Nugenix PM ZMA Testosterone Booster Review – Is It Good?

What is Nugenix PM – ZMA Testosterone Booster?

Looking for a testosterone supplement that does more than just improve testosterone levels? Nugenix PM ZMA Testosterone Booster might be the product for you. The product contains a variety of ingredients designed to improve and enhance your performance in and out of the home, and it lacks any caffeine and similar ingredients that will keep you from getting the sleep that you need at home.

Manufacturer & Other Names

Manufactured by Instaflex, which is the same company behind a line of joint supplements that contain some of the same ingredients and a subsidiary of Instaflex, Nugenix PM ZMA is a unique supplement designed for men with low or poor testosterone levels who are under the age of 18. Though the product was once limited to only a few chain stores in the country, you can now find it online and in a wide variety of different stores.

How It Works?

Instaflex has laboratories in North Carolina and in Massachusetts, but it was researchers working in the Massachusetts laboratory who discovered the blend of ingredients now used in Nugenix PM. Testofen is the main ingredient in the supplement, and it is a trademarked product licensed and created by the company. Testofen helps adjust hormone levels in the body and produces a healthy amount of testosterone.

Common Ingredients

In addition to Testofen, there are a number of other ingredients found in Nugenix PM. Some of those ingredients include:

  • Vitamin B12
  • Vitamin B6
  • Zinc
  • Magnesium Asparate
  • Melatonin

Melatonin is a natural component found in the human body that helps you drift off to sleep better. When used in this supplement, you’ll find that the ingredient helps you fall asleep faster and sleep better throughout the night.

Advantages Over Other Similar Products

There are two ways that you can take Nugenix. The first is on an empty stomach. A single bottom contains 60 pills, and the manufacturer recommends that you take one pill prior to eating each meal during the day. Those who workout at home or in the gym can take one pill at least 30 minutes before working out. This gives them enough energy and strength to workout.

Other advantages of Nugenix PM include:

  1. Restores and regulates levels of male hormones.
  2. Builds in intensity with frequent doses.
  3. Provides more energy for those who frequently workout.
  4. Contains a number of healthy and natural ingredients not found in other supplements.

User Reports/Reviews

Nugenix PM is still too new for the manufacturer to have reviews posted on its website, and there aren’t as many reviews for the product online as other products have. This might turn off some users and make them hesitant to try it. Others found that despite its money-back guarantee and free trial period, the supplement is too expensive. Some also find that they don’t see any benefits or results until they take the supplements for several weeks.

Despite a lack of reviews, some users do experience a number of benefits, including:

  • Improvement in sleep patterns and falling asleep at night.
  • A fast increase in energy levels.
  • Changes in metabolism.

Recent Media Coverage

One of the main ingredients found in Nugenix PM is Melatonin, which is a type of natural substance that helps you drift off easier at night. A recent study found that the substance actually forms a connection with the neurons found in the brain. When you take Nugenix PM, the Melatonin found in the product attaches to those neurons and changes the natural rhythm of those neurons. This helps you fall asleep faster and get through the night without tossing and turning or frequently waking like you would with sleeping pills. The product can also help you wake in the morning feeling more rested and less groggy than you would when taking sleeping pills or other supplements.

Is a Money-Back Guarantee Available?

If you need to return the unused portion of your product, you’ll need to contain the company to obtain a return shipping label and address before mailing it back. Instaflex also offers a free trial period for new users, and if you’re unhappy with the product, you can return the unused portion for a free refund within 30 days.

Free or Paid Shipping?

Instaflex offers its Nugenix products through various sources, and the amount you pay in shipping depends on where you buy. You may have access to free shipping when you use a coupon code or order a certain amount, and you’ll also have the choice to pay extra for faster shipping.

Customer Support

Get in touch with Instaflex before or after you buy Nugenix PM. Customer service representatives are available 24-hours a day, seven days a week. If you don’t have access to the phone, you can send questions via email.

Safe & Secure Checkout

Safe and secure shipping is available on all Nugenix orders. Special security measures ensure that no one outside of the company processing your order has access to any of your information.


The cost of Nugenix PM ZMA is around $39.99 for a smaller bottle or $69.99 for 90 pills, which should last you one month. Though Nugenix PM is more expensive than other similar products, the manufacturer does offer a free two-week trial. You can use the pills for two weeks without paying a penny.

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