1_Panax Ginseng Supplement Uses Warnings Side Effects Dosage_rewrite_1

Generic Name: panax Ginseng

Brand and Other Names: Asian Ginseng. Chinese Ginseng. Ginseng Radix. Ginseng Root. Japanese Ginseng. Jintsam. Korean Ginseng. Ginseng. Radix Ginseng. Red Ginseng. Ren Shen.

Drug Class: Adaptogens, Herbals

What is panax Ginseng and how is it used?

Panax Ginseng is an herbal supplement made from the Panax Ginseng root. Panax Ginseng is one the most widely used herbs in the world. It has been used as a traditional Chinese medicine medicinal ingredient for thousands of years.

Panax Ginseng is an herb adaptogen. It is believed that it helps people cope with stress and anxiety.

Panax Ginseng’s main active compounds are ginsenosides. Most studies have been focused on the medicinal properties of ginsenosides. However, panax ginseng contains many other bioactive components, including phytosterols and sesquiterpenes. It is unclear if these active ingredients act in isolation or together. Some ginseng products have been standardized to certain concentrations of Ginsenosides.

Ginsenosides have been shown to have anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. They may also have therapeutic effects on the nervous system, heart, and immune systems. Panax Ginseng can be used in the following ways:

* Increased athletic and physical performance
* Enhancing cognitive function
* Immune system booster
* Treatment of:

Although there are limited scientific studies that support panax Ginseng’s effects on cognitive function, diabetes and premature ejaculation in some cases, most other uses of the panax Ginseng supplement have little evidence.

Panax Ginseng can be purchased in standardized extract capsules and dry root powder. Orally, it can also be taken orally. Creams that can be used on the penis to treat erectile dysfunction can also be available. Panax Ginseng can also be added to energy drinks, food, and skin care products.

* Avoid taking panax Ginseng if you have any one of these conditions:
* Avoid using panax Ginseng in:
* Patients with:

What side effects can panax Ginseng have?

Some common side effects of panax Ginseng include:

Side effects rare and severe of panax Ginseng include:

* Cerebral arteritis is an inflammation of the brain’s arteries.
* Cholestatic hepatitis is inflammation of the liver caused by impaired bile flow.
* Stevens-Johnson syndrome – Severe skin reactions
* Severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis).

This list does not include all possible side effects and adverse reactions.

For medical advice regarding serious side effects and adverse reactions, consult your doctor. Side effects and health problems can also be reported to FDA at FDA-1088.

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What is the recommended dosage of panax Ginseng?

We don’t have enough information to determine the right dosage of panax Ginseng. Natural products may not be safe, and proper dosages are important. Before using, be sure to read the label and consult your healthcare professional.

Pulverized or cut root

* 0.6-3g orally, one to three times per day

Brewed Root Tea

* Take 3 to 4 g orally once daily.


Erectile Dysfunction

* Take 900 mg three times daily orally
* Apply a topical cream 1 hour before intercourse. Wash off afterward.


Additional Information

* mg extract three times daily, for 3-4 Weeks
* Standardized extract to 7% Ginsenosides

Latest Mental Health News

* Long-term or excessive use of panax Ginseng can lead to headaches, stomach upset, muscle weakness and liver damage.
* If you are experiencing symptoms due to overdose, stop taking panax Ginseng.

What drugs interact with panax Ginseng?

Tell your doctor about all medications you’re currently taking so they can advise you on possible drug interactions. Your doctor should never advise you to suddenly stop taking or modify any medication.

* There have been no interactions known between Panax Ginseng and other drugs.
* There have been no reported interactions between Panax Ginseng and other drugs.
* Panax Ginseng can moderately interact with at least 72 drugs.
* Panax Ginseng can interact with up to 39 drugs.

These interactions are just a few of the potential interactions and adverse effects that could occur. Visit the RxList Drug Interaction Checker for more information.

It is vital to inform your doctor, pharmacist or health care provider about all prescription and over-the counter medications you take. Keep a record of this information. If you have questions regarding the medication, consult your doctor.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding

* Avoid taking panax Ginseng during pregnancy as it can cause harm to the fetus. In animal studies, one of the chemicals found in panax Ginseng was implicated in birth defects.
* Avoid using panax Ginseng in nursing mothers as there is not enough information.

What other information should I have about panax Ginseng?

* Panax Ginseng is generally safe for adults, if used for a short time.
* Make sure to read labels. Panax Ginseng formulations could contain multiple ingredients.
* Panax Ginseng is not required to have FDA approval prior to marketing. It is possible for the labeling to be inconsistent with the ingredients and their quantities. Be sure to carefully choose your product.
* Most herbal products, including ginseng, that are available over-the counter do not contain any plants or unlisted contaminants.

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Panax Ginseng is an herb adaptogen. It is believed that it helps people manage stress and anxiety. Common side effects of panax ginseng include headache, fever (pyrexia), high or low blood pressure (hypertension/hypotension), palpitations, rapid heart rate (tachycardia), breast pain (mastalgia), vaginal bleeding, absence of menstruation (amenorrhea), vomiting, diarrhea, reduced appetite, nervousness, insomnia, mania, euphoria, and swelling (edema). If you are pregnant, do not take panax Ginseng.

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