Steroids VS Supplements

If you are already familiar with the fitness world you’ve probably heard about the huge debate going on about what’s better, being a natural athlete or being an enhanced athlete?, let’s start off with a little introduction to what the general public thinks about these athletes and who is better.

A natural athlete is someone who trains on a regular basis, eats healthy, rests on regular patterns and lives a normal, regular, healthy lifestyle; on the other side you have the enhanced athlete who does the same things as the natural but gets a little help from performance enhancement drugs, to the normal untrained eye, an enhanced athlete cheats and therefore is beneath the level of a natural athlete.

The thing is that if you look up any current day professional athlete no matter what sport he participates in, there’s a chance that he could be taking some kind of performance enhancement drugs or better known as “steroids”, but that doesn’t mean that the athlete isn’t good, he’s probably better than 99.9% of his competition in his natural form but he takes what he needs to get that extra edge.

A natural athlete normally consumes supplements and an enhanced athlete consumes steroids, now, ask yourself, What’s my goal? Continue reading and decide for yourself it you rather live the natural lifestyle or be an enhanced superhuman.

Supplements are well known for their beneficial side effects, fish oil, vitamins and other food supplements are extremely beneficial to the human body but since we are making a comparison between supplements and steroids in the sports department we’re going to go in a little deeper into the subject of training and the help of these substances.

An athlete who consumes supplements is considered natural; a supplement is a substitute of food and its nutritional content, therefore it’s another source of proteins, carbohydrates and fats that can’t be consumed at any given time during the day, a lot of the supplements that are on the market are engineered to be better than food to give the athlete the edge. A normal gym usually rat takes the following compounds: Whey protein Isolate, Mass gainer, pre-workout, post-workout, fat burner.

There is whole lot of supplements out there with a lot of funky names but, how do these supplements compare to steroids? Easy answer, they don’t, you will spend ten times the money on supplements before you get results half as decent as you would get with steroids, and the only difference is that natural supplements are a lot healthier, now don’t get me wrong, supplements do work well but they’re not as fast acting as steroids are.

The major difference other than the price, is that a steroid cycle other than giving you the best price per dollar is that you will probably gain 5 times the muscle mass versus the supplement cycle, now, you’ve got to take into consideration that steroid cycling needs to be monitored by a professional and side effects may occur, in order for supplements or steroids to work you have to have a perfect and strict diet combined with regular intense exercise and regular health checkups.

Are steroids better? Well, they work faster, they are cheaper but the health risks are bigger, at the end of the day think to yourself, what’s your goal? If you want to have the nice beach body to impress the ladies supplements will do it for you, but if you want to be the monster at the gym or the best football player on the field and take it a notch up you might have some thinking to do.

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