Clenbutrol a Natural Steroid Alternative to Clenbuterol

Clenbuterol is one of the most used and best selling steroids in the competitive bodybuilding and fitness industry because of its incredible properties, Clenbuterol was originally designed to treat asthma but just like other steroids, it found its way to the bodybuilding circle.

Athletes all around the world have talked about the amazing results that this particular steroid produces and that’s probably one of the many reasons why it’s a top selling product amongst bodybuilders and other athletes from different backgrounds that simply want to burn excess body fat and retain lean muscle mass.

What does Clenbuterol do?

Clenbuterol has been said to produce results similar to those of ephedrine but in a way more powerful manner, Clenbuterol increases the body’s natural metabolic rate by stimulating the beta-2 receptors, this means that the body’s stored body fat is used to generate energy instead of using other sources such as muscle. The fat burning effect is direct and instantaneous, as the thermogenic levels inside the body rise, the cardiovascular activity improves allowing for better blood flow. One thing worth mentioning is the appetite suppressing property of Clenbuterol, due to the way it works, the user tends to have a reduced appetite that leads to faster weight loss, Clenbuterol also helps the user put on lean muscle mass.

Does Clenbuterol produce any negative side effects?

So now that we mentioned all of the positive side effects of this highly popular steroid, it’s time to go into the negative side of it. In the beginning, when Clenbuterol first made its way into the market, athletes all around the globe couldn’t believe the changes they had made in their physiques in such a short amount of time, it almost seemed unrealistic until the negative side effects started appearing.

Clenbuterol has been known to be one of the mildest steroids out on the market, but it’s still worth looking into, some users have stated that while using it on a cutting cycle they have been jittery and suffered from insomnia, others have experienced muscle cramps and heart palpitations due to high blood pressure, the most extreme side effect of Clenbuterol is cardiac hypertrophy or in other words thickening of the heart.

Is there a safe alternative to Clenbuterol?

Finding a powerful and natural alternative to Clenbuterol that produces the same or similar effects to those of the steroid was impossible until a few years ago. Crazy Bulk is a popular company that creates steroid-like products without the negative side effects, one of their best selling products is called Clenbutrol, this product replicates the positive effects of Clenbuterol (Clenbuterol cycle chart) by helping the user shed excess body fat while maintaining lean muscle mass. =>Learn more

Clenbutrol improves cardiovascular performance, uses stored body fat as energy and increases oxygen transportation. Clenbutrol, unlike the steroid, is prescription free while being safe and legal to use, like we just mentioned, there are no negative side effects whatsoever, no needles involved and Clenbutrol is not toxic to the liver or the kidneys.

Who should consider using Clenbutrol?

Unless you are going to compete professionally in a high-end bodybuilding competition leave the synthetic steroids for pros, however if you are looking for a safe and natural alternative to shed fat and improve muscle definition Clenbutrol is the way to go, it will not damage your liver or kidneys even after taking it for a long period of time.

Clenbutrol can be stacked together with Winidrol (Winstrol), Anvarol (Anavar) & Trenorol (Trenbolone) to help you maximize muscle and strength gains.

Clenbutrol can be purchased directly from the official Crazy Bulk website which will ensure your receive a fresh and legitimate product with no side effects.



Quality of Ingredients



  • – Effective fat burner
  • – Increase energy
  • – Can be used by men and women
  • – No prescription required
  • – No side effects


  • – Should not be used by those under 18
legal steroids


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