This simple kettlebell workout for beginners will blow your mind.
Let’s face it: You can learn how to use a kettlebell from someone other than Mario and Mega Man.
Today’s guide will cover the following (click for that section).
These are the programs we offer to our 1-on-1 online coaching clients. We’re seeing amazing results.
Let us design a customized Kettlebell program just for you! Find out more:
Download our Kettlebell Worksheet You’ll find it very useful in just a matter of seconds.
Grab Your Beginner Kettlebell Routine Worksheet!
* This workout can be done at home or in the gym using 1 kettlebell.
* Don’t make the same mistakes that everyone makes when you do kettlebell exercises.
* Strengthen your body, lose weight, and live a more fulfilled life.
Let’s get in there, Okie dokie.
The 20-minute Beginner Kettlebell Workout (with a Video Demonstration).
After you have watched the video (featuring Matt Shortis as a trainer in our 1-on-1 coaching program), here is a quick recap and repetitions for the exercise.
* 8 Halos (each side)
* 10 Goblet Squats
* 8 Overhead Presses (each side)
* 15 Kettlebell Swings
* 8 Bent Over Rows (each side)
* 6 Front Rack Reverse Lunge (per side)
We like to have fun here so we created a graphic in which superheroes exercise.
This infographic shows you the Beginner Kettlebell Workout.
The Beginner Kettlebell Workout can be described as a circuit. You can read more about circuit training here.
* 1 set exercise A, go immediately
* 1 set exercise B, immediately to
* 1 set exercise C, and so forth
* Continue from the top
Long-term goals should include 3 complete circuits back to back for a complete workout.
4 if youre on fire, as in NBA Jam
It’s fine if you only manage to go through it once or twice.
You can take a break between sets or after a circuit if you feel the need. You do you.
Before you jump into the kettlebell circuit, make sure to warm up. (You can see our warmup routine here).
It’s not too difficult, but it will help you “grease your groove” and get you used to moving so that you don’t pull any muscles when you swing the kettlebell.
Also, prepare your muscles and joints for some weight movement!
Running in place, air punches or kicks, jumping jacks, arm swings and running in place for a few minutes should increase your heart rate and prepare you for the Kettlebell Workout.
All of the Beginner Kettlebell Workouts can be done with one bell.
In the next section, we’ll cover each other so that you can improve your kettlebell technique.
Light stretching is a great way to cool off after you are done. You can do a few yoga poses. You should also drink water.
You can do this routine at least once per week and as many as two or three times per week with one day off.
You don’t build muscle by exercising; you build muscle when your body is resting.
Strength training can cause muscle weakness, but your muscles will recover and become stronger the next day.
You don’t have to be still if you can’t move.
Download our Beginner Kettlebell Worksheet. It covers the sequence as taught by Coach Matt.
It is possible to print the form and keep track of how many repetitions and sets you have completed. This will help you make progress in your training.
Sign up below to get yours for free
Grab Your Beginner Kettlebell Routine Worksheet!
* This workout can be done at home or in the gym using 1 kettlebell.
* Don’t make the same mistakes that everyone makes when you do kettlebell exercises.
* Strengthen your body, lose weight, and live a more fulfilled life.
These are the 6 Best Kettlebell Exercises For Beginners
Let’s look at each exercise of the 20-minute Beginner Kettlebell Workout.
1. Hold the kettlebell in your hands with two fingers.
2. Lift the kettlebell high above your head
3. You can move your head around like you are tracing a halo.
Tip from Coach Matt – Don’t be too heavy with your halos. Keep the movement fluid. It’s not a good idea to accidentally bang your head on the bell.
1. Two hands are required to hold the kettlebell “by the Horns,” also known as the handle.
2. Keep your elbows tight, and your feet parallel.
3. Next, lower your bodyweight as if you were doing a bodyweight squat.
4. To reverse the trend, raise again.
Tip from Coach Matt – Focus on depth when performing the goblet sit. It is more important to do a full squat rather than just doing reps. Don’t stress if you can’t do 10. Do the best you can.
1. You can hold the kettlebell in one hand. The handle should be down your palm.
2. You can press straight up using your fist to drive the movement.
3. Then reverse the motion and lower the kettlebell. Continue to do so.
Tip from Coach Matt: When doing the overhead press, tighten your muscles. You will get a better workout if you tighten your muscles.
1. Grab the handle of the kettlebell with both your hands and bend over flat-back.
2. The kettlebell should be behind you. Now, get ready to leap up.
3. You can jump up, but not leave the ground, and swing the kettlebell upward. At the top of the movement, you should be standing tall.
4. You can reverse the motion and lower the kettlebell behind you.
5. Repeat.
Coach Matt’s tip: When you are doing the kettlebell swing focus on your hips. You should feel the swing like a deadlift movement in your hamstrings and glutes.
1. Grab the kettlebell with one hand and bend over to flatten your back.
2. You can lift the kettlebell by bringing your elbow into your rib cage.
3. Reverse the movement to lower the kettlebell.
Tip from Coach Matt: During the row, keep your stomach tight and your back straight. This will allow you to stabilize your legs as you pull the kettlebell towards yourself.
1. Hold the kettlebell in one hand, and place the weight between your arms and chest.
2. Place your kettlebell on the same side as your leg. Now, lower your leg until your shin is parallel to the ground.
3. Recuperate to your original position.
Tip from Coach Matt: For the lunges, keep your back straight. You’ll feel more toned when you do your lunges by keeping your shoulders back.
Boom! It’s there!
These are the 6 best beginner kettlebell exercises.
Our coaches are available to help you improve your kettlebell skills or to check your form on these movements. You can send your video to our mobile app, and your coach will give feedback so that you can improve your technique.
A Nerd Fitness Coach will examine your form using a kettlebell. Find out more!
Let’s dive into kettlebells a bit deeper if you are still unsure about getting one. [1]
Which Kettlebell is Best? What is the best kettlebell weight for me?
You want to buy a kettlebell.
They are available in all kinds of materials and all sizes.
The choice of kettlebell will depend on your personal preferences, your budget and your experience using kettlebells.
Let’s take a look at the following when choosing the right kettlebell.
#1) Competition vs. Standard. Cast iron kettlebells are standard. As the weight increases, so do the dimensions.
A 16kg (16 lb.) bell is an example. A 16kg (35 lb.) bell will weigh more than a 6kg (15 lb.) bell. For competitive kettlebells, this is not true.
No matter how heavy they are, all competitive kettlebells will be the same in terms of bell shape, handle width, and base.
The 16kg will be the same as the 6kg. This is a good way to ensure consistency in your technique.
#2) Weight. #2) Weight. In general, choose a weight that will allow you to do a good workout.
If in doubt, you should start with a lighter weight as you can always increase your weight/size later. If you force me to choose one, and you don’t know anything about you, consider buying a 16kg male or an 8kg female.
This is not a scientific method, and each person is unique. Go heavier if you feel stronger than the average. You might not be quite right. Be lighter.
#3) Ballistic vs. Grind. Ballistic and grinding are two terms that can be used to describe fast and slow movements in kettlebell workouts.
Ballistic movements are quick and easy, just like the kettlebell swing.
The overhead press is slow for grinding movements. To aid with ballistic movements, a heavier kettlebell might be better.
You might consider reducing your weight for grinding movements.
If you’re just beginning, stick with one kettlebell for now. As you gain experience, branch out.
#4) Handle. Here is where quality really comes into play. Your kettlebell will be used for many repetitions.
If the handle is rough, you will feel every movement in your hand.
It’s not fun.
When it comes to handles, quality matters. In a moment, we will discuss ideal brands. Let’s end the discussion about handles. They are usually standardized at 35mm in thickness.
This will serve as a baseline for comparing bell grips.
Let’s now talk about kettlebell brands.
#1) Cap Barbell. This would make a great first kettlebell. Cap Barbell kettlebells are affordable and of decent quality. They can be purchased at Walmart or Amazon.
The Cap Barbell is our most popular and affordable kettlebell. Have you had any experience with one of these kettlebells?
If you like it, let us know in comments!
#2) Kettlebell Kings. Kettlebell Kings are ranked among the top bells. This is a great value for the quality.
They also offer free shipping to the US, which is a nice perk since you are essentially sending a cannonball.
#3) Dragon Door. #3) Dragon Door. Some consider Dragon Door to be the gold standard for everything and everyone “kettlebell.”
I would not disagree with you, but I expect to have to pay.
#4) Onnit. #4) Onnit. They are very popular and offer high quality bells.
They also sell Darth Vader ones.
Yes, that is correct.
OUR ADVICE: Check your gym before you buy a kettlebell.
It must have kettlebells. You can experiment with different sizes, weights, styles and brands to find the one that suits you best.
Are you afraid to go? This is how you can train in a gym.
Do you not care about getting your bell new?
Craigslist and a used sports goods store such as Play it Again Sports are good places to find a kettlebell that someone has given up on.
A used kettlebell can still be used as a kettlebell.
Crafty? Make your own!
Here is a video showing you how to make a kettlebell.
Make your own kettlebell! Please email me. Thank you!
If you don’t need any help, but just want someone to show you how to train, I can help.
Let’s create a customized Kettlebell program for you. Find out more about our online coaching program:
Kettlebells can help you lose weight
A kettlebell and the above workout routine are great options if you’re looking to lose weight.
Your nutrition is the other aspect of this plan.
We believe proper nutrition is 80-90% in weight loss, as we outline in our Coaching Program.
No joke.
It is the most important factor in determining success.
Kettlebell training can help you lose weight.
You’ll see results in your diet if you start to include our kettlebell workouts a few times per semaine.
How can you improve your diet?
Great question.
You can choose to follow a Paleo Diet or Mediterranean Diet. The best way to achieve your goals is up to you, your circumstances, and your lifestyle.
These are just a few tips (as we discuss in our Beginner’s Guide to Healthy Eating).
1. You must eat less calories than you burn every day if you want to lose weight. You can achieve this by eating less and burning more calories (see the kettlebell exercise above).
2. It’s difficult to lose weight with processed foods and junk food. They have lots of calories, carbs, low nutrition value, aren’t filling, and can cause you to eat more.
3. Vegetables can be your friend. Here’s how to make vegetables delicious if you don’t like vegetables.
4. Your efforts will be sabotaged by liquid calories. Juice, soda, and sports drinks are all high-calorie sugar water that has minimal nutritional value. You can get your caffeine from tea or black coffee, and sparkling water is a fizzy option.
5. Not losing weight? You can track your calories and try to eat slightly less each day. This topic is discussed in detail in our article “Why cannot I lose weight?”
6. Get more protein Protein is good for building muscle and helps you to stay within your daily calorie limit. It’s also satiating, which can help you to eat less. Here are the recommended daily amounts of protein.
These tips should help you get started. However, if you need more guidance and instruction, the NF Coaching Program is for you. Your Coach will create a routine that suits your needs and what you have.
Let’s not make weight loss difficult!
Get the Kettlebell Worksheet
As with most things in life it is important to start an exercise program.
Start TODAY, regardless of which strength training program is best for you.
A kettlebell doesn’t require you to be strong. To get stronger, you can use a kettlebell!
For a recap, here’s the Beginner Kettlebell Workout.
1. Halos: 8 reps per side
2. Goblet Squats – 10 reps
3. Overhead Presses: 8 reps
4. Kettlebell swings: 15 reps
5. Bested Over Rows: 8 reps per side
6. Front Rack Reverse Lunge: 6 reps each side
If you like what we do, here are the next steps that you can take together.
1) Take a look at our 1-on-1 online coaching program. You can have your first kettlebell or learn advanced moves with our coaches.
We have the right answer for you, whether you’re new to fitness or an experienced pro at it.
The NF Coaching Program will make you as strong as a wolf with Kettlebells. Find out more:
2) For a detailed blueprint on how to grow strong, visit NF Journey. This fun app will help you build habits that increase your exercise, improve your diet, and make your life more enjoyable.
You can even follow our fun kettlebell adventure!
Get a free trial here
3) Join the Rebellion Subscribe to our biweekly newsletter and receive our Beginner Kettlebell Worksheet.
Sign up below and tell us what you think!
Grab Your Beginner Kettlebell Routine Worksheet!
* This workout can be done at home or in the gym using 1 kettlebell.
* Don’t make the same mistakes that everyone makes when you do kettlebell exercises.
* Strengthen your body, lose weight, and live a more fulfilled life.