What Primobolan Is: Drug History, Trade Names, Doses, Cycles, and Side Effects

Primobolan History

Primobolan (also known chemically under Methenolone) is the most well-known injectable anabolic/androgenic steroid for cutting cycles. Trenbolone, the only steroid most commonly used in cutting cycles, is also very popular. The reason why trenbolone is so popular you might be asking?

Ironically, Primo’s popularity is due to Arnold Schwarzenegger. The rumor is a bit skewed. Some claim it was Pumping Iron, while others believe Arnold spoke of it in an interview. There is historical accuracy to the rumor. Primobolan was used in cutting cycles as well as bulking by old-school bodybuilders. There are many Primobolan, Anabol, and Dianabol cycles that can be used. This gives Primo all-purpose steroid credibility.

What Is Primobolan? (Methenolone)

Primobolan is a very weak steroid. Primobolan has low anabolic/androgenic scores and is considered one of the weakest steroids. However, it is stronger than Masteron. Primo, which is always linked to cutting cycles, should be considered credible as a cutting steroid because Masteron is also related to primo.

Primo has a significant advantage over all steroids. Primo can bind to the androgen receptor more strongly than testosterone. Primo can aid with fat loss as well, just like other dihydrotestosterone-related AAS. Primobolan is also non-aromatizing, so you don’t need to use either an aromatase inhibitor, AI, or SERM.

Intriguing fact: Primobolan has been used in gynecomastia treatments since 1970s and 1980s by old-school bodybuilders. Although it sounds strange, Primobolan has been shown to reduce breast cancer in women. This is mainly due to estrogen.

Primobolan, which increases nitrogen retention, has been labeled as an anti-catabolic drug and anabolic (which could be disputed). Primobolan can help you maintain your muscle mass even when you’re on a diet. Primobolan is used to cut calories. Anecdotally it has been shown that Primobolan can be used on low-calorie diets (even 20-30% under your BMR) to preserve your existing lean muscles and grow new muscle tissue.

Although it seems counter-intuitive to basic knowledge of nutrition, this is a good example of the power of steroids. Numerous clients of mine who have used primobolan in pre-contest and pre-modeling cycles have seen significant gains in lean muscle mass and decreased body fat. They gained an average of 1lb per week, although I’m not saying that they were mass monsters. However, losing body fat and muscle mass is not something to be ashamed of.

Should You Inject Primobolan or Use It Orally?

Two forms of primo are currently available. The most widely used form is enanthate which is an injectable. It is available as an oil-based solution in ampules. The oral 1-methylated version of acetate is the second. Each ester has its advantages and disadvantages.

Side Effects of Primobolan

Primo, just like other steroids, is suppressive. Rumors that primo is safe enough to not require post-cycle therapy (PCT) are false. Studies have shown that the levels of glycoprotein hormones, which are responsible for LH and FSH, have dropped by as much as 65% following a low daily dose of Primobolan.

Also, the oral and injectable versions are damaging to the liver. Cardarine (GW) and N2Guard will be required to complete your primo cycle. Primo will be especially important for those who are susceptible to hair loss. Primo is not as gentle on hairline as other DHT derivatives.

Methenolone – How Can You Use It?

Primobolan’s cost versus results is a problem. To achieve good results, it is necessary to use very high doses. I recommend only using oral Primobolan for women. I recommend starting with 10 mg daily. It is possible to adjust the dosage, but you should not exceed 20mg per day.

What Is the Halflife of Primobolan?

Primobolan Enanthate (injectable version) has a half-life of approximately 10 days. The oral version does not have a consistent half-life. Primobolan acetate is known to have a half-life of 4 hours according to some studies, and 6 hours according to others. For safety reasons, oral primo is recommended to have a half-life of 4 to 6 hours.

Primobolan Cycles

I’ll give two cycles to you:

  1. An oral primo-only cycle
  2. An injectable primo cycle

Primobolan cycle for oral use only

  • Week 1: Primobolan Acetate 100mgs ED, Winstrol (Stanozolol) 50mgs ED, CardarineGW 20mgs ED, N2Guard 7 caps ED
  • Week 2: Primobolan Acetate 100mgs ED, Winstrol (Stanozolol) 50mgs ED, CardarineGW 20mgs ED, N2Guard 7 caps ED
  • Week 3: Primobolan Acetate 100mgs ED, Winstrol (Stanozolol) 50mgs ED, CardarineGW 20mgs ED, N2Guard 7 caps ED
  • Week 4: Primobolan Acetate 100mgs ED, Winstrol (Stanozolol) 50mgs ED, CardarineGW 20mgs ED, N2Guard 7 caps ED
  • Week 5: Primobolan Acetate 100mgs ED, Winstrol (Stanozolol) 50mgs ED, CardarineGW 20mgs ED, N2Guard 7 caps ED
  • Week 6: Primobolan Acetate 100mgs ED, Winstrol (Stanozolol) 50mgs ED, CardarineGW 20mgs ED, N2Guard 7 caps ED
  • Week 7: Primobolan Acetate 100mgs ED, Winstrol (Stanozolol) 50mgs ED, CardarineGW 20mgs ED, N2Guard 7 caps ED
  • Week 8: Primobolan Acetate 100mgs ED, Winstrol (Stanozolol) 50mgs ED, CardarineGW 20mgs ED, N2Guard 7 caps ED

Note: ED = every day, mgs = milligrams, caps = capsules

Injectable Primobolan cutting cycle

  • Week 1: Primobolan Enanthate 600mgs EW, Testosterone Cypionate 250mgs EW, Aromasin 12.5mgs ED, CardarineGW 20mgs ED, N2Guard 7 caps ED
  • Week 2: Primobolan Enanthate 600mgs EW, Testosterone Cypionate 250mgs EW, Aromasin 12.5mgs ED, CardarineGW 20mgs ED, N2Guard 7 caps ED
  • Week 3: Primobolan Enanthate 600mgs EW, Testosterone Cypionate 250mgs EW, Aromasin 12.5mgs ED, CardarineGW 20mgs ED, N2Guard 7 caps ED
  • Week 4: Primobolan Enanthate 600mgs EW, Testosterone Cypionate 250mgs EW, Aromasin 12.5mgs ED, CardarineGW 20mgs ED, N2Guard 7 caps ED
  • Week 5: Primobolan Enanthate 600mgs EW, Testosterone Cypionate 250mgs EW, Aromasin 12.5mgs ED, CardarineGW 20mgs ED, N2Guard 7 caps ED
  • Week 6: Primobolan Enanthate 600mgs EW, Testosterone Cypionate 250mgs EW, Aromasin 12.5mgs ED, CardarineGW 20mgs ED, N2Guard 7 caps ED
  • Week 7: Primobolan Enanthate 600mgs EW, Testosterone Cypionate 250mgs EW, Aromasin 12.5mgs ED, CardarineGW 20mgs ED, N2Guard 7 caps ED
  • Week 8: Primobolan Enanthate 600mgs EW, Testosterone Cypionate 250mgs EW, Aromasin 12.5mgs ED, CardarineGW 20mgs ED, N2Guard 7 caps ED
  • Week 9: Primobolan Enanthate 600mgs EW, Testosterone Cypionate 250mgs EW, Aromasin 12.5mgs ED, CardarineGW 20mgs ED, N2Guard 7 caps ED
  • Week 10: Primobolan Enanthate 600mgs EW, Testosterone Cypionate 250mgs EW, Aromasin 12.5mgs ED, CardarineGW 20mgs ED, N2Guard 7 caps ED
  • Week 11: Primobolan Enanthate 600mgs EW, Testosterone Cypionate 250mgs EW, Aromasin 12.5mgs ED, CardarineGW 20mgs ED, N2Guard 7 caps ED
  • Week 12: Primobolan Enanthate 600mgs EW, Testosterone Cypionate 250mgs EW, Aromasin 12.5mgs ED, CardarineGW 20mgs ED, N2Guard 7 caps ED

Note: EW = every week, ED = every day, mgs = milligrams, caps = capsules

Common Trade Names for Primobolan

Although there aren’t many of them, I’ll show you the most common ones:

  • Primobolan Depot
  • Metenolone Enanthate
  • Primobolan S
  • Primo-100
  • Primobol 100
  • Primodex 100
  • Pharmaprimo
  • Pimo-25

Sports Celebrities Tested Positive to Primobolan

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