Turinabol, also known as Tbol, is an oral steroid that gained most of its fame in the 1990s. It is actually a Dianobol derivative, so it has some of the same characteristics as Dianobol. However, it has a milder version. It doesn’t smell strongly and the gains are more subtle.
Tbol’s use in sport has a wider appeal. Its ability to build lean muscle has made it a popular choice for endurance and speed sports, as well as bodybuilding competitions and fitness competitions.
Tbol, which is believed to have been first manufactured in the late 1960s or early 1970s, is the main steroid that was associated with the East German Doping Machine’. Refers to the use anabolic steroids in Olympics from the mid-’70s through the late ’80s.
Most athletes were told that they were taking vitamins at the time. One of these was a little blue pill and not viagra. Turinabol is actually the correct name. It is believed that as many as ten thousand athletes could have been improved by oral Tbol because there were not any tests at the time.
Tbol gains are moderate, but not lean. Unlike Winstrol, which many people suffer from dry joints with, Turinabol also found a home in speed and endurance sports thanks to its nature of being a performance-enhancing drug without serious side effects.
Tbol has been a success for many athletes, from boxers to MMA fighters to cyclists and runners. Tbol is often used in bodybuilding to reduce water weight.
There are downsides to taking a c17-alpha alkylated tablet. Side effects are more common when the dose is too high or taken without precaution.
Androgenic Rating: No current data
Anabolic Rating: 100
Turinabol from Pharmacom LabsHow Much Does Turninabol Cost You?
Tbol has a cost that is very similar to Dianabol.
Users can expect to pay approximately PS25-PS45 for 100 tabs.
Most commonly, it is found in 10mg tablets.
What does a Turinabol Cycle look like?
Tbol’s versatility as a steroid is one of its greatest assets. You can run it solo or as a kickstart for a longer steroid cycle. It will most often be used in a cutting cycle with a test prop. However, it can also serve as part of a mass-building cycle.
Doses typically range from 40mg to 80mg per days. Users can expect to experience a significant increase in strength and lean muscle growth at this dose. Although gains won’t be as strong as those seen with Dianabol, they will be more subtle.
Tbol cycles can last anywhere from 4 to 6 weeks when run solo. This allows you to enjoy the many benefits of the drug without putting your body in danger.
As with anything to do with performance-enhancing drugs, not everything works for everyone. Listen to your body to find the right combination.
Example Turinbol Cycles
Turinabol Cycle for Beginners
Weeks 1 – 6
* 40mg Turinabol daily
* Weeks 6 – 8 PCT
More Experienced Turinabol Cycle
Weeks 1 – 12
* Monday 1 x 250mg Testosterone
* Thursday 1 x 250mg Testosterone
* Daily 50mg Turinabol for the first 4 weeks
* AI (Aromatise inhibitor)
* Weeks 12 – 14 PCT
Advanced Turinabol Cycle
Weeks 1 – 12
* Monday 1 x 250mg Testosterone / 200mg Tren
* Thursday 1 x 250mg Testosterone / 200mg Tren
For the first four weeks, take 80mg Turinabol daily
* AI (Aromatise inhibitor)
* Weeks 12 – 14 PCT
Turinabol by GenesisWhat are the Side Effects of Turinabol?
Side effects can occur with any drug, and steroids are no exception. Side effects of Tbol can occur in many ways. However, oral steroids can have a greater impact on the liver than injectable steroids.
Side effects of steroids can have an estrogenic or androgenic effect on the cardiovascular system.
It is important to be aware of the potential risks and how to minimize them when using anabolic/androgenic steroids.
Side effects of steroids may not be experienced by everyone. However, it is important to understand and be aware of the risks associated with steroids.
Winstrol can also be used by female competition, but the side effects for women are often more severe and not reversible.
The following are some of the side effects of Tbol.
* Estrogenic side effects
* Side effects of androgens
* Cardiovascular side effects
* Hepatotoxicity
* Natural testosterone shutdown
Side effects of Halotestin that can cause androgens
Turinabol’s androgen rating is not well understood. It is also classified as an anabolic steroids. Many people report oily skin, acne on the back and shoulders, deepening their voices, and increased body hair growth.
Tbol may increase your hair loss if you have male pattern baldness.
Estrogenic Side Effects
Turinabol is not aromatized into estrogen in the body. Turinabol is safe for users who are more sensitive to estrogen-based side effects.
Cardiovascular side effects
Tbol can reduce HDL, or ‘good cholesterol’, and increase LDL (‘bad cholesterol’). If left untreated, this shift can lead to hardening of the arterial walls and higher levels fat in the bloodstream, which can cause strokes or heart attacks.
Anyone considering a cycle or someone who has run one before to have blood tests performed at least once every three months. This will allow you to not only know your health status but also allows you to make any adjustments prior to starting.
Is Turinabol harmful to the liver?
Tbol is an alpha-alkylated drug that has a c17 c17. This means that a greater percentage of the compound is able to survive being broken down by liver and gets into the bloodstream. The liver must work harder to process this passing compound, which causes additional strain.
The liver can be damaged by as little as 10mg daily. The liver is more vulnerable to damage if it is exposed to longer periods of time.
Natural Testosterone Shutdown
Any form of steroid can cause the suppression of your natural testosterone production. This can often occur after the cycle is over. People can experience low testosterone for years or permanent shut-down in rare instances.
HCG, an ancillary to PCT (post cycle therapy), can be used to stimulate the testes and produce natural testosterone. This is often taken as part of a post cycle therapy (PCT).
Turinabol has many benefits
* Easy to swallow oral tablet
* Great lean muscle gain
* Ideal for endurance or fighting athletes
* No estrogenic side effects
* Not recommended for beginners.
Turinabol is both a gentle and easy-to-use drug that can be used by beginners as well as more experienced athletes. It has been a popular choice for regular gym-goers who want to enhance their summer physique in recent years.
Tbol is a great option if you are looking to boost your current cycle, or just to increase your gains.