The Best Steroid Stacks

“What stacks of steroids should I use to get the best results?” This is one of our most popular steroid queries. I’ll share several stacking tips based upon feedback received over the years from readers.

Do not believe that these androgen stackeds will have any effect other than a very small number of people.

Although science is always something I like, it is not easy to argue firsthand experiences. It’s essential to examine what people actually experience, and then attempt to make science validate it, or at least give some clues as to the reasons for certain effects.

When compiling this information, I noticed a variance in the “feel effects” of different androgens. In other words: Those that seem to cause hypertrophy in a relatively short time were preferred over those with a greater association with satellite cell activation. This could affect how others judge “best” stacks.

The Stacks

1. Testosterone, Trenbolone

Most reported favorable effects when taking at most mg/week with mg/week Testosterone. Most people reported a substantial increase on muscle mass, a decreases in body fat, and only moderate levels (fluid retention) of the most important benefits.

One person reported losing 185 pounds with 11% bodyfat to 200 pounds with 8% bodyfat over six weeks. Although he admitted that he started the program after not training for four and also that he had previously eaten a poor diet. Even so, it is quite impressive. Strength increases were very close to the top when compared to other stacks.

2. Trenbolone and Methandrostenolone – D-bol

Trenbolone dosage again was within the range from mg/week to methandrostenolone, which ranged between mg/week and mg/week. This particular stack was said to have the greatest effect on “feel” and “pump.”

3. Trenbolone and Stanozolol – Winstrol

Although it doesn’t provide as fast an increase in body mass, this stack is popular when reducing fat mass is the main goal. Yet, the stack made significant gains with minimal edema. It was not uncommon to notice a reduction in fat mass. Trenbolone dosages were back at mg/week. Stanozolol dosages were in the range of mg/week.

4. Stanozolol and Oxymetholone, also known as Anadrol

This particular stack seemed to be extremely popular due to its rapid weight gains and quick strength increases. It can cause edema. Reports of Oxymetholone in the dose range of mg/week were common, while stanozolol was usually in the same range.

5. Methandrostenolone, Nandrolone Decanoate and Deca

This stack was popular for its ability to increase hypertrophy. But, it didn’t offer as much strength gain. Doses of nandrolone combined with methandrostenolone ranged from 400 to 1,000 mg/week.

Side note: Methenolone/boldenone stacked with methandrostenolone/stanozolol was preferred by those who had used the combinations. Overall, however, nandrolone stacked in combination with stanozolol/methandrostenolone won the popularity race.

I think this is because “deca,” an abbreviation for anabolic steroid, is so commonly used. That’s right, even Mr. Natural at the gym knows “deca”.

6. Methandrostenolone or Testosterone

This stack seemed as popular as the D-bol, deca and Dbol stacks. However edema or gynecomastia in this case were reported. Not everyone knows that anti-estrogens are also known as aromatase inhibitions. Common Testosterone dosages were 500-2,000mg/week and methandrostenolone at mg/week.

7. Stanozolol or Testosterone

This stack seemed less popular due to the fact that it lacks D-bol’s “pump”, which is what D-bol is famously known for producing in such a short amount of time. Common dosages were 500 – 2,000 mg/week Testosterone. Stanozolol was at a dose of mg/week. Amazing strength gains were observed.

8. Testosterone, as a Stand Alone

Popular was testosterone taken alone in 500-2,000 mg/week.

It was reported that the trenbolone/Testosterone combination resulted in an increase in sex drive and significant increases in muscle mass. However, there was a slight decrease to fat mass. The effects were still less pronounced than the trenbolone/Testosterone stack, however. Although the strength gains were not as spectacular as trenbolone’s, they were still quite significant.

9. Trenbolone can be used alone

Common dosages were found to be between 0 and 100 mg per week. Strength gains were also impressive. However, lean body weight gains were moderate. A common finding was a substantial reduction in fat. It was more popular to use trenbolone in isolation than Test alone. This may be due to the fact that trenbolone isn’t as well-received as Test alone.

10. Oxymetholone in Stand-alone

Common dosages were mg/week. A significant increase in lean body weight was observed, as well as a decrease in fat. The strength also increased significantly. The most common problems were progestagenic, gynecomastia, and edema.

11. Methandrostenolone used as a Stand-alone

Common doses were mg/week. Edema wasn’t a big issue, but gynecomastia did occur in a few cases. The gains were quite similar to those experienced with oxymetholone. The strength gains were not as high as those seen with oxymetholone.

12. Stanozolol as an Individual

Doses varied between 350-1500mg/week. A moderate increase in lean muscle mass was observed, and a substantial decrease in fat. Edema wasn’t an issue. People saw impressive results in terms f fat mass loss at the higher end. There were also significant gains in strength.

13. Methenolone as a Stand Alone

600-2,000mg/week was the usual dosage. Edema wasn’t an issue. The doses used were 600-2,000 mg/week. This was probably the lowest percentage of people who felt the “feel effect.” Most reported no unexpected strength increases.

14. Oxandrolone used alone

Doses ranged from mg/week. Edema didn’t seem to be an issue. Most users reported a mild increase in lean muscle mass, but a marked decrease in fat. This result was another low in terms of “feel effects.”

15. Fluoxymesterone (Halotestin), as an Mono cycle

Dosages ranged as low as mg/week. Both lean and fat mass were moderately increased. Noteworthy were strength gains.

Conclusion and a Important Reminder

So, based on reader feedback, it looks like the trenbolone/Testosterone stack ranks the highest, with Fluoxymesterone ranking the lowest when used as a stand-alone drug.

One quick reminder: Don’t forget about the anti-estrogens/aromase inhibitors when you use certain androgens.

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