straight.
3. Reverse the motion by halting and moving your hands toward your feet.
4. Do 2 to 3 sets of 10 reps.
5. Between sets, stand up

Chaturanga (low plank)
Chaturanga, a variant of the standard plank, targets the biceps muscles better than other positions.

1. With your core engaged and your hands under your elbows, start in a plank position with your elbows close behind your body.
2. Keep your feet on the ground and roll forward. Bend your elbows so that your arms are at a 90 degree angle. Your elbows should touch your rib cage lightly, and your body should be straight.
3. For 20-30 seconds, hold the position and then push back to a high plank.
4. This pose should be repeated 1-2 times.

Kickboxing punches
Cardio kickboxing moves such as punches can improve cardiovascular health, increase upper body strength, stamina, endurance, and give your core a great workout.

1. Place your feet at the sides of your body, with your arms extended to your sides.
2. Bend your knees slightly and raise your arms up in front of you. Keep your elbows bent, your hands in a fist and your elbows bent. Your hands should touch your jawline.
3. Engage your core and tighten your fists. Next, extend your right hand across your body and make a punching motion. After your arm is extended, stop and tighten the tricep muscles.
4. Keep your elbow bent towards your body. Next, engage your bicep muscles.
5. To fully fatigue your left arm, punch your right arm 15 times and then switch to your left.
6. Do 2 to 3 sets of 15 reps each on each side.

Standing above the triceps extensions
The tricep extensions is an isolation exercise that targets your back (aka the triceps).

Standing while performing this move helps to strengthen your core muscles and promote stability. However, if balance is a concern, you can also do it while sitting down. Focus on how many reps you can do.

1. Standing with your feet shoulder width apart, your arms at your sides and a dumbbell in your other hand, stand with your legs straight up.
2. Bend your elbows 90 degrees and raise both arms towards the ceiling. Your elbows will be pointed up, while your dumbbells will point downward.
3. Engage your core muscles to squeeze your triceps and press the dumbbells overhead. Your arms will be fully extended.
4. Stop at the top.
5. Slowly lower the weight back to your head, and then repeat.
6. Do 2 to 3 sets of 10-12 reps.

Zottman curl
Arm strength is a major factor in the biceps. However, targeting the lower muscles of the forearm muscles can make everyday tasks such as opening jars or carrying heavy luggage easier by improving your grip strength.

This will also help you lift more weight in the gym. This move is best done with strict form. Do not overload your body and concentrate on doing more reps.

1. Standing with your feet shoulder width apart, your arms at your sides and a dumbbell in your other hand, stand with your feet together.
2. Keep your elbows in line with your body, and your palms out.
3. The dumbbells should be positioned towards your shoulders.
4. Keeping your hands in an overhand grip, pause and flip your hands. The dumbbells will then be lowered to their starting position. This will be felt in your forearms.
5. Repeat the process by bringing your hands back into a palms-out (underhand grip).
6. Do 2-3 sets of 10-12 reps.

To overhead press, curl your biceps.
Combining two moves in one exercise can save time and increase intensity. A great combination for adding to an upper-body workout is the shoulder press and bicep curl.

1. Your feet should be shoulder width apart. Keep your arms straight and your arms out in front. With your palms facing out, hold dumbbells of light to moderate weight in one hand.
2. Keep your elbows near your body while you incline the dumbbells towards your shoulders. Rotate your hands so that your palms face forward when the dumbbells reach shoulder-high.
3. Place the weights directly above your shoulders.
4. Slowly lower dumbbells to shoulder height. Then, turn your palms towards you. Keep lowering the dumbbells until they reach the starting position.
5. Do 2-3 sets of 10-12 reps.

Press dumbbells with close grip
Traditional chest presses rely on the chest muscles (pectoral) to do the majority of the work. However, if you hold your hands closer to your chest, the emphasis shifts to the triceps muscles. However, you should choose a lighter weight for chest presses.

1. Place your hands on the ground and grab a dumbbell with each hand. Place your hands on your sides and bend your knees.
2. Reach your chest and extend your arms. With a tight grip, your palms should be facing each other.
3. Extend your arms above your head by clenching your triceps.
4. Stop at the top.
5. Slowly, lower than the starting position.
6. Do 2-3 sets of 10-12 reps.

Walking out pushups with shoulder taps
The traditional pushup is a powerful exercise for your shoulders and triceps. However, this variation adds a shoulder tap and walk-out to increase heart rate and challenge your upper body muscles.

1. Standing tall, with your feet shoulder width apart, is a good idea.
2. Place your hands on the ground and hunch your hips. Move your hands forward until you are in a high plank position.
3. Continue to hold this position for 3 reps. Keep your body straight from the head to the heels.
4. Tap your left shoulder using your right hand. Next, tap your right shoulder using your left hand. Repeat this two times for each side.
5. Move your hands back to the original position and then stand up again.
6. Repeat for 30 seconds, each time.

Press the incline button on the standing band
A resistance band can be used to strengthen your chest muscles. It also helps you engage your triceps and core. This is an excellent upper-body move.

A lighter band can be used to focus on more reps, or a heavier band can be used to keep the reps lower. The best band is one with handles. To create an anchor, wrap the ends of a resistance bracelet around your hands.

1. Place your feet hip-width apart on your left foot and hold a handle in each of your hands.
2. Make a big step forward using your left foot. Now, your feet should be in a wide, crossed stance with your left leg bent and your left foot forward.
3. Keep your hands at shoulder level. Push diagonally forward, as far as possible, while keeping your elbows slightly bent.
4. Recover slowly, and then repeat.
5. Do 2 to 3 sets of 12-15 reps.

Dumbbell presses, single-arm and offset
Unilateral work can be used to isolate each arm, and it helps with pressing force. This can be used to treat muscle imbalances or help with rehabilitation of upper-body injuries. Be gentle. This is not a way to increase power.

1. Place your hands on the bench or floor and grab a dumbbell with your right hand. Place your feet on the ground by bending your knees. Reach your left arm towards the ceiling.
2. Your right arm should be bent and your right hand should point towards your right shoulder. Your palm should be facing out.
3. Extend your right arm above your head by squeezing your chest muscles and tricep muscles.
4. Stop at the top.
5. Slowly lower the weight to return to the starting position. Continue the exercise on the opposite side. One set on each side, then switch to the other. Alternate sides between sets.
6. Do 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps.

Planks from high to low
The high-to low plank is an active variant of a traditional plank.

Instead of holding a position for a set amount of time, you move throughout the exercise. This increases your heart rate, and your upper-body strength. This helps you maintain balance and stability by utilizing your lower body and core muscles.

1. You can also try a pushup by getting into a high plank.
2. Keep your body straight and core tight. Now, extend your right arm to the mat so that your forearm touches the mat. This is similar to when you are in a forearm plank.
3. Continue doing the same with your left arm, until both forearms rest on the mat.
4. To reverse the movement, press your right hand into a mat to push up your arm and straighten it. Next, do the same on your left side until your back is in a high plank position.
5. Two 30-second sets.

Standing band bicep curl
For beginners, exercise bands can be a great tool. They are inexpensive, easy to store, provide variable resistance and offer low cost.

A resistance band workout should include the standing band bicep curl, which is one of most popular moves. The resistance can be adjusted by either using a heavier or wider band.

1. Place your hands on the exercise band and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Grab the ends of the band with one hand. Grip any band that has handles.
2. With your palms facing up, place your arms on your sides. Keep your elbows straight.
3. Keep your elbows bent and your hands in front of your shoulders.
4. Stop at the top.
5. Slowly lower your arms, and then repeat.
6. Do 2 to 3 sets of 12-15 reps.

Kickbacks for standing band triceps
To maintain tension in the back of your arms, standing band tricep kickbacks must be performed with strict form. This is a great isolation exercise that can tone and strengthen the triceps if done correctly.

1. Place your hands on the exercise band and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Grab the ends of the band with one hand. Grip the handles if you have a metal band.
2. Place your palms behind your back and turn your hands.
3. Keep your arms straight up and your elbows in front of you. Then, hinge forward towards your hips.
4. Keep your elbows straight by extending your arms back (kickback).
5. Take a moment to squeeze your triceps.
6. Slowly return to your starting position, and then repeat.
7. Do 2-3 sets of 10-12 reps.

Lying with triceps extended
The lying triceps extensions is an isolation move that targets your back. Because it is an isolation exercise, you should start slowly and use a light weight. Your elbows should not hurt.

1. Place a dumbbell on each side of your body. Place your hands on your sides and bend your knees.
2. With your palms facing one another, press the dumbells directly up towards the ceiling.
3. Slowly lower the dumbbells towards your ears by bending your elbows.
4. Bring your arms back to their starting position, and then squeeze your triceps.
5. Do 2-3 sets of 10-12 reps.

To lateral lift your biceps, curl your lateral.
Combining two moves, such as the lateral raise and the bicep curl, saves time and increases intensity.

The bicep curl-to-lateral raise strengthens the shoulders and triceps, particularly the middle deltoid muscles. Before adding weight, start with light resistance.

1. Place your feet at the sides of your body, with your arms extended to your sides.
2. With your front-facing palms, grab a dumbbell with each hand.
3. Engage your core, and then curl the dumbbells towards your shoulders.
4. Now pause and lower your arms back to the starting position.
5. Turn your palms so that they face each other. Then, lift the dumbbells up to the sides and do a lateral shoulder-raise. With your arms, form a “T”.
6. Now pause and lower your arms back to the starting position.
7. Alternate between the shoulder raise and lateral bicep curl.
8. Two 30-second sets.

Farmers walk
The farmer’s stroll is a combination exercise that requires both upper- and lower body strength. You will also burn calories and increase your heart rate. This move targets your legs, glutes and abdominals. It also targets your shoulders, arms, back, and stomach.

You should have enough room to move. You can use dumbbells or kettlebells to make the farmer’s carry work best.

1. Grab a dumbbell or a kettlebell in each of your hands. You should choose a weight that is both challenging and not too straining on your shoulders.
2. Place your feet at the sides of your body, with your arms extended to your sides.
3. Start walking by engaging your core muscles. Keep your head high and your eyes forward.
4. Begin by walking for 20 seconds. Then, reverse your steps and return to your starting point.
5. Do 2 to 3 sets of 40 seconds each.

To use overhead press, squat.
The overhead press squat-to-overhead press (also known as a compound move) is a full body exercise that targets the legs and glutes.

This exercise can be done with either a set or one kettlebell. You can use a kettlebell to squat by holding it at chest height.

1. Each hand should have a dumbbell. You should choose a weight that is both challenging and light enough to perform the move in a strict manner.
2. Stand with your arms straight out and your feet shoulder width apart.
3. Keep your elbows near your body while you squat. When you are standing straight again, raise the dumbbells to about shoulder height.
4. For a few seconds, pause and then extend your arms overhead.
5. Hold the shoulder press until you reach the top.
6. Slowly lower dumbbells until they reach shoulder height.
7. Do 2-3 sets of 10-12 reps.

Walk on the lateral plank
The lateral plank is a full-body exercise that strengthens your core, lower body, and heart. Avoid this exercise if you have any issues with your wrists or shoulders.

1. Start in the pushup position (high plank)
2. Keep your core tight and move your right leg and arm out, and your left leg and arm in.
3. Two steps in each direction, then two in the opposite direction.
4. This sequence can be repeated for another 30 seconds.
5. Repeat for 30 seconds, each time.

Plank position hammer curls
This new twist on the traditional plank will challenge your core and strengthen your biceps. It will also recruit the rest your muscles for support.

1. Grab a dumbbell with each hand.
2. Place the dumbbells below your shoulders in a high plank position, with your fists facing one another.
3. For balance, keep your core tight and open your feet.
4. To support your left side, curl your right hand towards your shoulder and hold it there. Your hips should be straight and your back flat.
5. Reduce your right hand, then move to your left.
6. You can alternate your left and right sides for 30 seconds.
7. Do 2 to 3 sets of 30 seconds each.

It’s easy and efficient to strengthen your arms and increase muscle mass at home. You can also train your lower body, abs, and shoulders with many of the exercises mentioned above.

Your body weight will provide some resistance but you’ll need external resistance such as dumbbells and resistance bands to maintain your strength gains.

Before you start these exercises if you have chronic injuries that could be made worse by them. A certified personal trainer or physical therapist is a great resource, especially for those who are new to resistance training.

These exercises will ensure that you never miss an arm day!

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