Creatine is a popular bodybuilding supplement. Creatine is thought to increase muscle strength and muscle mass. It is also believed to speed up muscle recovery after exercise.
Creatine is particularly useful for increasing energy and performance during short-term, high-intensity exercises such as weight lifting or sprinting.
Although some claims about the health benefits of creatine might not be true, there are many benefits for those who want to improve their physical fitness.
What is Creatine?
Creatine is a natural substance found within the human body. It comes from the Greek word “kreas”, which means flesh or meat. Creatine was discovered by Michel Eugene Chevreul in 1832, when he extracted the compound from meat.
The muscles store and use approximately 95% of the creatine. The muscles, along with the liver, kidneys, and to a lesser extent, the pancreas, generate and use approximately 5% of creatine. The balance is obtained through a healthy diet that provides both essential and unessential amino acids.
Sometimes the body’s creatine needs are not met by a healthy diet. Exogenous creatine supplements may be required to replenish the necessary creatine.
Creatine can be obtained naturally from meat. However, athletes and those who exercise a lot may not have enough. Supplements are more beneficial for these people.
Supplements are also required for vegans and vegetarians, as their diets might not contain enough creatine.
Creatine: Why do we need it?
Creatine is an essential component of every human being. It’s made by 3 amino acids: arginine and glycine and methionine. Although creatine can be made in sufficient quantities to support daily activities, the muscles use it more quickly to provide energy for intense physical activity that requires endurance and strength.
Consuming Creatine with complex carbohydrates can increase glucose levels and improve absorption. Creatine is a source of energy that provides energy reinforcements for muscles and replenishes ATP levels after intense training. ATP, also known as adenosine Triphosphate, is an energy-transporting molecular that fuels all cells of the body.
Exercise depletes ATP and creatine aids with increasing phosphocreatine reserves in order to restore ATP levels to normalcy. This allows for sustained energy, strength and stamina, which can be used to enhance performance and training durations.
There are many types of creatine, but creatine monohydrate is the most popular. This has been confirmed reliable and effective by The International Society of Sports Nutrition (1).
Creatine monohydrate can be made by combining creatine with one molecule water. This property allows cells to retain moisture to help prevent protein breakdown in muscle and improve protein synthesis.
13 Health Benefits Proven to Creatine
Numerous studies and organizations like the International Society of Sports Nutrition have confirmed that creatine is safe and effective in providing overall health benefits, as well as supporting muscle growth and energy. Here are some of the health benefits that creatine supplementation has shown.
Increased body mass
Supplementing with creatine can help increase body mass. Creatine draws water into muscle cells, resulting in an increase of muscle mass. Also, this can lead to an increase in body weight. With consistent training, creatinine levels and muscle mass increase over time (2).
Studies have shown that even short-term creatine supplementation can cause some changes in the body and increase lean body mass (3).
Creatine is a chemical that alters certain cell pathways to increase protein concentration and promote new muscle fibers.
Creatine supplementation can be combined with resistance training to increase muscle growth and mass.
Studies have shown that creatine can be combined with strength training to increase satellite cell numbers and myonuclei levels in the skeletal muscle for increased muscle growth.
> Summary: Creatine supplementation can be beneficial to increase creatinine levels, alter cellular pathways to promote the proliferation of new muscles fibers, and decrease myostatin in order to increase muscle growth.
Increases athletic performance
Creatine is often used in sports because it aids high-intensity training. Research has shown that creatine supplement can be used in high-intensity, short workouts (7).
The International Society of Sports noted:
“Creatine monohydrate, the most effective ergogenic nutritional supplements available to athletes in terms increasing high-intensity exercise capability and lean body weight during training,” (8).
Creatine has been shown to increase strength, fat-free mass and endurance and improve exercise performance in high intensity tasks, with the exception of running and swimming (9).
Creatine can improve the performance of handball players in sprints; increase muscular performance during repetitions of jump-squat and bench press exercises, and enhance strength during arm-flexor strength train (10).
> Summary: Creatine is an effective supplement for sports to increase performance and muscle strength during high-intensity training. It also speeds up the recovery of injured muscles.
Creatine increases phosphocreatine levels for ATP Synthesis
Phosphocreatine, also known as creatine phosphate, is a high-energy phosphate molecule that acts as a quick reserve for recycling and maintaining ATP in the muscles. Creatine supplements can be phosphorylated to produce phosphocreatine by creatine kinase (12).
Creatine can increase phosphocreatine storage in muscle areas. This allows for constant energy input to cells, even during intense workouts, by maintaining ATP levels.
Research has shown that taking 4 daily doses of creatine over a period of 5 days can increase phosphocreatine levels to sustain ATP synthesis (13).
Research has shown that creatine supplementation can lead to different levels of phosphocreatine for young and old (14).
Another study found that creatine could increase Phosphocreatine levels to aid in ATP synthesis, which can be used to improve performance during handgrip exercises (15).
> Summary: Creatine supplementation can increase phosphocreatine levels, which in turn speeds up ATP synthesis and provides energy for cells during intense workouts.
Creatine aids in faster recovery after workouts
High-intensity training can cause muscle injuries and soreness. Creatine has been shown to reduce muscle damage and speed up muscle recovery in athletes and other sportpeople.
Research has shown that creatine is able to support faster recovery from injuries caused due to eccentrically-induced muscle damage (16).
Studies have shown that creatine supplementation may be beneficial in the rehabilitation of swimmers who have suffered injuries from tendon overuse (17).
Another study showed that creatine supplementation could help reduce inflammation, muscle soreness, and inflammation following a rigorous 30km race (18).
Numerous studies have shown that creatine dietary supplementation can reduce or prevent muscle damage, and speed up recovery after intense workouts (19).
> Summary: There are many studies that support the effectiveness of creatine in relieving muscle pain, inflammation, and soreness. It also speeds up rehabilitation after intense training.
Creatine may help with muscular dystrophy
Muscular Dystrophy is a group of genetic diseases that causes progressive muscle weakness and loss over time. Some genetic mutations can interfere with the production of essential muscle proteins, which are vital for normal muscle function.
These proteins may affect motor coordination, swallowing, walking, and other functions. Muscular dystrophy is also a result of muscle weakness. Studies on creatine have been leading the way in research.
Studies have shown that creatine supplementation can increase muscle strength and improve functional performance in muscular dystrophies (21).
A second study found that patients with muscular dystrophies did not have an increase in phosphocreatine levels, but there was a marked decrease in quantitative muscle power following creatine supplementation (21).
Some studies have shown that creatine supplementation can help improve muscle performance and symptoms in children with Duchenne muscular disorder (22, 23).
> Summary: Creatine supplementation has been shown to be beneficial in the treatment of muscular dystrophy. It can increase muscle strength in adults, and it can provide symptomatic improvements in muscle performance in children.
Parkinson’s Disease may be treated with Creatine
Parkinson’s disease, a progressive disorder in the central nervous system, is caused by damage to nerve cells. This causes dopamine levels drop and affects movement severely (24).
Animal studies have shown that creatine increases phosphocreatine levels, which helps ATP depletion. This is why it’s effective in treating Parkinson’s disease when combined with Coenzyme Q 10 (25), (26).
Research on creatine has shown neuroprotective properties, which may be helpful in the treatment of neurodegenerative conditions such as Huntington’s and Parkinson’s disease (27).
One study found that creatine supplementation increased resistance training benefits for patients with Parkinson’s (28).
> Summary: Creatine, with its neuroprotective properties, may be used to treat Parkinson’s disease. It can also provide better results when combined with resistance training.
Creatine may help fight neurological diseases
According to World Health Organization (WHO), neurological disorders are affecting millions of people worldwide. Neurological diseases refer to those disorders that affect the central and peripheral nervous systems of the body, such as the brain, spine, peripheral nerves, muscles, and brain. Common disorders include Alzheimer’s, Parkinsons disease, brain tumors and epilepsy (29).
Creatine’s neuroprotective abilities may be beneficial in the treatment of certain neurological conditions. Numerous animal studies have shown the potential of creatine in treating a range of neurological conditions, including Ischemic stroke, Alzheimer’s, and spinal cord injury (30).
Research has shown that creatine may have anticonvulsant properties in epilepsy seizures. Creatine may be helpful for ALS (a condition that affects motor neurons) (33).
> Summary: While studies have shown that creatine may be effective in treating neurological diseases, more research is needed to confirm its efficacy in treating other neurological conditions.
Creatine can be used to treat depression
Depression is a mood disorder that affects over 250 million people worldwide. It can have a significant impact on daily life. Studies have shown that creatine may be able to relieve some symptoms of depression.
One study found that creatine could be used to treat depression in women with low phosphocreatine levels.
Women with major depression showed improvements in their moods after taking creatine supplementation (35). One study found that creatine supplementation can help with unipolar depression, but may cause maniacal symptoms in those suffering from bipolar disorder (36).
> Summary: Creatine supplementation can relieve depression symptoms, especially for women with severe depressive disorder.
Creatine may increase cognitive ability
Cognitive ability is a person’s mental abilities such as thinking, problem solving and logic. Creatine plays a critical role in improving brain health and encouraging cognitive abilities in people.
Many studies have shown that creatine supplementation can improve mental health, and even prevent traumatic brain injury. Research has shown that creatine supplementation can improve working memory, intelligence, and performance (38).
Creatine helped the elderly with spatial recall, random number generation, and long-term memory tasks that required precision (39). Supplementing with creatine in healthy young people can improve short-term memory, reasoning abilities (40).
> Summary: Creatine supplementation has been shown to improve working memory and reasoning abilities in young people. It improves spatial memory and helps to prevent traumatic brain injuries.
Creatine may have cardioprotective effects
According to WHO, cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are conditions that affect the heart or blood vessels. They are the leading cause of death worldwide. Combining creatine with certain types of training or workouts can help to protect against the risk of developing cardiovascular conditions.
Research has shown that creatine can be combined with resistance training to lower homocysteine levels. This can increase cardiovascular risk such as strokes or heart attacks (41).
Studies have shown that creatine supplementation has a positive effect on the performance and skeletal muscle phosphagens in patients with chronic heart disease (42).
Another study (43) showed that creatine may increase muscle strength and body weight in people with congestive heart disease.
Research also shows that creatine monohydrate supplementation to physically active young adults improves microvascular reactivity. It also results in a significant increase in skin capillary densities (44).
> Summary: Studies have shown that creatine in combination with exercise can improve cardioprotective properties. People with heart disease have also seen positive effects on their weight, muscle strength, and performance.
Creatine Can Improve Bone Density
Bone density is the amount of mineral density found in bones. It indicates whether you are at risk for fractures or osteoporosis. Creatine, when used with regular exercise, has been shown to strengthen bones and increase bone mineral density.
Research has shown that adding creatine to your diet along with resistance training can increase bone mineral density in older males (45).
Creatine supplementation can help post-menopausal females with better bone health (46). Creatine supplementation may have a positive effect on preventing bone loss as we age and reducing the chance of injury or fractures (47).
> Summary: Studies have shown that creatine supplementation can prevent bone loss. It can also be combined with resistance training to increase bone mineral density in older men and women who are postmenopausal.
Creatine may help regulate blood sugar
The amount of sugar in your blood is called blood sugar. Although glucose is necessary for energy, an excessive amount can cause Diabetes. This is when the body is unable or unwilling to use excess glucose which is then harmful.
Numerous studies have shown that creatine may play an important role in the regulation of glucose metabolism (48).
Research has shown that creatine supplementation can increase factors that regulate the GLUT4 transporter, which is responsible for transporting glucose into skeletal muscle (49).
Additional studies revealed that creatine supplementation prior to exercise could have a positive impact on muscle glycogen-loading capacity, which could lead to a significant increase in cell volume (50).
Research suggests that anaerobic exercise combined with creatine can increase glucose tolerance, but not insulin sensitivity.
> Summary: Research has shown that creatine supplementation can control the body’s glucose metabolism. It controls the GLUT4 transporter, glycogen-loading capacity and muscle glycogen storage. It also influences tolerance levels during anaerobic training.
Creatine may help combat mental fatigue
Creatine is known to increase muscle strength and performance through enhancing phosphocreatine levels, which aids in ATP synthesis. It is believed to be a part of a treatment for chronic fatigue, along with its neuroprotective properties.
A study showed that creatine can reduce mental fatigue in subjects who repeatedly perform mathematical calculations (52).
Another study (53) showed that low doses of creatine increased fatigue resistance during high-intensity training (53).
Creatine was found to be effective in reducing headaches, dizziness and fatigue in children and adolescents suffering from traumatic brain injury (54).
A cycle ergometry test was performed by 55-year-old college women who had taken creatine loading for five days. They found a significant delay in neuromuscular fatigue (55)
> Summary: Creatine supplementation can reduce mental fatigue in lower doses, and neuromuscular fatigue when used as a loading phase.
Dosage of Creatine Supplements
Creatine can be taken in two phases by athletes and fitness enthusiasts: loading and maintenance. Although the loading phase may not be essential, it can offer better results if used properly.
To increase creatine levels quickly, it is necessary to take more creatine during the loading phase. This reduces the time it takes to see real results.
To prevent rapid depletion of creatine reserves during training, the loading phase ensures maximum absorption. A loading phase is necessary to fully saturate creatine reserves. It cannot be ignored. The loading phase lasts between 5 and 7 days.
Next comes the maintenance phase, where creatine must be taken daily to maintain creatine levels. These are the recommended and approved doses of creatine as determined by scientific research: (56)
* Loading Phase: 20g per day, 5g 4x/day for up to 7 days. A good calculation formula is 0.3% per kilogram per day
* Maintenance Phase: 5g per day for 4-6 weeks
Oral supplements are a great way to add creatine to your diet. Be careful not to ingest too many at once. Supplements that contain a mixture of ingredients may have different dosages.
To avoid side effects, be aware and carefully read the literature that comes with your pack.
Creatine is best when taken with food, rather than empty stomachs. Consuming creatine with food will not cause gastric problems or dehydration.
Creatine Supplements: Side-effects and Risks
Creatine has been proven safe by numerous scientific studies. Supplementation of creatine in long-term doses that are clinically approved does not cause any adverse effects (57).
However, you should be cautious as higher doses of creatine could cause diarrhea and gastrointestinal distress (58). Before taking creatine supplements, consult your doctor. Creatine can interact with some medications.
Weight gain is a common side effect that can seem alarming. Creatine’s ability to build water in muscle cells is what causes this weight gain.
If you experience symptoms like muscle cramps, irregular heart beat, dizziness or seizures, or if you have medical conditions like blood pressure, liver disease, or kidney problems (59), then it is best to stop or reduce your intake of creatine.
Creatine should be avoided by pregnant women, nursing mothers, children, and people taking prescription medications. There are no supporting studies that can verify their safety.
The Last Note
Creatine is an organic substance that our bodies produce. It is essential for energy and maintaining strength. Creatine can be made from daily meals that include meat and helps replenish ATP levels that are depleted by exercise. Supplements may be needed for athletes and other sports people who require creatine to perform intense training sessions.
Numerous studies have supported the safety and efficacy of creatine supplementation in low doses. It has many health benefits for our bodies, including increased strength and mass, improved recovery rates after training, and cardioprotective and neuroprotective effects that can help with neurological conditions.
Creatine is safe and effective, with very few side effects.