LEGAL NOTICE: Anavar is legal in some countries, but requires a prescription to be bought in other countries.
Anavar is the brand name of the synthetic steroid Oxandrolone and is a popular steroid most often used for increasing muscle mass and strength by both male and female athletes. Anavar is an androgenic anabolic steroid with low toxicity that has a low occurrence of side effects that are commonly seen with other anabolic drugs. What else should you know before you start using Anavar steroids in your bulking or cutting cycles for bodybuilders?
Anavar Steroid Guide
Anavar was first sold in 1964 by Searle Laboratories, now Pfizer, Inc. Before experimenting with Anavar, it is important to be aware of the potential side effects, even if those side effects are rare. Anavar has two major advantages over other anabolic steroids. First, it does not convert to estrogenic compounds, so it does not affect menstrual cycles or result in swollen breast tissue in men.
Second, at low doses, Anavar does not significantly inhibit the body’s ability to naturally produce testosterone. At high doses, testosterone actually increases, which inhibits luteinizing hormone (LH). LH works by stimulating Leydig cells in the testicles to produce testosterone. Reducing LH can ultimately lower testosterone and even cause testicular shrinkage.
Besides its athletic uses, Anavar steroids have legitimate medical uses as well. Anavar is most often used to treat unintended weight loss due to a number of medical conditions, including HIV/AIDS. It is also used less commonly to treat bone pain associated with osteoporosis. It has also been used to treat inflammation of the liver due to excessive alcohol consumption as well as anemia and subdermal swelling.
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Safely Using Anavar Pills
The steroid Anavar has a number of benefits, but every user is wise to remember that it also has the potential to cause a number of unpleasant side effects, especially when used at high doses or for prolonged periods. Among these are liver damage and gastrointestinal issues. In very rare cases, treatment with Anavar can also cause serious, and even fatal, liver damage.
Because of the potential for Anavar to cause damage to the liver and other organs, it is important for users to have regular blood tests done and not to drink alcohol. Before the passage of the Controlled Substances Act, which restricted the sale and use of anabolic steroids, Anavar was a special favorite of female athletes.
Dosages for an Anavar Cycle
The typical dose of Anavar is about 20-30 mg per day. This level elevates androgen for about 8 hours. Androgen is a hormone that causes the appearance of masculine characteristics, so women do need to exercise caution when using the drug. Bodybuilders frequently stack Anavar with other performance enhancers to boost effectiveness. Bodybuilders typically take 20-30 mg per day as a normal dose, but be careful not to take much more than this as liver damage can occur.
Anavar users are advised to take the drug only under medical supervision so that signs of liver damage can be identified and treated before long-term harm can result. Anavar steroid pills should be taken with a full glass of water, either with or without food. Anavar dramatically increases muscle mass as a result of its influence on nitrogen uptake in the muscles. Anavar is a preferred oral anabolic steroid, especially among bodybuilders and powerlifters.
Increasing the level of nitric oxide in the muscle can lead to improved muscle cell volume and the displacement of fluid between the cells of the muscle, along with enhanced protein synthesis.
Side Effects of this Steroid
The possible side effects caused by any drug should be of concern to those considering its use. It is commonly thought that by using any anabolic androgenic steroid there are likely to be some negative side effects. The fact is that it isn’t necessarily true that steroids cause serious side effects when they are used responsibly. Steroids like Anavar act similarly to hormones, which can cause certain desired changes due to their ability to influence a number of bodily functions.
This is why there should be a specific pattern designed for their use. If the user takes the steroid as recommended, in the proper dosage, and over the prescribed duration, the risk of negative side effects can be alleviated for the most part. The fact is that when someone abuses the steroid by taking an increased dose over a long duration there is an increased risk for certain negative side effects.
SAFETY WARNING: Anavar can cause serious side effects if used improperly. It is important to adhere to dosage instructions closely to prevent adverse reactions.
Anavar is a Milder Steroid
There are a number of steroids on the market that seem to be milder in their effects on the body and when taken properly, the user has a minimal risk of developing negative side effects. One of these steroids is Anavar. This anabolic steroid is one of the mildest steroids available on the market today and is commonly being used to achieve quality muscle mass and added strength throughout the body.
In years past the drug was mainly used by professional athletes and bodybuilders, however, today everyday people strive for perfection and have come to rely on Anavar to enhance their body image. Teenage boys who are late entering puberty use steroids to give them a boost. There are many women who want the excess fat to disappear from their bodies and use steroids for this purpose.
Cutting Fat in a Diet
Anavar is also known as being effective as an oral steroid for cutting cycles. It has the ability to eliminate unwanted abdominal fat, which is stubborn and difficult to get rid of with exercise and dieting alone. The primary compound for bringing this about is Oxandrolone.
The other, non-active ingredients in Anavar are cornstarch, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, lactose, and magnesium stearate. Anavar is derived from dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and is known for keeping hormone levels stable in terms of:
• Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)
• Growth Hormone (GH)
• Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone (GnRH)
• Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1)
• Luteinizing Hormone-Releasing Hormone (LHRH)
Anavar has also proven to be very effective in treating certain medical conditions:
• Alcoholic Hepatitis
• Anemia
• Grave’s Disease
• Osteoporosis in women
• Turner’s syndrome
Even though Anavar steroids are mild, when using it for a prolonged period of time at higher than recommended doses, the user will be at risk for developing certain negative side effects:
• Acne
• Dark urine
• Lowering of sex drive or decreased libido
• Mood swings
• Muscle cramps
• Nausea
• Vomiting
If someone is predisposed for hair loss, using Anavar may bring that about more quickly. Women who abuse the drug may develop acne and possibly changes in their menstrual cycle. Anavar stays active in the body for 8 to 10 hours, therefore daily doses should be divided up and evenly spaced throughout the day.