30_100 Push Ups A Day For 30 Days In A Row Results_rewrite_1

Pushups can be done anywhere. The Pushup Challenge requires you to do 100 pushups per day for 30 consecutive days.

It is a great way to establish a new exercise routine and discipline.

This is a great exercise routine that will work wonders for your body and doesn’t require any equipment or gym.

This means that you can start right away, right now, in this very moment.

Let’s move on, shall we?

Challenge: 100 Push-Ups per Day for 30 Days
The rules for the challenge are very simple:

Rule 1: Do 100 pushups per day for 30 consecutive days.

Rule #2: You can only do 100 pushups per day if you fail to meet the minimum standard.

That’s it. It’s a pass-or-fail system.

We’ve covered the basics. Let’s now move to the crucial part of the challenge: Being able to push up.

The Pushup is a must-have
You must be able to properly perform a pushup as a man.

It is one of the most important exercises to lose weight if you want to be fit.

Although pushups are mainly for the chest, shoulders, and tricepss, it is a complete body exercise that builds muscles all around.

How to Push Up
Place your face on the ground and place your hands on the floor. To raise your head, press your palms against the floor.

Your body should be straight from your head to your feet.

Keep your arms straight and raise your legs until you are straight. Then, lower your body until your chest is about an inch below the ground.

Push yourself up to straighten your arms. This is a push up.

You can do it 99 times more and you will have Day 1 in your bank account.

What if you are unable to do one push-up?
You have to start somewhere. If you have never done a pushup before you should slow down. You don’t have to do ‘girly pushups’. These are the same as regular pushups but with your knees on a floor.

This will help you build your strength until you are able to do a regular pushup. Next, do 10 pushups. You can take as long as you like. Concentrate on your form and how your muscles feel.

Tomorrow do 15 pushups. Next, do 20 pushups.

Do 5 more pushups than you did the previous day.

You will eventually reach 100. Congratulations! Congratulations! You have completed Day 1.

Only 29 days left.

Why do the Pushup Challenge?
Pushups are effective.

Pushups will give you a stronger, bigger upper body without spending a lot or risking injury.

Look at Herschel Walker, who did 2,000 pushups per day to build his body. He has been doing it for over 40 years and has never missed a single day.

Push ups are a great challenge. These were some of the changes that I observed over the past 30 days.

Larger chest and arms
My chest grew larger and wider and my pec muscles bellies became more ‘full.

My arms became thicker and more defined. My shoulders and triceps were especially affected.

Definition of Muscle
When I flex, I can now see muscle fiber striations in the chest and shoulders that were not there before.

Sharp shoulders
Push-ups were a great way to build big shoulders and a round shape. I also had wider shoulders because of my larger shoulders.

I Got Stronger
After doing push-ups daily, I was able to bench press more weight.

Also, my shoulder press and triceps exercises saw an increase in weight that I was able to lift.

I Got Leaner
Push ups daily helped me to slim down, making my body more toned and muscular.

Daily exercise allowed me to build muscle and burn fat.

Better ‘V’-Taper
I gained muscle around my arms, ribcage (Chest and back, shoulders), and my abs and obliques became tighter.

My upper body was transformed into a nice V shape.

Balanced chest muscles
Even my right pec seemed to be growing a bit. It is notorious for not responding well when training.

Pushups improved the symmetry in my chest muscles which I have struggled with for a while.

My whole life I have had an inefficient pec. After a few weeks, I noticed that my left chest muscle was catching up with my right. The muscular symmetry improved my overall appearance.

A Better Mind-Muscle Connection
When it comes to building muscle, the best skill is Mind-Muscle Connection.

You can grow muscle by controlling your mind.

Since completing the push-up challenge, I have noticed a greater pectoral engagement.

Increased muscle endurance
Expect to see a significant increase in strength and endurance.

The challenge started with me being able do 25 pushups per day. The 30th day, I was able to do almost 50 pushups in a row and not stop.

There are many benefits to be had.

You will feel accomplished when you complete the challenge.

You can be proud of it. By fulfilling a commitment, you are building your mental and physical strength.

The Pushup Challenge’s Real Benefit
Yes, 100 pushups per day made me stronger, more fit, and I felt amazing. But the real benefit to doing them for 30 consecutive days is DISCIPLINE.

It is important to learn discipline. It is the ability to conquer yourself.

Discipline is doing what you know you should do, when you should and even when it’s not easy.

I can assure you that I didn’t want to do pushups every single day.

Sometimes I put it off until nearly midnight. Sometimes I nearly fell asleep while doing my daily pushups. I had to force my self to do them and I succeeded.

This is the point:

You have “staying power” if you can do 100 push-ups per day for 30 consecutive days. You have grit. Grit is the most important factor in determining success.

Build discipline and develop grit
Are you able to push through what you don’t want even though you know it is the right thing?

Are you willing to make yourself uncomfortable for the sake of self-improvement?

Are you going to keep your promise to yourself or will you give up when you feel the need?

Are you able to keep pushing for your goals even when it gets tough?

The 30 Day Pushup Challenge can help you discover your strengths.

Fitness is a long-term game. The person who wins the long-term does the most difficult things because they know it will pay off.

You will love the results of your hard work if you trust the process. It will be worth it.

The Push Up Challenge: It’s all on You
This is where personal accountability is crucial. No one cares how many pushups you do in a given day. No one cares if you quit.

You must take care.

If you are up for the challenge, and you want to build muscle, then you must make a commitment that you will finish what you started.

You can either do it or not.

It takes determination, grit, and sometimes, push-ups are necessary even when you don’t want to.

Trust me, the price that you pay is negligible compared to the benefits.

You will feel proud and accomplished after completing the pushup challenge. You will have a larger set of arms, pecs and shoulders to show off at the beach or in your bedroom.

100 Push Ups per Day Results
Day 1 of The Push Up ChallengeDay 30 Of The Push Up Challenge. Who Should Take the Pushup Challenge
Anybody can complete the pushup challenge.

Even if you only have to do one push-up at a time, and then rest for a minute between each set. Pushups can be done by anyone with arms.

Do pushups on your knees if you are unable to do a pushup. Keep doing them until you are able to do a regular pushup.

It doesn’t matter how strong you are. You want to be stronger every day by doing more pushups.

It doesn’t really matter how long it takes to complete 100 pushups in one day, a month or a week.

As long as you keep trying, you will eventually get there. Once you have it, it’s yours forever.

100 Push Ups Challenge Tips
Here are my tips after I completed the pushup challenge.

Do pushups in the morning
Start your morning with 100 pushups

Simply roll onto the floor, and push. Take a shower, then get up and start your day.

You will feel too tired if you wait until after work. They will be put off until bedtime.

This doubles the benefit.

1. Start the day strong and feel great.
2. Get your pushups out the way.

It is more difficult to do 100 pushups after a long work day than it is to do them in the morning.

You might have to stop doing push-ups because of something unexpected.

Because my friends and me went to the bar spontaneously on day 21, I nearly failed the push-up challenge. When I was drunk, I had to do my push-ups after I returned home. I didn’t want to eat or go to bed.

My streak almost ended, but I was able to finish my push-ups without falling asleep.

Moral of the story? The harder it is to get rid of them the sooner you start.

Keep track of your repetitions
It is easy to lose track of how many pushups you have done. Focus on how many reps you did and count loudly.

You can also track them using a calculator app.

Breathe deeply
It is essential to maintain a healthy breathing pattern.

Deep breathing can open your chest and give you a better shape.

The oxygen fuels the muscles. Therefore, the deeper you breathe the more reps will you be able to get.

Engage Your Core
Push ups can be disguised as a complete body workout.

Push-ups can be described as a plank press. Your abs should be tight and your body straight.

Push up position requires that your abs, back, and legs engage.

Perfect form will not only keep you safe but it will also maximize your reps’ effectiveness.

How to Continue Making Progress With PushUps
You’ve successfully completed the pushup challenge. Now what?

Keep going! You can ride the momentum that you have created and continue to face the challenge.

You have become proficient in push-ups. Would you want to stop working hard and let your hard work waste away?

Hell no!

Keep up your efforts by making push-ups harder.

For even more gains, if you can complete 100 push-ups in less than four sets, consider changing your hand position and slowing down your reps.

Reduce your reps
Slow repetitions increase muscle tension.

Increased tension will lead to overload and greater gains.

Three seconds is all it takes to lift and lower your body. CONCENTRATE ON CONTRACTING your chest in order to move your body.

For diamond push-ups, place your index and thumb on the opposite side of your index finger and thumb. You can create a diamond shape by placing your fingers in the space between your hands.

Your inner chest muscles will work harder when you do diamond pushups. You can squeeze and hold your pecs at peak contract with diamond pushups.

You can create chest muscle striations by using hard pec contractions.

For creating the mid-chestline, diamond pushups are a great option.

Pushup bars are a great option
Pushup bars will help you move more freely.

Pushup bars can be used to lower your body, thereby increasing your tension and stretching your chest.

An increase in tension can lead to increased muscle stimulation A.K.A. muscle growth. (Parallets also work)

Enjoy shorter breaks
The workout is more intense when there are short rest periods. By increasing the intensity of exercise, muscles will grow faster by retaining tension for a shorter period.

Because they burn fat, shorter breaks are good for conditioning.

You should aim to be able to do push-ups comfortably with two breaks between sets.

Is it possible to train too many push ups every day?
This question is almost always asked when you suggest training every single day.

Overtraining with 100 pushups per day is not a problem.

You will be fine if you eat an additional gram of protein per day to aid in recovery.

You will be fine as long as you get enough sleep.

You can also stretch to help speed up your recovery. To stretch your chest, place your arm on a threshold with your elbow 90 degrees from your torso. This should be done for a few seconds. Switch sides.

It is normal to feel a little soreness in your muscles, but you can still train through it.

Do 5-10 pushups if you are feeling very sore.

So you don’t get too much, you can do 10 per hour up to 100.

However, if you aren’t sore, it is best to do 100 pushups as fast as possible. Hypertrophy (muscle growth) is possible when you do a lot of reps in a shorter time.

The bottom line is that you cannot overtrain with the Push up Challenge unless your body is malnourished or you are a beginner.

Push ups are a great challenge! Push-ups can be done anywhere.

What are you waiting?

100 Push Ups Challenge ReCap
A well-built body will help you build character and confidence.

You can get a good idea of the process by doing something 30 days consecutively.

It is important to put in consistent effort over time.

There is no such thing as “one and done”. It takes time to build a body and get in great shape. You must put in the effort every day.

You can only fail if your heart is broken.

Pushups can be done anywhere and at any time. You just need to drop to the ground and get moving.

Although they won’t be jacked in 30 days, those who complete the push-up challenge prove that they can do it. It takes discipline to be consistent in your actions.

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