46_How To Get Six Pack Abs The Ultimate Ab Workout_rewrite_1

How can you get six-pack abs without a lot of hard work? It’s possible to do it with complicated and long training. However, I believe the best way to get six-pack abs is the one that you do over and over.

It’s true, you can get abs in the kitchen and not the gym. However, if you want to get six-pack abs, it is important that you choose the best ab workout.

The workout consists of seven exercises that target both the upper and lower abdominal muscles. This workout is hard to do three times per week. You’ll see results in no time.

Circuit “Magnificent Seven”

You must complete the exercises in a specific order. Between rounds, take a break.

3 sets, reps (no rest)

3 sets, reps (no rest)

3 sets, reps (no rest)

3 sets, reps (no rest)

3 sets, reps (no rest)

3 sets, reps (no rest)

3 sets, reps (rest 2 minutes).

How to do this Core Routine
This is an advanced ab workout. It’s important to know how you do it.

For beginners, it is better to do three of the seven exercises and perform two sets of each for as many reps possible. Between sets, take a minute to rest. You can then increase your endurance and fitness by adding sets and exercises, and reducing your rest periods.

It is reasonable to aim to complete the seven exercises in one circuit, then take a break for a minute or so, and then repeat the exercise two times within 12 weeks.

You can break up your workout in different ways as you work up to this point. Supersets are something I enjoy doing, such as this:

Repeat this 3 times

* Rest 30 seconds between exercises 1 and 2.
* Rest 30 seconds between exercises 3 and 4.
* Do 5 and 6 exercises, rest for 30 seconds.
* Exercise 7, rest 60 sec.

Each set should be completed until your muscles are temporarily weak or you cannot do the next one.

Please note that I have not included any direct oblique work. My experience is that oblique work directly leads to a larger waistline. Exercises like deadlifts, squats and other weight training exercises provide enough stimulation for the obliques.

When to Work Your Abs
This routine can be done at least three times per week for most people. It could be done every day by an advanced bodybuilder.

My personal favorite thing about the gym is that I go there early in the morning to do cardio and abs, and then return in the afternoon to do weight training. This way I can increase my metabolism twice daily.

If you prefer to do the entire workout in one session, you can either warm up for weight training by doing the abs before or after the training. Next, do your cardio.

How to make this Ab Routine easier or harder
You can substitute an exercise that does not bother your back if you are unable to do a particular exercise due to lower-back injury.

If you are able to maintain a healthy lower back, and want to increase the mass in your abs, then do the exercise three times per week. You can also use resistance by holding a small plate, dumbbell, or dumbbell.

How to do the exercises
Exercise 1: Sit-up
Primary target: Upper Abs

1. Place your back flat on the ground, with your knees bent.
2. Place your hands near your chest.
3. Extend your abdominal muscles and raise your torso to almost a sitting position.
4. Keep your abs tight and lower your torso back to the starting position. Keep your control of the movement at all times. Avoid rocking back and forth.

Exercise 2: Leg Lift
Primary target: Lower Abs

1. Place your back flat on the ground, with your legs straight ahead.
2. For support, place your hands on the floor and hold your hands.
3. Flex your lower abdominals and raise your legs so that they are parallel to the ground.
4. Tension should be maintained as you lower your legs back to the starting position. Keep your hands on the controls throughout the movement. Do not allow your legs to drop during the negative part of the movement.

Exercise 3: V-up
Primary target: Upper and Lower Abs

1. Place your back flat on the ground, with your legs straight ahead.
2. For support, place your hands on the floor and hold your hands.
3. Flex your lower abdominals and raise your legs so that they are parallel to the ground.
4. Now, lift your shoulders and torso off the ground by curling.
5. Maintain tension by lowering your legs to the start position. Then, bring your torso back to the start position. Keep your hands on the controls throughout the movement. Avoid rocking back and forth.

Exercise 4: Knee tuck from the seated position
Primary target: Lower Abs

1. Place your feet on the ground (or on the edge a chair, or exercise bench) and extend your legs in front of your body. Your hands should be held to your sides.
2. Keep your knees together, and pull your chest towards your chest until they are no longer visible.
3. Keep your lower abs in tension and return to the starting position. Continue the movement until your set is complete.

Exercise 5: Toe-Toucher
Primary target: Upper and Lower Abs

1. Place your feet on the ground, with your legs extended out in front of your body and your hands at your sides.
2. Elevate your legs as high as you can while pointing your torso towards them. Then, reach your hands towards your toes.
3. Continue the movement to complete your set.

Exercise 6: Crunches
Upper Abs is the primary target

1. Place your back flat on the ground, with your knees bent.
2. Place your hands near your chest.
3. You can raise your shoulders and torso as far from the ground as you like, but not your lower back.
4. Keep your abs tight and bring your torso back to the starting position. Keep your control at all times. Avoid rocking back and forth.

Exercise 7: Reverse Crunch
Primary target: Upper and Lower Abs

1. Place your legs straight ahead of you, and lay flat on your back.
2. For support, place your palms on your sides.
3. Slowly bend your knees at the knees, and then bring your legs towards your chest.
4. When your knees are at your chest, lift your shoulders and torso as high as you can from the ground.
5. Restore your legs to their original position, and then bring your torso to the surface.

This is only one of many ab exercises you can find on Bodybuilding.com. Continue exploring to find the best ones for you.

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