Coconut oil’s many health benefits have prompted interest in its components, and particularly the possibility that medium-chain triglycerides contained in it could provide health benefits.
These fatty acids have seen a lot of interest over the last decade. It is now a popular choice for athletes, bodybuilders, and everyday people.
Triglyceride, the scientific name for fat, is also known as triglyceride. It serves two purposes: it provides energy and is stored in the body as fat. It contains three fatty acids as well as a glycerine mole.
What is MCT oil?
MCTs, medium-chain triglycerides, are fats found in some oils. MCTs are found in breast milk, full fat cow/goat milk, coconut and palm oils.
MCT oils are made from a mixture of medium-chain and long-chain triglycerides, which were obtained from coconut oil and palm kernel oil in a laboratory setting. The long-chain fatty acid have 13 to 21 carbons, while the short-chain fatty acid has less than 6 carbon atoms.
MCTs contain 6-12 atoms. They are much easier to absorb than long-chain triglycerides (LCT). They are immediately absorbed by the liver and converted to energy or ketones.
Ketones are another source of energy for the brain. The brain’s primary source for fuel is glucose. There are four MCTs: caprylic acid (caprylic acid), capric acid (capric acid), and lauric acid. Although they all share similar names and shapes and have slightly different properties and uses, they each have their own unique properties and uses.
What is the working principle of MCT oil?
MCTs have shorter carbon chains, which makes absorption easier. They are also more efficient in being used by the brain and body as fuel. Long-chain triglycerides, on the other hand take longer to metabolize so they are converted into fats that can be stored. A long-chain, triglyceride is composed of 10-12 carbon molecules.
People who are concerned about their health should avoid saturated fats. Studies have shown that some fats don’t deserve a bad reputation. Pure MCT oil has one of these fats. MCT oil is quickly used up for energy and does not become fat.
Other fats found in butter, olive oil, beef, coconut, and other foods can be stored in the body as stored fats. MCTs can be used as fuel to burn fat and increase energy.
MCT Oil’s 9 Health Benefits
Medium-chain Triglycerides can be easily absorbed and converted to energy by the body. It is unlikely that it will be stored as fat. Its rapid metabolism and quick energy are two of its many benefits.
MCTs are not stored as fat so they have become a popular choice for athletes, fitness professionals, and other health-conscious people. It aids in recovery and helps to burn fat when you do strenuous exercise.
We’ll be looking at some of what the scientific community has found over the years about the health benefits that these MCT oils provide.
MCT Oil and Weight Loss
In early 2015, a meta-analysis was done on the effects MCT on weight loss and body composition. (1) C8:0, (caprylic), and C10:0(capric) acids with long chain triglycerides were examined in healthy adults. You can access databases online to view different records and conduct trials.
The meta-analysis looked at scientific databases such as PubMed, New Zealand Science and Web of Knowledge, Discover, PubMed, New Zealand Science and Cochrane Central. Bias analyses were performed and mean differences were analyzed with certain variance methods. Also, the differences in content and quality were measured.
The results of the 13 trials were compared showed that MCTs had more prominent properties than LCTs in decreasing body weight, waist circumference, total bodyfat, total fat under skin and organ fat.
There was no difference in blood cholesterol levels. There were variations in the dosage, duration and energy intake. All participants agreed that MCTs could cause a slight decrease in body composition and weight without affecting lipid quantities.
Additional research is needed mainly to determine the appropriate dosage of MCTs for weight management and body composition.
> Summary: Numerous studies have demonstrated the health benefits of these fatty acid. It is still not possible to standardize the amount that gives rise to the positive results.
MCT Oil and Adipose Titin Reduction
A previous trial was done to determine the effects of LCTs/MCTs on energy expenditure, body composition, substrate (underlying layer), oxidation, and ad-libitum (eating when you are hungry and not following a set schedule) in healthy obese men (2).
24 healthy, overweight men who ate diets rich in MCTs and LCTs for 28 consecutive days were included in the trial. After 4 weeks, the body composition and energy expenditure were measured before and after the start of the study. The use of functional oil resulted in a significant decrease in upper body adipose tissues compared to olive oil.
Also, it was noted that there was a marked decrease in the total volume of subcutaneous adipose tissues throughout the body. The functional oil, which are oils that do not add nutrition but also increase energy expenditure, was more effective on days 2 and 28.
On day 2, fat oxidation with functional oils was more noticeable than olive oil. Because of its high energy expenditure and fat burning, MCT oil could be beneficial in reducing adipose tissues.
> Summary: MCTs could be used to decrease body weight and adipose tissues. It can cause a decrease of the waist and hip circumference, weight, body fat, total body fat and total fat under skin as well as organ fat.
MCT Oil and Diabetes
Our body uses blood glucose to convert the food we eat into energy. Diabetes occurs when blood glucose levels or blood sugar rises. Insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas, aids in glucose absorption.
Diabetes is when the insulin is not being produced by the pancreas or is unavailable to the body. The blood glucose levels rise as a result. These are the types of diabetes: Type 1, Type 2, and Gestational. Each type of diabetes requires a different treatment.
In 2007, a pilot study was conducted to test the effectiveness of MCT in moderately obese subjects with type 2 diabetes. The daily food intake of 20 participants was divided into two groups. Each group consumed 18 grams of MCT and corn oil (3). The testing lasted for 90 days. The day 0, 45 and 90 measurements were taken to determine bodyweight, waist circumference, and serum samples.
Participants in the MCT group experienced a decrease in body weight, waist circumference, and a decline of the homeostasis model. This model is used to quantify beta cell function and insulin resistance. A rise in serum C-peptide levels was also observed.
In the LCT group, there were no significant changes in variables. It was concluded that MCT is associated with moderately overweight people’s positive experiences with it.
> Summary: MCT oils could help lower blood sugar and reduce insulin resistance. More research is required.
MCT Oil and Brain Disease Treatment
Studies have shown that medium chain triglycerides may be able to treat certain brain diseases. Alzheimer’s disease, a progressive brain disorder, causes slow memory and thinking decline.
Alzheimer’s is reduced by how much glucose the brain uses as fuel. This 2016 study was done to see if cognitive decline could be delayed if brain energy is restored early on in the development of brain impairment.
Research has shown that increasing brain ketones by modest nutritional ketosis (when your body uses fat and ketones for energy) to 70g per day of MCT containing 8-10 carbon fatty acids is safe.
> Summary: Future research and testing on the health benefits of MCT fatty acid on Alzheimer’s disease is recommended.
MCTs may help reduce autism symptoms
A previous test on the effects of MCT on autistic children aged between 4 and 10 years was done. The diet was continued for six months (5). Five of the 30 children who could not tolerate it were unable to continue the diet for more than a month.
18 children showed improvement according to the ‘Childhood Autism Rate Scale’. 2 children showed significant improvement.
Although the results are not the best, they are encouraging. Experts and scientists should be encouraged to continue their research and pursue new avenues.
> Summary: MCT was found to be a positive factor in the reduction of autism symptoms in children.
MCTs may lower cholesterol
Cholesterol, a fatty substance found in all cells of the body, is called cholesterol. It is necessary for the production hormones and compounds that help digest food. A rise in cholesterol can lead to heart disease, where plaque builds up in the arteries.
A study was done to examine the effect of flaxseed oil and MCT oil as functional oils, along with phytosterols (helps reduce LDL), on LDL particle sizes and plasma lipid concentrations.
Two periods of 29-day controlled diets were administered to 24 obese healthy men. The diet consisted of 40% fat-based energy. 75% of fat consumed was either from functional oil or olive oils. Before and after each period of 29 days, measurements of body composition and blood samples was taken.
The functional oil reduced total cholesterol by 12.5% and olive oil by 4.7%. Functional oil reduced LDL by 13.9%, while olive oil did not show a similar decrease. A diet with functional oil had a better lipid profile than diets with olive oils, according to the trial.
> Summary: MCT oils, which are functional oils, may reduce the risk of developing heart disease by improving cholesterol control.
MCT Oil May Benefit Recreational Athletes
Recreational athletes are those who exercise but do not compete. They have less endurance and strength than competitive athletes.
MCT oils can be more easily metabolized and disintegrated than LCTs. Recreational athletes who did moderate to vigorous exercise were able to evaluate the effect of MCT oil consumption for two weeks. For 14 days, 6 grams of MCT and LCT were provided to athletes who used a cycle ergometer (an instrument that measures the amount of energy expended during exercise) for 14 consecutive days.
For 40 minutes, they were required to work at 60% peak oxygen O(2) and then increase to 80% peak VO(2) until exhaustion from intense training. The rating of perceived exertion (RPE) was used to measure blood lactate, which is produced when exercise intensity increases.
MCT testing showed that intense exercise of up to 80% took longer than the LCT test (7). The MCT supplement diet resulted in lower blood lactate concentrations and RPE.
Participants in the MCT-group experienced higher fat burning and lower carb oxidation during the entire exercise. These results showed that MCT foods increase the consumption of fatty acids and decrease the utilization of carbohydrates for energy.
> Summary: The short-term consumption of foods with low amounts of MCT can reduce blood lactate when exercising. The effects of LCTs can make the time period longer. It uses fatty acids to provide energy.
MCT And Satiety
A 2017 study compared MCT oil and coconut oil’s effects on food intake and satiety. Fast-food volunteers were served a smoothie breakfast containing 205kcal each of MCT oil, vegetable oils, or coconut oil after they had slept. The tests were carried out for three days.
There were no significant differences in energy between the oils. MCT oil users had lower food intake than those who used the other two oils. The vegetable oil consumers ate more than those who consumed MCT or coconut oils. Three hours after eating the MCT breakfast, those who ate it felt satisfied.
> Summary: MCT oil has a higher level of satiety than other oils. MCT oil can also reduce food intake.
MCT Oil and The Ketogenic Diet
The ketogenic diet, which is low in carbs and high in fat, is very similar to the Atkins diet. Ketosis is the metabolic state caused by low carb intake. It also contains moderate amounts of protein.
This diet may be beneficial in weight loss and lowering blood sugar levels. It can cause fruity keto breath, which is one of the side effects. You might also get a metallic taste in your mouth.
MCT oil can be a great option for anyone who is following a ketogenic diet. To get the best ketones from MCTs, the user doesn’t have to follow a strict ketogenic diet.
Bulletproof coffee, a keto-friendly drink, can have MCT oil added. MCTs provide enough energy for people who eat low-carb or high-fat diets. The additional energy supply is beneficial for athletes who are engaged in intense training.
Summary: MCTs can be a great addition to the keto diet. These oils provide quick energy and easy access to the high-fat diet. You can use it to make bulletproof coffee.
MCT Oil Side Effects and Dosage
MCT oils pose no safety concern for most people. This diet food has not been linked to any adverse reactions. There have been no reports of side effects other than nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, or upset stomach.
The dosage is important in the early stages of MCT oil because people have different tolerance levels. It is best to only take one teaspoon of MCT oil in the initial phase. It can gradually be increased to one teaspoon after a few days. This will help to avoid any minor side effects.
There is no standardization in the MCT oil dosages that can be used to reap potential health benefits. The recommended daily intake is 1 to 3 tablespoons. Its reaction to other medications has not been observed as a cause for concern.
MCT products can cause ketones to be produced and should not be used by people with type 1 diabetes. Ketoacidosis is a potentially life-threatening condition. Controlled diabetes does not cause severe health problems. To understand how MCT is used by diabetics, more research is needed.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).
MCTs can be used by both young adults and seniors. As we age, our metabolism slows down and so does our mental health. As we age, people are more susceptible to brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s. MCTs can also help replenish their energy resources.
MCTs supplementation is beneficial for people who wish to lose weight and body fat, as well as those who are interested in a ketogenic diet.
Are MCTs safe to consume?
MCTs are safe to eat. The US Food and Drug Administration has deemed MCT safe (GRAS – Generally Recognized as Safe). MCTs are not carcinogenic or mutagenic according to a toxicological review (9).
MCTs were first used to treat premature babies in the 19th century. It is an important component of infant-formulated foods. It can also be used to treat malnutrition or malabsorption.
What are the Benefits of MCTs?
MCTs are quickly metabolized upon consumption, resulting in instantaneous ketone production. It is a fuel for the brain and an energy source for the body. Individual results will vary if it is used to manage weight.
Could MCTs be stimulants like Caffeine?
MCTs are not harmful to the nervous system, but they do provide quick energy and alertness. Caffeine is a stimulant that affects the central nervous system. It can cause withdrawal symptoms if it isn’t used. MCTs have not been linked to withdrawal symptoms.
Is coconut a good source of MCTs?
Virgin coconut oil contains 15% MCTs, which are comprised of C8.0 (caprylic acid), and capric (C10.0). The rest is made up of lauric acid and LCTs. MCT oil contains 100% C8 and 10% C10, which are essential components that make it work. To get 1 tablespoon of MCT oil, you will need 6 to 7 tablespoons virgin coconut oil.
Is there a difference between the MCT of coconut oil and palm kernel oil?
Coconut oil and palm kernel oils are good sources of MCT. MCTs are found in palm kernel oil, which is extracted from the red palm fruit kernels. Coconut oil comes from the copra (white part) of the coconut. Both oils have similar properties and both offer the same health benefits.
When is the best time to take MCTs?
It is best to take it in the morning to increase brain function and alertness. MCT oil can be consumed with or without meals. Mix your MCT oil with a cup of coffee or tea to get a lot of energy. It will boost your energy levels and help you push through workouts. Mixing it with food or drizzled over salads will give you enough healthy fats to increase your body’s absorption of nutrients.
What is the difference between MCT oil and MCT powder?
Both are the same. MCT powder can be mixed in various beverages for convenience. MCT oil can either be added to food, or used as a standalone 15-gram oil. MCT powder can also be used in baking, as well as hot and cold beverages. Each serving of concentrated MCT contains approximately 75% of C8 & C10 fatty acid in 10g of MCT.
The Last Note
Medium-chain triglycerides are a valuable source of energy. It is a good source of energy as it can be used immediately to provide fuel (ketones), for the brain, and an alternate source of energy during intense training. It helps to lower blood sugar and LDL cholesterol levels. Research and trials have shown that MCT oils can impact the body’s weight and composition.
It is a key component of weight management supplements. It is used to treat certain brain diseases in the elderly. It can also have a positive effect on autistic children aged between 4 and 7 years. Standardization requires more research. MCT oil has not been linked to any adverse side effects. MCT oil can be used in combination with food and drinks or as an individual.
There are many scientific studies that have been done on it to help with weight management and to reduce the symptoms of some ailments. Its unique qualities as a nutrient and cure will be better understood if we continue to conduct continuous and sustained research. Natural sources of MCTs include butter, coconut oil, palm kernel oil and milk.