Steroids: Types and Usages

There are several myths about USA such as ‘Steroids are not used in USA‘, but the truth is quite different as there are a range of anabolic steroids available in the USA market. Most of the pharmacies in USA are selling the drugs like growth hormones, steroids etc. but you need a prescription for this. However there is an easier way, many small gym owners sell Anabolic Steroids. Some of the international brands include:

International Brands:

Natures Vet
Global Anabolics

There are several types of steroids available in the market, but while categorizing them we are just left with three basic categories:

Underground: These types of steroids are generally made by non-licensed manufacturers and are not overseen by any regulatory board. Dosing of such type of steroids is just done on basis of their personal experiences.

Vet Grade: As the name suggests these steroids are manufactured for veterinary purposes. Their intent is for animals typically the livestock, especially cows and horses, but now a days many underground labs are manufacturing their own versions of Equipose and Trenbolone (Animal Steroids) because of their high anabolic activities.

Human Grade: From the name we can interpret that these steroids are basically made for human use. These are generally licensed and made under the sight of a governing body of the region in which they are manufactured. Most of the countries have prohibited the use of some of these drugs but still there are legal ones too. Even though some of these drugs are legal but still in most of the countries it’s illegal to use them without a prescription. Also, these human grade steroids are the safest and reliable ones and are considered the best among the three categories stated above.

Best Steroids: Whenever there is a talk of best steroids there’s a dilemma; are these steroids better for the users or do they produce better gains? However, the effects are generally judged on the basis of goals set before the steroid cycle, for example:

Goal: Bulk up

Quality steroids for bulking up:


Goal: Lean out

Quality steroids for leaning out:

Testesterone Propionate

Steroids for Beginners: Steroids for beginners’ cycles are the most difficult ones to understand, not because of their complicated nature but because of the individual using them. Generally, beginner cycles fall short as the person using the steroids does not have a complete understanding of hormones. But still, there are certain standard options that have proved fruitful for most of the beginners like:


These steroids if used under prescriptions of an expert can prove quite fruitful and the person can truly gain advantage within a few weeks

Anabolic Steroids Blog USA – Everything on this site is for entertainment purposes only and should not be taken seriously, we will not be held responsible for anything on this site.

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