Clenbutrol (Clenbuterol) Review – Does It Work?


  • 1 What Is Clenbutrol (Clenbuterol)?
  • 2 How Does It Work?
  • 3 When to Use It?
  • 4 Benefits
  • 5 How to Use It?
  • 6 Why Choose Clenbutrol (Clenbuterol)?
  • 7 Stacking
  • 8 Pricing

Clenbutrol is a popular bodybuilding supplement used by professional as well as amateur athletes to enhance their cutting cycles. Clenbutrol is derived from the powerful clenbuterol compound and assists with cutting, enhances performance in the gym or on the field, and helps in the generation and regeneration of lean muscle tissue. The regeneration of tissue is extremely vital as it is the body’s repair cycle. You spend less time recovering and more time lifting with this supplement. Clenbutrol also increases aerobic capacity, stimulates the central nervous system, regulates blood volume and blood pressure and is responsible for oxygen transportation throughout the body. It also increases the rate at which the body metabolizes fat, which is important for a cutting cycle.

How Does It Work?

Clenbutrol contains growth promoting properties and is categorized in the β2-agonist compound class. Because of these growth promoting characteristics, this compound is highly sought after by professional bodybuilders, pro and amateur bodybuilders and everyday fitness buffs who just want to improve their physical appearance. This growth enhancing formula targets large muscle groups, enabling the user to gain weight in lean muscle tissue and most importantly in a cutting cycle, drop pounds of excess water retention as well as body fat.

  • Clenbuterol is a β2 agonist with some structural and pharmacological similarities to epinephrine and salbutamol, but its effects are more potent and longer-lasting as a stimulant and thermogenic drug. It causes an increase in aerobic capacity, central nervous system stimulation, blood pressure, and oxygen transportation. It increases the rate at which body fat is metabolized while increasing the body’s BMR. It is commonly used for smooth muscle-relaxant properties as a bronchodilator and tocolytic. – Wikipedia

When to Use It?

Clenbutrol is best used for generating clean, lean, quality muscle while actively decreasing body fat percentages. This is why bodybuilders and athletes use it during their cutting cycles. Cutting cycles are different from bulking cycles, in that when you bulk, your diet and workouts as well as supplements are all geared towards packing on as much bulk and muscle tissue as possible. With all that bulking, you will inevitably gain some water weight as well as unwanted body fat. A cutting cycle will follow a bulking cycle. It is during a cutting cycle that you shift your focus from bulking to trimming down the excess water and fat, resulting in ripped and super cut muscles. After a successful cutting cycle with a supplement such as Clenbutrol, your muscles will be more clearly defined and show significant improvements in vascularity.


The most noticeable benefit of Clenbutrol is the weight loss effects you get from it. The ingredients in Clenbuterol compound are formulated to target excess fat stores for fuel and not your hard earned lean muscle mass. It is highly important during a cutting cycle to keep a strict diet and workout regimen so that you do not lose any of the muscle mass you achieved through hard work and dedication. Some builders have a love/hate relationship with cutting. They love getting more muscular definition, but hate that the scale shows weight loss. It is important to remember that if you keep your cutting diet clean and keep to your cutting workout schedule, the weight you are seeing lost is excess water weight and body fat you gained during your bulking cycle, and not the lean muscle itself. Clenbutrol helps you to keep building lean muscle mass even in a cutting cycle, although not as massive or fast as when you are on a bulking regimen. Sustaining gains and cutting fat are the two primary benefits of Clenbuterol.

  • Clenbuterol is being used alone and in conjunction with other substances to promote the growth of skeletal muscle (‘anabolic effects’) and to reduce body fat (‘catabolic effects’). Bodybuilders and athletes most often utilise clenbuterol as a ‘fat burner’ to ‘define’ muscles (i.e. for its ‘catabolic effect’). Clenbuterol has the ability to slightly increase the body’s core temperature and metabolism, which users believe assists in the burning of calories. – National Drug Strategy

How to Use It?

Clenbutrol is effective without being injected. Clenbuterol (Clenbuterol dose) is taken orally and is in pill form. This supplement comes in a bottle of 90 capsules, a 30 day supply. Clenbuterol should be taken three times per day, with meals, even on days that you do not work out. For the best, most noticeable results, take Clenbuterol 30-45 minutes prior to your workout. You will notice right away and increase in energy and endurance in the gym. Cutting cycles with Clenbutrol should be two months, with two months on and 1.5 weeks off.

Why Choose Clenbutrol (Clenbuterol)?

Clenbutrol is a powerful performance enhancing, thermogenic compound that improves cardiovascular performance as well as burns unwanted fat. The thermogenic properties allow Clenbuterol to increase oxygen transport to the muscles and heart, which is vital during an intense lifting and cutting cycle. This muscle generating compound is a tremendously powerful and potent formula that is currently available without a prescription. Since it is taken orally in pill form, there is no need for needles or injections. With Clenbuterol you can amp up your cutting cycles to its maximum potential and sculpt a ripped, lean body just as you can with other anabolic androgenic steroid injections. Clenbuterol is 100% legal and much safer than injectable steroids and does not require the same degree of post cycle therapy that steroids do. There are no harmful or negative side effects associated with Clenbutrol.


The term “stacking” is common in bodybuilding circles and refers to using more than one supplement simultaneously, or in combination with each other. Professional athletes, bodybuilders and anyone experienced in supplementing will tell you that if a compound works great on its own, it will work even more effectively when stacked with other compatible supplements. Clenbuterol is can be combined with Winidrol (Winstrol), T-Bal 75 (Trenbolone) and Anvarol (Anavar). If you really want to amplify the results of the supplements you are already taking, consider a Cutting Stack such as this one with Clenbutrol. The results are undeniable.


A 30 day supply of Clenbutrol is $61.99 for 90 capsules. That is $20.01 savings over the competitor’s price. Please consider this special offer, of Buy 2 – Get 1 Free. See our special Stacking Offers for a greater discount and enjoy Free Shipping to US & UK locations. Pros

Summary: Clenbutrol (Clenbuterol) from Crazy Bulk is a tremendously powerful and potent formula that is currently available without a prescription. Since it is taken orally in pill form, there is no need for needles or injections. Clenbutrol is a popular bodybuilding supplement used by athletes and bodybuilders to enhance their cutting cycles. Clenbutrol is derived from the powerful clenbuterol compound and assists with cutting, enhances performance in the gym or on the field, and helps in the generation and regeneration of lean muscle tissue.


Donald : I hate it when people try and push products on me, especially in the gym. But after I got Clenbutrol from a friend who used it, I NEEDED to spread the word. Usually, when I’m cutting, there are days where I’m slugging or dull… days where I could really use a kick in the backside. When I started including Clenbutrol into my pre-gym ritual, I didn’t have any slugging days. I was on point, focused, and I was able to push myself past my limits. The amount of stored fat I was able to carve out this year was absolutely insane.

Alfredo : I can’t speak for the rest of you guys, but I can definitely report that Clenbutrol works for me. Although I used to watch my father and uncles lift weights, it wasn’t until I was older that I started doing any serious time in the gym. But once my results began to plateau, I knew that I needed something to help enhance my performance. Thanks to Clenbutrol, I’ve been able to see double the rate of muscle mass development and far better endurance. Last week, I competed in my first bodybuilding competition and I look forward to my next win.

Charles : I had done my research for a long time and I had seen how many phony and even dangerous products were out there. All I was looking to do was shave off that extra bit of fat during my cutting phase. But then I found Clenbutrol here on Crazy Bulk. So, like any bodybuilding fanatic, I researched it and then I bought it. As a thermogenic, I can tell you that the results are sick. Before my phase was even done I could feel like I was more focused in the gym and I was pushing my reps beyond my past records. This is the boost I needed to cut the stored body fat.

Michael from New York : Was looking to get the most from my cutting phase and I stumbled upon Clenbutrol. I’ve heard of it before, so I decided to give it a try. All I can say is that I could feel the difference in the gym before I started charting my progress. A few weeks into cutting I could do more than feel the difference. I began seeing it in the gym mirror. Clenbutrol was helping me burn that stored body fat and leave it on the gym floor. Needless to say, this isn’t my first time cutting, but I can say for certain these are the best results I’ve seen.

Stevie : I needed to get so big without the police noticing. My insecurity was such that I was willing to take a drug to look like I had done a thing I had not. But not anymore! Now my chest looks like I have stuffed a horse’s thigh into a child’s beanbag chair and sewn it down the middle, and my stomach looks like a Stretch Armstrong full of pool balls. It’s insane, I can’t even touch my shoulders anymore. Ladies stare at me and make a face like they imagine me throwing something upward. Other than the hyperthyroidism, it’s fantastic.

James : For years, the government has been denying people the necessary tools to develop their bodies. Now that Clenbutrol is here, a 100% legal prescription-grade anabolic steroid, I can finally begin to achieve the definition and results that I’ve always wanted! By carefully blending Clenbutrol into my weekly workout, I’ve been able to achieve fantastic results. When I started out at the gym, I felt intimidated by the other guys, but just last week I was invited to compete in a local bodybuilding competition. Even my girlfriend noticed that my biceps, delts and lats were showing remarkable improvement. I just can’t stop saying enough good things about Clenbutrol.

Jeffrey : My brother and I have a healthy competition between us to see who can perform the most reps at the highest weights. Sure, he’s older than me by 5 years and been a professional athlete, but I was determined to show him who’s boss. By following a healthy eating pattern and adhering to a rigorous workout schedule, I was able to compete with my brother, but not beat him. It wasn’t until I got my hands on Clenbutrol that I was able to gain the bulk and definition that had eluded me for so long. Oh, did I mention the surprised look on my brother’s face when I bench pressed 50 pounds more than he could? It made Clenbutrol worth every penny, that’s for sure!

Mark Owens : I don’t know about you, but I started weight lifting because I wanted to increase my core strength and develop the tight, fit, cut body that I always knew was locked dormant inside of me. But simply lifting weights and following a regimen wasn’t enough – I needed something to give me an extra edge to kickstart my system into turbocharged mode. With Clenbutrol, you’ll soon be amazing yourself as you stack on the weights, finishing rep after rep without even breaking a sweat. The manager of my local gym was so astonished at seeing my rapid progress that he came to me and asked me my secret. I told him – try Clenbutrol today!

David N. Lee : I am giving this product a perfect score. First reason is the legal Clenbuterol – very hard to find without a prescription. Second – the pricing – I’ve purchased 2 and received a third one for free. Third – the results, Clenbuterol was always very powerful for me while burning my extra weight while in a cutting period. You can diet and save muscles in the same time, while shaping them and making them more lined. The effect is incredible. I’ve tried different suppliers before, but Crazy Bulk seems to be the real deal. Happy Christmas guys!

Steve D. : Hello guys, I am just purchasing my Clenbuterol after my little chat with the support agent here. I didn’t know that there are legal bodybuilding supplements like that one online. I was taking Clenbuterol 3 years ago and I remember it was very good for my body. I was able to cut fat, while maintaining the muscle levels. I remember my adrenaline was high when I was taking the supplement so it helped me with my training and cardio. Just remember guys – if you take it, don’t overdose it. This was a mistake I’ve made. I will keep my updates after my cycle. I am very happy with my purchase, because the transaction was fast and smooth. Hopefully I will be able to say the same things for the delivery and the results. The support agent was kind enough to answer all my questions.

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