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Whey is often used as a supplement to resistance exercise and muscle protein synthesis. It can also be used to increase muscle mass and lean muscle growth. What is whey? And what are its benefits?

Two proteins make up milk: casein and whey. Whey protein can either be separated from casein in milk, or made as a byproduct of cheese-making. Whey protein can be considered a complete protein because it contains all 9 essential amino acid. It has low lactose.

Whey protein has many health benefits, and scientists are continually discovering new therapeutic properties. We will discuss the potential benefits and the possible side effects.

Here are some quick facts about whey protein
* Not all benefits can be proven. More evidence is needed before making a final decision.
* Whey protein is a combination of beta-lactoglobulin and alpha lactalbumin as well as bovine serum albumin and immunoglobins.
* Potential benefits include weight loss, lowering cholesterol, and other health benefits.
* Whey protein can cause nausea and headaches but is safe when taken in moderate amounts.

The pictured Whey Protein is used for many purposes, including weight loss and muscle building.

Weight loss: A study of 158 people published in Nutrition and Metabolism found that subjects who received whey had a significantly higher body fat percentage and preserved their lean muscle mass better than those who drank the control beverage.

Anticancer properties: The journal Anticancer research published promising results for the use whey protein concentrate as a treatment for cancer. Further research is required.

Lowering cholesterol: This study was published in The British Journal of Nutrition. It involved giving whey supplements for 12 weeks to 70 overweight people. Then, they measured several parameters such as insulin and lipid levels. The whey group showed a significant drop in total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol over the 12 week period, compared to the casein (group).

Asthma: Whey Protein could increase the immune response of children with asthma. A small study that involved 11 children and was published in International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition found that asthma patients who received 10 grams of whey protein twice daily over a period of 1 month experienced an improvement in their immune response.

Blood pressure and cardiovascular disease: A study published in the International Dairy Journal showed that patients suffering from hypertension had their blood pressure significantly lower. Patients with high blood pressure also saw a reduction in their risk of developing heart disease or stroke.

Study published in Clinical and Investigative Medicine. It found that weight loss may be reduced in HIV-positive people.

Whey protein can cause stomach cramps and pains if consumed in high amounts.

People who are sensitive to milk might be allergic to whey. Whey protein is usually safe in moderate amounts. Consuming very high amounts can lead to:

* stomach pains
* cramps
* Reduced appetite
* nausea
* Headache
* Fatigue

Acne can also be caused by consuming a high amount of whey protein. Whey protein is a very rare and unnatural protein that does not have a natural counterpart.

Many people feel that nutritionally refined foods like these pose risks because they are high in nutrients but low in protein.

There are three types of whey proteins: whey Protein Concentrate (WPC), Whey Protein Isolate (WPI), or whey Protein Hydrolysate (WPH).

Let’s take a look at each one individually:

* Whey protein concentrate – WPC has low levels fat and low amounts of carbohydrates. WPC’s protein content will vary depending on how concentrated it has been. Concentrates with a lower end concentration tend to contain 30 percent protein, while those with a higher end concentration can have up to 90 percent.
* Whey protein isolate – WPIs are further processed in order to remove any fat or lactose. WPI usually contains at least 90% protein.
* Whey protein hydrolysate (WPH) is the “predigested form” of whey protein. It has undergone partial hydrolysis, which is necessary for the body’s ability to absorb the protein. WPH is less digestible than the other forms of whey proteins.

WPH is also used in infant formulas and medical protein supplements due to its improved digestibility.

Combining resistance exercise with whey protein supplementation can increase muscle protein synthesis and promote lean tissue growth.

The International Journal of Sport Nutrition and exercise Metabolism published a study that concluded that whey protein supplementation during resistance-training offers some benefits over resistance training alone.

Whey isolate supplementation is associated with greater strength gains than casein.

Another study, published in International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism showed that whey isolate produced significantly higher gains in strength and lean body mass in matched resistance-trained males than supplementation with casein in a 10-week intensive resistance-training program.

There are thousands of customer reviews and a great selection online to purchase whey isolate supplementation.

You can read the Spanish version of this article.

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