70_23 Kettlebell Workouts For Men_rewrite_1

A weight room or gym is a place that you probably picture. A large open area with benches, cables, and cardio stations. The majority of weights are likely barbells on both squat platforms or benches, as well as dumbbells stacked on a wall-mounted rack.

There’s another tool you can add to your strength training arsenal. Kettlebells can be one of the most efficient and versatile tools in your exercise arsenal. This year’s results have shown that people love kettlebells and consider them indispensable.

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The unique shape of kettlebells allows for different movements, such as presses and swings. Kettlebells can be used to train your entire body, not just your arms.

Because of their shape, kettlebells are a great choice for single-arm multi-joint movements such as cleans and snatches. You can grab the handles of a kettlebell with one hand or the bars connecting the weight and the handles (sometimes called the “horns”) with the other. This grip is great for pressing, curling, and other challenging movements.

The utility of kettlebells has led to the popularity of a completely different training method: the flow.

You can combine different movements to make a free-moving series. This can be repeated multiple times for maximum effect or combined with other routines for an entire program (like Eric Leija’s Kettlehell series in All Out Studio).

It doesn’t matter how much you use your kettlebell, having a game plan is important. These exercises and workouts will help you get the most out of your kettlebells.

Kettlebell Front Rack
The front rack can be used to make your exercises more difficult. You can use the front rack for squats and lunges as well as walking. You can use one or two kettlebells to hold the weight. This will force you to engage your core to keep your torso upright. This position is a solid way of doing double duty.

Bottoms-Up Kettlebell Press
Kettlebell training is a great way to challenge yourself with standard kettlebell exercises. This is the bottoms-up pressing, which adds the additional challenge of holding the bell close to the handle while stabilizing and balancing its weight distribution. Your task will be both mental and physical.

Kettlebell Halo
Begin slowly by learning the basic kettlebell halo. This simple but effective movement will help you strengthen your core and shoulder stability. To get more metabolic impact, do 10-20 reps on each side.

Kettlebell Swing
Swing is one of the most effective and popular kettlebell moves. Anyone who wants to learn the swing should be able to master the form. This is where the key is to make sure you emphasize your hip hinge. When you lower the weight, don’t squat. Before thrusting to grab the weight up.

Goblet Pulse Square
This dynamic exercise will make your legs squeak with some bounce. You can do 4 sets of 10 with 30 seconds rest between each set.

Double Kettlebell Front Squat

To complete this lower body exercise, double up on the weight. You’ll need to use your arms and core to hold the kettlebells in a racked position. This will also put your upper body under a lot of strain. To create tension, do 3-4 sets of 10 reps. Slowly lower down to the desired position and stop at the bottom.

Turkish Getup
Although this multi-part movement requires coordination and time to master, it is a great exercise for the whole body. Start light (run the first few times with no weight), and then increase your load as you go.

Kettlebell Clean and Press
Clean and press is another multi-joint, multipart exercise that will work your entire body. As you move into the racked position, make sure that your weight is controlled before moving up. If you are feeling bold, set a timer that lasts 5-10 minutes and then alternate 5 reps each arm for the entire period.

Kettlebell Abs Series
You can use the kettlebell to shape your abs. You can hold the kettlebell easily and maneuver it with ease. This allows you to use it to load traditional bodyweight movements. These six core moves are from Leija’s Kettlehell Program. Basic moves like the bride-to-situp, two step getup, Russian twist and quick twist, pullover to sittingup, and weighted hollow rocks will be taught.

Full Body Kettlebell Movements
Are swings too difficult for you? These exercises are better: kettlebell clean, kettlebell thruster and goblet squat. You can do 4 sets of 12 reps for any or all of these moves, or you can hit them back-toback in a circuit that includes no rest. This will burn calories and torch your entire body.

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Kettlebell Flow
Eric Leija, a.k.a. Kettlebell coaches, is making kettlebell flows more popular. primal.swoledier, who created this routine for Men’s Health.

* Squat lift to goblet, squat
* Return to Squat
* Hold a squat to lift your bottoms up
* Tricep extension above the squat.

For one set, do five repetitions of the flow. For the other sets, do 10 sets. Between sets, take 30 seconds off to rest.

12-Minute Kettlebell Calorie Burner

You’ll feel the effects of this short workout for four minutes. Each exercise should be completed for one minute. You can slow down if you are unable to keep up with the pace. Try working for 20 seconds and then taking a break for 10. You can repeat the entire series three times.

* Goblet Squat
* Clean and Press
* Swing
* Sumo Deadlift

30:60.90 BodyShock
This intense interval ladder by Hannah Eden will blast your body. Each move will be performed for 30-60 seconds. Then, you’ll do the next 90 seconds. There will be a rest in between. To complete the circuit, you must complete 3 rounds.

* Kettlebell Fast Foot – 30 seconds work, 10 second rest
* American Kettlebell Swing 60 Seconds Work 20 Seconds Rest
* 10 reps Long Situp, Jumping Squat – 90 second work, 30 seconds rest

For full body conditioning, use kettlebells from Hell
Trainer Alexia Clark’s fast-paced routine will test your stamina. Just make sure to have a matching set of kettlebells. The circuit consists of three sections. The workout will consist of 60 seconds of continuous motion followed by 30 seconds for rest. Each circuit should be repeated three times. After that, you can rest for up to two minutes before starting the next circuit.

* 2-Kettlebell Sumo Squat with Overhead Press and Reverse Lunge

* Jump Squat with a Kettlebell Deadlift
* Kettlebell Swing Switch

Metcon 20-Minute Kettlebell
These workouts are usually short and straight to the point. This routine will help you increase your metabolic conditioning. Set a timer for 20 seconds and do as many rounds as possible until the alarm rings.

* Kettlebell Swing 20 reps
* Goblet Squats – 10 reps
* Single Arm Press (L), 5 reps
* Single Arm Press (R), 5 repetitions

Brett Williams is a Men’s Health fitness editor. He is also a NASM CPT certified trainer. A former pro football player, Williams is now a tech reporter. His workouts are split between strength and conditioning, martial arts and running. His work can be found at Mashable and Thrillist as well as other outlets.

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