The metabolism is a series of processes that all living organisms use to maintain their bodies. Anabolism and catabolism are two of these processes. Both aid in the organization of molecules by capturing and freeing energy for the body to run strong. Both these phases of metabolism occur simultaneously.
Anabolism is about growth and building — the organization or molecules. This is where small, simple molecules become larger, more complex molecules. An example of anabolism can be seen in gluconeogenesis. This happens when the liver or kidneys make glucose from noncarbohydrate resources.
Catabolism occurs when food molecules are broken down and used as energy. The body breaks down large, complex molecules into simpler, more manageable ones. Glycolysis is an example of catabolism. This is almost the opposite of gluconeogenesis.
Anabolism and catabolism are key to gaining muscle and losing fat. The equation also includes rest. Even when you are sleeping, your metabolism is still at work.
These processes are aided by hormones. Anabolism and catabolism are linked to different hormones.
Anabolism is the use of hormones.
* estrogen
* Insulin
* growth hormone
* testosterone
The hormones are involved in catabolism:
* Adrenaline
* Cortisol
* Cytokines
* Glucagon
Thyroid conditions or any disruption in hormones can also impact your metabolism and overall processes. A small study of bodybuilders looked at their hormonal anabolic and catabolic balances as they were preparing for competition. While some men maintained their normal training and ate as they normally do, others restricted their energy intake to lose body fat.
The energy-restricted participants saw significant reductions in body fat and muscle mass, compared to the controls. The study also saw a decrease in insulin and growth hormone levels. The testosterone levels also decreased between 11 weeks and 5 weeks prior to competition. This means that even those who ate a lot of protein, their “anabolic pathways”, or “anabolic pathways,” were impaired in the men.
Researchers concluded that bodybuilders might need to use other nutritional strategies in order to avoid a catabolic breakdown effect prior to competition.
Your body weight is affected by anabolism, catabolism, and other parts of your metabolism. Remember that anabolic states are those where you build and maintain muscle mass. Catabolic states are when you lose or reduce overall mass, including fat, muscle and other body parts.
These processes can help you to control your body weight. Fat loss can be caused by both the anabolic as well as catabolic processes. However, it can be a little tricky when you consider your bathroom scale weight as a benchmark.
* Anabolic training is a great way to lose fat and gain muscle. Your body weight and body mass index could stay higher even if you are leaner. Muscle is denseer than fat.
* Catabolic exercises, on the contrary, can help you lose weight by working out both fat and muscles. You will be lighter, but also have less vital muscle mass.
These processes can be viewed as an equation that predicts whether you will lose weight or gain weight.
Add catabolism to the equation (how much energy you body produces) and subtract anabolism to get anabolism (how many energy your body uses). You can gain weight if you produce more energy than you use. The extra energy is stored as fat. You may end up using more energy than you produce.
There are exceptions to the rule, however, especially if your hormones are affected by underlying medical conditions.
Different ways of working your body can result in different results. Both cardio and strength training have different metabolic processes. Depending on your goals, here are some tips to help you get the most from your workouts.
Catabolic exercise is aerobic or cardio exercises. These may include running, swimming or biking that keep you in an active state for a prolonged period of time. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends that you get at least the following amount of aerobic exercise per week:
* 150 minutes of moderate intensity or
* 75 minutes vigorous intensity
This usually breaks down into three to five training days. Before you start this program, make sure to consult your doctor if you have any health issues.
Catabolic exercise can increase your heart rate, blood pressure and respiration. During your workouts, glycogen is broken down by the body to be used as fuel. Your body uses amino acids to make energy when you run out carbohydrate stores.
Catabolic exercises can help you build healthy hearts and lungs. They can also lead to a loss of muscle mass and fat. This causes muscle to become less elastic over time. This muscle can be reconstructed during sleep, or for eight hours at a time through anabolic spontaneous processes.
Being in a catabolic condition for too long could be detrimental to your ability to build muscle. This can lead to a decrease in muscle mass and worsening of your overall health. Catabolism prevention is about maintaining a healthy balance between nutrition, training, recovery, and exercise.
Training three to four days per week can help maintain muscle mass. This sample exercise program can help you to stay in anabolic or building. Focus on one area each day and rest in between.
chest, abdominals* incline barbell bench press
* flat dumbbell bench press
* cable crossovers
* Crunches (3 sets with 25 reps each)
Quadriceps, quadriceps and hamstrings. Leg extensions for barbell squats
* incline leg presses
* dumbbell lunges
* standing leg curls
* Curling your legs in a lying position
* standing machine calf raises
Biceps, back, and abdominals wide-grip pullup (3 sets with 10 reps).
* Close-grip pulldown for the lats
* bent-over barbell row
* barbell deadlift
* Hanging leg raise (3 sets, 25 reps)
Shoulders, triceps*seated dumbbell shoulder presses
* Standing dumbbell lateral raise
* Reverse fly
* dumbbell shrug
* Triceps pushdown
* Extension of triceps by lying
Each exercise should be performed in three sets of 15 repetitions. Then, work down to 12 repetitions and then eight repetitions. This is a good way to maintain muscle mass and stay anabolic.
There are also exercises that combine anabolic with catabolic. An exercise program that is well-rounded should include strength and aerobic training. Examples of high-intensity interval (HIIT), include sprinting and other high intensity training. This type of training will help you build both your cardiovascular endurance as well as strength. This results in building muscle and shedding fat.
Participants were asked to run 250 meters four times at 80 percent speed on a treadmill. Between sprints, they paused for three minutes. The results revealed changes in the hormone balance anabolic and catabolic. For example, Testosterone increased in significant amounts, which indicates the involvement of anabolic processes.
Anabolism is dependent on energy for growth and development. To break down, catabolism requires energy. All living organisms use these metabolic processes to produce energy and repair their cells.
Knowing the difference between anabolic or catabolic processes can help you achieve your fitness goals at the gym or on the scale. Regular exercise, including strength and cardio training, can help you achieve your goals.