16_7 Row Variations To Build A Stronger And Thicker Back_rewrite_1

Are you tired of the same old back training routines? These row variations will help you build a stronger back.

Your iron-lifting sisters and brothers will notice a big back if you can lift heavy weights. A broad back can be achieved with years of lifting and a lot of deadlifts, carries, rows. Exercise variety is important. There are many muscles in your back that need stimulation from different angles. You can thicken your traps with a different row than you can engage your lower lats.

We’ve collected seven rows variations to make your next backday more productive. You may recognize some (or all) of these variations. Let this list serve to remind you that there are many ways to build your back and muscles. You can always change the things you do.

Rack Row
Rack row is a variation of the power rack bent-over row. Similar to the rack pull, this restricted range of motion pulling movement allows lifters to focus on concentric tension on their muscle and shortens pulling strength. You can pull more weight because of the shorter range of motion. Additionally, you can adjust your angle to isolate different muscle fibers and stimulate muscle growth. Rack row can add serious meat to your back.
* How to do it: Place a barbell on the safety spotter arms and load each side of the power rack with weight plates. The barbell should be held in your hands. You can control the barbell by lowering it to the rack. You risk damaging the barbell if you force it down. A couple of bumper plates can be stacked on top of one another, so that the loaded barbell rests on them and you can pull from there.
* Tip: Keep the rack low enough to allow you enough motion during a rep, but not so low that it makes it difficult to perform a deadlift.
* Sets and reps: Four sets of six-eight reps.

[Related: Do the barbell bent-over row for size and strength]

Seal Row
* Why do it: Seal row is a supported-row variation that can be done with dumbbells or a barbell. The seal row requires that the lifter lie on their backs, face down on a bench or on their stomachs. This position requires the lifter not to use their arms or back to lift the weight. It also reduces momentum and “cheating”. During this movement, your mid-back will be on fire and your lats will be on fire.
* How to do it: You may need bumper plates underneath either end of the bench depending on its height. This will allow your arms to extend beyond the floor without touching the ground. Lay face down on the bench with the weight underneath. Grab the weights, or have your partner give them to you. Row the weights side-by-side until your arms reach your torso.
* Tip: Make sure to allow yourself enough space to fully extend your arms while you row the weight up to your chest.
* Sets and reps: Three sets of 8-10 reps

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Inverted Row
* Why do it: An inverted row is a variation of the bodyweight row that can be useful for beginners and individuals who want to increase their back strength and control. This rowing exercise challenges core, grip, strength, and back strength. It can be done with a TRX strap, a barbell, rings, or rings. Inverted rows are a great way to build your back strength if you don’t have the right equipment. Inverted rows will improve your relative strength as you are only relying on your ability to row from a static position. This is key to a strong physique.
* How to do it: Place a barbell on a rack, so your back doesn’t touch the ground. Your body should be free to hang, and you should tighten your core so that you appear like you are in a plank position. Row your chest towards the bar.
* Tip: Keep this movement for the end of your back exercise. You can do max reps or fail. You will burn your back and biceps by the end.
* Sets and reps: 2 sets of maximum reps

[Related: How to Do the inverted row]

Meadows Row
* Why do it: The Meadows Row is named after John “Mountain Dog”, an IFBB bodybuilder who was also a coach. It requires you to stand with a heavy dumbbell, landmine, or landmine, and to allow your torso to be slightly inclined (rather that parallel to your body). To maximize training volume and load, this variation utilizes a fluid, full range motion with some momentum. Because this is a unilateral movement, your muscles will activate only one side of your body, so you can grow your traps, lats and rear delts. Unilateral movements are more challenging than bilateral exercises.
* How to do it: Stand in a standing position with your front foot parallel to the bar, using a landmine setup. Reach your waist, bend over and grab the bar with an overhead grip. Place your elbow on your front thigh. Make sure that the hip closest the bar is higher then the front hip. Move the weight so that your hand is not touching your chest. Reduce the weight and then repeat.
* Tip: Because you are only rowing on one side, be careful not to use momentum. Try to stabilize your body as best you can.
* Sets and reps: Two sets of 10-12 reps.

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Row of Prone Dumbbells
* Why do it: The Prone dumbbell rows are a chest-supported row that increases training volume while also reducing load and stress on the lower back. Because the bench is inclined, you can focus on your lower lats and control movement better. You can also manipulate your wrist and elbow position in the row (neutral grips, T-rows, underhand rows) to better target specific areas.
* How to do it: Place two dumbbells/kilobells on an inclined bench at 45 degrees. Place your stomach down on the bench and hold one weight in each of your hands. Place your toes on the ground and push the weights towards your chest, until your elbows reach your torso.
* Tip: Keep your chest in contact the bench. This will prevent you from arching your lower back, and force your mid-back into the main work of the exercise.
* Sets and reps: Four sets of 10-12 reps.

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Isometric dumbbell row
* Why do it: To make the isomeric dumbbell rows, you must add a 2-to-5 second pause (isometric contraction), at the apex. This allows lifters to fully engage and contract their back muscles at the top. This row variation is great for those who have difficulty feeling the back muscles in the row, or those who have trouble performing flat-back rows. The isometric position forces you to engage your hips, glutes, and core from being in a bent-over posture.
* How to do it: Place one hand on a dumbbell rack, and then lean forward. Then move the other leg back. Your torso should almost be parallel to the ground. Now, let your arm hang free by grasping a dumbbell with one hand. Keep your core tight and pull the dumbbell towards your hips. For three seconds, hold that position and then slowly lower the dumbbell back down.
* Tip: Begin with a three second pause at the beginning of each row. Start with lighter weights and work your way up. It is important that the focus of the lifter be on his/her ability to contract the back muscles and not just lifting weight.
* Sets and reps: Two sets of six- to eight reps.

[Related: Dumbbell Row is a classic muscle-building exercise]

Kroc Row
* Why do it: Janae Marie Kroczaleski, a powerlifter and bodybuilder champion, made this dumbbell row variation famous. Many people will do 20 reps and then scale down the weight. Choose a load that you can do for 12-15 reps, then add some body English to get a few more. It is okay to cheat (at least for the last few reps) in this instance. Because of how heavy and high-volume you row, these are some of the best ways to increase muscle growth. The back is a large muscle that can handle heavy loads and high volumes. Don’t be afraid of going wild. This movement will require you to mentally prepare for it. It will force you to go beyond your normal stopping point when performing an exercise. Instead of stopping at a comfortable rep, where you have only a few more reps remaining in your gas tank; you’ll burn all the fuel you have.
* How to do it: Follow the instructions above for the isometric row. You won’t need to pause at the end of the row. To force more reps, twist your torso slightly every rep until your muscles feel tired. You will find your grip to be very limited, so you can use lifting straps.
* Tip for Exercise: Pushing yourself beyond what you would normally do doesn’t mean that you have to sacrifice proper form. Pay attention to your form in the last few reps, and do your best for it.
* Sets and reps: Perform three sets of 20 reps each arm.

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Why you should do more rows
Here are three benefits to training your back with intensity, focus and determination.

Increased back strength
Did you know that you can increase your back strength by performing back rows? You did. Did you know that strength is the foundation of almost every movement in strength, power and fitness?

For lifters who want to be able to support and withstand heavy loads in strength-building compound lifts such as deadlifts, deadlifts and carries, having a stronger back will help them. Even movements not directly related to rowing require your back. When you do the barbell shoulder press, your back muscles help keep your torso straight. The traps and rhomboids allow your shoulder blades to move, allowing you to press your arms upwards. Your back is a stable platform that you can use to press during the bench press.

Injury Resilience
Stabilizing the torso in heavy movements such as deadlifts, carries, and squats can be easier if your back is stronger. The back supports spinal extension and posture. Weak backs can lead to spinal flexion/rounding or broken backs.

If you are wondering why you are slouching forward in deadlifts or squats, then you need to address your technique by adding rows.

You can do a stronger deadlift, squat, or bench press.
You will lose significant gains if you don’t train your back regularly with pull-ups and rows. Power and strength athletes as well as top strength and power athletes will always recognize the importance of a strong back. This is because it has a positive effect on compound strength movements such deadlifts and bench pressing.

Your spine’s support system is your back, so a strong back will provide more support for big lifts. A big back is helpful for squats. It acts as a platform for the bar to rest on, which prevents spinal rounding in deadlifts.

Rows also increase strength and size in the back, biceps and forearms. This directly increases performance in key strength movements and hypertrophy movements.

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