Christmas Abbott Bio Wiki Diet Work Out Age Big Brother Instagram

Christmas Abbott Biography
American CrossFit professional, Christmas Abbott, is a author of her own diet book, an Olympic weightlifter, and a fitness model. Abbott is also the first woman to join the NASCAR pit crew.

Christmas Abbott Age
Christmas was celebrated in Lynchburg Virginia on the 20th of December 1981.

Christmas Abbott Height and Weight
She is 115-125lbs (52.2–56.7kg) in weight and 5’3” (160cm).

Christmas Abbott: Work out
Do 2 rounds in the given order. Each exercise should be completed in 40 seconds. Abbott says, “Pressure is important but not too hard.” The entire exercise will take 22 minutes. These three moves are “effective for the whole body and can be done anywhere.” Christmas states that they are easy to do at home. These moves can be done anywhere, including in the gym, hotel rooms, or your home. You’ll see a significant increase in strength and muscle mass.

Christmas Abbott Diet
Abbott has a very simple diet. Every day she has the same breakfast, which includes peanut butter, eggs, and an apple. This is her favorite combination of protein, simple carbs, and fats. Cupcakes with custard are her favorite cheat meal.

Christmas Abbott Photo * 7AM – Protein shakes, almond milk, frozen fruits, and almond butter mixed together.
* Pre-workout: 7:30 AM
* 9:00 AM – A protein shake with coconut water immediately following training.
* 9:00 AM – 2 eggs and 3 slices of bacon, apple or almond butter, water, and 2 eggs
* 12:00-1:00PM – 2 meatloaf, broccoli/carrot medley, 1/2 avocado & water.
* 3:30 PM – 2 meatloaves, 1 orange, 1/2 avocado & water.
* Pre-workout at 4:45 PM
* 5-6PM – Protein shake with coconut water immediately after training.
* 7:30 PM – 3 Crockpot: pork loin, sweet potatoes, apples, bacon. 1/2 avocado for fat & water.
* 10:30 PM – 1 small protein shake with almondmilk, 1/2 apple, almond butter, and water

Christmas Abbott BBX Boost
Christmas Abbott offers a six-week fitness program called BBX Boost. This is a complete-body workout that targets toning your body, flattening stomach, and extending your legs.

Christmas Abbott NASCAR
Christmas was also a member of a NASCAR pit crew during her CrossFit journey. Apart from CrossFit, this was another passion of hers. Christmas was responsible for changing the tires on Clint Boyer’s car as part of the crew. She was the first woman to join the Sprint Cup pit crew in NASCAR’s history. Christmas said this about her NASCAR experience: “I love, LOVE hanging tires.” It’s an exhilarating challenge, and one of my most exciting discoveries.

Christmas Abbott Early Life and Career
Abbott’s childhood was not always a good example of a healthy lifestyle. Christmas was thirteen years old when she and her sister were in a car crash that resulted in her sister falling into a coma. Christmas’ mental health was severely affected by the accident. To cope with the reality, Abbott turned to alcohol and cigarettes. The unhealthy habit lasted almost ten years.

She decided to make a drastic change in her life after turning 22. Christmas served as a civilian contractor in Iraq with her mother. There, she discovered the many benefits of healthy living and regular exercise. She quit smoking and alcohol. Christmas used the information she had gained overseas to return to the U.S. and began searching for new forms of exercise. CrossFit was her first discovery.

Abbott fell in love with CrossFit and began to be more involved each day. In 2007, she opened her own CrossFit gym and began a personal training company. Christmas’s strength records and her charisma have made her a household name over the years.

Big Brother Christmas Abbott
Abbott is best remembered for breaking her foot the first week. Although she was nominated for the 1st, she survived eviction. In Week 1, HoH Cody Nickson named Abbott as the replacement nominee for Paul Abrahamian, who used the Pendant of Protection to protect himself. Later, Jason Dent broke her foot accidentally and she was forced to have surgery. She survived the eviction. America tempted Abbott to accept the Ring of Replacement temptation in week 2.

In week 6, she used the ring as replacement to replace Cody, but her injury prevented her from competing. Paul helped Abbott win two HoHs despite her injury. Together with Josh Martinez and Paul, she made a Final 3 agreement and made it to the Final 3. After Josh’s sole vote, she placed third and was made the final 9th member of the jury.

Christmas Abbott Strength Benchmark
* Clean and Jerk 170lbs (77kg)
* Take 140 lbs (64kg)
* Deadlift 225 lbs (116kg)
* Backsquat 225 lbs (102kg)
* Pull-ups 35

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