41_The Top 15 Exercises To Tone And Strengthen Your Abs_rewrite_1

Few people would rather have more toned abs than they do. While achieving a toned body is a motivating goal, it is not the only reason to do ab exercises. The core includes the abdominal muscles, as well as the hip muscles (the abs and obliques), back extensors and glutes. A strong core can improve posture, functional strength and movement efficiency as well as physical performance. Fitness experts agree that core strength is the foundation for most movements.

It shouldn’t surprise then that there are many exercises to strengthen your abs. Which ones work? Do we need to do crunches? Do you need to do full sit-ups? Use ab machines in the gym Do you plan to do nothing but plank for hours on end? It can be overwhelming to consider all the options. To help you make sense of the many ab exercises available, we asked two fitness professionals to help us create a routine that will tone, sculpt and strengthen your abs. These moves will ensure that you feel confident in your ab exercises and help to develop balanced and functional strength in your core muscles.

Meet the Expert

Jeanette Jenkins, a coach in health and wellness with over 30 years’ experience and a degree in Human Kinetics, is Jeanette. She is the founder of The Hollywood Trainer Club and has extensive training expertise, including cardio and strength training as well as yoga and Pilates.

Safety and Precautions
As long as the exercises are done correctly and with proper technique, they should be safe. You should consult your doctor if you are experiencing an injury, illness or pregnancy before you begin the exercises. Experts stress the importance to use your core for each exercise rather than relying upon momentum or pulling on your neck or head to raise your body. Engaging your core will make the exercise more efficient and reduce the risk of injury from pulling on your neck.

Jeanette Jenkins, a health and wellness coach, says that it’s important to keep hydrated when exercising, especially on hot days.

It is important to stay hydrated during, after and before your workouts. Our sweat glands activate to cool the body during exercise, which reduces our internal water level. Jenkins explains that dehydration is when fluid loss exceeds fluid intake through both food and drink. This can have a negative impact on everything, from athletic performance to muscle recovery to mood, concentration, and short-term memory.

Jenkins claims that Abbott’s Pedialyte Sport, which has five key electrolytes to fast rehydrate and support muscles, is her “secret sauce”. It also contains one-fourth of the sugar of the most popular sports drink. It’s specially formulated to meet our hydration requirements when we exercise. Powder packs are great for me when I’m on-the-go, so I keep a few in my bag. Mix the powder with water and you are good to go,” she explains.

Megan Martin notes that many people are looking to tone their cores in an effort to “get abs.” However, it is unlikely that anyone will achieve a six-pack. Megan Martin also says that core work alone cannot make visible abs visible. Proper diet is essential to reduce the amount of fat in your stomach. You can’t reduce fat in one area. While diet is the most important factor in fat loss, exercise can also be helpful. A well-rounded program will prove to be the most successful. Martin says that to lose fat, one must train the whole body. Cardio, HIIT and weightlifting all work together to reduce fat around your midsection.

Jenkins is in agreement, stating that it takes both diet as well as exercise to reach your goal of slimming down and strengthening your waist. She says, “Whether you are looking to gain, burn fat, or build stamina, your diet plan is just as important as your training schedule.” If you want to lose body fat or slim down your waist, it is essential to have a calorie deficit at the end.

Your body will work more efficiently if you hydrate with water or low-sugar electrolytes like Pedialyte Sports. She says that rehydrating is essential to maximize gains and aid muscle recovery after intense training. The first step in this process is to choose a high-quality beverage with the right ingredients to avoid dehydration.

Keep in mind both exercise and diet. Targeted core work can have benefits beyond appearances. It is important to incorporate it into your workout routine. Strong core strength will make you more efficient in all sports. Martin says that core strength is essential to increase your weight in squats, deadlifts, bench presses, overhead presses, and other movements. A strong core can help prevent lower-back pain and ease it.

Are you ready to get started? You can skip the basic crunches. Jenkins shows you 15 exercises that will give you the strong, toned abs that your body craves.

Plank with Front Raise
Jeanette Jenkins

This core exercise is anti-rotational and helps you stabilize your body while moving. This exercise also strengthens your lower back extensor muscles.

* Push-up or forearm plank (either one works) and keep a straight line between your feet and the top of you head.
You can raise your arm straight up, but don’t move your butt. Martin explains, “Raise and lower the arms slowly.” As you move your arms, keep your legs straight and do not allow for any sideways movement.
* Take a deep breath and hold it for one minute before returning to the starting position.
* Alternate arms and aim for 10 repetitions each side.

Three-Point Plank
Jeanette Jenkins

This plank variation raises your leg, not your arm. This plank variation will also work your glutes or hamstrings.

* Position yourself into a forearm plank, keeping your back straight.
* Lift one leg at a stretch, keeping your core stable. Keep your toes pointed down for 30 seconds.
* Switch sides and hold the position for 30 seconds while keeping your hips parallel to the ground.

Side Plank
Jeanette Jenkins

Another anti-rotational exercise. However, the emphasis here is on your abs. These muscles are your “side” muscles and help you bend and rotate.

* Place your legs on each other and lay on your back.
* Place your arm on the side that is not touching the ground. Your legs should remain straight and your feet should be stacked one upon the other. Martin advises that you focus on lifting your top hip to the ceiling.
* If your form is not complete, you can hold this position for 30 seconds or stop immediately.
* Continue on the opposite side. For 30 seconds, hold the position.

If you find this difficult, lower your knees to the ground, and then bend 90 degrees to the side. To make the exercise more challenging, you can lift your top leg as high as possible.

Toe-Touch Crunches
Jeanette Jenkins

Martin offers some tips for the exercise. Martin says, “Most people won’t be able to reach there toes. That’s okay! It’s all about contraction of the abs.

* Place your hands on your stomach and raise both of your legs up.
* Keep your head and shoulders parallel to the ground, then extend your arms straight up so that your arms are perpendicular with your torso.
* As you reach for your toes, engage your abs. Make sure your lower back is still on the mat.
* Hold the position for 1 second. Then, control your head and return to the ground with control.
* Repeat the process 15-30 times.

Windshield Wipers
Jeanette Jenkins

This difficult move targets your hip stabilizers, abs, and lower back muscles.

Place your hands on your stomach and stretch your back. Then, lift your legs up to the sky until your legs are parallel to the ground. With your palms facing down, extend your arms out to the sides.
* Place both your legs on the ground, hips stacked. Return to the center.
* Continue to alternate sides for 30 seconds.

Crab kicks
Jeanette Jenkins

Although you may not have ever done a crabwalk since elementary school PE class, this variation is core-toning powerful.

* Move into a crab-walking position. Keep your hips elevated and off the ground by using your core.
To meet your right leg, lift your right leg and reach your left hand out.
* Lower your leg and hold the hand. Repeat on the opposite side.
* Do repetitions per side.

Sprinter Sit Ups
Jeanette Jenkins

This moves targets your lower abs and hip flexors.

* Lay on your back with your arms extended and your legs out.
* Exhale and explosively sit up. While you run, lift your left arm and leg up.
* Inhale and slowly lower your body to the ground.
* Repeat this 10 times for each side.

Ball Pikes
Jeanette Jenkins

Although this is a more advanced move, once you master it, your abs will burn like crazy.

Place your shins on an exercise ball, and then push your body into a push-up position.
Slowly move the ball closer to your body so your tipstoes are on top.
* Pull the ball in slightly and then use your core to raise your hips in the air. Next, bring your head between your arms so you can see your hips.
* Repeat the process 10 times.

You don’t need to be able to do this move right away. Just hold the push-up position and you will eventually get the pike.

Dead Bugs
Jeanette Jenkins

Although it requires some coordination, this exercise is a great way to build functional stability in your core.

* Lay on your back with your arms outstretched in the air, so your arms are parallel to your torso.
Place your feet on the mat and lift them off. Then, bend your knees at a 90 degree angle.
Slowly lower one leg to the floor and raise the other arm up above your head.
* Return the arm and leg to the starting position. Repeat the exercise with the other leg and arm.
* Repeat the entire procedure on each side.

Single-Leg Drops
Jeanette Jenkins

Martin loves this move for its ability to tone the lower abs and hip flexors as well as quads. It also helps develop pelvic stability.

* Lay on your back with your legs extended, your arms outstretched and your arms in front.
* Keep your foot on the ground and bend one knee.
* Keep your toes bent and your core engaged. Lift the straight leg off of the ground until it is parallel to the floor.
* Stand straight with your toes pointed and lower your leg slowly, stopping when it touches the ground. Pause and hold for one second.
* Lift and lower for 10 repetitions and then switch legs.

Avoid pressing your arms into the ground. This will cause some strain on the abs.

Butterfly Crunches
Jeanette Jenkins

This variation of traditional crunches will strengthen your core muscles and work the abs.

* Lay on your back, with your legs bent in a “butterfly”, your knees dropped and your feet together. Place your hands behind you head and interlace your fingers.
* Use your abs to raise your head and shoulders above the ground. Your upper body should not be used to pull your neck up and head upward.
* Lift your head as high as possible and then lower your head and shoulders to the ground.
* Perform 15 repetitions.

Jeanette Jenkins

To master this exercise and reap the rewards, you must use control and move as slowly as you can. This builds strength, stability and balance in your core as well as your upper body.

* Push-up with your arms extended, your wrists below your shoulders and your wrists fully extended.
* Keep your body straight, then bring your knees to your chest. Hold the contraction for 1 second.
* Do 10 repetitions for each leg.

Bird Dog
Jeanette Jenkins

Martin enjoys this exercise because it helps develop functional core stability. It strengthens the lower back and glutes as well as shoulders, abs, and shoulders.

* Start by laying on your back, with your hands under your shoulders. Your knees should be under your hips. Your back should be flat as a tabletop.
* Spread your right arm straight out in front of your face, while simultaneously stretching your left leg straight back.
* Take a deep breath and return to the starting place.
* Repeat this 10 times for each side.

Martin suggests that if you feel a little unsure about this move, you can adjust it by only extending your arm and returning to the original position. Then, extend your leg and gain strength and balance to be able to perform both simultaneously.

Back Extensions
Jeanette Jenkins

Your back is part your core. Your spine extensor and abdominal muscles create a “girdle” which provides stability. Martin suggests that you feel the exercise in your small back.

* Lay on your stomach with your arms out straight ahead of your face.
* Swim with your arms behind you. Martin says that you can reach your arms as far behind you as you want, but it’s okay if you don’t have the strength.
* Lift your upper chest and head off the ground by pulling your arms back.
Now, lower your chest and head back to the ground and return your arms to their original position.
* Continue to do so.

Jeanette Jenkins

Martin notes that while this exercise may seem easy, it is actually a core exercise of superior quality, because it targets all anterior muscles of your core.

* Lay on your back with your arms extended behind you.
* Slowly contract your core, and then sit straight up. Pull your arms above your head.
* Reach toward your feet and extend your arms.
* Repeat the process 10 times.

Slow down. Slower movements will make this exercise more difficult.

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